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1、 PAGE 页码 16 / NUMPAGES 总页数 16人教版六年级下学期英语期末学业质量监测复习水平练习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图题写单词1. 看图,写单词,首字母已给出。1. I want ah_, please.2. The egg is b_. 3. It wills_in Harbin.4. Im going to studyM_. 5. Shenzhou V flew intos_in 2003.2. 看图填词。1The_is on the teachers desk.2We put a_on our bed.3. 根据图片提示,在横线上补充完整Mike上周六的活动,注意表达准确

2、,字迹工整。 Saturday was a busy day for me.In the morning, I got up early.Then I_.After that, I_.Next, I_.In the afternoon, I_.In the evening, I_.Finally, I_at 10 p.m.4. 看图完成对话。1My brother bought a new_2Bobby_every day.3My teacher wasnt at_.4The_is so exciting.5Dont always read_.5. 看图填空,一空一词。1Andy likes_

3、.2Mike goes to school_.3Amy loves to_.4Johns mother likes_in the morning.6. 看图完成下列句子。1We use wood to make_.2We use wood to_.3We use_.4We also_.5_.7. 看图片,写短语。.8. 根据图片提示,补全句子。1Where is the_? Its next to the hospital.2Please_and_at the yellow light.3Are you going to_? Yes, we are.4What_he do? He

4、 is a_.5Can the little girl_ten? Yes, she can.填空题9. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1He wants_(take) the big bottle.2Dont_(bring) anything to the classroom.3She cant wait_(send) me some photos.4My brother_(study) in America next month.5The lion_(get) out with the help of the mouse at last.10. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1Tom can_(dr

5、aw) pictures in the park.2The sign_(mean) you cant park here.3The driver must_(look) at the traffic lights.4_(keep) safe, we must follow the traffic rules.5Look, the children_(cross) the road with their teachers.11. 根据括号中所给的汉语意思写单词,补全句子。1Where are my_(眼镜)?2Please show us how to clean the_(地板).3My si

6、ster is going to Shanghai next_(星期六).4How many_(猴子)does the zoo have?5I like that_(蓝色的)dress.12. 按要求写词。policeman(复数) shop(现在分词)study(第三人称单数形式) fat(反义词)come from(同义词) mango(复数)have fun(同义词) drink(过去式)watch(第三人称单数形式) swim(现在分词) 13. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1He_(活着) to be ninety-nine.2My father_(买) some presents bac

7、k home yesterday.3It looks like you are going to_(保存) hungry.4I have_(大约) twenty dollars.5We are going to study_(化学) in middle school.选择题14. I _a new dress two weeks ago. ( )A.buy B.buying C.am buying D.bought15. Many people like going _ in the sea. ( )A.windsurf B.windsurfs C.windsurfed D.windsurfi

8、ng16. _ ( )Itsthirteendollarsandtwenty-fivecents.A.Howoldisit? B.Howlongisit? C.Howmuchisit?17. Kate _ looking for her watch. ( )A.is B.am C.are D.be18. _ The car is coming. ( )A.Be careful. B.Is careful. C.Careful.句型转换19. 句型转换。1I wash my clothes on Sundays. (用Anna改写句子)Anna_on Sundays.2We have to st

9、art the story again.(变为否定句)3My grandma is going to stay therefor a week. (就主题意思提问)_long_grandma going to stay there?4The boy flew kites in the park just now.(用now改写)The boy_kites in the park now.5I ate a cake yesterday.(变为一般疑问句)20. 句型转换。1Does her father read books in the evening? (改为一般过去式)2Mike caug

10、ht a big fish. (改为一般现在时)Mike_a big fish.3Liu Tao brought some bread and honey to the park.(改为一般疑问句)_Liu Tao_bread and honey to the park?4I did my homework last night. (改为一般疑问句)_homework last night?5I played football in the playground. (改为一般疑问句)21. 按要求完成句子。The mouse made a big hole in the net with hi

11、s teeth.(1)写出同义句_(2)对a划线提问_(3)对The mouse划线提问_(4)对The划线提问_(5)对with his teeth划线提问_(6)对his teeth划线提问_22. 句型转换。1. Ihave a stomachache. (就主题意思提问)2.打扰了,书店在哪里? (汉译英)3. There were some horses on the farm. (改为否定句)4. Jenny had classes yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)5. Did Peter eat junk food yesterday? (做否定句回答)23. 按要求写句

12、子。1Those are stamps from Canada. (改为否定句)2I go swimming on Sunday. (改为一般疑问句)3Can you tell me more about it?(做否定回答)4Thanksgivingis my favourite festival. (就主题意思提问)5Amy collects stamps.(改为一般疑问句)阅读理解24. 阅读理解。Hello, I am Peter. Yesterday was Sunday. I walked to my grandpas home. It was his birthday. I bo

13、ught(买)many fruits and a big cake in the morning. My grandpa and grandma liked it very much. My mother cooked lunch. We had a good time.1. What day is it today?( )A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Monday2. How did you go to your grandparents home?( )A. On foot. B. By car. 3. Whose birthday was yesterday?( )A

14、. My grandpas. B. My grandmas.4. Did your grandparents like fruits?( )A. No, they didnt. B. Yes, they did.5. What did your mother do?( )A. She cooked lunch. B. She cleaned her room.25. 阅读理解。Asyouknow,theresnoenoughcleanwaterforpeople.Somanyofthemlosetheirlivesbecauseofwater.Inalotofcountries,peopleh


16、ylitterontothegroundandweshouldcollectthemforrecycling(循环利用).IfwetakegoodcareofourEarthtoday,itwillbemorebeautifultomorrow.1Isthereenoughcleanwaterforpeople?()A.Yes. B.No. C.Idontknow.2Inmanyplaces.Wehaveto_forliving.()A.drinkmilk B.planttrees C.cuttrees3Ifwehavenotrees,weshouldface_.()A.droughts B.

17、floods C.AandB4Wecant_topolluteourenvironment.()A.planttrees B.savewater C.throwawayanylitterontotheground5WhichofthefollowingsentencesisNOTtrue?()A.Plantingtreesisveryimportant.B.Weshouldntsavewater.C.IfwetakegoodcareofourEarthtoday,itwillbemorebeautifultomorrow.26. 阅读短文,回答下面问题。ImLiMing.Im10yearsol

18、d.ImaChineseboy.NowIamin Canada.IlivewithJennysfamily.Theyareverygoodtome. OnChristmas,IhadChristmasdinnerwiththefamily.Herparentsgavemeacamera.NowIcantakepictureswithit.IgavethemaChineselanternasaChristmasgift.Theylikeitverymuch.1HowoldisLiMing?Heis_yearsold.2WhereisLiMingnow?Heisin_.3WhodoesLiMing

19、livewithinCanada?Heliveswith_.4WhatgiftdidJennysparentsgiveLiMing?TheygaveLiMinga_.5WhatdidLiMinggivethefamilyasaChristmaspresent?Hegavea_tothem.27. 阅读理解。Students in many countries are learning English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers(少年). Many are adults. Some learn

20、at school, others by themselves. A few learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it

21、 is one of their subjects required(要求) for study. They study their own language. Maths and English. Some people learn it because it is useful for their work. Many people learn English for their higher studies, because they want to go to college or university(大学). Some of their books are written in E

22、nglish. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers and magazines in English.1People learn English _.( )A.at school B.over the radioC.on TV D.not all in the same way2It is _ to answer why so many people want to learn English.( )A.hard B.easy C.pleased D.angry3Different kinds of p

23、eople want to learn English _.( )A.together with other subjects B.for different reasonsC.for their work D.for higher studies at colleges4From this passage we know that _.( )A.we can learn English easilyB.English is very difficult to learnC.English is learned by most people in the worldD.English is a

24、 useful language but one must work hard to learn it5From this passage we know that _.( )A.We dont need to learn any foreign languageB.We can do well in all work without EnglishC.English is the most important subject in schoolsD.We should learn English because we need to face the world.28. 阅读并回答问题。He

25、llo, Im Brian. I have a pen friend. Her name is Julia. She is 13 years old. She is from Canada. She can speak English. She can also speak a little Chinese. She can sing Chinese songs. She wants a pen friend in China. I can get two emails from her every month. I also send emails to her.1Where is Juli

26、a from?2Can Julia speak Chinese very well?3How many emails can I get from Julia every month?29. 读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。Mrs. Jones was a teacher. Her house was not far from her school, and she often walked there in the morning. All the students in the school were very young.One cold and windy morning in O

27、ctober, Mrs. Jones walked to school. The cold wind went into her eyes and big tears (泪) began to run out of them. She reached (到达) the school, opened the door and went into the classroom.It was nice, warm there and Mrs. Jones was happy. But then a small boy looked at her for some time, put his arms

28、round her and said (说): “Dont cry, Mrs. Jones. School isnt very bad.”( )(1)Mrs. Jones was a teacher and she usually went to school _.A. on foot B. by train C. by bus( )(2)_ when she went to school one morning.A. It was hot B. It was windy and cold C. It was sunny( )(3)Why did big tears begin to run

29、out of her eyes?A. Because she was very cold.B. Because she was very sad.C. Because the cold wind went into her eyes.( )(4)The classroom was _.A. cold B. cool C. warm( )(5)The small boy wanted to _.A. make Mrs. Jones sad B. make Mrs. Jones happy C. make Mrs. Jones angry30. 阅读理解。Bob is a clever boy,

30、but he is a little lazy. One day his math teacher assigns a lot of math homework for him. He is doing his math homework at home. There are so many numbers that makes him feel very boring. Then he has a good idea.He goes to a shop in a hurry with his notebook. “Can I help you?” the shop assistant ask

31、s him.“Yes, Id like two kilos of carrots, three kilos of potatoes and three kilos of onions.” Bob says.“Its eight kilos. Do you need a shopping bag?” the shop assistant says.Bob writes the answer on his notebook, and says “No, thanks. And I would like four kilos of apples, one kilo of bananas and tw

32、o kilos of pears, too.”“Its seven kilos. But Im afraid its too heavy for you to carry”, the shop assistant says in surprises. “ You dont have a shopping bag, how you take them home.”Bob writes the answers on his notebook quickly and says “Im sorry, I dont want to buy them now.” Then he runs home.根据短

33、文内容,回答问题。1Bob is a _boy. ( )A.cute B.clever C.bad2Dose Bob have a lot of math homework ? _. ( )A.Yes, he has . B.No, he doesnt. C.Yes, he does.3Bob goes to the _ with his notebook. ( )A.school B.home C.shop4Bob says he would like_ and _. ( )A.two kilos of carrots, three kilos of onionsB.two kilos of

34、 apples, three kilos of pearsC.one kilo of pears , three kilos of apples.5Bob buys_ in the shop. ( )A.some fruits B.nothing C.vegetables31. 阅读理解。My DreamsI want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor


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