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1、第 PAGE 16页 吉林华桥外国语学院毕业论文用纸 Analysis of Restraints in Using CLT in Senior High School English Teaching I. Introduction Communicative approach, as a new teaching method, was introduced to EFL (English as Foreign language) teachers in China in 1970s and is gradually adopted thus became popular in 1990s

2、 in China. The author wants to know whether the adoption of CLT in China is effective. If not, what are the restraints that affect the adoption? However our society hasnt recognized the harm of these restraints which affect the efficient use of CLT. This article is written to draw teachers authoriti

3、es and parents attention to take remedies to realize the efficient use of CLT.The essay is based on a research which was made in Yueqing City, the authors hometown, a city in Zhejiang Province. The research is on the form of a questionnaire and interviews. The research was made in different kinds of

4、 schools, including key public schools ordinary public schools and private schools to keep the result scientific. One hundred and eight teachers from different schools are interviewed by questionnaires.This essay is divided into five parts. The first part of this essay is introduction of CLT. The se

5、cond part is to introduce the result of research concerning current situation of use of CLT. The third part is to analyze restraints in using CLT. The fourth part is to give remedies .The last part is to conclude. 1.1 Definition of CLT Communicative Language Teaching is also called Communicative App

6、roach. It is an approach to foreign or second language teaching,which emphasizes that the goal of language teaching is communicative competence. The approach follows the national syllabus and emphasizes the processes of communication to get information,using language for social interaction with othe

7、r people. The functional view of language is primary one behind the communicative method. The goal of language teaching is to develop what Hymes (1972:5) referred to as “ communicative competence, which involves being able to use the language appropriate in a given social context.” According to Brow

8、n(1983),the definition of CLT includes four characteristics:(l) Classroom goals are focused on all of the components of communicative competence and not restricted to grammatical or linguistic competence.(2) Form is not the primary framework for organizing and sequencing lessons. Form is the framewo

9、rk through which function is taught.(3) Accuracy is secondary in terms of conveying messages. Fluency may take more importance than accuracy. The ultimate criterion for communicative success is the actual transmission and receiving of intended meaning.(4) In the communicative classroom,the students

10、ultimately have to use the language productively and receptively ,in unrehearsed contexts. 1.2 The Feature of CLTCompared with other methods, CLT merits many distinguishing features.Learners are required to be actively involved in using language by means of learning through “learners learn how to us

11、e Language creatively,such as responding in novel and authentic communicative situations.” Grammar and vocabulary are taught communicatively. So learners can use the grammar to express different communicative meanings. Learners work in small groups and pairs. They learn skills of cooperating with ot

12、hers and how to express their own opinions and feelings by engaging in activities in which they must think creatively. They are provided by opportunities for using the meaningful context and in new and complex ways. Each class may include daily revision of language, rich and comprehensible input and

13、 negotiate meaning “Put up with learners errors.” Fluency first,accuracy second in oral work.II. A Research on the Use of CLTIn order to get first hand information, the author makes a research in seven senior high schools in Yueqing City. One hundred and eight teachers from different schools are int

14、erviewed by questionnaires. The information of the questionnaire is given in the appendix at the end of this paper.Table 1 Teachers from Different SchoolsNo.of TeachersName of the SchoolsType of School15Yueqing Senior High SchoolKey Public School15Yueqing Number 2 Senior High SchoolKey Public School

15、15Yueqing Number 5 Senior High SchoolOrdinary School15Dajing Senior High SchoolOrdinary School15Liushi Senior High SchoolOrdinary School15Wenxing Senior High Middle SchoolPrivate School18Yuying Senior High SchoolPrivate SchoolTable 2 Situation of Use of CLT in Senior High School in Yueqing CityQuest

16、ionsNo. of “Yes”PercentNo.of“No”PercentDo you know CLT?9292%88%Have you ever tried CLT?8585%1515%Did the students improve their communicative competence by CLT?2626%7474%Stud Students find it more difficult to remember words and grammar if their teacher use CLT8282%1818%The above research made in Yu

17、eqing City by the author shows that 8 percent of the teachers remain somewhat confused about what exact communicative approach is; 15 percent of the teachers dont try CLT. However after 85 percent of the teachers use CLT, they find the students communicative competences havent improved obviously. Ev

18、en 82 percent of students find it more difficult to remember words and grammatical rules .In other words the use of CLT is not satisfying in Yueqing City. III. Restraints in Using CLT in Yueqing City SourcesRestraintsNo. of“Yes”PercentNo.of “No”PercentTeachersThinking that CLT ignores grammar6565%35

19、35%Thinking that CLT stresses only oral English5151%4949%Thinking that CLT takes the form of pair work7676%3434%Deficiency in spoken English6969%3131%Lack of training in CLT7373%2727%Students low language proficiency8989%1111%StudentsLittle motivation7979%2121%Resistance to communicative activities6

20、363%3737%ParentsLow educational level6767%3333%Educa-tional systemBig class size7979%2121%Grammar-based education8383%1717%The above research shows teachers opinions about CLT and restraints of using CLT. 65 percent of the teachers think that CLT dont need grammar. 51 percent of them think CLT stres

21、s only oral English. 76 percent of them think CLT takes the form of pair work. And 69 percent of them admit their deficiency in spoken English effect the efficient use of CLT. 73 percent of them think their lack of training in CLT effect the efficient use of CLT. Meanwhile they think they are not th

22、e only source that influences the teaching result of using CLT. The author will further analyze the sources which affect the teaching result according to the data and some theories. 3.1 Deficiency of TeachersBrown, H.D (1917) held that the role of the teacher in the communicative approach is to faci

23、litate communication process and to act as an independent participant. These two main roles imply a set of secondary roles for the teacher; first, as an organizer of resources and as a resource himself, second as a guide within the classroom procedures and activities. A third role for the teacher is

24、 that of a researcher and learner, with much to contribute in terms of appropriate knowledge and abilities, actual and observed experience of the nature of learning and organizational capacities. These roles sound to be easy to function as, but taking the realities in Yueqing City into consideration

25、, we find that this is the biggest problem concerning the success or failure of the adoption of the communicative approach, because some teachers have misunderstanding about CLT. Some has poor English social or communicative competence. All the elements above affects the full use of CLT in senior hi

26、gh school. 3.1.1 Misinterpretations of CLTMisinterpretations of CLT affected the unsatisfying adoption of CLT in Yueqing City, for misinterpretations of CLT lead to incorrect way of teaching, followed by unsatisfying teaching quality. The author will analyze three main fallacies of some English teac

27、hers.1. Fallacy One: CLT Ignores Grammar Some Chinese scholars such as Shu Dingfang(2004) and Gui Shichun(2005)also discussed the misconceptions existing in foreign language teaching and research in China. According to Shu, there are six pitfalls in foreign language teaching and research which have

28、blinded teachers to find their way out. One of the six pitfalls is that “communicative ability is the ability to speak” Shu Dingfang (2004).While discussing how to deal with grammar and grammar teaching, Gui mentioned four misconceptions in the field of grammar teaching in China, among which the mis

29、conception that “grammar is unnecessary to be taught, and students can learn by themselves” is included Gui Shichun (2005). From the authors research, we see that teachers in Yueqing City also have misunderstanding about CLT. Some of them value CLT too much and exclude other good teaching theories a

30、nd approaches such as grammatical teaching. About 65 percent of the teachers in Yueqing City think that CLT doesnt need grammar. In fact, just as Chinese experts emphasize “eclecticism”, no teaching approach can meet all the needs of classroom and no teaching approach is suitable to everyone. It dep

31、ends on teachers evaluation of teaching situation. CLT is not perfect. A good teacher should challenge a prevalent idea when he finds his students cant achieve the prospective progress.In fact,linguistic competence is a part of communicative competence. It refers to ones knowledge of pronunciation,g

32、rammar,and vocabulary. As Widdowson (1978) said “the ultimate aim in language learning is to acquire communicative competence. Communicative abilities embrace linguistic skills but not the reverse.” This means we can not go without grammar .Unless the students have a good knowledge of grammar system

33、,they wont really gain the ability to communicate.Unlike L2 learners, who learn the form of language unconsciously, Chinese students learn English as foreign language. Therefore grammar is indispensable. Some theoretical knowledge of grammar is helpful to foreign learners of a language. But the emph

34、asis should be on applying the rules rather than just knowing them; using the language to communicate is much more important than remembering grammar. A good teaching should combine grammar with communicative purpose.Whats more, as Doubin (2008) pointed out learning grammar can make students deeply

35、understand the differences between foreign language and mother tongue and avoid “negative transfer” and strengthen “positive transfer”. With the students not learning grammar, and always speaking incorrect English, they will lead to in a state of “fossilization”. It is a process occurring from time

36、to time in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language. That is, L2 learners stop learning while their internalized rule system contains rules different from those of the target system. Finally, “The obvious feature of CLT is that it no

37、t only focuses on the structure of language, but also functions of language” Littlewood (1986). Grammar doesnt stand in the way of communicative language learning. If teachers can arrange grammar and communicative language learning well, grammar will pave the way for communicative language learning.

38、 2. Fallacy Two: CLT Stresses Only Oral EnglishCLT stresses that efforts should be put on developing learners communicative competence. It claims that learners should be given more chances to speak. Teachers should try to involve learners in all kinds of classroom activities and let the learners spe

39、ak out. So many senior high school teachers think that they should teach less and make students practice more. 51 percent of the teachers think that CLT stresses only oral English. The author has observed some classes in Yueqing City, she finds many teachers have utilized this concept to an extreme

40、extent, i.e. the whole class is filled with students oral activities. But I really doubt if its practical that learners can speak out everything without teachers help.We should take into account that Chinese students learn English as a foreign language. They have limited information in mind. Only en

41、ough “input” can guarantee much intake, which will result in much “output”. They mainly acquire knowledge by formal classroom learning. As H.G Widdowson (1977) said “speaking is said to be active or productive skills.” So teaching still plays an important role in the classroom to supply input. Teach

42、ers have to decide what students need to learn first,and how they can make students learn. 3. Fallacy Three: CLT Takes the Form of Pair WorkAbout 76 percent of the teachers think CLT take the form of pair work. When they try to use CLT, they can just use pair work to make students practice.In fact,

43、CLT contains varieties of activities besides pair work. Pair work is a kind of technique that is helpful to communicative language teaching. But its practical model is too stereotyped. Students are often offered clear and definite instructions. Its useful when the students are not used to free talk

44、or their English level is very low. Such controlled activities shouldnt be the teachers main and only choice,because it has many shortcomings: Students cant make their own decisions in their learning. Such practice limits students imagination. Their pair work is mechanically drilling, not real commu

45、nicative activity. When teachers adopt this kind of so called CLT activities, students communicative competence dont improve.3.1.2 Deficiency in Spoken English As we are clear that one of the most obvious characteristics of CLT is the use of authentic language. It is considered desirable to give stu

46、dents an opportunity to develop strategies for understanding the target language as they are actually used by native speakers. But it is the fact that ELT teachers in Chinese secondary schools are all non- native speakers. Especially most of the teachers in small cities like Yueqing City have not ev

47、en interacted with native speakers. It is difficult for the non - native teachers to develop a near - native competence in English. Whats more, about one third of the teachers in senior schools in Yueqing City are old teachers, according to the information from Educational Bureau in Yueqing City. Us

48、ually they are not good at oral English. About 69 percent of the teachers think they have difficulties in spoken English, which affect the efficiency of adoption of CLT. 3.1.3 Lack of Training in CLT From the table, we can see that percent of the teachers who are usually old teachers dont know CLT.

49、76 percent of the teachers think they were not well trained. As we know theories guides practices. If the teachers dont know CLT, how can they use it? Although CLT was taught to some young teachers during universities, it was just a piece of knowledge for them to remember. Those young teachers dont

50、have chances to carry it out. After they become a teacher, they have little time for further study about it. They seldom have systematic training about teaching approach and methods. Their training is limited in listening and evaluating some excellent teachers classes. Therefore, some of them have m

51、isunderstanding about it, causing inefficient use of CLT. 3.2 Students Deficiency3.2.1 Students Low Language Proficiency CLT demands communication between teachers and students, students between students. And students performance directly influences the result of use of CLT. Unluckily, the average s

52、enior high school students in Yueqing City have a very small English vocabulary. They know 1imited number of English structures. So they have great difficulty in expressing themselves in English when they are assigned to do communicative activities. They usually think what they want to say in Chines

53、e first and then translate it into English. Only one or two very excellent students in a class can express themselves clearly. Most students simply can not find suitable words to express their ideas because of limited vocabulary. Gradually they loose interest in trying to speak English any more and

54、remain inactive in class. Those students present challenges and require teachers special care and effort. Teachers have to slow down and repeat themselves if they want to encourage these students to participate. They have to design special activities to meet their needs. So that the pace of teaching

55、 is slow and many teachers do not have enough teaching hours. That is the reason why 89 percent of the teachers think students low language proficiency does influence the efficient use of CLT. 3.2.2 Little Communicative Motivation Those students are lack of motivation and refuse to take part in comm

56、unicative activities in class also cause unsatisfying results of using CLT. They think its unnecessary to do such things in class. They dont accept CLT. Theyd like to only listen to the teachers to explain some grammars.Lambert, in a series of experiments carried out over 30 years between the 1950s

57、and 1980s, has identified two main types of positive motivation.The first is commonly called “Instrumental Motivation”. This is more common of foreign rather than second language learning contexts. Instrumentally motivated learners are usually learning English in a monolingual community for some bus

58、iness,government or academic related purpose. A learner with instrumental motivation is more interested in how the foreign language can be a useful instrument towards furthering other goals, such as getting a good job,getting a place at university.The other type is known as “Integrative Motivation”.

59、 This is more common when learning English in the L2 environment. The learner with this kind of motivation is held to be learning the language in order to become more likely, or more acceptable as,a member of the L2 speech community. Here then the motivation for learning the language is based on the

60、 desire to fit in, to become less obviously an outsider. When the language is being used for external rather than internal communication, people are less likely to be intensely or constantly aware of communicative need for it. As in China, many English learners can not recall themselves ever using t


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