人教版七年级上册 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?SectionB (1a-2c) 课件_第1页
人教版七年级上册 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?SectionB (1a-2c) 课件_第2页
人教版七年级上册 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?SectionB (1a-2c) 课件_第3页
人教版七年级上册 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?SectionB (1a-2c) 课件_第4页
人教版七年级上册 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?SectionB (1a-2c) 课件_第5页
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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag? 第三课时 Section B (1a2c)目录课前预习01名师点拨02课堂小测04课后作业05语篇理解03课前预习请同学们预习课本Section B(课本P22P23)。预习完课本内容,同学们可以试着做以下题目,检测一下自己预习的效果!1. 收音机;无线电广播 n._2. 时钟 n._3. 磁带;录音带;录像带 n. _4. 播放机 n. _ 5. 模型 n. _核心单词radioclocktapeplayermodel6. 飞机 n._7. 整洁的;井井有条的 adj. _8. 但是 conj._ 9. 我们的 pron. _10. 处

2、处;到处;各个地方 adv._ 11. 总是 adv. _planetidybutoureverywherealways12. 磁带播放机 _13. 飞机模型 _14. 在书柜里 _常考短语tape playermodel planein the bookcase15. 我(爱)整洁,但吉娜却不(整洁)。_, but Gina is not.16. 吉娜的书到处都是她的床上、沙发上、椅子底下(都有)。Ginas books _, on the sofa and under the chair.典型句子Im tidyare everywhereon her bed17. 这个白色的模型飞机是她的

3、。The white model plane _.18. 我的钥匙在哪里?_ my keys?is hersWhere are名师点拨7model plane的用法model plane意为“飞机模型”,是由名词model和名词plane构成的复合名词。还有许多类似的复合名词,如:apple tree 苹果树computer game 电脑游戏pencil box 文具盒【拓展】 这类单数的复合名词变成复数形式时,一般只要把后面的名词变成复数即可。如:apple trees, pencil boxes等。但是如果前面的名词是man或woman时,前后两个名词都要变成复数形式。如:a man t

4、eachermen teachers男老师,a woman doctorwomen doctors女医生等。专练 ( )1. Toms _ are on the desk. He wants to play with them.A. model planeB. model planesC. English bookD. English booksB( )2. How many _ are there in your school? A. man teacherB. men teacherC. man teachersD. men teachers( )3. There are three _

5、in our school. A. computer roomB. computer roomsC. computers roomD. computers roomsDB8tidy的用法词性及词义举例adj. 整洁的;井井有条的Please keep your room tidy. 请保持你的房间整洁。v.整理;使整洁Please tidy your bedroom, Alan. 请整理一下你的卧室,艾伦。专练 ( )1. My home is _. I like to live here very much.A. dirtyB. tidyC. badD. happy( )2. Anna, p

6、lease help me _ the living room. I am busy.A. doB. makeC. tidyD. putBC9副词always和everywhere的用法单词用法举例always意为“总是;一直”,属于频率副词。 频率副词的用法为:一般是放在句子中间,be动词、情态动词、助动词之后,行为动词(也称实义动词,即除了前面三者外的动词)之前She is always ready to help others. 她总是乐于助人。The little girl always misses her mother. 这个小女孩总是想念她的妈妈。续表单词用法举例everywhe

7、re意为“处处;到处;各个地方”,通常用作副词,不要在其前使用 in, at, to之类的介词I am looking everywhere for it. 我正在到处找它。He takes his dog with him everywhere. 他无论到哪儿都带着他的狗。专练 ( )1.Miss Green is very nice. She _ kind to every student. A. always isB. is alwaysC. alwaysD. are always( )2. My brother likes playing sports. He _ basketball

8、 after school.A. is always playB. always is playC. always playsD. plays alwaysBC( )3. When spring comes, we can see flowers _.A. anywhereB. everywhereC. nowhereD. somewhereB10and 和but作连词的区别比较项用法举例and用于连接两个并列成分的单词、词组或句子;表示顺接关系,意为“和;而且;以及”等You can find Ginas books in the schoolbag and on the desk.你可以在

9、吉娜的书包里以及书桌上找到她的书。 续表比较项用法举例but用于表示转折关系,意为“然而;但是”等My bedroom is very small, but I like it very much. 我的卧室很小,但是我很喜欢它。( )1. Grandpa gives little Mike a model car, _ he doesnt like it.A. andB. soC. thatD. but( )2. I like the food in this restaurant(饭店). It is delicious _ healthy.A. andB. butC. soD. beca

10、use专练 DA语篇理解一、阅读教材P23-2b的课文,选出下列各题的最佳选项( )1. Kates keys are _.A. in the bookcase B. on the bedC. in the schoolbagD. in the roomC( )2. Ginas books are _.A. on the sofaB. under the chairC. on her bedD. All of above( )3. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Gina is tidy, but Kate is not. B. Gina cant fin

11、d her ruler and keys.C. Gina and Kate are pen friends. D. Gina can always find her things.DB二、再仔细阅读短文,回答下列各题1. Who is tidy, Kate or Gina?_2. Where is Kates clock?_3. Whose white model plane is this?_Kate is tidy. / Kate.Kates clock is on the desk. / On the desk.The white model plane is Ginas. / Gina

12、s.三、本课时主要短语串联应用(用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空)Every family has a naughty(淘气的)boy,so does in the bookcase, everywhere, Come on, under the chair, on the sofa, I dont knowmine.My sons name is Philip. Is he tidy?No,no,no,hes really not tidy. His things are always 1._. Look at his room, can you find his eraser? Is it

13、in his pencil box? No, its 2._. He sometimes sits there and does his homework. Wheres his English book? Is it in his schoolbag? No, its 3._. He likes lying(躺)there when school is everywhereunder the chairon the sofaover. Where is his hat? Lets try (尝试) to find it. Its not under the chair. Its not on

14、 the sofa. Its not in the wardrobe(衣橱). Oh my God!The hat is 4._! Now where is Philip himself(本人)?5._!6._,Philip! Were all looking for(寻找)you!in the bookcaseI dont knowCome on课堂小测一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词1. My father made a m_ car for me.2. Mr.Zhang is _(总是)in the library.3. My grandma likes li

15、stening to the r_. 4. There are two _(时钟)in my family.odelalwaysadioclocks5. You must keep your room t_ and clean.二、根据中文提示完成句子,词数不限6. 我的钢笔在书包里面,但是我的橡皮不是。My pen is_, _ my eraser is not.7. 这个黑色的自行车模型是吉姆的。This _ Jims.idyin the schoolbagbutblack model bike is8. 她总是向她的同学寻求帮助。She _ her classmates _.9. 操场上

16、孩子们在四处奔跑。The children are _ on the playground.10. 他们的房间井井有条。Their room _.always asksfor helprunning everywhereis tidy三、单项填空( )11. Our classroom is very _ because we clean it in the morning and in the afternoon.A. tidyB. smallC. oldD. new( )12. Is the cap _ the bookcase yours, Tom?No, it isnt _. It is Mikes.A. in; my B. in; mineC. of; myD. of; mineAB( )13. Bob puts his pens _, so he always looks for them.A. nowhereB. everywhereC. somewhereD. anywh


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