A Study on the Application of Multimedia in English Teaching in Middle School多媒体在初中英语教学中的运用_第1页
A Study on the Application of Multimedia in English Teaching in Middle School多媒体在初中英语教学中的运用_第2页
A Study on the Application of Multimedia in English Teaching in Middle School多媒体在初中英语教学中的运用_第3页
A Study on the Application of Multimedia in English Teaching in Middle School多媒体在初中英语教学中的运用_第4页
A Study on the Application of Multimedia in English Teaching in Middle School多媒体在初中英语教学中的运用_第5页
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1、 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文开 题 报 告论 文 题 目: A Study on the Application of Multimedia in English Teaching in Middle School 多媒体在初中英语教学中的运用 学 生 姓 名:系 专 业:外语系 英语学 号:指 导 教 师:开 题 报 告 时 间:2012年 12月30日 *教 务 处 制 填表说明和要求1、开题报告作为毕业论文(设计)答辩小组对学生答辩资格审查的主要依据材料之一。此报告应在指导教师指导下,学生在毕业论文(设计)工作前期内完成,经指导教师签署意见,同意后生效。2、学生阅读论文、资料的篇数一般不

2、少于10篇,开题报告中应包括文献综述、选题依据、可行性分析及预期成果。字数不少于2000字。此表一式一份,随同学生毕业(设计)论文一起由各系存档。一、文献阅读序号作者文章题目(书目)期刊名称(出版单位)、时间1. Betty,K. Teaching and Researching Computer-assisted Language Learning M. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2005.2. Cheng-Chieh Lai & William Allan Kritsonis. The Advantages and Disa

3、dvantages of Computer Technology in Second Language Acquisition J. 2006.3. J.S.Bruner. The process of Education M. American: American Harvard Press, 1963. 72-105.4. McCann, Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The Role of Attitudes and Motivation M. London:Edward Arnold, 2001. 5. Nunan, D

4、. Second language teaching & learning M. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1999. 6. Richard, Rodgers. Approaches and methods in language teaching M. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. 33-35.7. Taylor, R. The computer in the school: Tutor, tool, and tutee M. New York:Teachers College Press

5、, 1980. 8. Williams, Marion and Burden, Robert, L. Psychology for Language Teachers M. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2005. 9. 毕玉敏. 论多媒体技术在英语课堂教学中的应用J.广东: 广东教育出版社, 1998, 27(4): 1-2.10. 陈芙. 多媒体教学与英语课堂互动J.黑龙江教育学院学报,2006(5).11. 葛萍. 现代教育技术和外语教学J.上海师范大学学报,1999, 32(2): 67-70.12. 黄若妤. 建构主义与多

6、媒体外语教学模式J.中小学英语教学与研究,2000, 54(2): 32-33.13. 茅育青. 新课程背景下学科教学与信息技术的整合M杭州:浙江大学出版社,2006. 56-60.14. 潘天士中学英语课件制作实例与技巧M北京:机械工业出版社, 2004. 45-47. 15. 王蔷. 关于教育方法与手段的基础知识J. 2007, 12(2): 20-24. 16. 王小娟. 大学英语多媒体CAI教学与教师面授互补性探索J中国电化教育,2003,(1).17. 谢晓丹. 对多媒体辅助初中英语课堂教学反思J. 东北:华东师范大学出版社, 2010, 10(2): 65-66.二、开题报告一、文

7、献综述 1. 多媒体教学的概述90年代起,随着计算机技术的迅速发展和普及,多媒体计算机己经逐步取代以往的多种教学媒体的综合使用地位。因此,现在我们通常所说的多媒体教学是指运用多媒体计算机并借助于预先制作的多媒体教学软件来开展的教学活动过程。它又可称为计算机辅助教学(computer assisted instruction,即CAI)。“多媒体计算机辅助教学是指利用多媒体计算机,综合处理和控制符号、语言、文字、声音、图形、影象等多种媒体信息,把多媒体的各个要素按教学要求,进行有机组合并通过屏幕或投影机投影显示出来,同时按需要加上声音的配合,以及使用者与计算机之间的人机交互操作,完成教学或训练过

8、程。利用多媒体技术在教学中的应用很广,包括动画模拟、分层显示、模拟实验、测试设计等。(葛萍,1999)多媒体网络辅助中学英语教学主要分为四个层次:一是指计算机辅助教学(Computer Assisted Instruction);二是指多媒体教学(Multimedia Instruction);三是超媒体教学(Hypermedia Instruction);四是指网络教学。(茅育青,2006)2理论支持(1)建构主义理论:建构主义(constructivism)也叫结构主义,作为多媒体辅助教学的理论基础,建构主义理论越来越受教育界的关注。“建构主义认为知识是学习者在一定的情景下,即一定的社会文


10、利于学生更多更好地获取关于客观事物规律与内在联系的知识),还能组织和管理各种教学信息(有利于发展联想思维和建立新旧概念之间的联系),因而对学生关于当前所学知识的意义建构是非常有利的。在建构主义理论指导下的多媒体课件辅助教学将提高英语教学质量,推动英语教学的不断完善和发展。(黄若妤, 2000)(2)人本主义: 人本教学着重于过程的教学关注过程的出发点是“对个体主观经验的尊重”,诸如教师的权威性和学生的自主性,合作与竞争,安全与危险,成功与失败等。人本教学法认为,关注过程就要从学习者的角度考虑课程或大纲内容是如何被传授和学习的,考虑怎样把学习内容与学习者的生活直接联系起来,大力倡导教育的中心要从

11、教转变为学,教师的任务不是决定学生应该学什么,而是去发现并创造一种有利于学生能自由学习和成长的氛围。人本教学法主张以学习者为中心,注重情感因素。3. 国外的研究现状:近年来,世界各国十分重视计算机辅助教与学的研究与实施。国外英语教学课程标准要求给学生提供适当的机会来发展并应用信息技术学习英语的能力。可以预料,现代科学技术无疑将极大地影响英语教育的现状与未来,英语教育进入信息化时代。(一) 理论之争:多媒体辅助教学在世界范围内广泛使用,在受其益的同时,它也面临着因使用不当而带来的许多问题,如:多媒体在教学过程中该如何定位?它和学生学习成就之间有多大关联?在使用过程中需要哪些限制原则?一些研究者还

12、更为深入地关注到它与教师和学生个性特征、与学科教学、与教学环境的适配性等等。盲目使用多媒体,可能难以收到预期的效果,甚至使教学陷入“冗余信息竞争”和“机械活动”等形式的泥潭。在使用媒体辅助教学的前几年,对其教学效能的争议就一直没有停息过。反对和支持双方各执己见,又都拿不出有绝对说服力的推论和证据。当多媒体技术刚进入教学领域时,许多人担心会由此造成人与人之间、人与社会之间的隔离。但也有很多教育研究和实践者认为通过良好的运作和协作,这种隔离可以降低到最低限度。(二) 效能实验:很多教育心理学家对多媒体辅助教学的效能做了大量实验研究。国外己经有学者证明计算机辅助教学有利于培养学习者的自主性,提升学习

13、动机和提高学习效率(Richard Rodgers,2005)。而且还发现,多媒体的使用效果不仅存在明显的个体差异特征,而且不同性质媒体的联合使用可以导致更佳的效果。另一些学者的一项实验比较分析了多媒体教学和常规教学的教学效能差异,极具代表性。他们通过实验测试比较了多媒体模式与标准班级教学对学生的成绩影响。实验结果还显示出在学习不同性质的问题时,使用媒体的效果存在差异。(三) 发展趋势:世界各国也都十分重视网络教育。如克林顿早在1996年初就要求美国在2000年以前把每一间教室和每一个图书馆都联到Internet上;英国从1989年开始,在全国范围的所有高等学校中实施计算机、多媒体与远程通讯技

14、术的结合,从教学模式、教学内容到教学组织进行彻底变革;日本政府在100所中小学进行了联网试验研究,进行一系列科学试验,探索新的教育体制与教学模式。世界发展趋势由辅助集体教学逐步过渡到指导个体学习与集体交流相结合。并且已经从课堂快速转移到对在线学习的重视,如美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国,都在不断发展IT学习的综合模式。作为教学辅助工具使用在教学辅助工具层面上使用多媒体,是多媒体最初进入课堂的主要功能。4. 国内研究现状:国家教委在关于进一步加强和改进中学教学工作的意见中明确指出:教师在教学中要“充分利用录音、录像、电影、投影、挂图及电子计算机等设备辅助教学,增强教学效果”。我国政府于

15、1999年1月,制订面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划正式提出“实施现代远程教育工程:形成开放式教育网络,构建终身学习体系”,各大中专院校、中小学都纷纷进行软硬件建设,取得了很大的成绩。(一) 发展历程: 多媒体教学在我国的发展大致分为三个阶段:1、八十年代采用多种电子媒体如幻灯投影、录音等运用于课堂教学,称之为电化教学。2、九十年代,利用计算机逐步取代以往的教学媒体,综合处理和控制符号、语言、文字、声音、图像等信息,将它们有机组合,完成一系列人机交互操作。这种方式延续至今,但仍处于实验阶段。3、交互式电子白板将成为多媒体教学的重大变革。交互式电子白板具互动演示、编辑、识别、画图等功能,提供常用的标

16、注模板、绘图等辅助工具,随时翻页,书写过程回放,毛笔字,远程数据共享等功能。目前在全国个别地方如深圳一些学校有安装,还未广泛投入市场,但标志多媒体教学迎来第三次浪潮。(二) 已有成果: 国内目前对多媒体的使用偏重于辅助集体教学。国内多媒体教学的重点在课堂内,多媒体主要是作为教学辅助工具。国内关于多媒体计算机辅助教学的研究主要集中于机助教学和传统教学两种的比较,研究它们对学习成绩的不同影响,如何更好地制作课件,多媒体辅助教学与各门学科的整合,如对语文、数学、英语、历史、化学等教学有效性的提高,以及显示出的不足或问题。在英语教学方面,有探讨计算机辅助教学与差异教学的话题,其中阐述其优化了英语课堂教

17、学的文章居多,也有论述其暴露的弊端及相应的矫正策略,但都是从理论方面阐述,实证的较少,且以其在高校中的运用占大量,系统的理论相对空白。 (三) 发展趋势: 计算机辅助教学是近年来教学改革和教学实施的新领域,各学校都很重视计算机辅助教学的改革和发展。广大计算机专家和各学科各领域的教育工作者都在选择本学科的重点内容、实用性强内容作为开发重点,利用多媒体软件工具开发计算机辅助教学电子教案。多媒体广泛的被运用于教学之中,多媒体英语教学使英语课堂变得生动有趣,增强学生在课内课外的学习主动性和积极性,从而提高了学生的英语听说读写能力及综合能力。由于多媒体课件辅助英语教学在我国尚处于“初级阶段”,在具体的教


19、学生被受关注。通过四年的学习和积累,使我对多媒体英语教学模式有了一定的了解,我对这方面也很感兴趣,课下,自己也通过图书馆,网络等一系列可以利用的资源查找了许多相关的资料,并结合老师的讲解,做了细致全面的学习。我之所以选择本课题,旨在了解多媒体教学是什么,怎样做得更好,让多媒体课件更好地为英语教学服务。可行性分析 现今多媒体已经被广泛的运用到课堂教学中,尤其被广泛运用到中国所有学校的英语课堂教学之中。然而,多媒体英语教学模式仍然存在一些问题。本文旨在研究多媒体在初中英语课堂中的应用现状,因而具有重要的意义。通过大学四年的英语专业的课程学习和教育实习,我已具备了分析、解决英语教学问题的能力。大学四

20、年课余时间,我积极投身到教育实践中,积累了大量的教学实践经验。通过在学校图书馆查阅了大量文字及实证材料为本课题的研究提供了理论依据。在教学实习期间利用课堂观察法和对比法以及自己的亲身经历为此论文做预期准备,并保证在规定时间内顺利的完成。四、预期结果通过查阅大量的参考文献,本人现掌握了丰富文字及实证资料以及本人自身经历和实习总结了大量经验,加上指导老师的精心指导,本论文的预期成果是一篇5000字的全英论文。以下是本人的论文大纲:1. Introduction2. Literature Review2.1 Definition of multimedia2.2 The Related Resear

21、ches at Abroad and Home 2.2.1 Researches Abroad 2.2.2 Researches Home2.3 Theoretical Basis of the Research 2.3.1 Constructivism 2.3.2 Humanism3. Research Design 3.1 Research Questions 3.2 Subjects 3.3 Instruments 3.4 Data Collections 4. Results and Analysis 4.1 Results of the Questionnaires for Stud

22、ents Results of the Questionnaires for Teachers5. Conclusion 5.1 Major Findings 5.2 Suggestions 5.2.1 Building a Scientific Classroom Teaching Mode 5.2.2 Designing Practical Multimedia Courseware 5.2.3 Strengthen Emotional Communication with Students 5.2.4 Further Highlight the Main Role of Students

23、 in Learning5.3 Limitations of the Research写作计划:在2013年1月6日完成开提报告在2013年3月1日完成初稿在2013年3月26日完成二稿在2013年4月20日完成三稿在2013年5月10日完成四稿在2013年5月20日定稿在2013年6月2日答辩 开题报告人: 年 月 日( 注:纸张不够可另行符页)指导教师评价指导教师签字: 年 月 日AbstractMultimedia, an advanced media which consists of sound, pictures and animation, is being applied to

24、 English teaching and learning by more and more teachers and students in middle school. Using multimedia in teaching and learning has many benefits. But in usual contact with teachers and students of middle school, it is found that they have some viewpoints about multimedia teaching, so there is muc

25、h value and meaning to multimedia application in English teaching in middle school. The purposes of the thesis are the present situation and the main problems of multimedia application in English teaching in middle school, and then find out solve methods.The research questions: 1) What are the teach

26、ers and students viewpoints of English Teaching with multimedia? 2) What is (are) the problem(s) students run into while teachers are conducting English teaching with multimedia? 3) What are the best methods to resolve the existing problems?This research, through questionnaire survey, investigated s

27、ome randomly chosen teachers and students of Chang Ji NO.4 middle school and chooses the Grade Two students. Through survey and analysis, it is found that the main problems existing in multimedia teaching of English are as follows: (1) Students can not take notes effectively because of the high spee

28、d of courseware. (2) Multimedia teaching negatively reduces the opportunities of emotional exchange between teachers and students because of the change from interpersonal communication to man-machine communication in classroom. (3) Multimedia courseware often serves as a platform for gathering mater

29、ials and in fact becomes an electronic version of the traditional spoon-feeding education. Thus, many students become the passive recipients of information in class. (4) Multimedia teaching is not conducive to the training of students spoken English to a certain extent.In response to these issues, u

30、nder the guidance of the theory of Constructivism and Humanism, explored the methods and measures in order to deal with the existing issues and proposed the related suggestions as follows: (1) Building a scientific classroom teaching mode; (2) Designing practical multimedia courseware; (3) Strengthe

31、n emotional communication with students; (4) Further highlight the main role of students in learningKeywords: Multimedia; English teaching in middle school; Suggestion摘要多媒体这一集声音、图画、动画于一体的先进媒体正被越来越多的学校应用到英语教学中。利用多媒体辅助教学的好处是不言而喻的,但在平时与中学师生的接触中,发现他们对多媒体教学存在一些看法,因此研究多媒体在初中英语教学中的运用有重要的理论意义和现实价值。本课题旨在研究多媒

32、体在初中英语教学中的运用和所存在的问题,从而找出解决的方法。本课题的研究问题包括:1) 教师和学生对多媒体英语教学的观点是什么?2) 当教师在使用多媒体英语教学时学生会遇到哪些问题?3)解决现存问题有效的方法是什么? 本课题采用问卷调查的研究方法,对昌吉州四中初二年级部分教师和学生进行随机性的调查。通过调查与分析,发现多媒体英语教学中存在的主要问题是:(1)课件播放的速度较快,学生不能记全笔记;(2)多媒体教学使师生之间的情感交流减少,人际对话变成人机对话;(3)多媒体课件往往是一种材料的聚集平台,是传统填鸭式教学的电子版,故学生还是被动的信息接受者;(4)多媒体教学在一定程度上不利于学生英语

33、口语水平的培养和提升。针对这些问题,本文以建构主义、人本主义为指导,探究解决问题的方法。提出:(1)要建立科学的英语课堂模式;(2)设计实用性的教学课件;(3)加强与学生的情感交流;(4)进一步凸显教学中以学生为中心的特点。关键词:多媒体,初中英语教学,建议Contents TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc324883840 Acknowledgements PAGEREF _Toc324883840 h i HYPERLINK l _Toc324883841 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc324883841 h ii HYPERLINK l _To

34、c324883842 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc324883842 h iii HYPERLINK l _Toc324883843 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc324883843 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883844 1.1Background of the Study PAGEREF _Toc324883844 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883845 1.2 Significance of the Research PAGEREF _Toc324883845 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883846 1

35、.3 Framework PAGEREF _Toc324883846 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883847 2Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc324883847 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883848 2.1 Definition of Multimedia PAGEREF _Toc324883848 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883849 2.2 The Related Researches at Abroad and Home PAGEREF _Toc324883849 h 4 HYPERLINK l

36、 _Toc324883850 2.2.1 Researches Abroad PAGEREF _Toc324883850 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883851 2.2.2 Researches at Home PAGEREF _Toc324883851 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883852 2.3 Theoretical Basis of the Research PAGEREF _Toc324883852 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883853 2.3.1 Constructivism PAGEREF _Toc324883853

37、 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883854 2.3.2 Humanism PAGEREF _Toc324883854 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883855 3. Research Design PAGEREF _Toc324883855 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883856 3.1 Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc324883856 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883857 3.2 Subjects PAGEREF _Toc324883857 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc3

38、24883858 3.3 Instruments PAGEREF _Toc324883858 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883859 3.4 Data Collections PAGEREF _Toc324883859 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883860 4. Results and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc324883860 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883861 4.1 Results of the Questionnaires for Students PAGEREF _Toc324883861 h 10

39、HYPERLINK l _Toc324883862 4.2 Results of the Questionnaires for Teachers PAGEREF _Toc324883862 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883863 5Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc324883863 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883864 5.1 Major Findings PAGEREF _Toc324883864 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883865 5.2 Suggestions PAGEREF _Toc324883865

40、 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883866 5.2.1 Building a Scientific Classroom Teaching Mode PAGEREF _Toc324883866 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883867 5.2.2 Designing Practical Multimedia Courseware PAGEREF _Toc324883867 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883868 5.2.3 Strengthen Emotional Communication with Students PAGEREF

41、 _Toc324883868 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883869 5.2.4 Further Highlight the Main Role of Students in Learning PAGEREF _Toc324883869 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883870 5.3 Limitations of the Research PAGEREF _Toc324883870 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc324883871 References PAGEREF _Toc324883871 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc

42、324883872 Appendixes PAGEREF _Toc324883872 h 191. Introduction1.1Background of the studyOwing to the globalization, the English language is taught as the second language in most non-English-speaking countries all over the world. However, English teaching in non-English-speaking countries faces many

43、troubles. A large number of students could not be activated in English learning. Many students, especially students in middle schools, lose their interests at the initial period because of the boring learning condition and atmosphere. The representative of Cognitive psychology J.S.Bruner (1963) beli

44、eved that the best stimulus for learning is the interest to the teaching materials. To the students, interest will directly affect their study effect. Therefore, in English teaching, the teaching aid is unavoidable. Humans understanding is from vivid direct viewing to the abstract thought, and from

45、abstract thought to practice, therefore, teaching must strengthen the image to be direct viewing. If the teacher appropriately utilizes the teaching aids in the classroom, it can strengthen the teaching direct viewing, increase the knowledge density, break through the difficulties, give prominence t

46、o the key points, reduce the burden of students for remembering and understanding, and enhance the students interest. With the rapid development of science and technology and the advent of the digital revolution, changes have taken place in all areas of society, with no exception in foreign language

47、 teaching. In todays China, the traditional teaching mode itself can not adapt to this new technological revolution, an increasing number of middle English teachers have gradually realized the power of the computer and make it assist their own teaching of English. Therefore, a new teaching model, na

48、mely, multimedia assisting English teaching model has come into being. Multimedia technology teaching requires an effective approach to present a great deal of authentic background information, which arouse learners interest and establish a living background context. Undoubtedly, multimedia technolo

49、gy naturally becomes a good choice for language teaching.1.2 Significance of the ResearchThe multimedia teaching is of great significance for English teaching in middle school, which briefly speaking can be judged from three aspects.Firstly, such a teaching mode is one of the major directions of the

50、 present teaching reform. With the faster development of science, technology and the use of internet, the educational field is positively influenced greatly and surely benefits a lot, and as a result, the dominant traditional teaching mode doesnt adjust to the requirements of modern teaching and the

51、 need of our society for qualified graduates. Thus, it is natural that the modern teaching tools have to be applied by teachers in teaching in order to create a modern learning environment for students to acquire as much knowledge as possible.Secondly, the main significance of discussing the multime

52、dia teaching can help teachers create reflective thinking for the purpose of optimizing their teaching. We all know that even though multimedia teaching owns much advantages, its disadvantages, which are existing simultaneously, are easily neglected, which can result in inefficient teaching results

53、and unsatisfying use of modern media. Through the necessary research, we can certainly attain some understanding of the reasons for the existing problems and some insights for optimizing multimedia teaching by making full use of all the teaching resources.Thirdly, this research not just concerns tea

54、ching but also learning. In the previous researches, learning with the help of multimedia is mostly ignored. The present research will take learners as the main subjects, from which we can know much better the opinions from the learning side, thus it can contribute a lot to the success of the multim

55、edia teaching, for a successful multimedia teaching relates to many factors, including students learning habits, attitude, motivation, methods as well as the skill of operating computer. Remember, all the above factors are certain to exert some influence upon the teaching mode.1.3 FrameworkThe prese

56、nt thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One outlines the necessity, background and significance of the research, and points out the overall structure of the thesis. Chapter Two is about literature review, which reviews all stages of the development of computer-assisted language teaching and the

57、 related practice and research of multimedia teaching at home and abroad. Chapter Three describes the entire process of the survey, class observation and presents the data, information and analysis of them. Chapter Four is reveals the existing problems and explores some related countermeasures. Chap

58、ter Five is the conclusion.2Literature Review2.1 Definition of MultimediaDifferent people with different purpose might define multimedia differently. According to Nunan (1999) multimedia is any computer based presentation or application that integrates one or more of the following elements: text ani

59、mation, video, graphics, and audio. It can also be defined as information presented in more than one format, such as text, audio, video, graphics, and images. Literally, multimedia means two or more media: text and graphics (the figures). Nevertheless, when most people refer to multimedia, they gene

60、rally mean the combination of two or more continuous media, that is, media having to be played during some well-defined interval, usually with the users participation. In practice, the two media are normally audio and video, that is, sound plus moving pictures. (Ge, 1999)2.2 The Related Researches a


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