



1、7BU1-2测验(总分值100分) 班级:姓名:总分: 一、单项选择(18分)- Dad, Jack s father going to buy some bread.We buy some too?OK, dear. A. will; Will B. will; Shall C. is; Shall D. are; ShallGranny doesnt feel well. She doesnt likeA. to eat something B. to eat anything C. eating nothing D. to eating everythingask for help if

2、 you have problems?A. What about B. Why notC. Shall we D. LetsIn our city, the number of the teachers 2,000, but only about of the teachers are men teachers.A. is; seven hundreds B. are; seven hundred C. is; seven hundred D. are; seven hundreds 5. Will there a football match on CCTV-5 this evening?-

3、Yes, there usually football matches on Sunday evenings.A. have; have B. be; will be C. are; areD. be; areThe boy didnt find much about the topic on that website.A. reportB. articleC. information D. story-How long does it take the train to get to Suzhou from Nanjing?-Maybe one hour. But why not it on

4、 12306?A. fixB. designC. lookD. checkWhat would you like to have for lunch, Wendy?-is OK. I am hungry enough to eat a horse.A. SomethingB. Anything C. Someone D. Anybodyis it from your home to school?About 10 minutes, walk.A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How oftenMr Green has a house, and he b

5、uilt the house last year.A on his own;of his ownB. on his own;on his ownC. of his own;of his own D. of his own;on his own-Who buy some flowers for our English teacher? -Mary is.A. isB. is going to C. willD. shall一 The question is so easy.-Maybe it is easy for most of us. But I dont think can answer

6、it.A. someoneB. anyone C. everyoneD. no onThank you very much me your birthday party.A. for inviting ; on B. on inviting ; for C. for inviting ; to D. to invite ; forThe building a big garden is my uncles. And he likes the garden flowers best.A. has; is full of B. there is; full ofC. with; is full o

7、f D. with; full ofMr Jiang likes cooking. He will cookfor his family this evening.A. nice anything B. nice something C. anything nice D. something nice16. Look at the clouds! It.A. rainsB. will be rain C. is raining D. is going to rain-we go fishing this afternoon, Dad?-Sure. It be sunny.A. Shall; s

8、hall B. Will; wontC. Will; shall D. Shall; will一? Yes. My watch doesnft work.A. What will you do?B. Do you need any help?C. Are you not feeling well? D. What help do you need? 二、完型填空(10分)The Black family come to a new big city Mrs Blacks son, Bob, is not 19 . Because, in the new city, he doesnt have

9、 any friends to play with.One 20 z there is a knock at the door. Mrs Black opens it. Thee stands a woman with brown hair. It is Mrs White. She comes to 21 eggs. She wants to make cakes. Mrs Black lends her 22 . In the afternoon, there is another knock at the door. Mrs Black opens it and sees a boy s

10、tanding there. MMy name is Jack White/1 he says. nMy mother sends you this cake and the two eggs. n nWell, thank you, Jack, says Mrs Black. MCome in and meet my son Bob.nLook! Bob and Jack are 23 the cake and milk. They are going to play football. Now they are friends! Im 24 you live next door. Bob

11、says. nI must thank your mother for coming for 25 . ” Jack laughs and says to Bob, nShe doesnt 26 the two eggs. She just wants to make friends with your mother. Bob says, Thats a(n) 27 way to make friends. Its an easy way too. It can work!”28 if youre ready to make friends, you can always find some

12、ways!A. friendlyA. morningA. putA. oneA. lookingA. sadA. eggsA. eatA. popularA. ButB. freeB. afternoonB. borrowB. twoB. eatingB. sorryB. cakesB. wantB. poorB. SoC. lazyC. eveningC. giveC. threeD. happyD. midnightD. buyD. fourC. havingC. gladC. fruitC. likeC. interestingC.OrD. drinkingD. hopefulD. mi

13、lkD. buyD.cheapD. When三、阅读理解(22分)(A) Activities in our neighbourhood this weekend.Time: 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. on Saturday and Sunday!Come to Han Meis yard. You can get some old books and toys. They are at a good price.Beijing operaSilang Visits His Mother will-be on in Sunshine Movie Theatre at 3 p. m.

14、 this Saturday!Ticket: 50yuan (half the price for people over 60).tiS RA*ATime: 9: 30 a. m. -11: 00 a. m., Sunday Speaker: Mr Hu, a doctor from BeijingFree talkTo help people keep healthy, there will be a free talk in Peoples Hall.Cake-making competitionWelcome to our DIY house! The competition is f

15、or children aged 10 to 12. Time: 3 p. m:, SundayFee: 30yuan, including the materials(材料) Prize: Two movie tickets for Hi, Mom)29. Which of the following can be put in .?A. Country music B. Yard sale C. Board game D. Football game )30. The underlined word Fee means nin Chinese.A.规定B.过程 C.费用D.款式()31.

16、Which of the following is NOT true?We can buy some old books in Han Meis yard.We can see Hi, Mom in Sunshine Movie Theatre.Mr Hu will give a talk on how to keep healthy.You can take part in the cake - making competition if you are an 11 - year old child.B 篇 Farmer John and Farmer Bob were neighbours

17、. For more than 30 years they had been good friends. One day, they were angry with each other because of little things. Then John found a stream between the two farms. It must be Bob, HJohn thought.Then one day, a carpenter(木 匠 )knocked at Johns door. nIn looking for a few days* work, the carpenter

18、said. HI do have a job for you, nJohn said. HI want you to build a fence(栅栏)between the two farms. I dont want to see Bobs place or his face any more. I dont have such a neighbour!”The carpenter said, nI think I know what to do, sir, and IN be able to do a job that makes you happy. After the carpent

19、er had just finished his job, Johns eyes opened wide. There was no fence there at all!It was a bridge! And the neighbour, Bob was coming. nTm sorry for what I have dont. We should be good to each other, Hsaid Bob.Then they turned to see the carpenter, who was ready to go. No, wait! Stay for a few da

20、ys. I have a lot of other jobs for you, nsaid John. nFd love to stay,H the carpenter said. nBut I have more bridges to build.n()32. Farmer John asked the carpenter to build a fence because.A. he wanted to protect his farm B. he didnt want to do it himselfC. he wouldnt like to see Bob D. he wanted to

21、 find him something to do ()33. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The carpenter built a bridge for John. B. John and Bob became good friends again.C. The carpenter didnt finish his work. D. The carpenter helped John and Bob.()34. What do you think of the carpenter?A. Clever. B.Shy. C. Stupid. D.

22、 Interesting.CCharles Robert Darwin was born on February 12, 1809. His family lived not far from theRiver Severn, England. Darwins father was a famous doctor and the son of an even greater doctor.Darwins father hoped that his son would also become a doctor.As a boy, Darwin liked to go for walks in t

23、he fields and forests. At the age of 16, Darwin went to Edinburgh University(大学)to become a doctor. But he was interested in the history of nature(自然).、_Some time later, he heard that the ship Beagle was going on a trip(旅行)to South America and wanted a scientist(科学家) His teacher wanted him to go. So

24、 when the ship left England in December 1831, Darwin was on it. The trip took them five years. The Beagle studied the water in the sea near South America. It also visited many other places. Darwin saw many new plants and animals.When Darwin went back home, his family and many friends warmly welcomed

25、 him.In 1842, Darwin went to live in Kent, and there he went on with his studies of the changes in nature. Darwin understood that plants and animals are not always the same, and that they really change.By 1859, Darwin had finished his famous book The Origin of Species(物种起源).It made a great hit in th

26、e world of science. The church (教会)and even some scientists ODDOsed him. But later, more and more scientists agreed with him.Darwin worked on his studies in science to the end of his life in 1882.()35. What did Darwin work as on the ship Beagle?A. A doctor B. A scientist. C. A waiter. D. An engineer

27、.()36. Where should we put the sentence Then he studied in Cambridge University until 1831”?A. Between Paragraph 2 and 3.B. Between Paragraph 4 and 5.C. Between Paragraph 5 and 6.D. Between Paragraph 6 and 7.()37. What does the underlined word opposed probably mean in Chinese?A.反对B.支持C.拜访D.赞美()38. W

28、hich of the following about Darwin is TRUE according to the passage?A. Darwin was born in South America. B. Darwins grandfather was a doctor.Darwin was interested in ship and sea.Darwins book was popular with all the people right after it came out.()39. What is the passage about?A. How Darwin wrote

29、his famous book. B. What happened in Darwin*s life.C. Why Darwin loved to study nature. D. Where Darwin was born and studied. 四、信息还原(5分)Kitty: Where are you going, Tom?Tom: 40 They have a new flat. Kitty:Great! Where is their new flat?Tom: It is in Sunshine Garden in Eleventh Street.Kitty: 41Tom: Th

30、ere are eight buildings. All of them are tall and modern.Kitty: 42Tom: They have three supermarkets, some restaurants and a nice primary school. But there isnt a hospital now.Kitty: What can people do if they are ill? 43Tom: I hope there will be a hospital some. day. Then old people can go to see a

31、doctor easily.Are there any supermarkets, restaurants or school around the neighbourhood?What do they have around their neighbourhood?How many buildings are there in their neighbourhood?I agree with you.I am going to visit my grandparents.I am afraid that some old people dont like such a neighbourho

32、od.Sunshine Garden is not good for people to live. 五、单词填空(14分)Ifs never too old to learn. Karl Max began to learn Russian in his(四十).How you are to get the last ticket for the wonderful football match!Now many students want to be, because they want to help more people in need.At weekends, we always

33、stay at home and watch(录像).- How old is your sister? -My e sister is two years older than I. She is.If you are on the plane, you will find the housesbi Hsu look so small.didnt see him in the office. Could you please take a m for me? That kind boy often s his toys with other children. - What a genero

34、us boy he is!Some(学院的)students will come to our neighbourhood and help us.Tom always dreams of being an.(工程师)in the future.Thousands of(游客)came to Taierzhuang Ancient Town during May Day.What useful(信息)! Thank you for helping me so much.He is practisingfl ksi g the clock. Do you know the p in front

35、of the gate? - Yes, they work in the police station nearmy home.六、完成句子(15分).你很幸运有一个像他那样的父亲。.你是不是正在为怎么修理你的洗衣机而担忧?.如果你的车出了故障,你可以向警察寻求帮助。.汤姆不知道怎样做中国菜。.我的朋友们打算和我提供他们的故事。、短文填空(10分)It was December 30th. Anna and Alex were helping Mum make some (banana) cakes. They cut up the bananas, put the eggs and suga

36、r in the flour, poured the milk in and mixed them all up.When they were almost done, Anna asked, nMum, why are we making so many cakes? I want to take some over to Mrs Brown 2 the street, nsaid Mum. HHer husband died 3 a serious illness a few days ago. She only has her dog Wangwang in the house.nMum

37、 put the cakes in the oven(烤 箱 )and the 4 (child) helped clean up the mess. The cakes were finally done. They all waited 5 (patient) until the cakes cooled down. Then they put some on a plate and headed to the opposite house.When Mrs Brown 6 (open) the door, Anna said, nMrs Brown, we have brought yo

38、u banana cakes. n Thank you. They smell delicious, Mrs Brown said. nWangwang and I are feeling a little lonely these days. Its kind of you? come.n“Would you like to join 8 (we) tomorrow for New Years dinner? ”asked Mum. nTake Wangwang too. nWell, Im not sure, nsaid Mrs Brown. Please say yes, said Alex. nCome to our house, and it will be great fun, nsaid Anna.Anna was right. They never had such a pleasant dinner. Mrs Brown thanked them for 9 (invite) Wangwang and her, saying she felt


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