



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业1The children next door often play the football in 1. _the garden after my house and sometimes break my 2. _windows. Last Saturday afternoon I stay at home and 3. _read a book. After a while, I closed my eyes and went 4. _to sleep. A lou

2、d knock on the door made me to wake 5. _up suddenly. Soon a little boy turned out. You havent 6. _broken one of my window again? I asked. Oh, no! 7. _answered the boy. Your windows were all opened this 8. _time and our football is in your bedroom. Could you 9. _mind getting in to get our ball? I was

3、 at a loss at the 10. _moment.答案1. 去掉the2. afterbehind3. staystayed4. 5. 去掉第二个to6. outup7. windowwindows8. openedopen9. CouldWould10. getting前加me或my2Last night when Steven and I was having a walk in the1. _Street, we suddenly heard a painful cry for help under 2. _a tree nearby. We quickly ran to th

4、e tree and found a boy laying 3. _on the ground with a stick in his leg. He had fallen of the tree. 4. _Steven suggested we pulled the stick out at once, but I disagreed, 5. _Because I had learned little about first aid at school. The stick 6. _in the leg would help controlling the bleeding. As ther

5、e was 7 . _no telephone,we managed to find a taxi. We took the boy to the 8. _hospital. The doctors examined the boy fast and we got to 9. _know where the boy lived. So we telephoned his parentsand left after he came to the hospital. We did a good deed. 10. _ 答案1. waswere2. help后加from3. layinglying4

6、. ofoff5. pulledpull 6. little前加a7. controllingcontrol8. 9. fastquickly10. hethey3I ever worked as a tour guide. One day I saw advertisement 1. _on the newspaper. I rang up the company, and 2. _I was given the job immediate. They asked me to take 3. _a tour around the city the next morning. The mana

7、ger 4. _just told me to say anything that I could think about the 5. _city. My first tour is terrible. The old bus was not 6. _air-conditioned, because it was the middle of summer. It 7. _was uncomfortable inside the bus. The tourist soon became 8. _very hot and angry. I owned a very hard time. I st

8、ayed there 9. _for a few weeks,and then left and joined in a better company. 10. _答案1.saw后加an2.onin3.immediateimmediately4. 5.think后加of6.iswas7.becauseand8.touristtourists9.ownedhad10. 去掉in4Sue and Ann often meet at a cheaper restaurant to eat 1. _and talking about life and school after their mornin

9、g 2. _class. Sometimes, instead of talking ,they play a 3. _game that they call it people watching. They start the 4. _game in observing and listening to people around 5. _them carefully and make guesses about their lives as 6. _ages, jobs, likes, dislikes and so on. Of course, 7. _they never really

10、 knew whether they are right or wrong. 8. _Therefore they usually have good reasons for thinking 9. _that what they are. The game is fun, they often say. 10. _答案1. cheapercheap2. talkingtalk3. classclasses4. 去掉it5. inby6. as前加such7. 8. knewknow9. ThereforeBut10. 去掉that5At a party, it is quite normal

11、 of someone to have 1. _a short conversation with you and then go on to talking 2. _to other people! Dont think they dislike you or they 3. _are impolite. It has the custom at many parties 4. _in Britain, particularly there people are standing up rather 5. _than sitting down. Here are two ways of fi

12、nishing conversation 6. _at a party. Excuse me. I think Ill go and get another drinking. 7. _See you later, perhaps? Oh. Excuse me. Ive just seen 8. _Mary Jennings over here. Ive got to discuss a meeting we 9. _are been having on Thursday. Would you excuse me for a moment? 10. _1。offor2. talkingtalk

13、3. or后加that4. hasis5. therewhere6. finishing后加a7. drinkingdrink8. 9. herethere10. 去掉been6I felt sadly yesterday when our teacher told us something 1. _about Project Hope in class. It has set up to help the 2. _children in the countryside who cant pay to go to 3. _school. After school I came home. I

14、was wondering if I 4. _could do something for the Project then I caught sight 5. _of money-collecting box on the table. Then I made 6. _up my minds to send my pocket money which I 7. _had saved for nearly one year for the children who 8. _wanted to go to school. I wrote a letter to them and 9. _hurr

15、ied to the post office. Together with the letter Iposted the money and sent with my best wishes to them. 10. _sadlysad2. has后加been3. payafford4. 5. thenwhen6. of后加my或the7. mindsmind8. 第二个forto9. wantedwant10. 去掉with7.Last night when Steven and I was having a walk in the 1. _Street, we suddenly heard

16、 a painful cry for help under 2. _a tree nearby. We quickly ran to the tree and found a boy laying 3. _on the ground with a stick in his leg. He had fallen of the tree. 4. _Steven suggested we pulled the stick out at once, but I disagreed, 5. _Because I had learned little about first aid at school. The stick 6. _in the leg would help controlling the bleeding. As there was 7 . _no telephone,we managed to find a taxi. We took the boy to the 8. _hospital. The doctors examined the bo


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