



1、表现时1. I go and t museum quite often/frequently not only because表现时1. I go and t museum quite often/frequently not only because of all the exhibits display,butalsoduetothecafeonthesecondI eat durians pretty regularly/on a pretty regular basis. I know it smells awful, but it tastes I take the subway p

2、retty much every day/on a daily basis. Its fast and reliable and so its my favorite form of transport.Fromtime totime/Oncein awhile,ifIwanttofeelcomfyon mywaytowork,I justtakeaIcantafford5. I only tveryoftenallybecauseI think therearebetter waystopassthetime, ngabitofsonmyiPad6. When it rains, I sel

3、dom/hardly ever go theoz I dont want to be soaking wet and also I 7. I buy shoes online once in a blue moon coz I think its beforedecidingwhethertobuythemort I try those shoes frequently durian 榴prettyregularly=onaprettyregularbasis awful 很糟糕的amazing 很棒的 prettymuch 差不多 onadailybasis 每天 reliable 可靠的f

4、ormoftransport 交通方fromtimetotime=onceinawhile=occa takeacab=takeacantaffordtodosth 支付不起. though 但是(用在句尾)passthetime=killtime 打发时seldom=hardlyever 很be soaking wet mud onceinabluemoon trysthon 试穿ally 地8. Althoughtheresanewsstandclosetomyapartment,Iveneverboughtanyr 9. Theres a musical instruments stor

5、e within walking distance of my home favoritehangoutbecausethestore8. Althoughtheresanewsstandclosetomyapartment,Iveneverboughtanyr 9. Theres a musical instruments store within walking distance of my home favoritehangoutbecausethestoreownerletsmeplayhisinstrumentsforts 10. Our school library is in c

6、lose proximity to my dorm and I often go there to take out a historybooksto11. Theres a super big he center/heart of the city ts a really important forpeopletohangout,lizeandalso dosome12. Leos home ually quite far from where I live and every time I want to visit him, it meroughly50minutesto13. The

7、last time I took a taxi was three days ago. My cousin and I went to the aquarium and it took us a little over an hour to get there.newsstand musicalinstrument 乐withinwalkingdistanceof . 离.hangout forfree incloseproximityto . 离.很dorm 宿takeoutabook (馆)hang out=spend time lize 社roughly aquarium alittle

8、人14. Some very creative outwithmyfolks/myfamilyually give me some good talking s when I ratedmylastbirthdayvery good friend of mine/one of myclosest friends. Only15. I thetwoofustogether.Heismyboyfriendnow/Sheismygirlfriendt I fellout long time friend of mine.16. One terrible dream I had nk god it a

9、dream.Wegetalongperfectlywitheachotherinreal17. and I have a lot in common, but one of our only is our opinions on Shewearsalotofitwhereasyouseenoneoncreative talkings 谈myfalloutwithsb fall-fell-fallen get along perfectly 关系特别好havealotincommon 有很多共同whereas 然而(用在句中感18. MyfavoriterityisEllenDeGeneres.

10、Ialwayswatchhershowstorelaxandkill19. My favorite part of the day is the eveninghavealotincommon 有很多共同whereas 然而(用在句中感18. MyfavoriterityisEllenDeGeneres.Ialwayswatchhershowstorelaxandkill19. My favorite part of the day is the evening when I usually play ano for a while. I find 20. I know most people

11、 dont ng chores, but Im kind of a weirdo. I ng everydayandIthinkithelpsme21. What I think t it wouldnt hurt to play computer games for a while every day. It helpspeopletress/alleviate IgoforshoesonceinawhiletohelpmetakemymindoffIknowitscliche,butIlistentomusicbecauseitsawonderfulstress-I was out on

12、the beach, he sun and being rfect mood every day. It super25. Watching he evening and laughing for an hour or so really puts me in a 26. I was only 6 when I got watchfrom mydad.I rememberbeing tickled pink/ontop thet27. Iwasicwhenmymomtoldtweweregoingilandon28. Several friends and I wentto Lee Homs

13、concert and we all had a great time/we had a lot fun/wehadawhaleofatime/wehadablast/wehadaImnotafannghouseworkatall.ItskindofaMemorizingallthosehistoricaldatesandfactsisextremelydull/mind-ImterribleatwhatIstudynow.IjustcantseemtotakeerestinIve tried to learn several musical instruments but failed ev

14、ery time. I guess I just anytalentfor33. What I dont like about my apartment is .um, it should be the bathroom. Cleaning it is a lot of efforrity 名forawhile Ifinddj. relaxing 令人放松的 dochores=dohousework kind of . 有点儿. weirdo 怪人unwind 放itwouldnthurttodosthtress=alleviatestress 减 cliche stress-buster hesun enjoyable=pleasurable 令人愉快的stress-buster hesun enjoyable=pleasurable 令人愉快的orso 左betickledpink=beontopoftheworld=beoverjoyed=beecs go somewhere on vacation/holiday 去.度


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