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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Citizens are _ to exercise their rights, but under no circumstances can they viola

2、te other peoples rights.Aon trackBon scheduleCat easeDat liberty2The plan for Xiongan New Area _ officially on April 1, 2017.Aannounced Bwas announced Cannounces Dis announced3As to the long-term effects of global warming some believe that the damage has been done, _.Aotherwise we take steps to make

3、 up nowBnow that we take steps to make upCwhether we take steps to make up now or notDunless we take steps to make up now4I think that this is the best mobile phone available in the world. No other one can _it.AcompareBmatchCproduceDwin5 I am just wondering which team, Chicago Bulls or Washington Wi

4、zards, won the game last night? _ I dont really like either team.ADont mention it. BNo problem.CWho cares? DWhy bother?6Trump said he believes North Korea will _ its promise to suspend missile tests while he prepares for a summit with Kim Jong Un.Atake to Bmake upCstand by Dhold out7I am sure that t

5、he girl you are going to meet is more beautiful_ than in her pictures.Ain natureBin movementCin the fleshDin the mood8Im interested in a blue dress. Do you have any _?AconvenientBavailableCpossibleDpersonal9_ it is so hot, I guess we cant do anything until after dark.AIn caseBNow thatCEven ifDAs tho

6、ugh10 _ your purchases in time, make sure the express company knows your address exactly.ATo receiveBReceivedCReceivingDHaving received11The waitress at the restaurant was usually very considerate, but on this occasion she seemed to _ the diners.AignoreBidentifyCapplaudDsatisfy12Life teaches us not

7、to regret over yesterday, for it _ and is beyond our control.ApassedBwill passChas passedDhad passed13 Youve got your flat furnished, havent you? Yes, I _ some used furniture and it was a real bargain.Awill buyBhave boughtChad boughtDbought14If you want to see a doctor,you fix a date with him ahead

8、of time.That is a common _ in the USAAview BexerciseCpractice Dreality15- Is there any chance of my being promoted?- If you want a promotion, youd better rather than get your way.Aplay the gameBcross your fingersCraise the red flagDkill the fatted calf16-Sorry for having kept you waiting. But for th

9、e traffic jam,I_ 20 minutes earlier Never mind,I havent been waiting that long.AarrivedBwould have arrivedCwould arriveDhad arrived17Have you seen Jiang Wens movieLet the Bullets Flyrecently?Yes. I it twice last week, At home and in the theatre.Ahad enjoyedBenjoyedChave enjoyedDwas enjoying18More th

10、an one doctor _ involved in the rescue that took place after the earthquakeA was B is C were D are19Youth is a period of our life we see no limit to our hopes and wishes.AwhereBthatCwhatDwhen20Frank studied _English language in London for four years, so he gets _ good knowledge of London.Aa; theB/ ;

11、 /C/ ; aDthe; a第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)The key to getting people to work together effectively could be giving them the freedom to choose their collaborators (合作者) and the comfort of working with established contacts, new research suggests.In the study, David Melamed, a

12、n assistant professor of sociology at the Ohio State University and lead author of the study, and his co-authors found participants through the Amazon Mechanical Turk website a service that allows researchers to hire people from around the world for a variety of purposes. For this study, all partici

13、pants were from the United States.Those who agreed to participate played online games in which each player started out with 1,000 monetary units that translated to $1 in real money they could pocket. If one player agreed to pay another player 50 monetary units, that second person would actually acqu

14、ire 100 units. Each of the 16-round games included about 25 participants, some of whom participated in multiple games. In all, 810 people participated in the research.Some of the games included random networks, where certain people could interact. Others included clustered (群集的) networks, in which a

15、 small group had multiple connections an arrangement that was designed to mimic (模拟) real life, where humans often run their lives in packs. And the networks were either static (静态的) or dynamic (动态的). In static networks, a player could interact only with the appointed partners. In dynamic networks,

16、participants could cut their ties with another player and form new connections. Furthermore, some of the games included reputation information. Participants were labeled based on their history of willingness to share money. The idea was to test whether those known to collaborate were favored by othe

17、r players based on reputation a factor shown in previous research to play a significant role in whether a person is likely to partner with another.Melamed and his research partners were surprised to find that whether people are likely to partner with others had nothing to do with reputation in this

18、study. The findings might have departed from previous studies because of the difference in size and study design, he said, explaining that much of the previous work in this area was conducted in groups of 100 or fewer and mostly involved student subjects. The Turk network used for the new study has

19、been shown to be representative of the U.S. population in terms of age, race and other factors and the introduced players had no previous connections.Cooperation rates overall were high and highest when the participants were cooperating in clusters and had the ability to drop a partner in favor of a

20、nother. “What really seems to matter is the ability to change the structure of a network,” Melamed said. “And the patterns of relationships also made a difference. Those in a known cluster with multiple connections cooperated more.”1、What did David Melamed and his partners do for their study?AThey h

21、ired 810 people globally.BThey gave each participant $1,000.CThey designed 16-round online games.DThey asked each participant to take part in only one game.2、Compared with previous research, the new study found that _.Areputation played no role in cooperationBstudent subjects were more likely to par

22、tner with othersCplayers having connections before were more cooperativeDcooperation rates were influenced by age, race and other factors3、It can be inferred that the purpose of the study led by David Melamed is to discover _.Ahow to change the patterns of relationshipsBwhat leads people to collabor

23、ate most willinglyCwhat kind of person is the most popular in a teamDwhether its proper to drop a partner in favor of another22(8分)Education is not a bystanders sport. Numerous researchers have shown that when students participate in classroom discussion they hold more positive attitudes toward scho

24、ol, and that positive attitudes promote learning. It is no coincidence that girls are more passive in the classroom discussion and score lower than boys on SATs.We found that at all grade levels in all communities and in all subject areas boys controlled classroom communication. They participated in

25、 more interactions than girls did, and their participation became greater as the year went on.Our research contradicted the traditional assumption that girls control classroom communication in reading while boys in math. We found that whether the subject was language arts and English or math and sci

26、ence, boys got more than their fair share of teacher attention. That teachers talk more to male students is simply because boys are more aggressive in grabbing their attention by calling out answers to the teachers questions first. While girls sit patiently with their hands raised or keep silent. Ps

27、ychologist Lisa Serbin and K.Daniel OLeary, then at the state university of New York at stony brook studied classroom interaction at preschool level and found that teachers gave boys more attention, praised them more often and were at least twice as likely to have extended conversations with them.Ye

28、ars of experience have shown that the best way to learn something is to do it yourself. It is also important to give students specific and direct feedback about the quality of their work and answers. Teachers behave differently depending on whether boys or girls are active to provide answers during

29、discussions. During classroom discussion, teachers in our study reacted to boys answers with powerful, precise and effective responses, while they often gave girls mild and unclear reactions because of their silence. Too often, girls remain in the dark about the quality of their answers. Active stud

30、ents receiving precise feedback are more likely to achieve academically. And they are more likely to be boys.This kind of communication game is played at work, as well as at school. As reported in numerous studies, it goes like this.Men speak more often and frequently interrupt women. Listeners reca

31、ll more from male speakers than from female speakers, even when both use a similar speaking style and cover the same content.Women participate less actively in conversation. They do more smiling and gazing, and they are more often the passive by standers in professional and social conversations amon

32、g peers.Women often their own statements into unsure comments. This is accomplished by using qualifiers and by adding tag question. These uncertain patterns weaken impact and signal a lack of power and influence.Only when girls are active and treated equally in the classroom will they be more likely

33、 to achieve equality in the workplace.1、What does the authors mean when they say“Education is not a bystanders sport.”?ABoth boys and girls should do more sports.BThe girl students should be the audience to watch the boy students discussions.CThe boy students should not be too active in the classroo

34、m discussions.DBoth boy and girl students should take an active part in the classroom discussions.2、Which of the following is Not true?AGirls scores are lower than boys on SATs.BGirls control classroom discussion in reading while boys in maths.CBoys control classroom discussion in both reading and m

35、aths.DBoys are more confident in calling out answers to catching the teachers attention.3、The factors that contribute to the students effective learning are the following except_AThe students can take an active part in the classroom discussion.BThe students do it themselves.CTeachers can give studen

36、ts specific and direct feedback the quality of their work and answers.DStudents transform their own statements into uncertain comments.23(8分)A new keyboard can tell whether you are its owner. The keyboard records information about the typing pattern and sends it to a computer program. The program th

37、en checks to see if the typing pattern and sends it to a computer program. The program then checks to see if the pattern matches the right user, If not, an alarm sounds, and the computer locks the typist out. It locks out anyone else, even if than person knows password. Whats more, this device needs

38、 no batteries. It harvests all the person knows your password. Whats more, this device needs no batteries. It harvests all the energy it needs from the action of your typing. Besides, the keyboard is also self-cleaning and the keys are free of damage from water, oil and dirt.The keys of the new keyb

39、oard are made of the same inexpensive plastic that might be found on any other standard keyboard. But instead of being smooth, the keys have millions of tiny plastic nanowires(纳米线)on their surface area to every key, increasing the gffective contact area between the plastics and fingers. This ensures

40、 that theres enough power to run the keyboard as someone types.Liming Dai, a scientist, did not work on the new keyboard, but he thinks the design could be important in getting better performance from a variety of devices. “It could also be applied to a touch screen, for instance,” Dai says. “Then s

41、martphones and notepads could harvest energy from the action of someone typing or drawing.”“Future work might make the keyboard even more useful,” Dai adds. “A later design might build tiny capacitors(电容器)onto the nanowires,” he suggests. Capacitors are little devices that temporarily store electric

42、 charges. Those might then LEDs to light a Keyboard in the dark.Zhonglin Wang is a co-designer of the new keyboard. His team has build a working model of the keyboard. “If a company decides to fund(投资)its production, this keyboard could be in stores in as little as two years,” says Wang.1、How does t

43、he new keyboard tell whether you are its owner?ABy checking the right users passwords.BBy sending alarms to a computer program.CBy matching the typing pattern to the right user.DBy recording information about the typing pattern.2、Why are there many nanowires on the surface of the keys?ATo make the k

44、eys beautiful.BTo help produce power.CTo make the keys smooth.DTo improve the speed of typing.3、Whats Dais attitude to the new keyboard?AUnconcerned.BPositive.CDoubtful.DCritical.4、What is the best title for the text?AA New Keyboard Made of Nanowires.BA New Keyboard Powered by Typing.CA New Keyboard

45、s Future.DA New Keyboard Entirely Owned by You24(8分)It is widely acknowledged that cities with some kind of functioning ecosystems make for better place for humans to live. More plants and animals in cities make for happier, healthier people.A study conducted on green spaces in Sheffield, England, f

46、or instance, revealed that the greater the biodiversity(生物多样性), the greater the psychological well-being(健康) of the citys citizens. In Paris, researchers found that getting citizens to take part in day-long activities involving urban wildlife opened their eyes to the natural world for a time, at lea

47、st.Few cities have been associated with urban ecology for as long as Berlin. “Slow economic recovery after the Second World War meant that reconstruction would take a long time. This provide local ecologist with the ideal conditions to develop an ambitious ecological research program in the bombed-o

48、ut wastelands of West Berlin,” said Jens Lachmund, a sociologist at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands.The pioneering work in Berlin bad several consequences, especially the formation of significant natural spaces within the city, such as the Sudgelande Nature. “Berlin has indeed benefi

49、ted a lot from being a case study in urban ecology,” said Lachmund.The recent research conducted by Mark Goddard, a biologist at the University of Leeds, and his colleagues confirmed the importance of natural space within an urban setting. Goddard and his team conducted a striking global analysis of

50、 bird and plant diversity, quantifying the influence of urbanization on levels of biodiversity around the world. “Functioning urban ecosystems will be extremely important to human health and well-being,” said Goddard.Cities take up just 3% of the land surface area, yet according to the most recent f

51、igure from the United Nations, some 3. 6 billion people (just over 50% of the global population) now live in urban areas. By 2050, this figure is expected to rise to 6.3 billion. Without animals and plants to keep us company, it is a dark future.1、The findings in Paragraph 2 are mentioned to explain

52、 the link between .ACitizens and their well-beingBgreen spaces and urban wildlifeCurban ecology and citizens well-beingDfunctioning ecosystems and the natural word2、What would be Goddards attitude towards Berlins work?ACautious.BAdmiring.CUncaring.DNegative.3、The author uses figures in the last para

53、graph to show .Athe negative effect of over population.Bthe importance of urban ecosystems.Cthe serious problems of city life.Dthe rapid growth of urban areas.4、Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AShould cities be for animals and plants too?BShould Berlin have more natural spa

54、ces?CShould more people live in urban areas?DShould the global population be controlled now?25(10分)Top Summer Music Festivals to Travel toSummer is the best time of a year for music lovers, especially if you love the outdoor concert scene. Festival season is just kicking off, and there is a lot to l

55、ook forward to in the upcoming months.Primavera SoundTo kick off the summer, theres no better place than Barcelona. On the concert lineup, youll find bands like The Zombies, Arcade Fire, and Bon Iver. Then take some time to taste the local food and wine.May 31-June 4; Barcelona, SpainMusic Type: Roc

56、k, hip-hopPrice: $86$323Governors BallOne of the great summer concerts in New York City is Governors Ball, which takes place in early June at Randalls Island Park. Some of the playing artists include Tool, Phoenix, Lorde, Flume, and the Wu-Tang Clan.June 2-4; New York City, New York, USAMusic Type:

57、Rock, hip-hop, popPrice: $105$405BonnarooBonnaroo is another summer event that draws in crowds of around 60,000 each year. Some of the most well-known musicians will be playing this year, including U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Weeknd, and Chance the Rapper.June 8-11; Manchester, Tennessee, USAMusi

58、c Type: Rock, hip-hopPrice: $210-$554Firefly Music FestivalMany people havent thought of going to Delaware for a summer vacation, hut mid-June is a great time to plan this trip if you love music. Headliners for this years slow are The Weeknd, Muse, Twenty One Pilots, Chance the Rapper, and Bob Dylan

59、.June 15-18; Dover, Delaware, USAMusic Type: Blues, rockPrice: $179-$4991、Which concert has the cheapest ticket?ABonnaroo. BGovernors Ball.CPrimavera Sound. DFirefly Music Festival.2、What is special about Firefly Music Festival?AIt performs Blues. BIt is popular with travelers.CIt is held in summer.

60、 DIt has many famous musicians.3、When can you enjoy Flumes performance?AOn May 31. BOn June 3.COn June 9. DOn June 15.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分) Two-year-old Nancy is deaf. However, that hasnt stopped her from being a(n) 1 little girl trying


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