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1、Be a hit (Hit原指“安垒打”)取悦某人;受他人欢迎的成功 例如:The award ceremony was a hit, attracting an overflow crowd. (颁奖典礼很成功,吸引了一大群人。) Step up to the plate(原意:走上本垒板) 采取行动;承担责任 例如:Mary needs to step up to the plate and decide which proposal will best serve the interest of the company. (玛丽需要承担起责任并决定哪个建议最符合公司的利益。) Strik

2、e out (原意:击球员三个好球未击打或挥棒未击中而出局)失败 例如:John struck out with his book proposal; he received a rejection letter from the publisher today. (约翰的著作出版建议没被接受;今天他收到出版商拒绝他的来信。) Throw a curve ball (原意:投球手向击球员投出一个曲线球)戏弄或使人惊讶;提及出人意料的事 例如:The boss threw us a curve ball when he announced that each employee would hav

3、e to bring his own food to the company picnic. (老板宣布每个职工自己带食物参加公司野餐时,我们都感到惊讶。) Off base (原意:不在垒上)不现实;不确切;错误的 例如:His cost estimate was way off base, far higher than warranted by current prices for labor and materials. (他的成本估计太离谱了,不合理地远远高于目前劳力和材料的价格。) Out of left field (原意:左外场以外)不相关;出乎意料 例如:His silly

4、proposals for solving the problem came out of left field.(他那解决问题的愚蠢倡议牛头不对马嘴。) boxingKnock out, knockoutKnock downringRoundumpirePull ones punches (原意:故意轻击)不猛烈批评 例如:My English teacher doesnt pull any punches when it comes to discipline. She maintains an orderly classroom. (每当涉及纪律,我的英语老师批评起来不留情。她保持住一个

5、有序的教室。) Throw in the towel (原意:教练从场外将毛巾扔在拳台上)撒手不干;放弃 例如:When they found out he was receiving bribes, the Senator knew it was time to throw in the towel. (当他们发现他收受贿赂时,那参议员明白收场的时候到了。)Against the ropes (原意:被对手挤在拳台围绳上)濒于失败,濒于被击败;濒临精疲力竭 例如:Already having been turned down twice for a loan, John was agains

6、t the ropes when he asked a third bank to finance the car he had agreed to buy.(约翰两次贷款均遭拒绝,当他向第三家银行为他决定要买的车贷款时,他到了山穷水尽的地步了。) vocabularycomplimentN. 恭维话,赞词,赞扬He was showered with compliments on his excellent performance.Your presence is a great compliment.Pay or present ones compliments toThey paid h

7、er the compliment of making her an honorary member.She gave a coy smile when he paid her a compliment.She said how nice my dress was, so I returend the compliment and said I liked hers.Compliments, good wishes.祝贺,问候,致意That was an excellent dinner my comliments to the chef.V. compliment sb. On someth

8、ing., praiseComplimentary, a complimentary remarks Be complimetary aboutPraise, speak highly of, pay tribute toSay good things aboutglorifyflatterFlattererButter up, an informal expression meaning to say nice thigs to someone in order to make them do something you wantDavids in the yard buttering up

9、 Dad in the hope that hell buy tickets for the football game next month.Its no use trying to butter me up Im not changing my mind.Flattery will get you nowhereIll choose the best person for the job, so flattery will get you nowhere.Complement, flatterComplement, make perfect or complete完善,补充This win

10、e complements the food perfectly.Our local bus and rail services complement each other very well.appropriate 1.allocate, to set apart for or assign to a particular purpose or use 拨出款项2 : to take or make use of without authority or right挪用,占用,,盗用e.g. The minister was found to have appropriated govern

11、ment moneyHis design of the building was appropriated by many a mainland architect, but he can do nothing but take a pride in it.Misappropriate, a formal or legal word meanig to steal money for your own use, which you had been trusted to keep 盗用,挪用,侵吞The lawyer was sent to prison for misappropriatin

12、g the money placed in his care.The charity was trying to get back some money which had been misappropriated by a former director.Embezzle, to steal money that is placed in ones care.侵吞,挪用,盗用The clerk embezzled $1000 from the bank where she worked.He embezzled large amounts of money to finance his ga

13、mbling.leaguea group of sports teams that regularly play one another c : an informal alliance运动俱乐部的联合会The football league足球联合会, A darts league飞镖竞赛联合会A league match联赛Little League, Premier League, PremiershipOur club is a member of the football league.Learn the hard way thatLearn through a bad experi

14、ence, especially when you have ignored someones advice or warningsE.g. Theyve been telling him for years not to drink and drive but he learnt the hard way and ended up in hospital.Many of us have learned the hard way that racism cannot be cured by fine speeches.Learn from mistakes, learn from lesson

15、You cant protect your kids all the time. They have to elarn form their own mistakes.Youd think shed learn from her mistakes. Thats the second time shes been dumped by a married man.Strike asTo have a particular strong effect on, impress产生.的印象, 打动,给以.的感受It struck me as rather odd that he refused to g

16、ive his name.How does the room strike you?How does the idea strike you/He was struck by her air of confidence.Shed been stupid, but shed learned her lesson.There are important lessons to be learned from this election defeat.shirkDuck or shirk your duties/responsibilities, to deliberately refuse to d

17、o something that your are responsible for and that people expect you to do.E.g. The government has shirked its responsibilities in this matter and many pensioners have suffered.You cant go on ducking your responsibilities like this. You have to consider your students welfare.Politicians always duck

18、the most difficult problems until after an election.He hasnt made any enemies so far, because of his success in ducking tough decisions.Shirk, avoid ones assigned duties.He always shirks unpleasant tasks.shirkerEvade, to avoid a law or duty by doing something illegalClever businessmen often manage t

19、o evade taxes.Hes managed to evade several drunk driving convictions.Youre trying to eavade paying the compensation.You could not evade the law./the issue.Tax evasiondodgeAn informal word menaing to avoid obeying a law or duty especially by being dishonest躲闪,避开,逃避Nobody like paying taxes, but it is

20、unfair to dodge them.tax dodgeA tax dodger, a draft dodger免税?Waive taxesThe government has waived taxes on stock transactions.weaselWeasel黄鼠狼Weasel out, informal, to escape or acoid a duty by clever dishonest means狡猾地逃避责任,逃脱.Their boss escaped to weasel out of his responsibility.Take/shoulder/ assum

21、e responsibility for be responsible for, have responsibility forDismiss asRefuse to accept someones opinion, argument, criticism etc without even considering it.摈弃,不予考虑disregard, shrug offE.g. The managing director always dismissed any suggestions that his company was in difficulty.The government ha

22、s a tendency to dismiss peace movements as representing only a minority opinion.He just laughed, and dismissed the idea as impossible.She was dismissed as a dreamer.As good as they are.As popular as he is, the President has not been able to get his own way on every issue.temperTo harden (as steel) b

23、y reheating and cooling in oil /to anneal or toughen (glass) by a process of gradually heating and cooling使坚韧To make stronger and more resilient through hardship : toughen变坚强 e.g. troops tempered in battlechatterChatter, talk quickly, continuously, and for a long time usu. About something unimportan

24、t喋喋不休He chattered on about his car.Chatterbox, 话匣子,喋喋不休的人Chat, gossip (celebrity buzz)Babble,nagChat, to talk in a friendly informal manner闲谈,聊天Have a chat, chat away about, chat about this and thatMake small talk, talk about unimportant things in order to be pokite or to avoid serious subjects.Chew

25、 the fat, inf. To have a long conversation aobut many subjects; chat闲扯,闲聊The older women meet to chew the fat with their neighbors every morning. We sat there drinking beer and chewing the fat until it was time to go home.Chitchat, inf, an informal light conversation or gossip聊天,闲谈Shoot the bull/bre

26、eze, Ame, inf, have an informal not very serious conversation谈天,闲聊They sat around shooting the bull until late at night.gossipHave ones numberInformal, to have a knowledge about someone, espl when useful in annoying or defeating them摸透某人的底,对某人心中有数Youll never fool her, Mike shes got your number.Baseb

27、allWatch a video about the rules and terms of baseball.Pitch, pitcher, batter, base, baseman, run, home run, hit, strike out, bases loaded, inningSee page 50Be a hit (Hit原指“安垒打”)取悦某人;受他人欢迎的成功 例如:The award ceremony was a hit, attracting an overflow crowd. (颁奖典礼很成功,吸引了一大群人。) Step up to the plate(原意:走上

28、本垒板) 采取行动;承担责任 例如:Mary needs to step up to the plate and decide which proposal will best serve the interest of the company. (玛丽需要承担起责任并决定哪个建议最符合公司的利益。) Strike out (原意:击球员三个好球未击打或挥棒未击中而出局)失败 例如:John struck out with his book proposal; he received a rejection letter from the publisher today. (约翰的著作出版建议

29、没被接受;今天他收到出版商拒绝他的来信。) Throw a curve ball (原意:投球手向击球员投出一个曲线球)戏弄或使人惊讶;提及出人意料的事 例如:The boss threw us a curve ball when he announced that each employee would have to bring his own food to the company picnic. (老板宣布每个职工自己带食物参加公司野餐时,我们都感到惊讶。) Off base (原意:不在垒上)不现实;不确切;错误的 例如:His cost estimate was way off base, far higher than warranted by current prices for labor and materials. (他的成本估计太离谱了,不合理地远远高于目前劳力和材料的价格。) Out of left field (原意:左外场以外)不相关;出乎意料 例如:His silly proposals for solving the prob


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