



1、2021年1月雅思大作文预测题目及范文Some people think that young people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.【审题思路】题目讨论的内容是“年轻人是否适合担任政府要职”,这是一个政府决策类话题。同样,分析一下该举措

2、,会发现好处和坏处都有。年轻人担任政府的重要职位,可以锻炼年 青一代的责任感、使命感、领导力,也可以为政府部门源源不断地输入新鲜血液,政府更可 能实施更高效、有创意、更具改革性的政策。而另一方面,我们也不难想到与之而来的问题: 年轻人经验有限,是否能在复杂动乱的社会中力挽狂澜,是未知的。下面我们来看一篇“支 持年轻人担任政府要职”的7分范文。Sample writing:Today, while more and more young people are playing increasingly essential roles in modern society, it has to be

3、noted that high-level governmental jobs are still dominated by grey-haired men and women. While it is agreed by many that the elderly are more experienced and capable, I believe that a certain percentage of important positions should be assigned to the younger generation.Undoubtedly, the practice of

4、 young people taking important government positions has its drawbacks because they are assumed to be immature and incapable and thus are more likely to make mistakes ranging from making bad decisions to failing to fulfill duties. The packed schedule of a governmental top position may be too much bur

5、den to handle. Social development might be jeopardized and economic prospect would be put at risk if inexperienced young people undertook a majority of important administrative positions. Compared with them, their elderly counterparts are obviously more experienced in responsible decision-making and

6、 crisis management.However I dont think it will be a big problem as long as their workload is reasonably arranged and properly assigned. In fact, this practice can be beneficial for society because young people can bring their talents in certain fields into full play. It is widely accepted that the

7、younger generation have creative mode of thinking, pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit, and are more likely to enact vigorous measures and inject new life into the government. Therefore, some positions which require more passionate spirit than experience, such as the educational sector especially

8、for primary schools and middle schools, should be undertaken by young officials. Moreover; young people is the generation that can lead social development in the years to come, so it is extremely necessary that they should be given the opportunity to exercise in advance, to become more mission-drive

9、n and responsible, and to cultivate greater leadership. After all, they can never learn and grow if they are denied the opportunity.To sum up, the practice has more merits if the young can participate in certain fields of government positions and senior officials can provide guidance and assistance.

10、 It will benefit the nation in the long run and should be embraced and implemented. (360 words)【词汇表达】dominate vt.主导grey-haired adj.白发苍苍的assign vt.分酉己immature adj.不成熟的jeopardize vt.危害counterpart n.职位相当的人decision-making n.决策 (过程)undertake vt.承当mission-driven adj.有使命感的a packed schedule紧凑的日程安排entreprene

11、urial spirit 创业精神enact vigorous measures实施更果断的措施inject new life注入新鲜活力cultivate greater leadership 培养更强的领导力【结构分析】本篇作文采取的是双边结构,也就是文章中除了第一段introduction和最后一段conclusion 之外,中间的body局部既说明讨论主体的优点,也介绍讨论主体的缺点,这就是所谓的双 边结构。原题目中明确要求Discuss both views and give your own opinion.范文中第一段,作者说明自 己的观点是支持年轻人担任政府要职,定下了全文基调

12、。第二段我们看到,作者先讨论了年 轻人经验缺乏、不成熟老练、可能无法胜任高强度工作等缺点;第三段话锋一转,从为政府 注入新鲜血液和年轻人应该趁早锻炼这两个方面论述年轻人为什么应该担任要职。这样的一 个安排,客观回答了论证主体的优缺点,又通过段落之间诸如However, I dont think it will be a big problem as long as their workload is reasonably arranged.类的衔接句,说明作者在权衡 利弊之后的个人倾向,从而结尾段中重申论点时显得自然而有力。所以在这一双边结构的例子中,我们采取了四段式,可以总结本文结构如下:第

13、一段:开头/introduction第二段:分析你所反对的观点.过渡句.反方观点的合理性.反方观点的支撑句第三段:分析你所支持的观点L过渡句(可以指出反方观点的漏洞).支持观点的合理性1+支撑句.支持观点的合理性2+支撑句第四段:结尾/conclusion总结全文/重申观点这样一个结构,可以兼顾两方观点并自然而然地说明自己的观点到底侧重哪一方面。【句法精讲】Today, while more and more young people are playing increasingly essential roles in modern society, it has to be noted t

14、hat high-level governmental jobs are still dominated by grey-haired men and women.该句是一整句引入句。while是一个转折连词,注意它所在的分句和另一分句之间用【逗号】 连接。后面it has to be noted表示“需要认识到”在引入社会现象或背景信息时非常好用。Social development might be jeopardized and economic prospect would be put at risk if inexperienced young people undertook a

15、 majority of important administrative positions.该句加粗局部用到虚拟语气来表达作者的语言功底,说明一种假设的情况。It is widely accepted that the younger generation have creative mode of thinkinu, pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit, and are more likely to encct vigorous measures and inject new life into the government.It is widely a


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