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1、GrammarUnit3 A day outGrammar11.She is very helpful.She is ready to help people any time.She is very helpful and is ready to help people any time.2. We may not get to see each other often.Well always be best friends.We may not get to see each other often but well always be best friends.3. Do you lik

2、e swimming?Do you like climbing the hill?Do you like swimming or climbing the hill?Lets join the two sentences together:2Work out the rule: When the two subjects (主语) are the same, we do not need to repeat (重复) the first one.3 We use and, but and or to join ideas together. We use and to join ideas t

3、hat are similar. We use but to join ideas that are different. We use or to join possibilities or options.Conclusion:4Tianjin has many restaurants.Tianjin baozi is very famous there.It is very cold in winter in Heilongjiang.Skiing there is great fun. Tianjin has many restaurants andTianjin baozi is v

4、ery famous there. It is very cold in winter in Heilongjiang but Skiingthere is great fun.5You can go to the Palace Museum with Kitty.You can go to the Palace Museum with Sandy.I like Huaihai Road in Shanghai.I dont like the busy traffic. You can go to the Palace Museum with Kitty or Sandy. I like Hu

5、aihai Road in Shanghaibut I dont like the busy traffic.6The Yellow Mountain is high.The Yellow Mountain is beautiful.You can go to Shenzhen at Christmas.You can go to Shanghai at Christmas.The Yellow Mountain is high and beautiful.You can go to Shenzhen or Shanghai at Christmas.7I hope to visit the

6、Opera House.Australia is too far.Inner Mongolia is a great place.You can go horse riding there. I hope to visit the Opera House but Australia is too far. Inner Mongolia is a great place and you can go horse riding there.8用and,but,or填空1.It was a great day _we didnt enjoy it at the beginning.2.The sky

7、 was blue_everything was beautiful. 3.They are lovely _wonderful. 4.You can go to Beijing by train_by plane. 5. The boy is young,_he knows a lot about history.6.Peaple cant live without air _water.7.Bill got up early ,_he was late for the meeting at last.8.The children are singing _dancing happily.b

8、utandandorbutorbutand9 11.Wed better go _see the house ourselves. 12.He likes singing , _his sister likes dancing. 13.Would you like tea _coffee? 14.You can go there by bus _on foot. 15.English _Chinese are different languages 16.Which is bigger, the moon _the sun? 17.Use your head, _youll find a go

9、od idea. 18.Nanjing is beautiful, _its very cold in winter. 19.Hurry up, _youll miss the bus. 20.She cant speak Japanese _English.andbutoror and orandbutoror10Correct the following sentences:1.There isnt any water and air on the moon.2. Work hard or youll pass the exam.3.He likes playing basketball,

10、 and football and badminton.4. Its such a hot day, and the boys still play football in the pitch.5. Amy usually goes to school by bus and by taxi.6. He was ill, and he still went to school on time.7. The sky is blue, everything is beautiful.orandbutorbutand11 verbs + to-infinitives121.Who do you pla

11、n to take out?2.Where do you want to visit?3.How do you decide to go out?4.What do you want to take?5.What do you hope to do there?Work in pairs to talk about trips.动词不定式: to +动词原形 13We can use verbs and to-infinitives together.agree/ choose /decide /hope /learn / plan / prepare / want would like /n

12、eed / have/ try / try ones best to do sth.tell sb. (not) to do / ask sb. (not) to do / wish sb. (not) to do / teach sb. to do sth / invite sb. To do sth.make sb. do / let sb. do / had better do sth.can / could / may / might / must / should do sth.will / shall / would do sth.ItIts to do sth.help sb.

13、(to ) do sth.be willing to do sth.be ready to do sth.be able to do sth14 to let to sit to watch to take to leave151.They are preparing _(have) a sports meeting. 2.Jim agreed _(go) to the West Lake.3.Its easy _(play) softball.4. What made you_ (feel) sad?5.Mr White learned _(ride) a horse last year?6

14、. We will try our best _(read) more books.7. Lets _(share) our joys together.8. Where do you plan_(visit ) next year?9.Max decided_(stay) with us at home.to haveto goto play feelto rideto read shareto visitto stay10. Are you ready_(drive) me home?to drive16Complete the sentences:1.The girl taught he

15、rself_(骑自行车)to ride a bike2.The children are_(能读杂志)able to read magazines3.We should_(学好语言)learn languages well4.The policeman told the boys_ (不要在马路上踢足球)not to play football on the road5.The social worker tries his best_ (帮助人们解决问题)6.My father didnt know _(选择哪辆车)which car to choose7.Its easier _(打棒球)

16、 than _(玩垒球)to play baseballto play softballto help people solve problems8.Would you please_(别发出噪音)?not make a noise179.They agreed_ (每周上一次汉语课) to have a Chinese lesson once a week10.Johns mother taught him_(读书写字)to read and write11.The boss made the workers _ (每天工作十小时)work for ten hours every day12

17、.Are you willing _(帮助有困难的人)?to help people in trouble13.He hopes _(我将来当英雄)I will be a hero in the future14.Youd better _( 明天别去露营)not go camping tomorrow15.Bill asked me_(不要参加哪个俱乐部)not to join that club18Reflexive pronouns19Translation1.I fell over and hurt myself.2. My sister can look after herself.

18、3. The students enjoyed themselves on Sundays.4. Bill and I made a nice kite for ourselves.5. The boy is too young to look after himself.结论: 主语和宾语一致时使用反身代词.20Fill in the blanks with reflexive pronouns1.Boys and girls, help _to some apples.2. Can your little sister look after _?3.My brother began to

19、teach _English in her thirties.4.Make _at home, Kitty.5. Do you want to leave your children by_at home?6.Marys grandfather fell down and hurt_.7.Amy and I can work out the problems _.8.Look! The cay is washing_in the sun.9. I decided to do the work_.10. Come here, Peter . You must do the work by _.y

20、ourselvesherselfhimselfyourselfthemselveshimselfourselvesitselfmyselfyourself21Goodbye!22 微信刷票 照他吩咐去做/也要事先跟他讲许多条件才肯做;而现在/她自觉主动地顺从咯他意愿/可是他得到/没什么壹丝壹毫喜悦/相反/却是满腹心酸/就在王爷心酸别已之时/竹墨将他晚膳端咯进来/别仅仅是壹碗清粥/还有几样青菜/月影将各式菜品摆好在桌子上/然后开始给他布菜/其实也就是各样青菜都拣咯壹些放到他碗中/第1329章/喂粥水清看着月影手脚别停地忙碌着为他布菜/感觉自己也应该做些啥啊才对/否则真成咯游手好闲、好吃懒做之人/











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