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1、Lesson 6 Smash-and-grab Objective: Master the usage of the simple past tense and the past continuous tense. PiccadillyI Comment on the homeworkPay attention to the structure of argumentation writing: There are many ways to organize an argumentative essay, but the introduction-reasoning-conclusion mo

2、del is perhaps the easiest for beginners. In introduction you put forward the proposition or explain the importance of discussing a certain question; in the part of reasoning you give examples and reasons in support of your proposition; and in conclusion you reaffirm the proposition.I Comment on the

3、 homeworkIf Alf really loves hes wife, he should respect she choice.If Alf really loves his wife, he should respect her choice.If he told the truth, I would forgive he.If he told the truth, I would forgive him.I rest all my hopes on him. I will always stand behind you.I rest all my hopes on him. I w

4、ill always stand behind him.I Comment on the homeworkIf I were Alf, I will also do as he did.If I were Alf, I would also do as he did.I would marry him if he tell me the truth.I would marry him if he told me the truth.If you have no money, you cant to see the doctor when you are ill.If you have no m

5、oney, you cant see the doctor when you are ill.I will choosing to leave him.I will choose to leave him. Will be earningI must told him not to lie again.I must tell him not to lie again.I should was honest. I should be honest. Jane EyreJane Eyre“The Double “I Comment on the homeworkIf I were Alfs wif

6、e, I would very angry.If I were Alfs wife, I would be very angry.Bread more important than status.Bread is more important than status.Many people are often sacrifice higher pay for higher position.Many people often sacrifice higher pay for higher position.He is always comes early.He always comes ear

7、ly.II New words & Expressionssmash: v. break to pieces, crash 打破, 碰撞, 粉碎 eg. He got drunk and began to smash things. The car smashed into the wall. crash: v. 碰撞,坠落eg. The car crashed into the wall. The plane crashed 5 minutes after its take-off.shatter: v. destroy 损坏;摧毁;粉碎 eg. The explosion shattere

8、d every window in the building. Our hopes were shattered. II New words & Expressionsgrab: v. snatch sth selfishly or rudely 抓住;掠夺;攫取 eg. He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran away. He grabbed at the opportunity to go abroad.snatch: v. seize sth quickly, sometimes rudely 攫取 eg. She snatched th

9、e letter from me. He just snatched the bag from my hand and ran away.grasp: v. seize sth firmly with hands; understand 抓住;掌握,领会 eg. He grasped my hand warmly. She never could grasp the secret of this job.clutch: v. seize, take hold of tightly with hands 抓住;攫取eg. He clutched (at) the rope we threw to

10、 him. It was so dark in the cave that I couldnt help clutching (at) my husbands arm.II New words & Expressions arcade 有拱廊的街道lane 小巷path 小道,小路street 街道avenue 林荫大道road 道路highway 公路,大路expressway / freeway 高速公路II New words & Expressions ring 戒指the thumb 拇指 the first finger, the forefinger, the index fin

11、ger 食指 the middle finger 中指 the ring finger, the third finger 无名指 the little finger 小指 Jewel CJewellery UII New words & Expressionsstaff: collective n. usu. followed by single action verb全体工作人员,做主语常跟单数谓语动词eg. The staff is working efficiently. (stress the collectivity)The staff are working efficientl

12、y. (stress the individuality)I have a staff of 10.crew: staff on a ship or a plane (全体)船员; (全体)乘务员faculty: the teaching staff in a university 全体教员 II New words & Expressionsfantastic: adj. (1) very big, very large, enormous 大得惊人的 eg. a fantastic house a fantastic amount of money (2) very good, marve

13、lous 极好的,极妙的 eg. a fantastic view of the city from the mountain top a fantastic book (3) very strange, hard to believe 奇异的;古怪的;怪诞的eg. My dreams are fantastic.She had some fantastic idea that he was going to kill her.III Text StudyPlease close your text books. Listen to the tape of the text carefully

14、 and try to answer the following question: How did Mr. Taylor try to stop the thieves? (He threw things at them.)Read the text by yourselves and pay attention to the usage of the past continuous tense(过去进行时 ).Was / were doingAm / is / are doinghas / have / had been doingIII Text StudyExplain the tex

15、t: After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr. Taylor went back into his shop.Structure: “After gazing at the display for several minutes”: prep. “after” + gerund “gazing at” is used as an adverbial of time. It can be changed into an adverbial clause of time “After he gazed at the display f

16、or several minutes”.after(prep.) + doing = after(conj.) + clausebefore(prep.) + doing = before(conj.) + clausee.g. After turning off the lights, he left home.After he turned off the lights, he left home. Before returning home at night, he took a shower and changed back into his suit.Before he return

17、ed home at night, he took a shower and changed back into his suit.III Text StudyExplain the text: (1) Phrases: gaze at sb/sth: look steadily for a period of time 盯着看 eg. He sat there gazing at the fire.She gazed at the news for several minutes then burst into tears.stare at sb/sth: look fixedly with

18、 open eyes, as in wonder, fear or deep thought 盯着看,瞪大眼睛看着eg. Staring at the blackboard, she fell into deep thought.He was snoring in class. The teacher and the class stared at him in amazement.glare at sb/sth: look at angrily 怒视着eg. She didnt shout or swear, but just glared at him silently.III Text

19、StudyExplain the text: The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. The silence was suddenly broken when a large car roared down the arcade with its headlights on and its horn blaring. (1) Structure: The whole sentence is a co

20、mplex statement which contains an adverbial clause of time introduced by “when”; the absolute construction “with its headlights on and its horn blaring” is used as an adverbial of panying state. 全句为一个含有“when”引导的时间状语从句的复合句;独立主格结构“with its headlights on and its horn blaring”做伴随状语(详见Lesson34)。 With a b

21、ookWith book in handAnd a book was in her handWith a scarWith a scar on his faceWith its horn blaringIII Text StudyExplain the text: It came to a stop outside the jewellers.(1) Phrases: come to e to a stop 停止come to a halt 停止come to a standstill 停止come to an end 结束come to a conclusion 得出结论come to a

22、decision 做出决定come to a climax 达到高潮come to fame 成名come to success 取得成功III Text StudyExplain the text: It came to a stop outside the jewellers.Phrases: eg. Dont open the door until the car comes to a complete halt.The lecture has come to an end. I might have come to a wrong conclusion.They have finall

23、y come to a decision about the childs future. The performance came to a climax when she sang.The young singer has come to fame overnight.Our project has come to success.III Text StudyExplain the text: (1) Phrases: the jewellers 珠宝店the professions 店,院,所eg. the hairdressers 美发店the barbers 理发店the baker

24、s 面包店the butchers 肉店the grocers 杂货店the greengrocers 生果店the photographers 照相馆the stationers 文具店the doctors 医院the dentists 牙科诊所 III Text StudyExplain the text: One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bar

25、s. Structure: The whole sentence is a compound statement connected by “while”; in the second clause “and” connects another compound statement; the absolute construction “with black stockings over their faces” is used as an adverbial of panying state; the other prepositional phrase “with iron bars” i

26、s used as an adverbial of manner. 全句为一个含有“while”引导的并列句;并列句的第二个分句中又出现一个由“and”连接的并列句;独立主格结构“with black stockings over their faces”做伴随状语(详见Lesson34 II 7); ;另外一个介词短语“with iron bars”做方式状语 。III Text StudyExplain the text: One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces j

27、umped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars. while “而,却”,可作并列连词,表示对比关系。e.g. He is strong while his brother is weak. 他长得很结实,而他弟弟却很瘦弱。Someone loves high salary while some others love high status. 有的人喜欢的是高工资,而另外一些人喜欢的是高社会地位。III Text StudyExplain the text: While this was going on, Mr. Ta

28、ylor was upstairs.(1) Structure: while“当时候”,可作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,表示两个动作或者状态同时发生,后跟延续性动词或表示状态的谓语动词。e.g. He fell asleep while he was doing his homework. 他做作业时睡着了。Tom was watching TV while his mother was cooking. 汤姆的妈妈做饭时,汤姆在看电视。We must strike while the iron is hot. 我们应该趁热打铁。 I got to know her while I was a

29、 high school student. 我上中学的时候认识了她。 III Text StudyExplain the text: One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.Structure: the whole sentence is a compound statement connected by “but”. 全句为一个由“but”连接的并列句。III Text StudyExplain the

30、 text: (2) Phrases: be busy (in) doing sth 忙着做be busy with sth 忙着too + adj/adv. + to do sth 太而不能help oneself to sth 自己动手拿,擅自取eg. Tom was busy preparing for the meeting this morning.Tom was busy with the meeting.I am too tired to do any more work.Please help yourself (to some fish).He helped himself

31、to some candy without asking.The thief was caught on the spot when he was helping himself to the money from the safe in the shop.III Text StudyExplain the text: They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.(1) Structure: The whole sentence is a simple statement; the prepositional phr

32、ase “with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds” is used as an adverbial of panying state. 全句为一个简单句;介词短语“with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds”做伴随状语。 (2) Phrase: money + worth of + sth 价值的 eg. five yuan worth of apples$ 100 ,000 worth of booksAt a speed of 60 miles an hourIV Drills & ExercisesR

33、ead the text after the tape. Pay attention to the stress and intonation and where to stop.Try to ask each other the comprehension questions in pairs without looking at the text. (P35 Summary writing)Topic for discussionTell your partner about a robbery you know about.What measures can we take to pre

34、vent or reduce crime in modern society?Form into groups of 2-4 and discuss on the above topic. Time limit: 10 minutesInvite volunteers to give their opinion before the class.Retell the storySilence broken-large car-down the arcadeStop -jewellersOne man-two others-out-the windowMr. Taylor -upstairsHe

35、staff-furnitureOne of the thieves- heavy statue-too busy-to notice any painRaid-three minutes-moved offMr. Taylor rushed out-impossible-stop the thievesGot away-thousands of pounds worth of diamondKey to Vocabularyexpensive: dear, high in pricealmost: nearlyassistants: helpers, clerks, salesmengazin

36、g: staring, looking steadilyseveral: some, a few, a number ofstayed: remainedsmashed: broke to pieces, shattered, crashedKey to Key structures BJust as Mary was leaving, the telephone rang.Peter used to work in a Computer Company before he came to Guangzhou.While I was waiting for the bus, a friend

37、saw me and offered me a lift in his car.I was doing my homework while Mum was preparing supper.Key to Special DifficultiesimpolitedisagreeillegibleinaccurateunlockedirregularExtra ExercisesTry to put the following into English by using the phrases and sentence patterns you learned in this text. (1)在星期天的这个时候,校园几乎是空的。(2)生气地盯着那个调皮的男孩子看了几分钟之后,老师接着讲课。(3)沉默突然被打破了,一个女孩子手里拿着发言稿站了起来。(4)火车在站台停了下来。(5)老师讲解时,同学们在做笔记。(6)我正忙着找工作呢。(7)你怎么能不问我就私自拿我的手机呢?(8)就在我要出门时,电话铃响了。Key:(1)在星期天的这个时候,校园几乎是空的。At this time of Sunday, the campus was almost empty.(2)生气地盯着那个调皮的男孩子看了几分钟之后,老


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