2022高考总复习英语配外研版(新高考新教材)-课后习题及答案-选择性必修第三册选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 语言运用题组-求精准_第1页
2022高考总复习英语配外研版(新高考新教材)-课后习题及答案-选择性必修第三册选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 语言运用题组-求精准_第2页
2022高考总复习英语配外研版(新高考新教材)-课后习题及答案-选择性必修第三册选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 语言运用题组-求精准_第3页
2022高考总复习英语配外研版(新高考新教材)-课后习题及答案-选择性必修第三册选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 语言运用题组-求精准_第4页
2022高考总复习英语配外研版(新高考新教材)-课后习题及答案-选择性必修第三册选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 语言运用题组-求精准_第5页




1、选择性必修第三册Unit 5语言运用题组求精准.完形填空In life,do you choose to take the road everyone has taken,or do you choose the path that is best for you?It might be1 to choose what everyone has done,especially if it seemed to work for them.But is that what truly 2 for you?On a recent hiking 3,my partner and I decided t

2、o take a popular trail in the 4 direction.This was an old,well-traveled trail that people had been hiking and biking from A to Z for years.For our own reasons,we chose to travel from Z to A.Going backwards made more sense with my 5.The trip would take several days and going backwards 6 that I would

3、end the trip closer to the airport for my flight home.As my partner and I walked,everyone crossing our path had something to say,“Youre going the wrong way.Are you lost?Are you returning 7 you forgot something?Are you crazy?”The path occasionally crossed a 8.When it did,even passing cars beeped to 9

4、 us in the “right” direction.Why did people only see one way?Because thats what everyone does?Because thats how its always been done?We even 10 to talk to a Danish woman who said,“We have a(n) 11 in my country:when you go backwards to everyone else,its because youre avoiding something.” I couldnt be

5、lieve it.We were just enjoying connecting with nature,hiking the way that best12 us.Had we gone the “wrong” way?No.At least,not for us.I decided to 13 the path I chose.14 ,we had an amazing experience.Choosing the “wrong” path was right for me.When your inner 15 tells you something is right (or wron

6、g),listen to it.Its your instinct.Its speaking to you for a reason and it knows,better than anyone,whats best for you.1.A.anxiousB.normalC.awkwardD.impressive2.A.designsB.plansC.worksD.prepares3.A.raceB.testC.projectD.trip4.A.oppositeB.wrongC.commonD.accessible5.A.emotionB.targetC.scheduleD.request6

7、.A.supposedB.ensuredC.providedD.permitted7.A.ifB.becauseC.whileD.yet8.A.plainB.valleyC.trailD.highway9.A.pointB.inspireC.protectD.support10.A.expectedB.stoppedC.agreedD.hesitated11.A.sayingB.pointC.mythD.spell12.A.instructedB.confusedC.offeredD.suited13.A.show offB.think overC.pick outD.stick to14.A

8、.ProbablyB.HopefullyC.EventuallyD.Knowingly15.A.desireB.feelingC.voiceD.reaction.语法填空In the third century BC,the full stop or period 1.(introduce) by Greek literary critic Aristophanes of Byzantium.It is used 2.(show) the end of a sentence.However,the full stop has a different meaning to teenagers a

9、nd those in their early 20s,3.interpret it as a sign of anger.And there is a reason for that.The younger generation has grown up using the texts as their primary means of communication.When sending messages,they tend to break up their thoughts by sending each one as 4. separate message,instead of us

10、ing a full stop.They feel the full stop once 5.(use) in traditional texting is not essential at all because the message is now ended just by sending it.David Crystal,one of the worlds leading language 6.(expert),argues that the usage of full stops is being revised in a really fundamental way.In his

11、book,he says that the full stop has become an emotion marker that 7.(remind) the receiver that the sender is angry or 8.(annoy).Though the full stop has taken on a different meaning to the younger generation,specialists note that it is important to take the language environment 9. account.For exampl

12、e,using full stops in an email is 10. (perfect) acceptable and is not considered rude.答案:.【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者和伙伴通过一次徒步旅行中的奇妙经历,从而获得了人生感悟的故事。1.B解析 anxious“焦虑的”;normal“正常的”;awkward“尴尬的”;impressive“印象深刻的”。根据下文“to choose what everyone has done”可知,选择每个人都做过的事情可能是正常的,特别是当它看起来有用时,故选B项。2.C解析 句意:但这真的对你有用

13、吗?design“设计”;plan“计划”;work“工作,起作用”;prepare“准备”。根据上文“it seemed to work for them”可知此处指选择每个人都做过的事情是否对自己起作用。3.D解析 句意:在最近的一次徒步旅行中,我和我的伙伴决定选择一条流行路线的相反方向。race“比赛”;test“测试”;project“项目”;trip“旅行”。呼应下文“The trip would take several days”,指徒步旅行。4.A解析 opposite“相反的”;wrong“错误的”;common“普通的”;accessible“可到达的”。根据下文“This

14、 was an old,well-traveled trail that people had been hiking and biking from A to Z for years.For our own reasons,we chose to travel from Z to A.”可知,作者他们选择了相反的路线。5.C解析 句意:倒回去对我的日程安排更有意义。emotion“情感”;target“目标”;schedule“计划”;request“要求”。根据下文“I would end the trip closer to the airport for my flight home”

15、可知倒着走会在离机场更近的地方结束旅行,所以是对日程安排有意义。6.B解析 suppose“认为”;ensure“确保”;provide“提供”;permit“允许”。根据下文“that I would end the trip closer to the airport for my flight home”可知,倒着走可以确保作者在离机场更近的地方结束旅程,以便搭飞机回家。7.B解析 句意:你回来是因为忘了什么吗?if“如果”;because“因为”;while“然而”;yet“但是”。根据语境可知,此处引导原因状语从句,表示“因为”应用because。8.D解析 plain“平原”;va

16、lley“山谷”;trail“足迹”;highway“公路”。根据后文“even passing cars”可知,这条小路偶尔与公路相交。9.A解析 point“指向”;inspire“鼓舞”;protect“保护”;support“支持”。根据下文“us in the right direction”可知,汽车鸣笛是为了指出正确的方向。10.B解析 expect“期待”;stop“停止”;agree“同意”;hesitate“犹豫”。根据下文“to talk to a Danish woman”可知,作者当时在徒步旅行中,所以是停下来和一位丹麦妇女交谈。11.A解析 saying“格言”;p

17、oint“要点”;myth“神话”;spell“咒语”。根据下文“when you go backwards to everyone else,its because youre avoiding something”可知,此处指丹麦的一句格言。12.D解析 句意:我们只是享受与大自然的联系,以最适合我们的方式徒步旅行。instruct“指示”;confuse“使迷惑”;offer“提供”;suit“适合”。根据上文“We were just enjoying connecting with nature,hiking the way that best”可知,作者认为徒步旅行是最适合他们的旅

18、行方式。13.D解析 句意:我决定坚持我选择的道路。show off“炫耀”;think over“仔细考虑”;pick out“指出”;stick to“坚持”。根据下文“the path I chose”可知,作者决定坚持自己选择的道路。14.C解析 probably“可能地”;hopefully“有希望地”;eventually“终于”;knowingly“故意地”。根据下文“we had an amazing experience”可知,此处作者在总结这次徒步旅行,他们最终有了一次奇妙的经历。15.C解析 句意:当你内心的声音告诉你什么是对的或错的,听从它。desire“渴望”;fee

19、ling“感觉”;voice“声音”;reaction“反应”。根据下文“tells you something is right (or wrong),listen to it”可知,此处指人内心的声音,应用voice。【破解长难句】As my partner and I walked,everyone crossing our path had something to say,“Youre going the wrong way.”【分析】本句为复合句,As my partner and I walked为as引导的时间状语从句,crossing our path为现在分词短语作后置定语

20、。【译文】当我和我的伙伴走在路上时,穿过我们的路的每个人都要说:“你们走错了”.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。句号被用来表示一个句子的结束。但现在句号的意义对青少年和20岁出头的年轻人来说发生了变化,被视为生气的标志。专家强调,在使用句号时要考虑语言环境。1.was introduced解析 考查时态语态和主谓一致。空处作谓语。根据空前的“In the third century BC”可知,此处需使用一般过去时;根据空后的“by”和语境可知,此处表被动,应用被动语态;主语为单数,故填was introduced。2.to show解析 考查非谓语动词。此处表示“它被用来表示一个句子的结束”,表目的,故应使用不定式。故填to show。3.who解析


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