1、2018 卷(140 分ListeningSection Directions: In SectionA, you will heartenshortconversations n two speakers.ofeach conversation, questions will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After hear2018 卷(140 分ListeningSection Directions: In SectionA, you w
2、ill heartenshortconversations n two speakers.ofeach conversation, questions will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After hear a conversation and the question about it, read the bestanswertothequestionyouhavesible answers on your r, and decide
3、which one is A.TeacherandB.FatherandC.ManagerandD.CustomerandshopA.In aB,InaC.OnaD.OnaA.otheB.CarrytheC.HurrytodrivetheD.SearchfortheA.ReadingB.WritinguplocalC.TalkingaboutD.PuttingupA.ShewillhavecoffeeatB.ShewillstayforC.ShelovestograbacoffeeontheD.SheneedstoeatbeforeA.HepartlyagreeswiththeB.Hesmis
4、sedahimportantC.HeconsidersthewomanD.HeswhollybeenlostinacolorfulA.MarymustbecaughtinheavyB.MaryprobablywillnotC.ThewomanwasobviouslynotfondofD.Thewomanot lMarytoA.ThetennisgamewontlastB.WeatherforecastsarenotC.TheycouldsticktotheirD.TheydbetterchangetheirA.StaytilltomorrowB.LeaveforBeijingwithC.Got
5、otheairportafterD.AsksomeoneelseforA.ThemandoesntlikehisnewB.Thenewsuitis areminderfortheC.ThenewsuitdoesntfittheD.Themanetstowearhisnew1 11 SectionDirections: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be several questions on each of the conversati
6、on(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.SectionDirections: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passa
7、ge(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be twice,but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the sible answers on pranddecidewhichoneisthebestanswertothequestionyouhaveQuestions11through13arebasedonthefollowingA.EducatorsfromB.TeenagersfondofC.Studentseagert
9、uitarplayershavemoretoD.BeginnersdontmakenoisewiththeA.About60B.About500C.About1000D.About2000nsplayedtheluteB.TheguitaroriginatedinC.ThesitartookrootinBritishD.Thees dalotonthe A.ReasonsforthepopularityoftheB.erestingfactsabouttheC.Variouskindsofhe D.StoriesofsomefamousguitarQuestions18through20are
10、basedonthefollowingA.ItsellsthingsfromancientB.ItlookslikeanEgyptianC.Itbrings afeelofadifferentD.ItoffersawiderangeofA.ProducedbythedepartmentstoredbyanearbysmallC.CollectedfromtheoutsideoftheD.ObtainedfromthenumerouslightA.Customersspend1.5millionorsoperB.Around30,000customerscomeperC.Thereisabigi
11、ncreaseincustomersandD.Customerflowandsalesarequite2 11 II.GrammarandSection Afterreadingthepassagebelow,he stomakethepassagecoherentgrammatically correct. For the s given word, fill in each with the proper form of the given word; theothers,tII.GrammarandSection Afterreadingthepassagebelow,he stomak
12、ethepassagecoherentgrammatically correct. For the s given word, fill in each with the proper form of the given word; theothers,tbestfits eachToanyIserved asa utenant(少尉inawarthirty yearsago. Marriedforonlyayearandahalf,Imissedmy and baby daughter a he years s and Wi-Fi, we had limited opportunities
13、(communicate)withlovedOne night while sitting by myself,I investigated the “Any Soldier”box, a cardboard box with letters and packages from Americans. I chose one shoebox-size package. Inside I found about 20 greeting cards children. At the bottom was a letter written by their teacher (explain) how
14、her kids hut the together andhowthey supportedourhewar.Trulytouchedt moment bythis gesture, I decidedtowrite letter of gratitude. nked the teacher for her children had doneits impact on my patriotism, mymorale,and,(significantly),myupliftedfaith.Forsecurityreasons,Iwasabletosignonlymyname.Around 201
15、3, I received friend request from a woman I rept t I had been we were friends, I could not accept her request. “Are you oneutenant Bartholomew?” I “Dearsir,”shewrote.“Wehavenevermet,butthirtyyears agoIwasasecond-gradeteacherataschoolinOhioourclassroomsentacarepackage (address)toAnyServiceMember.Then
16、k-youletteryou was framed andit (yourservicetoourt) on the wall of the school for n 20 years. I wanted to hyou Wenever spokeagain,butthisgracious teacherstrengthenedmy f ngwhat my mother always taught nk-younotesneverknowhowmanypeopleyourkindnesscantouch.3 11 SectionFill in each proper word chosen f
17、rom the box. Each word can be used only once. tthereordnyouMeasles(麻疹)breaksheThe U.S. is experiencing outbreaks of measles, a disease d declared eliminated SectionFill in each proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. tthereordnyouMeasles(麻疹)breaksheThe U.S. is experiencing
18、outbreaks of measles, a disease d declared eliminated years ago, largely due to a invaccination()ratesinsomeAnoutbreakinWashingtonehassickened23peoplethismonth,mostlychildrenunder10.Localhealthin Clark County, declared a public-health on Friday. They also urged residents to track 32 andcallaheadbefo
19、reheadingtomedicale ls announced the of measles from the U.S. in 2000,nks to a widespread program. But travelers entering the country with measles, as well as vaccination rates in some es in years, has led to a rise in infection. Last year, there were a total of 17 outbreaks, as three or more linked
20、 together,accordingto theCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention.NewYork andNewJerseyroughly half of the 2018 cases. The Clark County outbreak began early k with three confirmed cases and since grown to 23 confirmed and two more . Of those cases, 20 were unvaccinated and the others arcMeasles is highl
21、y ; the vims spreads through the air by coughing or sneezing, the ays. includeahigh fever,cough,runnynoseandred,wateryeyes, followedbytiny,whitespotsinsidetheandthe red, bumpy rash (疹子t tewith theinfection.Childrenn 5 or n20aremorelikelytosufferfromcomplications,accordingtotheIn order to prevent the
22、 further spread of the outbreak, local health ls ting times and residents may have been ed. They arc urging residents who havent been vaccinated to whether havebeenedandtotakeappropriate原文出es-latest-hot-easles-outbreak-4 11 A.B.C.D.E.G.H.I.K.III.ReadingSection he following passage there are four wor
23、ds or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill For each eachwiththewordortbestfitsthenghe“You understand grandmother when she talks to you, dont you, darling?” The girl nods. I met her, her mother and English father on a plane to Japan. The parents were eager to their experience of bringing their daughter
24、 bilingually 语地) in III.ReadingSection he following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill For each eachwiththewordortbestfitsthenghe“You understand grandmother when she talks to you, dont you, darling?” The girl nods. I met her, her mother and English father on a plane t
25、o Japan. The parents were eager to their experience of bringing their daughter bilingually 语地) in London. It isnt easy: The husband does not speak , so the hears the language only from her mother, who has come to t the girl will reply in English. This can painful. Not sharing language with loved one
26、s is hard. Not passing it on to your own child can be tough.ManyimmigrantparentsfeelasenseofChildren learn languages easily, but this doesnt t exure is enough. They must hear language quite abittounderstanditanduseit oftento beabletospeakitcomfortably.This is mental work, anda who he ve ention to sp
27、eak alanguage will often avoid it. So languages often die when parents move ernments discouraged immigrant s from ng their languages. These days, ls tend to t ;some even see avaluable resourcein immigrantslanguage abilities.Yetmany factorsstill lose their parents languages, or never learn them.Abig
28、one is institutional .Achilds time spent second language is time not spent on . So teachers often discourage parents from speaking their languages their children. Parents often obey, worried about their childrens education. This is a(n) , children really can master two languages or even more. Resear
29、ch suggest their vocabulary in each may be somewhat smaller for a while, but other studies moreskillfulatcomplextasks,betteratainingellectual advantages among bilinguals. They may Even without those side effects, , a bilingual childs connection to another culture is a good thing itself. How to ? Whe
30、n both parents share the native language, the strategy is often to and the national language outside. But when they have languages, perhaps the most common approach “one parent, one language”. Francois Grosjean, a language expert from Switzerland, the nesity. mends reserving s on which the only t ma
31、y be spoken is the t needs Sabine Little, a language the University of Sheffield, puts the emphasis elsewhere. Making the native yet another task by parents can lead to rejection, she argues. mends letting the child form own connectiontothelanguage,forlanguagesarenotjustanotherthingtobeamatteroftheo
32、 a youngmind, A.A.A.A.AlessA.A.A.A.B.B.B.C.C.C.C.C.moreC.C.C.C.B.lessB.B.B.B.B.carryit.B.B.D.moreyD.D.bringitabout D.A.tC.figureitC.C.C.C.A.A.A.A.D.原文出/books-and-arts/2019/01/19/expats-often-struggle-to-pass-on-their-5 11 SectionRead the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several
33、questions or ements. For each of them there are four markedA, B, C and D. Choose the t fits best according to informationhepassageyouhavejustThe bus screamed to a stop in Nazareth, Israel. Five Australian backpackers boarded and struck up a conversation with SectionRead the following three passages.
34、 Each passage is followed by several questions or ements. For each of them there are four markedA, B, C and D. Choose the t fits best according to informationhepassageyouhavejustThe bus screamed to a stop in Nazareth, Israel. Five Australian backpackers boarded and struck up a conversation with me.
35、They asked typical travelers questionswhere was I going and why was I traveling alone? My plan was travel friendof afriend, I explained,but when Icalled t morning, she didnt pick up andI had no otherto reach her. My stomach was in knots, but I decided to head out anyway, thinking I might o her if I
36、traveled Tiberius,wherewelannedtogo“Why dont you travel with us?” one of the backpackers offered. They were experienced adventurers who work for a few months, save, then travel for as long as theycould.Their current plan was to explore the Middle East hreemonthswhileworkinginIt seemed risky to trave
37、l with strangers, but my instinct said yes. For the next ks, I explored Israel with backpackersandlearnedtotrustmy instinctsin alltypes ofnewerestingsituations.Whentheyhookaride,1the bus, but when they wanted to o the King David s swimming pool, I led the way.The world opened to me because I chose t
38、o travel alone. I joined complete strangers, from the backpacking group even flew from Sydney to Phoenix to e close friends. Years later, one y wedding. The trip ch a lt it gave me confidence in all areas of my life. Since then, Ive backpacked alone across sky-divedfrom12,000feetinNewZealandandevenm
39、ovedacrosstheU.S.withnojoblinedOn my third day wandering in Israel with my new friends, I o the woman I ped to ThoughIwashappyshe,IwasgratefullyshehadntpickeduptheBy“Mystomachwasinknots”,(inparagraph1),theauthormostlikelytsheA.sickofridingonabumpyC.upsetaboutthesuddenB.nervousofmeetingD.sorryaboutth
40、eimpracticalWhichofthefollowingbestdescribesthebackpackerstheauthorA.CourageousbutC.Warmheartedandtrustworthy. The authors sixth sense told herB.JoblessandpoorlyD.Homelessbutt dgetalongwiththeB.itmightcausetroubletohaveaD.itcouldaddexcitementtogetafreeC.sheoughttostayawayfromtheWhatcanbeinferredfrom
41、theA.MostofthebackpackersbecametheauthorslifelongB.TheatheredthecouragetobeafulltimebackpackC.ThewomanmissedthephonecallwiththeeoftravellingD.Theauthorconsidereditthebestofherlife totravel onher原文出/articles/the-joy-of-traveling-alone-6 11 AlexwantstoknowhowA.avoidermsinB.usetensesproperlyinD.focuson
42、clearAlexwantstoknowhowA.avoidermsinB.usetensesproperlyinD.focusonclearandC.improvegrammaticalDianaremindsA.tendingtoholdthewillbeseverelycriticized forB.breakingthelawusingMr.MenD.notrunningaprojectrelatedtoC.notcharacterizingenoughsWhichofthefollowingquestionsisnotedtobeaskedifA.Isthereagoodmarket
43、fortraditionalpoemstheseB.CansiblyevaluatemyrecentlywrittennovelC.WherecanIgetsomeinstructivebooksonwritingformyD.HowcanIwriteanappropriateacknowledgementformy原文出7 11 eople tend to remember Studies t itive things in life n the negative things, eople remember itive and negative equally well. The domi
44、nant psychological theory to his t eople are aware of their limited time left, so they itive emotional . But about decade ago, I worked with biologist Robert Trivers on his t there was an evolutionary basis for itiveoutlook.Ourresearcheople tend to remember Studies t itive things in life n the negat
45、ive things, eople remember itive and negative equally well. The dominant psychological theory to his t eople are aware of their limited time left, so they itive emotional . But about decade ago, I worked with biologist Robert Trivers on his t there was an evolutionary basis for itiveoutlook.Ourresea
46、rchtookhefascinatingdirectionofexploringhowthebodyusesWhen our tors needed more n usual, perhaps eing chased by a tiger, they had to tenergy from he body. Could they borrow it from the an uses 20 percent of our reruns.Duetothis metabolic(新陈代谢)output,whetherwearesolvingmathproblemsorenergy requiremen
47、t, borrowing energy from the brain when our need surpasses the available supply is not an Perhaps we could borrow energy from our muscles. Because we use far more muscle energy when we are when at rest, in principle, we could borrow energy when we are sitting. But the problem t most of energy-demand
48、ingemergenciesofourtors required a muscular response.There was noway to borrowenergy our muscles during anemergencybecauserelaxing whena tiger showed upwas notan effective response.This brings to our immune system, which, when strong, protects us from many illnesses and diseases. Like the brain, the
49、 systemworks atgreatmetaboliccost,buthe service ofng us hefuture.Wehave annumber of immune cells coursing through our body, a momentary break from production is fine. So, when our needs extra energy, one of the it goes is our immune function. When youre being chased by a tiger, you need to waste ene
50、rgy making immune cells to fight off tomorrows cold. What you need is to shift all available toyourlegs,withthetyouwilllivetoexperienceanothercoughorAs a result, our immune system evolved to dramatically when were not. With this ind, amounts when we*re happy, but to slow pt eople evolved a strategy
51、turning this relationship on its ing more focused on itive things in life in an effort to enhance immune functioning. This was helped along by their knowing candealwithsomeoftheunpleasantthingsinlifemoreore about the n younger adults, so AccordingtoRobertTrivers,whenourbodyneedsextraenergy,A.muscles
52、willrespondtoitbyrelaxingaanswillspeedupmetabolicsestoanswerC.immunesystemwilltemporarilyshutdowntofulfillD.brainwillsatisfyitbysharingoptionalmetabolicInparagraph3“thisrelationship”mostprobablyreferstotheonen A.andrelatedB.happinessD.optimismC.immunefunctionandWhatcanbeconcludedfromRobertTriversOur
53、eopleadoptstrategiesofhandlingtensesituationsfromeverydaytorsevolvedtheirimmunesystemsinfightingagainstfiercettheirdaysarenumbered,eopleprefertoD.Beingnegativedrainsenergyfromourbody,Whichofthefollowingisthebesttitle oftheA.Brain,musclesandimmuneC.tors,emergencyandB.Age,ndD.Energy,effortand原文出/2019/
54、mar/the-happiness-8 11 SectionRead the following passage. Fill in eachproper sentencehe box. Each sentence beusedonlyonce.ttherearetwomorenyouof an important event in space exploration occurred last month. Most people dont t March 18, 1965, spaceman AIeksi Leonov became SectionRead the following pas
55、sage. Fill in eachproper sentencehe box. Each sentence beusedonlyonce.ttherearetwomorenyouof an important event in space exploration occurred last month. Most people dont t March 18, 1965, spaceman AIeksi Leonov became human to complete an Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) spacewalk. It marked t a huma
56、n was able to leave a spacecraft and he emptiness of space. isadangerousprocedure,buttisvitalforthesofmannedspaceIn space, a uit must protect people from extreme cold and heat, provide air to and remove extra carbon dioxide. Too much of it, and the es firm and difficult movein.Toolittleofit,andastro
57、nautsedangerouslysickafterreturningtotheirAstronauts now perform complex he emptiness of odern uits. They have logged hours repairing and upgrading equipment on lites during EVAs. . On July 20th, 1969, astronautNeilArmstrongsetfootonthe moonfortime.There isno atmosphereonthe moon,butthereis about 17
58、 percent of Earths, eans Neil needed a l suit for walking on the rface. Suits for moonare equippedfor exploration boots far from anyvehicles, includingtough surfacewhilewalking.Butsharprockswerenttheonlydangertot can resist cuts from the The moon surface is covered fine and flour-like dust which con
59、sists of small particles (颗粒) left over thenumerous meteorite(陨石) strikes onthe moon. Whenastronautswouldleavethemoonsthe dust on their suits began floating all over.It icateequipment inside the spacecraft and the astronauts gs. As different space agencies plan for returning people to the moon, new
60、EVA suit designs will have to somethingoaccount.ngastronautssafealsomeansngtheirsuits原文出9 11 ppeninemptyItstickstoeverything,eventuallycausingsandsealstouitsalsohavetoainidealairreduringay,mostpeoplehavenoideaaboutspaceexplorationorWithouttheabilitytoworkinspace,weareunabletokeepourspaceprogramsTher
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