九上Module 4 Unit 1 I can look after myself although it wont be easy for me.表格式教案_第1页
九上Module 4 Unit 1 I can look after myself although it wont be easy for me.表格式教案_第2页
九上Module 4 Unit 1 I can look after myself although it wont be easy for me.表格式教案_第3页




1、英语课堂教学教案授课教师:唐如良 授课时间:课题Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.课型listening and speaking教学内容分析本课是本模块的第一课时,在本模块中起主导作用,侧重训练学生的听说能力。对话主要介绍了贝蒂在火车站与父母告别的情况。她的父母因工作需要不得不出差,她得独自在家生活两周,这对她来说是一个巨大挑战。妈妈临行前的叮嘱是很多家长离开孩子时的写照。立足这种场景,对话恰当地呈现了让步状语从句这一新的语法知识,给学生形象的语言感受。教学中,教师要引导学生关注让步状语从句,并在语

2、言学习中创设情境,让学生多运用这些语言。学情分析本模块的语言点对学生来说不是很难,大多数学生能够积极参与到学习活动中来能在小组活动中与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。教学目标(依据以下几个维度设计:语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、文化意识、情感态度)语言知识目标:功能 能够谈论独自在家自理、自立的生活。语法 能够运用由although,sothat引导的让步状语从句和结果状语从句词汇 基准目标meeting,miss,shut,lock,simple,anybody,ring,text,couple,a couple of选择目标:platform,passenger,address,te

3、xt message语音 能够识别并正确朗读句子中词语的连续语言技能目标:听 能够听懂家长叮嘱孩子的对话,并获取细节信息 说 能够谈论独自在家生活的规划 读 能够读懂独自在家生活的文章,并获取细节信息 写 能够写一些独自在家生活的简单规划教学重难点1. 学习并能够准确运用text message,a couple of,be careful with,make sure,be about to等本课相关词汇2. 能够听懂家长叮嘱孩子的对话并获取信息。3. 能够正确运用让步状语从句和结果状语从句。教学方法及手段任务型教学法、情境教学法、互动教学法,视听教学法教学过程(按Preparation-P

4、resentation-Practice-Production-Summary流程设计)教学环节师生活动设计意图时间Step Pre-listeningStep = 2 * ROMAN II While-listeningStep = 3 * ROMAN III Post-listening1.Warming-up1)show a question to the Ss:what do you do to look after ytourself when you are at home alone ?then the Ss discuss it.2). (Brainstorm) Show th

5、e Chinese meanings of the words on the Bb, ask the Ss to say the words as quickly as they can.2.work in pairs.talk about the picture. 3. Now Bettey and her parents are at the airport. Listen carefully and check the correct answers:1).Will you be OK at home_? 2).Ill _you too,and Ill call you every da

6、y.3).Ill keep it tidy so that youll_me when you get home.4. Listen and readNow Bttey and her parents are at the airport.listen and answer the questions:1).What will Bettys parents go?A Lhasa B Changsha C Nansha2)How will they go there?A By B By bus C By train3).When will they come back? A In a coupl

7、e of days B In a couple of weeks C In a couple of months5.Listen again and check the answers with the students.6.Ask students to work in groups sand role-play the conversation.7.Read again and fill in the blanks. Activity48.Work in pairs. Discuss what they can do at home alone.-Can you look after yo

8、urself when you are at home alone? - Yes. I can./No,I cant. -How will you? -IllSs work in pairs, talk about what they can do at home alone in their own words. The teacher give some help if necessary.9. Complete the correct answer.Ask students to read the words in the box and check the meanings.Tell

9、students to check the information in the conversation in Activity 4 and use it to help them complete the passage.Check the answers as a class.10. Pronunciation and speakingPlay the recording for studentsAsk students to listen and mark the words they think the speaker will links.Check the answers .No

10、w Play the recording again for students to listen and repeat.Then invite a few students to read the sentences for the class.11.Exercises.12.Homework:Write a short passage to introduce what you can do at home.本活动是课文学习前的热身活动,并让了解新词汇的含义,扫清本单元学习的词汇障碍,促使学生更好地进入学习状态。创设情境,导入话题,并为后面的主对话学习做出铺垫。本活动通过让学生带着问题去听

11、对话内容,培养学生听力中获取细节信息的能力,使学生了解对话的梗概。本活动训练学生听对话过程中捕获重要信息的能力,再次体现本课教学重点。让学生分角色朗读对话,体会语言的发生和运用,增加学生对于对话内容的理解。本环节是对对话内容的拓展,训练学生说的能力。达到语言输出的目的, 解决了本课的教学难点。本活动以选择正确句子意思的形式再现了贝蒂和她父母在机场分别的情景,目的是让学生练习运用对话中学到的核心词汇,也可以为学生复述对话提供一个参考。本活动使学生意识到根据表达需要要连读句子中的关键词语。 作业布置1.Revision the new words and phrases.2.Read the conversation with your classmates.3.Write your plan ab


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