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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业目 录 TOC o 1-3 h z u 5610化学清洗后的工作Work after chemical cleaning11化学清洗后废水处理Chemical cleaning waste treatment12 锅炉清洗质量指标boiler cleaning quality index 20附表1用于化学清洗的主要器具和设备main equipment and tools for chemical washing21附表2估计清洗体积volume in the equ

2、ipment (Estimation) 21附表3化学成分表Check list of Chemical. 22附表4化学清洗的除盐水预估量Demineralized water estimation for chemical cleaning23附表5酸洗过程质量控制见证表Quality control table for acid process24附表6:化学清洗流程表FLOW CHART CHEMICAL CLEANING BOILER EXECUTION25附表7:酸洗系统流程图FLOW CHEMICAL CLEANING BOILER26附表8:阀门统计表LIST VALVES O

3、PEN AND CLOSE STATU BOILER CHEMICAL CLEANING27附表9:LIST OF EQUIPMENT CHEMICAL CLEANING28附表10:酸洗组织机构表 Acid cleaning organization table 29附表11:重要危险因素清单 Significant hazard factor list30#锅炉酸洗试验技术措施The technique statement of 1#boiler chemical washing1工程概述 project introduction印度尼西亚Sumsel-5 2150MW坑口燃煤电厂工程,锅

4、炉采用东方锅炉股份有限公司生产的循环流化床、一次中间再热、全钢结构、露天布置、自然循环汽包锅炉。Mine mouth CFSPP sumsel-5 2X150MW project Indonesia, Boiler provided by Dongfang boiler co., LTD is of circulating fluidized bed, a reheat, all-steel structure, outdoor layout, and natural circulation drum boiler.2酸洗目的The purpose of chemical cleaning酸洗

5、是为了清除附着在锅炉水管线或者蒸汽管线内表面的杂质,例如在设备生产或者安装过程中产生在内表面上的金属碎片,氧化物,油,灰尘和金属氧化物。以此来确保在锅炉运行中水和蒸汽的质量。这样就为产生保护性的涂层Fe3 O4打好了基础。Fe3 O4可以防止锅炉内部受热面进一步生锈。The purpose is to clear the impurities from inner surface of the boiler water/steam pipe line, such as metal debris, oxide, oil, dust, and metal oxide produced in inn

6、er surface during equipment manufacturing and installation, and to ensure the water and steam quality of boiler water during operation and to apply a foundation to generate protective coating of Fe3O4 that can prevent further corrosion of inner surface at inner boiler heating surface.3酸洗范围The scope

7、of chemical cleaning清洗范围包括有:省煤器,水冷壁,降水管和汽包中心线以下的部分The system will be cleaning are: Economizer, Water wall, Parts under the center line of the steam drum/ down comer pipe.4酸洗方法 The methodology of chemical cleaning采用HCL盐酸清洗工艺 HCL complexation cleaning is adopted for boiler acid cleaning.5编制依据:Preparat

8、ion references5.1火力发电厂锅炉化学清洗导则Chemical Cleaning Guide for Steam Power Plant(DL/T-794-2012)5.2 锅炉安装说明书(62J-AM)Boiler Installation manual(62J-AM) 5.3 锅炉范围内汽水系统图(62J711)Steam & Water Diagram(62J711)5.4 苏姆赛尔5合约sumsel5 contract6酸洗应具备的条件 Prerequisites to chemical cleaning酸洗准备工作结束,保温完毕Preparatory work for

9、acid-cleaning shall be completed, including insulation.除盐水设备/水处理 设备在运行中Demineralized water plant/Water treatment plant is in operation.化水车间设备调试完The demineralized water plant (DMP) has been commissioned.启动锅炉已调试完The auxiliary boiler has been commissioned. 把两个直径为 50 mm,厚度为20 mm的将水管孔板放到汽包里。Make orifice

10、plate for two main down comer put inside of steam drum with diameter 50 mm, plate thickness 20 mm.临时系统已经做过1.0Mpa 的压力试验;所有的测试结果均符合标准。 The temporary system has made 1.0 MPa pressure testing; all the test results are up to standard.临时汽包水准仪已安装好;临时锅筒液面指示器在酸洗阶段使用。The temporary level gauge of drum has been

11、 installed; the temporary level indicator of drum is used during acid cleaning stage.在汽包液位线和地面化学清洗平台之间的可靠通讯设备和水位监测设备。 Reliable communication equipment and water level monitoring equipment between drum level point and ground level chemical cleaning platform.汽包内的旋风分离器在化学清洗期间不安装。The cyclone separator i

12、nside the drum is not installed during chemical cleaning.包含PH值9.5到10.0的NH3 和 N2H2的除盐水应被注入到过热器中。(在水压试验期间正常注入)The demineralized water containing NH3 and N2H2 with pH 9.5 to 10.0 should be filled to superheater (Normally filled during Hydrostatic test) before Chemical Cleaning.不要在省煤器给水管上安装止回阀。如果止回阀已安装,

13、请打开。Do not install The Check Valve on the feed water pipe of the Economizer, or enforce open the check valve if the check valve has been installed.关闭锅炉取样管道,加药管道的一次和二次阀门Close the primary and secondary valves of boiler sampling tube, dosing tube应该先检查汽包内部,再开始化学清洗。The inside of steam drum shall be inspe

14、cted prior the chemical cleaning started by Client.直径为 2”的旁路管道应被安装在临时系统化学清洗泵的出口处(用于流速的调整)至少三片的测试板应被放在汽包内。The by pass pipe with 2” will be installed at chemical cleaning pump outlet of temporary system (for flow rate adjustment), test plate will be put in the inside of steam drum at least 3 pcs.客户必须见

15、证测试板称重和尺寸测量过程。The test plates shall be weighing and measure the dimension witnesses by Client.试验板的尺寸是20103mm,此材料应和锅炉墙管20G类似。The dimension of test plate is 20 x10 x3mm the material should be similar with the boiler wall tube 20 G.汽包机务清洗在化学清洗之后。 Steam Drum Mehcanical Cleaning after Chemical Cleaning.

16、在酸洗前。必须检查和测试酸抑制剂。The acid inhibitor must be checked and tested in the laboratory before acid cleaning. 辅助蒸汽联箱具备使用条件the auxiliary steam header is ready for use. 临时系统的焊接质量应和正式系统要求一样Welding on temporary system should be the same as on permanent system.酸洗检验的仪器具备好(实验室仪器)Instruments and chemicals for acid

17、-cleaning have been prepared. (laboratory instruments) 酸洗所用的现场实验室准备好The site laboratory for acid cleaning has been prepared.酸洗工作人员(运行人员和化学分析人员)培训上岗。酸洗负责人员应向酸洗工作人员解释酸洗的程序和要求并学习有关安全知识Personnel (operators and analyst) have been well-trained and assigned on the post. The engineer in charge of acid clean

18、ing should explain the procedure and requirements, and teach them safety precautions and first-aid skills to the personnel. 直接接触酸碱的人员应穿戴橡胶鞋、橡胶围裙、橡胶手套,口罩和防护眼镜。化学清洗现场的消防设施应完善可用,警告牌“有毒”、“危险”、“不能靠近”应悬挂在明显位置。 The persons who will contact directly to acid or alkaline, should wear protective rubber oversho

19、es, helmet,rubber apron, rubber gloves, respirator and goggles. Fire fighting facilities should be available on the site. Warning signs such as “Poisonous!” “Hazards!” “No Touch”, should be hanged clearly. 现场照明充足The illumination in site shall be sufficient and reliable.通讯工具和电话准备好(移动电话和座机)Communicati

20、ons available (mobile phones, walkie&talkie, and telephone) 现场检修人员应备齐抢修器材和工具,HCL清洗阶段,现场必须有值班医生,并在可能造成酸碱伤害的地方,准备有急救药箱、自来水、棉布、吸湿棉、碘酒、烫伤膏、绷带、洗眼液、含0.2%硼酸的溶液Repair tools and materials are available on site. Medical worker should be on duty throughout HCL cleaning. Tap water, eye lotion, smelling salt, ti

21、ncture iodine, burn healing cream, bandage, washcloth, absorbent cotton and 0.2% boron acid solution should be prepared at dangerous places. 溶药箱上搭设添加化学药品的脚手架和平台A scaffold should be set up above the dissolving tank for adding chemicals. 清洗泵、取样点和实验室附近应备有水源和橡胶管Water source and hose should be available

22、near cleaning pump, sampling points and laboratory. 所有酸洗所用化学药品就绪,并经过检查符合标准,缓蚀剂试验合格All chemicals for acid cleaning have been checked up to the standards. The inhibitor has been tested good.废水池和废水处理设备具备条件Two waste water pits, shall be available and well-equipped, ready for use. 临时系统与正式系统连接完毕,循环泵至锅炉的上水

23、临时管道、锅炉至循环水泵的回水临时管道水压试验合格,临时蒸汽管道和临时酸洗管道必须保温Jointing of temporary steam system and normal system has been finished. For the water supply temporary pipe from circulating pump to boiler and the water returning temporary pipe from boiler to circulating pump, the hydraulic test have been passed. The temp

24、orary steam pipe and temporary acid cleaning pipes must be insulated. 所有的正式系统和临时系统阀门都已调试完毕并挂牌标明All the valves in the acid cleaning system should have been tested operational and tagged out. 临时取样系统应装有冷却水装置Cooler should be fitted on the temporary sampling equipment. 电气供应可靠Power supply should be availa

25、ble.清洗系统中的压力,温度,流量测点均已校验合格,具备投运条件(在化学清洗过程中,所有的正式仪器中,例如计量器,阀门等等,需要隔离)Measurement point of pressures, temperatures and flows should be well calibrated, ready for use in acid-cleaning (permanent instrumentation like gauges/valve/ets in main boiler will be isolated when chemical cleaning progress”)试片已经准

26、备完毕,且数据已经测定,具备投用条件The weigh and dimensions of the test pieces already measured accurately and put in the place on cleaning loop.7化学清洗顺序Chemical cleaning sequence 7.1锅炉水冲洗碱洗碱洗后水冲洗-锅炉酸洗-酸洗后的清洗-冲洗和钝化Boiler water flushing Alkali cleaning Water flushing after alkali cleaning Boiler acid cleaning Flushing

27、 after acid cleaning Rinsing and passivation 7.2锅炉水清洗Boiler Water Flushing清洗流程:清洗罐-清洗泵-省煤器-锅炉炉筒-水冷壁-临时管道-雨水井Flushing process flow: Cleaning tank- Cleaning Pump- Economizer- boiler drum- Water wall- Temporary pipe- down drain pit.7.2.1填充除盐水箱到高水位,启动注水泵注水到锅炉,开始冲洗省煤器,锅筒和水冷壁通过打开下炉膛下部集箱的排污阀排水。Fill deminer

28、alized tank to high level, Start filling, water pump to fill Boiler, Flush Economizer, Drum and Water wall, drain by opening blow down valves of lower furnace lower header.7.2.2控制锅筒的水位,让其高于中心400mm-450mm。由专人控制锅筒水位。Control the drum level above center scale 400mm to 450mm. Special man should be control

29、ling the drum elevation. 7.2.3取样阀到传送取样之间的取样明显的清洁干净,没有悬浮的物质,PH值6-8,浑浊度30 此时才允许停止冲洗,关闭排空阀 Dont stop flushing until the sample from sampling valve until delivery sample is visually clean without suspended substance, pH 6-8 and Turbidity 30 NTU close the discharge valve7.3碱洗/脱脂过程Alkali Cleaning/Degreasi

30、ng process.7.3 Alkali Cleaning/Degreasing process.7.3.1在清洗罐里分解下列化学成分,用清洗泵注入碱洗溶液按照7.5酸洗的顺序进行。7.3.1 Dissolve the following chemical in the cleaning tank. The first concentration of chemicals used in alkali boiling out stage as the following:Used the cleaning pump feed alkali cleaning solution as the s

31、equence of the acid cleaning no.在碱洗溶液冲洗上水给锅炉后,调整汽包水位到正常的运行水位+450mm (从锅筒中心点)。由专人控制水位,不要超过+450mm。7.3.2 Adjust drum level to normal operation level strictly + 450mm from drum center point after alkali cleaning solution wash feed to boiler and special man to control water level will not over tha

32、n +450mm. 7.3.3检查锅炉和临时系统阀门的条件是否完好。 注入化学材料 0.6% 6000 ppm Tsp 和 0.3% 3000 ppm Dsp和 0.03% 300 ppm的化学净化剂。 7.3.3 Check boiler and temporary system valve condition is OK. Inject Chemical Material Tsp 0.6% 6000 ppm and Dsp 0.3% 3000 ppm and Detergen 0.03% 300 ppm7.3.4在70到90的温度下,保持循环时间为6到8个小时。继续保持循环,并开始向加热辅

33、助锅炉注入蒸汽。Continue Circulation and Start inject steam for Auxiliary boiler for Heating.7.3.4 Keep circulation time for 6 to 8 hrs with temperature 70 to 90. 7.3.5在锅炉水里的化学药剂浓度应在碱洗阶段定期分析。如果油量与酚酞碱度基本稳定,停止循环。7.3.5 Concentration of chemical agent in boiler water should be periodically analyzed during alkal

34、i cleaning stage. Stop circulation if the oil content stable at 2 measure.7.4碱洗后的水冲洗Water Flushing after alkali cleaning.7.41当碱洗和排水结束,用清洗泵给锅炉注入冲洗水7.41When the alkali cleaning and drainage is end, fill flushing water to boiler by cleaning pump. 7.42完全打开排空阀。汽包水位由顶部临时煮沸水位(+450mm)控制。 7.42Completely open

35、 the discharge valve. The drum level is controlled at the top of the temporary boil-out level (about + 450mm).7.43冲洗标准:直到供水干净,没有颜色和PH9.0的杂质。 7.43Flush standard: until the delivery water is clear without color and impurity pH 9.07.43冲洗完成后,调整汽包水位在正常水位。7.43 after the flushing, adjust the drum water lev

36、el at the normal level. 7.5 锅炉酸洗Boiler Acid Cleaning.7.5.1在锅炉酸洗前,锅炉水冷壁预热调整在汽包中心点的水位+100mm。慢慢增加锅炉水冷壁的温度。监管好炉壁和汽包的金属温度。在上部和下部(底部充满水,上部没有水)之间的汽包金属温度差距是不超过50度的。当锅炉水冷壁管道金属温度达到50-70度时,停止加热。所有的炉膛开口和气闸都必须关闭以保存热度。Boiler water wall preheating before acid cleaning, adjust the drum level at the center point +10

37、0mm. Raise slowly the boiler water wall temperature. Supervise boiler wall and drum metal temperature. The drum metal temperature difference is no more than 500C between upper part and lower part (bottom part which filled with water and upper part without water). When the boiler water wall tubes met

38、al temperature reaches 50 700C stop heating. All furnace openings and dampers must be closed to retain the heat.7.5.2在允许酸进入锅炉前,检查并确保所有汽包排空阀打开。排空管道的标高至少高于汽包顶部1m。Before admitting acid to the boiler, check to be sure that all drum vent valves are open. elevation vent pipe at least 1m above the top of s

39、team drum. 7.5.3锅炉汽包中心点的水位应严格保持在汽包水位计+100mm之内,设专人监控。如果出现汽包水位高于汽包水位计+100mm时,应立刻报告总指挥同时打开汽包事故放水管道阀门。The level at center point of boiler steam drum should be kept in drum level +100mm, and monitored by special person. If there occurs the phenomenon that steam drum level is higher than drum level +100mm

40、, report immediately to general commander and open the emergency drain water valve of steam drum.7.6注入化学药品和酸洗的流程图Filling chemical and acid cleaning flow chart.7.6.1步骤:清洗罐-循环泵-省煤器-锅筒-锅炉水冷壁水冷壁下联箱-清洗罐Step Cleaning tank circulation pump economizer drum - boiler water wall lower header - cleaning tank. 7

41、.6.2开始:循环水泵,把水温控制在50-60之间,调整中心点+100mm的锅筒水位,清洗罐在低水位。Start one circulating water pump, control water temperature to 50 60. Adjust drum level at the center point +100mm and the cleaning tank at lower level.7.6.3用0.2-0.3%酸抑制剂清洗罐体,等一小时后,添加盐酸。从返回管取样,分析盐酸浓缩物,盐酸浓缩物少于4-7%重量。当盐酸浓缩物在回气管内到达2.0%以上时,开始记录注入酸洗的时间,并

42、且把清洗监控器系统放在作业中。Fill 0.2- 0,3% acid inhibitor to cleaning tank, wait for 1 hour and than add Hydrochloride Acid. Take sample from return tube. Analyzed Hydrochloride Acid concentration, the Hydrochloride Acid concentration is less than 4-7% wt. When the Hydrochloride Acid concentration in return tube

43、 reaches above 2.0%, begin the time to record for filling acid and put the cleaning monitor system into operation. 7.6.4酸洗要求Acid cleaning requirement.在注入酸后,控制高于中心点40050mm锅筒水位。通过辅助蒸汽加热调整清洗溶液温度到50-70. 分析在回气管内溶液样本的酸强度和铁的浓缩物。定期记录温度。Control the drum level above center point 40050mm after filling acid, Ad

44、just cleaning solution temperature to 5070C by auxiliary steam heating. Analyzed solution sample for acid strength and iron concentration in return tube and record the temperature periodically.7.6.5酸洗结束时间预估持续运行循环泵6-8个小时。当亚铁离子和铁离子基本上没有变化时,结束酸洗。铁 离子和盐酸浓缩物检查两次(标准是当铁离子和盐酸浓缩物的分析结果到达定值2个测量点)。Acid cleaning

45、 end point estimationRun the Circulation pump within 6-8 hours continuously. End the acid cleaning when there is basically no change of ferrous ion, ferric ion and Hydrochloride Acid concentration for 2 times check (The criteria is when analysis result of Fe ion and Hydrochloric Acid reached constan

46、t value at the latest 2 measurements)当监控样本管道内的氧化铁被清洗干净时,结束酸洗。End the acid cleaning when iron oxide of the monitoring sample tube has been cleaned.7.7酸洗后的冲洗Flushing after acid cleaning.当酸洗结束后,进行冲洗,冲走亚铁滓渣,氧化膜和残余酸洗液体,这是化学清洗非常重要的一个阶段。为了避免金属表面酸洗后生成的着色,不要把金属表面暴露在空气中很长时间。在确认酸洗完成后,应做下列工作:Flush after acid cl

47、eaning is intended to wash away the ferrous dregs, oxide and remaining acid liquid and is an importance stage of chemical cleaning. To avoid metal surface after acid cleaning from creating staining, the metal surface should be not exposed in the air for a long time. After confirming the acid cleanin

48、g is over, the following work should be done:7.7.1第一步,打开清洗罐底部的排污阀。排出全部留存在酸洗罐内的清洗液体,并且用除盐水冲洗清洗罐直到罐被冲洗干净。关闭清洗罐底部的排污阀。First open the blow down valve at the bottom of cleaning tank. Discharge the cleaning liquid inside the cleaning tank completely and flush the cleaning tank with demineralized water unt

49、il the tank is clean. Close the blowdown valve at the bottom of cleaning tank.7.7.2给清洗罐供应除盐水Supply demineralized water to cleaning tank7.7.3打开总体排水阀门,省煤器排水阀门,锅筒事故放水阀门和临时阀,迅速排出酸洗液体到废水中和池。Open general drain valve, economizer drain valve, drum emergency drain valve, bank manifold, and temporary valve to

50、 discharge the acid cleaning liquid to unit waste water neutralization pond rapidly.7.7.4在完全排出锅炉内的清洗液体后,冲洗锅炉。After completely discharging the cleaning liquid in boiler, flush the boiler.7.7.5把水注入到清洗罐高水位,启动清洗泵冲洗锅炉。冲洗流程:清洗罐,清洗泵,省煤器,锅筒,锅炉水冷壁,临时管道和废水中和池到污水处理车间。Fill the cleaning tank to high level, start

51、 cleaning pump to flush boiler. Flushing flow pass: Cleaning tank, cleaning pump, economizer, drum, boiler water wall, temporary pipe, and unit waste water neutralization pond to sewage treatment plant.7.6.6控制锅筒水位线(在中心点以上400-500mm)Control drum level above the center point 400 450mm.7.7.7从取样阀拿出样本,并分析

52、样本冲洗液体的铁离子和PH值。当冲洗水的PH值=4.5-5.0,铁离子少于100mg/L和基本上没有颗粒时,结束冲洗。在正常条件下,冲洗应在4小时内完成。Take sample from sampling valve analyzing pH and iron ion of flushing liquid. The flushing is over when flushing liquid pH = 4.5 5.0, iron ion less than 100mg/L and without particles basically. The flushing should be finish

53、ed within 4 hour in normal condition. 7.8漂洗和钝化Rinsing and passivation.7.8.1在完成冲洗后,循环方法应如下列所述:清洗罐-循环泵-省煤器-锅炉锅筒-锅炉水冷壁-清洗罐。控制锅筒水位线(在中心点以上400-500mm)。通过调整辅助蒸汽压力把温度控制在40-45之间。After finishing the flushing, the cycle way must be as follow: Cleaning tank circulation pump economizer boiler drum boiler water w

54、all cleaning tank. Control drum level above center level point 400 450mm, control the water temperature at 40 450C by adjusting auxiliary steam pressure.7.8.2漂洗:在清洗罐中添加冲洗化学品使冲洗液体增加0.2%的柠檬酸。用NH3H2O把PH值调整到3.5-4.5,保持50-60的温度两个小时。当亚铁离子少于300mg/L时,结束次步骤。如果亚铁离子多余300mg/L,用除盐水代替冲洗液体,直到亚铁离子少于300mg/L。Rinsing:

55、Adding rinsing chemical to cleaning tank to make rinsing liquor add 0.1% citric Acid. Use NH3H2O to adjust pH pH to 3.5 4.0, keep the temperature 5060oC for 2 hours. When the ferrous ion is less than 300mg/l this step can end. If the ferrous ion is more than 300mg/l use demineralized water to replac

56、e the rinsing liquid until the ferrous ion is less than 300mg/l7.8.3钝化:在冲洗后,用氨调整PH值到9.0-10,并添加0.1%的亚硝酸钠。保持50-70的温度4-6小时。Passivation: After rinsing use ammonia to adjust the pH up-to 9.0 10,add 0.2% sodium nitrite(NaNO2). Keep temperature at 5070oC for 4-6 hours.7.8.4把钝化液体排出到废水中和池。打开锅筒人孔让其自然冷却。打开人孔后,

57、安全措施必须安排到位。Discharge the passivation liquor to unit waste water neutralization pond. Open manholes of drum to cool spontaneously, the safety measures must be taken after opening the manholes.8酸洗临时系统 Temporary facilities for chemical cleaning8.1将定期排污汇流排电动门后母管断开,用不小于764的临时管道与炉下零米临时管道连接。The main pipe s

58、hould be cut off at the downstream of the MOV from intermittent blow down header to flash vessel, and connected temporarily with a pipe 764 as minimum to the above drain pipe at 0m floor under boiler.8.2准备一个10m3的溶药箱,配两台加药泵.Preparing a chemical dissolving tank (10m3), and two chemical injection pumps

59、. 8.3省煤器正式放水至定排的管路的疏水门后断开,用临时管与炉底的临时排水管连接,此管道作为模拟试验及酸洗后省煤器排废液用Temperature rise t。Economizer drain pipe to intermittent blow down flash tank should be cut off temporarily after the drain valve and reconnected to bottom drain pipe for discharging waste liquid from the economizer after test and acid-cl

60、eaning. 8.4与HCL清洗有关的法兰垫应耐高温,临时系统与设备要保证安装质量,焊口应用氩弧焊打底,焊接时与正式系统同等对待。 All the flanges and gaskets should be resistant to high temperature. All the temporary systems and facilities should be installed firmly up to the standards, by Argon arc welding. Welding should be inspected as per the same standard


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