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1、by Nancy2022年仁爱版英语八年级下7-8单元单词短语检测(带练习)根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的选项1. wait2. western3. smooth4. quick5. regret西方的;西部的快的;迅速的光滑的;平坦的感到惋惜;遗憾等待根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的选项6. finger7.noodle8. sweater9. pocket10. while毛衣面条当.时候;一会儿手指荷包根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的选项11. 买得起;能做12. 目的;意图13. 经历;经验 14. 南方的;南部的 15. 成功v.succeedsouthernpurposeexperie

2、nceafford根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的选项16.job17. personal 18. interview19. survey20. simple简易的;简单的调查工作;职业采访个人的;私人的根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的选项21. 值得的22. 传统的 23. 选择n. 24. 表达;表示 25. 婚姻choicemarriageworthexpresstraditional根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的选项26. 生意;事务27. 讨论 28. 意义 29. 想象 30. 触摸;联系discussmeaningbusinesstouchimagine根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的

3、选项31.取得联系32. 习惯做某事 33.如此.以致于 34. 代替;反而 35. 供出售so.that.get in touch withbe/get used to doingfor saleinstead of根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的选项36. so that37. imagine doing38.in short 39. wait for40. regret doing简言之后悔做过某事想象做某事等待以便于;为了根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的选项41.regert to do42. on purpose43.pick up44. drink to sb45. be suitab

4、le for拾起;捡起 故意为某人干杯后悔要做某事适合.根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的选项46. 值得做某是47. 结果48.从那时起49.结婚50. 在某人看来in ones opinionas a resultget mareiedbe worth doingfrom then on根据中文/英文,选择对应含义的选项51. 是否52. 帅气的53.尺码;尺寸54.做饭55. 丝绸cooksilksizewhetherhandsome一、单项选择题1.Remember _ off the lights when you leave the room. OK. I will.A. to tur

5、nB. turing C. takingD. to take2. _ Lily _ Milly like pizza. They often say pizza is very delicious. A. Either; orB. Neither; norC. Not only; but alsoD. Both; and3.I dont know _ or not he is right.A. thatB. what C. if D. whether4. Will you please _ so much noise, Dongdong? Sorry. I wont.A. makeB. not

6、 makeC. to makeD. not to make5. The policewoman stopped the man from _ something bad. A. do B. doingC. doesD. will do6. Is there _ in todays show?A. something interestingB. interesting somethingC. interesting anything D. anything interesting7. Kate is a little fat. Her mother advises her _ clothes i

7、n dark colors. A. wearB. to wearC. wearingD. wears8. Beijing is in the _ part of China. A. southB. northC. southernD. northern9.What do you _ the cotton pants? They look very nice.A. think overB. think aboutC. think ofD. think back10. Excuse me, could you tell me _?Theres a bank on the second floor.

8、 You can do it there. A. where I can change moneyB. how I can get to the bankC. if theres a bank near hereD. where the bank is二、用单词的适当形式填空1. We need to _ (商量) when we should leave for Wuhan. 2. The same color may have different _ (meaning) in different countries.3. I really dont know if he wants to

9、make a correct _ (choose). 4. Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) is a _ (tradition) festival in China.discussmeanings choicetraditional二、用单词或者首字母提示的适当形式填空5. Most things _ (值得) having never come easy.6. In China, we like to use c_ to eat. 7. elevision, like other things, has both a_ and disadvantages(缺点). 8.

10、Where is the m_? I want to order something to eat. worthhopsitcksdavantagesenu二、用单词或者首字母提示的适当形式填空9. I only r_ (遗憾) that I missed my sisters wedding (婚礼).10. _ (cook) is fun and I love it very much!11.In the _ (south) part of China, people usually like eating rice. 12. Help _ (you) to some chicken soup, kids. egretcookingsouthernyoueselves二、用单词或者首字母提示的适当形式填空13. Please knock at the door before e_ the teachers office.14. We are old enough so that we shouldnt d_ on our parent


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