2023年高考英语复习讲练测必修一Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good(练)基础练习(原卷)_第1页
2023年高考英语复习讲练测必修一Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good(练)基础练习(原卷)_第2页
2023年高考英语复习讲练测必修一Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good(练)基础练习(原卷)_第3页
2023年高考英语复习讲练测必修一Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good(练)基础练习(原卷)_第4页




1、必修一Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good基砒练习、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式)1.1 often blogged the updates i I got up in the morning.2.0ur teacher demanded that we(should)not be addicted to computer games because they have a n (影响)on our study.ts hoped that everyone can(有效地)improve your oral English through th

2、is activity.is (he(极端的)weather, r than a mistake made by the pilot, that makes it impossible forthe plane to take off on time.Moreover, some students like to pursue f and trends, which tend to need more money.The manager kept s from one topic of conversation to another, making the meeting endless.Th

3、e element radium, discovered in the chemistry lab, gave off a(微弱的)blue light.As the years passed, the(阴影)that the terrible earthquake had cast on his young mind faded away. Everything returned to normal.To keep(精力充分的),he set aside two hours to take exercise. Thats why he is always full ofe.Unless pr

4、esenting a negative nucleic acid test w 24 hours, Shanghai residents are not allowed toleave the city.Experts have(证明)that sharks do not see people as food, and they(攻击)humans by mistake.Doctors say a balanced d is very beneficial to our health.BDS is similar to GPS in(功能),but it has a slight advant

5、age in its accuracy.l4.Much has been done to(美化)lhe environment of the city by the government.t is no wonder that she looks so s and weak. Thats because Jane is particular about food.People in disaster areas have had a large a of help from people all over the world.An exchange student was talking to

6、 Miss Zhang on(校园),saying that he had no idea which club was suitable for him.The most terrifying(方面)of nuclear bombing is radiation.Having a mix of m and f nurses also helps create a fun atmosphere, which helpspatients recover faster.Whal pleases me most is that their artistic(天赋)is(极其)shocking.Lit

7、 does sometimes help to know the(营养的)(内容)of foods.The(家伙)next to me tried to talk to me the whole time.As the s goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch.During the meeting, the headmaster conveyed a s of policies about the Nationwide UnifiedExamination for Admissions to General Universities and

8、Colleges to us.To complete (he new bridge ahead of s is a big challenge to (he workers.Plastic s never does wonders for(外在的)(美).The(数字的)age also enables us to find people who share our interests, such as collecting model cars or playing an unusual instrument.Thc Battle at Lake Changjin is a domestic

9、 film made in m of those brave soldiers who sacrificed inthe War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.Nothing is much easier to defeat you when you often assess yourself(消极地).To my relief, my son was(轻微)injured.He was shaking with f as if he had seen a ghost.In the future, advertising will send(个

10、人的)customers advertisements tailored to specific needs.Caring for the elderly is a traditional virtue, which will c to not just a happy family but also aharmonious society.His concern a to my happiness and(力量).Addicted to playing computer games, he cant c on his study.二、单句填空(用所给单词的正确形式填空)I .Some par

11、ents might find learning at home to be beneficial beyond(add)bonding with their childrenn spite of facing (he(press)of going down of (he economy, China will continue opening and refbnn.Her face suggested that she was by some things.(fright).As the examination score is the only criterion for his acad

12、emic performance, a student is driven to (memoi-y)mechanically rather than to think creatively.I think movie music can be made(memory)because its theme is repeated throughout the film.I couldnt agree more.As I looked at the(memory), I thought about how terrible life was for the Jews then and how the

13、y were to fight the Nazis.The officer claimed to have found the(prove)that he cheated in the recent elections.David has a body. He has the to do this hard work. We had better therelationship between us.(strong)9.In terms of skills, David is believed to be one of the best and most(talent)basketball p

14、layers in ourteam.Public hospitals cannot refuse patients who need emergency(treat)even if they do not test negative for COVID-19 within 48 hours.To my delight, I was chosen from hundreds of(apply)to attend the opening ceremony.Operate the electrical(apply)fbllowing the instructions attached in the

15、box, or youll be at risk.1 flew to Kulangyu in my eagerness to enjoy its(beauty)scenery.As far as I am(concern),(concentrate)on your studies will result in good grades.Nor did he mention even a word(concem)these important matters.The review says it is more(effcct)at lengthening life than walking, cy

16、cling or swimming.The mobile phone is(fashion)and convenient to carry, so it is very popular with the young.It takes a long time to(fright)the bear away.Armed with this knowledge, theyre able to carry out(individual)targeted campaigns to cheat people.To get enough protein and as you are growing up,

17、it is necessary for you to eat an egg andmeals every day. (nutrient).The target is admirable but only(achicvc)if accompanied by an improvement of the existing charging services for EVs.China was the major(contribute), adding 25 percent to this increase, while India added 6.8 percent.Young creative p

18、eople in the UK have always come up with ways to express their(individual) through their clothes.Better interaction between teachers and students can promote the(effeclive)of the class to an extent.25.Lin Qiaozhi made great(achieve)in women diseases and delivering new-born babies.n(add), important a

19、dvances have been made in medicine and environmental science thanks to increasing computer power.In other words, you need to succinctly state what your(apply)does.The letters were also(beauty)illustrated - each must have taken its true author, Tolkien, a long time to complete.While eating is(functio

20、n), and our bodies need the fuel that food provides, dining with friends or loved ones can be an enjoyable experience.The data which he collected made a great(contributc)to your research.三、短语填空(选择恰当的短语填空。注意:每个短语只容许用一次,有些要作适当的形式变化) contribute toend upfight a losing battlefocus onget into shapego offg

21、uard againsthang overhave a negative effect onhave a big influence onkeep. in mindkeep regular hourslive up tomake a full recovery=recover fullypass outshow offslim downtake intake ones mind off sth.take pride inturn towarn sb. against doing sth.=warn sb. not to do sth.side effectfrom now onin addit

22、ionin the short/long term=in the short/long runout of dangerout of reachrather (hanwhats moreI.So focused is the society onmaking peoples life more convenient, but, thoseeveryday conveniences arcat the expense of our health.With the years to come, I hope everyone will be able to how they responded t

23、o this challenge.We hope there will be more exchanges between our two peoples.4.In a society where being slim is beautiful, many young people sometimes various methods to loseweight quickly., it is beneficial to you if you participate in a variety of after-class activities.Pollution the health of ev

24、eryone living in (he city, not to mention the damage to the environment.There is now no possibility that she will from her illness.At present, some necessary measures arc being taken to food poisoning.Those who try to copy the look of their favourite stars are, because they fail to come up to these

25、standards.Too often, when you stand up to give a speech, you fbcus on the “publicthe speaking”.Some of the smartest students, who you think deserve good grades, sometimes failing in exams.Convinced that his son was, he fell asleep at ease after two sleepless nights.Most passengers like sitting in th

26、e front of a bus to have a better view., they believe its less likely that car-sickness will happen.0nc of the concerns that people have is the of the medicine for the disease.By sorting rubbish, everj-one can protecting the environment/environmental protection.In order to their parents expectations

27、, most of the kids have to study hard even over vacations.17.The art festival is an annual event where the students can their talents.18.Travelling along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience one will for a longtime.19.If only I had followed her advice that I book an air ticke

28、t in advance. I didnt expect a slight change in schedule could such my travel plan.Regular exercise helps the film scar and keep a slim figure.The possibility of a court case is still her. Howe ver, he still finds that the white-collar lifestyle remains far.What he saw nearly made him again.The restaurant is equippe


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