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1、CHECKING CORNERPart 1 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading and ComprehendingI.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。Tom was so(心烦意舌L的 )that he didn t reply to your letters.I m afraid trouble will follow if you(忽视)your diet.Cold as it is, the children are still playing(在户夕卜).Are you sure you( 完全地)understand

2、 the importance of this task?The( 窗帘)was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in.After the terrible storm, the town becomes very d.Jim has a practical( 伙伴)who organizes everything for him.Never tell her a secret; she has got a l tongue.II.选用方框内合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。have got to; add up; calm down;go thr

3、ough; set down; a series of;in order to; face to face; no longer;be concerned about; on purpose; at duskthere s nothing to worry about.The street lights come on and go off at dawn.These days, people good nutrition, which is important for health.As a writer, I like to my feelings on paper.Staff will

4、hold meetings over the next few weeks.I think all these mistakes are made just to annoy me.We started early arrive there before dark.The couple are standing there,.He used to be a famous pianist, but he plays the piano.Jack was really unlucky because he one hardship after an-other.6, 7 and 8 and you

5、 ll get 21.12. In that country, if you earn more than $5,000 a month, you will pay tax.III.根据汉语提示,将下列句子补充完整。.我们去度假之前把所有门窗都关好了。We shut up the house before.我在为学期论文做调研时,发现了一些有关美国历史的新资料。for my term paper, I discovered something new about American history.我确信你会成为一位好老师。I m sure you will .因为你是英语初学者,没有人会笑话你

6、的。Nobody will since you re a beginner of English.许多阅读障碍似乎与智力没多大关系。Many reading disorders seem tointelligence.我对迈克尔杰克逊的音乐爱的发狂。I m really Michael Jackson s music.这地方1949年是什么样子我记得很清楚。I what the place looked like in 1949.Part 2 Learning about LanguageI.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。The( 手提箱)burst open

7、and its contents rained on the floor.大衣),I am still cold.解决)the matter.恢复)from the bad cold.t(打行李)yet!Although I am wearing a(n)(She has not decided how to(It took her a long time to(I m leaving in an hour and I havenThese companies( 遭受)huge losses in the big fire.II.从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The

8、 student asked his teacher round the earth.if the moon goes or notthat the moon wentwhether the moon goeswhether the moon wentHe asked me.A. what the weather would be like tomorrowwhat the weather would be like the next dayhow the weather would be like tomorrowhow would the weather be like the next

9、dayThe mother said that it time that they supper.A. was; hadB. was; had hadC. is; haveD. is; have hadThe boss asked his secretary he had finished typing the report.A. if; or notB. if; notC. whether; or notD. whether; notShe looks sad. Could you tell me that pre-vents her from being as happyas before

10、?A. what it isB. it is whatC. how it isD. it is howIII.将下列直接引语变为间接引语。The shop assistant asked me, “Do you like the red or the yellow dress?My mother asked me,“You have finished your homework, haven t you?Dick asked, “How much did you pay for the bike?Ann said, My friend moved to Paris in 1998.Jim sa

11、id, “ I like swimming and I want to go swimming this afternoon.Part 3 Using LanguageI.根据上下文及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。A: People should stop using their cars and start using public transport.B: E. The roads are too crowded.A: Can you give me some ton how to improve my spoken English?B: Just practice

12、more.A: The grammar rules are very easy. Don t you think so?B: I d. In my opinion, English is a very difficult language.A: I think t should not be allowed to go out with their friends at night.B: I couldn t agree more. It s dangerous for them to hang out at night.A: It s too late. Let us go on to th

13、e next(项目)tomorrow.B: Good idea. See you tomorrow!.根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。Susan: Hi, Maria! Long time no see. 1. (你和你的新室友相处如何)Maria: Not very well. In fact, I am having some trouble with her.Susan: What s up?Maria: My roommate 2.(不喜欢早点睡觉)and she surfs theInternet deep into the night every day while 3. (我确实憎恨

14、熬夜).Susan: Why not have a talk with her about it?Maria: I find it hard to speak out the truth. 4.(如果你给我一些建议我将很感激).Susan: Just speak out. Firstly, her behaviour has affected your health. 5. (其次,熬夜对她也是有伤害的).Thirdly, it will damageyourfriendship if she continues.Maria: You re right. Thank you, Susan. I

15、 ll have a try.根据括号内的提示,将下列句子翻译成英语。.他爱上如此美丽的姑娘是很自然的事。(fall in love with ).我不会与不诚实的人交朋友。(make friends with ).你知道他们中间有多少人参加了讨论吗? (join in ).这个男孩很固执,他从来不采纳别人的建议。(take one s advice )IV.根据所给句子,使用适当的连词将两个句子合成一个句子。Life is limited. There is no limit to learning.I didn t go to bed until eleven last night. I

16、got up late this morning.He came. Then he went.He speaks French well. He speaks English well.We should be brave. We should be careful.Keys:Part 1:I. 1. upset2. ignore 3. outdoors 4. entirely8. loose5. curtain6. dusty 7. partnerII. 1. Calm downat duskare concerned aboutset; downa series ofon purposei

17、n order toface to faceno longerwent throughAdd up1. going on holiday3. make a good teacher5. have nothing to do with7. well rememberPart 2:I. 1. suitcase12. have got to2. While doing research4. laugh at you6. crazy about2. overcoat3. settle4. recover5. packed6. suffered1-5 CBACAThe shop assistant as

18、ked me whether I liked the red or the yellow dress.My mother asked me if I had finished my homework.Dick asked me how much I had paid for the bike.Ann said that her friend moved to Paris in 1998.Jim said (that) he liked swimming and that he wanted to go swimming that afternoon.Part 3:1. Exactly 2. tips3. disagree4. teenagers5. itemII.How are you getting along with your new room-matedislikes going to bed early3. I hate staying upI would be grateful if you could give me some adviceSecondly


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