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1、三年期末必会题1Sunflower1. Maomao is very nice,she always_people. helphelps(正确答案)helping2. Seven plus thirteen is_. twenty(正确答案)twenty-onehundred3. This house is big,but that one is_. bigoldsmall(正确答案)4. _Monday Ill go swimming. On(正确答案)oldsmall5. Tim likes playing_football on Saturday. /(正确答案)thea6. Lingl

2、ing will_her grandpa nextweek. visitsvisit(正确答案)is going to visit7. How_apples are there in the box?There are 30. many(正确答案)muchany8. I_not lazy. am(正确答案)isare9. How old_you?I am seven. amare(正确答案)is10. Look at the_on these trees. peachpeaches(正确答案)bird11. Whats ten plus ten? Twelve.Twenty.(正确答案)Ten

3、12. How many_are there in your class? childchildren(正确答案)childs13. Thats_good idea. a(正确答案)anthe14. These_Sams trousers. are(正确答案)isam15. -_ my new friend. This is(正确答案)These areThis16. My hair wasnt long then.It was very _. oldshort(正确答案)long17. She is -_good at English. quietquite(正确答案)no18. Will

4、we pick players? No, we _. willwont(正确答案)dont19. _ you at the farm yesterday? AreWasWere(正确答案)20. This little girl cant do her maths. Im going to help _ himthemher(正确答案)21. Will you go to school _Monday? inon(正确答案)at22. Will Tom go to school on Tuesday? No, he _. isntwont(正确答案)doesnt23. This little

5、girl cant do her maths. Im going to _her. help(正确答案)takepick24. There_ six legs and six arms. isdoare(正确答案)25. Are there any monkeys here? Yes .they areNo ,there arent.(正确答案)No,there are.26. Are there many _ in your class? Yes, there are 41. childchildren(正确答案)childs27. How_ apples are there in the

6、box? There are 26. moremuchmany(正确答案)28. Well visit my grandma -_ the countryside. onin(正确答案)of29. She always _people. helphelps(正确答案)helping30. She is very nice, she always _people. helphelps(正确答案)31. Ill _- 14 apples. pick(正确答案)picks32. Im going to _football. playsplay(正确答案)33. These are my _. boo

7、ks(正确答案)pen34. How _are you? Im nine. old(正确答案)many35. Will you fly a kite tomorrow? Yes ,you willYes ,I will(正确答案)36. Is Da ming naughty in class? No,he isnt.(正确答案)Yes. it is37. I _ like Maths. dont(正确答案)doesnt38. I dont like winter .Its _. hotcold(正确答案)39. Were you in Beijing yesterday? No, I wasn

8、t(正确答案)No, I am not.40. 这是他的手 Here are his hands.(正确答案)Here is his hands.41. 有一个小怪兽。 There is a small monster.(正确答案)This is a small monster.42. 你们班有很多孩子吗? Are there many children in your class?(正确答案)How many children are there in your class?43. 他们当时很年轻。 They are very young then.They were very young then.(正确答案)44. 你想告诉同学不要开门。 Dont open the windowDont open


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