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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业第二部分 基本知识和基本技能测试1. Which of the following statements about language is NOT True? CA. Language is a system. B. Language is symbolicC. Animals also have language. D. Language is arbitrary.任意的2. Which of the following choices is not a const

2、ituent成分? AA. I like the song.B. I C. song D. like3. Of the following sound combination, only _ is permissible. AA. kibl B. bkil C.ilkb D. ilbk4. The relation between the determiner “this” and the noun “man” in the phrase “this man” is _ A. government B. concord C. binding D. paradigmatic5. The sent

3、ence that has a NP and a VP is mostly shown in a _ formula “S NP + VP”.A. hierarchical B. linear C. tree diagram D. vertical6. “ Big ” and “ small ” are a pair of _ opposites. BA. complementary B. gradable可分级的C. complete D. converse7. Which of the following phrases is exocentric ?A. women and men B.

4、 on the table C. a clever boy D. an ugly man8. Arbitrariness of language was first discussed by _.DA. Chomsky B. Halliday C. Firth D. Saussure9. Which pair of words is NOT a minimal pair最小对立体? BA. cat / bat B. put / but C. jig / pig D. sit / bit10. Which function is the major role of Language?A. Inf

5、ormative B. Interpersonal C.Performative D. Emotive11. If two sounds are in complementary distribution互补分布, they are _ of the same phoneme.BA. symbols B. allophones C. phones D. signs12. Which branch of study cannot be included in the scope of Linguistic? DA. syntax B. Pragmatics C. Phonetics D. Ant

6、hropology13. Atom is a word of _ origin.A. Latin B. Greek C. Chomsky D. Spanish14. The distinction of langue and parole is made by _.DA. Hall B. Sapir C. Chomsky D. Saussure15. _ are bound morphemes because they cannot be used as separate words. CA. Roots B. Stems C. Affixes D. Compounds16. _ is the

7、 study of the relationship between symbols and their interpreter. CA. Syntax B. Semantic C. Pragmatics D. Sociolinguistic17. _ is the defining properties of units like nouns (number, gender, case, etc) and verbs (tense, aspect, voice, etc). CA. Parts of speeches B. word classes C. Categories D. Func

8、tions of words18. The noun “tear” and the verb “tear” are _. BA. homophones B. homographs C. complete homonyms D. allophones19. The _ function of language is one of the most powerful uses of language because it is so crucial重要的、 in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone

9、or something. AA. performative B. phatic C. recreational D. emotive20. The term _ may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language changes over various periods of time and at various historical stages. CA. synchronic linguistic B. comparative linguistic C. diachronic lingu

10、istic D. historical comparative linguistics21. _ examines how meaning is encoded in a language. AA. Semantic B. Syntax C. Pragmatics D. Morphology22. Saussure distinguishes the linguistic competence of the speaker as _. DA. parole B. language C. system D. langue23. This fundamental distinction betwe

11、en competence and performance is discussed by _. AA. Chomsky B. Saussure C. Bloomfield D. Austin24. An affix can be added to certain type of _ to form a new word. C/DA. infix B. affix C. stem D. word25. In a sentence, which of the following is usually NOT stressed? CA. Nouns B. Verbs C. Prepositions

12、 D. Adj.26. The maxim of _ requires that a participants contribution be relevant to the conversation. DA. quantity B. quality C. manner D. relation27. The relationship between “meat” and “meet” is _. DA. synonymy B. antonymy C. polysemy D. homonymy 28. That there is no direct link between language a

13、nd the real world is the view of _ concerning the study of meaning. B语义三角A. naming B. conceptualist C. contextualist D. behaviorist29. What are the dual structures of language? AA. Sounds and letters语音和词汇 B. Sounds and meaningsC. Letters and meanings D. Sounds and symbols30. Where are the vocal cord

14、s声带? DA. In the mouth B. In the nasal cavityC. Above the tongue D. Inside the larynx喉咙31. Which of the following statements about language is NOT true? D/BA. Language is a means of verbal communication.B. Language is some arbitrary symbols.C. The language system is unique to human beings.D. Language

15、 is yet to be understood.32. _ studies the sound system in a certain language. BA. Phonetics B. Phonology C. Semantics D. Syntax33. _ is the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content. CA. Root B. Allomorph C. Morpheme D. Word34. A speakers actual utterance in

16、Chomskys terminology is called _. DA. deep structure B. linguistic universalsC. universal grammar D. surface structure35. A word with several meanings is called _ word. AA. a polysemous B. a synonymous C. an abnormal D. a multiple36. The study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meanin

17、g in communication is _. BA. general linguistic B. phonology C. semantics D. morphology37. Leech divided meanings into _ types.A. 4 B. 5 C.6 D. 738. English has managed to widen her vocabulary by borrowing words from other language except _.A. French B. Korean C. Latin D. Greek39. Distinctive featur

18、es辨音特质 are used to describe _. AA. phones B. phonology C. allophones D. phonemes40. The English word “untouchable” is composed of _ morphemes. BA. four B. three C. two D. five41. The process by which words are formed by putting the initial letters of several words together is called _.A. compounding

19、 B. clipping C. acronym D. blending42. “The Adams Apple” is _.A. a kind of apple B. related to Adam C. the front part of larynx D. on the top of larynx43. The founder of modern linguistics is _. DA. Chomsky B. Halliday C. Bloomfield D. Saussure44. Modern linguistics focuses on the present day langua

20、ge, and it will be possible to describe language from a _ perspective. BA. sociological B. synchronicC. diachronic D. psychological45. The four major modes of semantic change are _.A. extension, narrowing, meaning shift and class shiftB. extension, generalization, elevation and degradationC. extensi

21、on, narrowing, specialization and degradationD. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation46. In the production of consonants at least _ articulator are involved.A. one B. two C. three D. four47. The basic unit in the study of morphology is _. BA. the internal structure B. morphemeC. the rul

22、es by which words are formed D. word48. The relation between “food” and “bread” is called _. DA. synonymy B. polysemy C. homonymy D. hyponymy49. Voiceless sounds are produced when the vocal folds are _. AA. closed B. apart C. totally closed D. completely open50. Which of the following is NOT a compo

23、und word? BA. Pencil box B. Unreasonable C. Deadline D. Upstairs51. _ involve more than one manners of articulations发音方法. CA. Stops B. Fricatives摩擦音 C. Affricates破擦音D. Laterals侧根52. Which is not true for the vowel i ? CA. High B. Unrounded C. Mid D. Front 53. The sentence “ I apologize!” belongs to

24、the category of _ according to Searles speech act theory. DA. expressives B. declarations C. representative D. commissives54. General linguistics is the scientific study of _. CA. language of a certain individualB. the English languageC. human languages in generalD. the system of a particular langua

25、ge55. The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in _. BA. the place of articulation B. the obstruction of airstreamsC. the position of the tongue D. the shape of the lips56. _ studies how speech sounds are made, transmitted and received. AA. Phonetics B. Phonology C. Phoneme D. Phonics57. _

26、 sounds are produced with the back of the tongue and the soft palate. DA. Velar B. Palatal C. Glottal D. Alveolar58. _ is concerned with the study of the actual use of language in communication. CA. Sociolinguistic B. Semantic C. Pragmatics D. Synchronic linguistic59. Where is the primary stress of

27、the word “phonology”? BA. pho B. no C. lo D. gy60. _ refers to the utterance of a sentence with determinate sense and reference. CA. Locutionary act B. Illocutinary actC. Perlocutionary D. Speech act61. Which of the following words is built by Abbreviation?A. Smog B. Fridge C. Motel D. Edit62. What

28、is the full form of LAD? DA. Language associative district B. Language acquisition districtC. Language associative device D. Language acquisition device63. The semantic components of the word “man” can be expressed as _. BA. + animate, + human, + male -adultB. +animate, + human, + male, + adultC.+ a

29、nimate, + human, male, adultD. + animate, + human, male, +adult64. A (n) _ is the smallest unit of sound in a language, which can distinguish two words. CA. morpheme B. sound C. phoneme D. allophone65. Productivity is one of the _ features of language. BA. distinctive B. design C. Supra-segmental D.

30、 pragmatics66. What is the common feature of the three sounds: b, p,m? DA. Voiceless B. Voiced C. Nasal D. Bilabial双唇音67. Which of the following items is NOT one of the grammatical categories of English pronouns? DA. Gender B. Number C. Case D. Voice68. In the word “internationalism”, which part is

31、the root? BA. inter B. nation C. al D. ism69. “voiced fricatives voiceless / _ voiceless” is a _.A. phonological rule B. syntactic ruleC. phrase structure rule D. functional rule70. The word “pen” originally meant “feather used for writing with ink”. Now it refers to any device used for writing with

32、 ink. This is an example of _.A. degradation of meaning B. broadening of meaningC. narrowing of meaning D. elevation of meaning71. The word “smog” is formed through _, BA. backformation B. blending C. clipping D. derivation72. In general, language acquisition refers to childrens development of their

33、 _ language.A. first B. second C. dialectal D. individualized73. Which of the following statements are NOT true for vowels? DA. Vowels are sonorants.B. In the production of vowels, there is no obstruction of air.C. Tongue height is one criterion to distinguish vowelsD. Vowels are also called obstrue

34、nts.74. All syllables must have a _.A. coda B. onset C. nucleus D. consonant75. Lkaps is not a possible word form in English due to _. BA. sonority scale B. phonological rule C. syntactic rule D. morphological rule76. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Chomskys TG Grammar? DA. Innaten

35、ess B. Deductive methodologyC. Emphasis on interpretation D. Emphasis on stimulus-response reinforcement77. “Judo” is of _ origin.A. Scottish B. Korean C. Japanese D. Chinese78. Which of the following is the major cause of invention of new lexical items?A. The rapid development of science and techno

36、logyB. The way of language teachingC. The way of childrens language acquisitionD. Economic activities79. In Chomskys TG Grammar, which theory focused discussion on governmental and binding?A. The Classical TheoryB. The Standard TheoryC. The Extended Standard TheoryD. The Revised Extended Standard Th

37、eory80. When the suffix _ is added to a verb, it changes this verb into an adjective. AA. less B. ness C. fully D. er81. The function of the sentence “Lovely weather, isnt it?” is _. BA. informative B. phatic C. performative D. recreational82. Once the notion of _ was taken into consideration, seman

38、tics spilled into pragmatics. BA. meaning B. context C. form D. content83. Which of the following criteria can NOT be used to classify vowels? CA. The part of the tongue that is held highestB. The openness of the mouthC. The vibration of the vocal cordsD. The shape of the lips84. There are _ maxims

39、under the cooperative principle. CA. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 585. Chomsky argues that LAD probably consists of _ elements.A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 586. “Buy” and “sell” form a pair of _. CA. conversives B. gradable antonymsC. complementary antonyms D. marked antonyms87. If a phoneme is substituted for another in a

40、word and the substitution results in a change of the word meaning, the two phonemes are said to be _.DA. minimal pair B. minimal setC. distinctive phonemes D. distinctive features88. _ is a phrase which can only be understood as a unit, not as a summation of the meaning of each constituent word. BA.

41、 Collocation B. Idiom C. Semantic component D. distinctive features89. The well-known formula: S r s R was put forward by _. AA. Bloomfield B. Firth C. Hockett D. Harris90. _ is a pair of complementary antonyms. DA. Wild and tame B. Nimble and lameC. Cold and warm D. Alive and dead91. Firths second

42、important contribution to linguistics is his method of prosodic analysis, called _.A. prosodic phonology B. feature geometryC. optimality phonology D. super-segmental phonology92. Which of the following is NOT a Supra-segmental feature? DA. Syllable B. Stress C. Tone D. Voicelessness93. The s in dru

43、ms is _. DA. a morpheme B. a stem C. a root D. an inflectional affix94. The word bodyguard is a _. AA. compound word B. complex word C. derivation word D. free morpheme95. In English, the gender distinctions are _. D/BA. not related to real world entitiesB. on the whole naturalC. divided into Femini

44、ne, Masculine and neuterD. divided into Feminine and Masculine96. Hallidays Systemic- Functional Grammar takes _ as the object of study.A. actual uses of languageB. ideal speakers linguistic competenceC. childrens languageD. adults language97. Which of the following English word is NOT bilabial? DA.

45、 b B. m C. p D. f 98. _ can be used independently without being combined with other morphemes. AA. Free morphemes B. Bound morphemes C. Affixes D. Roots99. Which of the following words is a derivation派生词 one? CA. Blackboard B. Sings C. Astonishment D. Boys100. John Austin proposed _ in the late 1950

46、s. AA. Speech Act Theory B. 7 types of meaningC. Cooperative Principle D. Predication analysis101. WTO is _.A. an abbreviationB. an acronymC. a word which is formed by blendingD. a word which is formed by backformation102. For Bloomfield, linguistics is a branch of psychology and specifically of the

47、 brand of psychology known as _.A. behaviorism B. structuralism C. competence D. performance103. Which of the following is a voiceless bilabial stop? DA. w B. m C. b D. p 104. _ is NOT a grammatical category of English verbs. DA. Tense B. Aspect C. Number D. Gender105. All words contain a _. AA. roo

48、t B. bound morpheme C. prefix D. suffix106. Of the following word formation processes, _ is the most productive.A. clipping B. blending C. initialism D. derivation107. _ practiced a special style of synchronic linguistics and its most important contribution to linguistics is that it sees language in

49、 terms of function.A. The London School B. American structuralismC. The Prague School D. The TG Grammar108. _ is NOT included in Leechs associative meaning.A. Connotative meaning B. Social meaningC. Collocative meaning D. Thematic meaning109. _ deals with the relationship between the linguistic elem

50、ent and nonlinguistic world of experience. BA. Sense B. Reference C. Symbol D. Thought110. Luggage and baggage are _ synonyms. AA. dialectal B. stylistic C. semantically different D. collocational111. The maxim of quality requires: do not say what you believe to be _. AA. false B. true C. indirect D

51、. insufficient112. Knight originally meant youth, but now it means a medieval gentleman soldier. This is a meaning _.A. broadcasting B. narrowing C. meaning shift D. class shift113. Expressions like “Tom” or “He” can both be filled in the blank of the sentence “_ is smiling.” So Tom and He have _ re

52、lation.A. syntagmatic B. paradigmatic C. systematic D. governing114. Foolish which come from “fool + ish” is a _ word. AA. derivational B. inflectional C. compound D. complex115. The Prague School is best known for its contribution to _.A. phonetics B. syntax C. morphology D. phonology116. Which of

53、the following is NOT the function of language?A. Metalingual function B. Interpersonal functionC. Emotive function D. Cultural transmission117. “We can do things with words” is the main idea of _. AA. the speech act theory B. the cooperative principlesC. the polite principles D. pragmatics118. Motel

54、 is a (n) _.A. abbreviation B. coinage C. blending D. acronym119. _ is NOT a pair of homophones. CA. “Fair” (adj) and “fair” (n) B. “Flea” and “flee”C. “Lead” (v) and “lead” (n) D. “Compliment” and “complement”120. The classic semantic triangle or triangle of significance mainly illustrates the view

55、 of _. AA. conceptualism B. contextualismC. behaviorism D. structuralism121. We can refer to Confucius, even though he has been dead for over 2500 years. This feature of language is called _. DA. duality B. creativity C. arbitrariness D. displacement122. Which function of language is also called ide

56、ational function in the framework of functional grammar?A. Informative function B. Interpersonal functionC. Emotive function D. Recreational function123. _ investigates the interrelation of language and mind. AA. Psycholinguistic B. SociolinguisticC. Anthropological linguistics D. Computational ling

57、uistics124. Morphology is concerned with _.CA. the meaning of wordsB. the pronunciation of wordsC. the internal organization of wordsD. the combination of words into sentences125. The sentence “You should never use clich in writing” is _. BA. descriptive B. prescriptive C. obligatory D. narrative126

58、. If a study focuses on Shakespearean language, it is _ study. BA. diachronic B. synchronic C. systematic D. pragmatic127. _ is the study of the physical properties of the sounds produced in speech. CA. Auditory phonetics B. Articulatory phoneticsC. Acoustic phonetics D. phonology128. / l / is the o

59、nly _ in English. DA. fricative B. affricative C. nasal D. lateral129. f, v are both labiodentals and _. BA. nasals B. fricatives摩擦音 C. affricatives D. alveolar130. The idea of establishing a phonetic alphabet was first proposed by the Danish grammarian _.A. Otto Jespersen B. Daniel Jones C. A. J. E

60、llis D. A. M. Bell131. The Second Patterns of English mainly deals with _.A. multi-level phonology B. non-linear phonologyC. super segmental phonology D. linear approach of phonology132. In Chinese Putonghua, only _ can occur after the vowel.A. nasals B. stops C. lateral D. vowels133. A compound is


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