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1、Text comprehensionI. CIIFFFTFIIIFor Mayblum, the WTC was a symbol of power for its height and steadiness, and the force of storms was actually nothing to the WTC.The author means that the survival of the people inside the WTC would simply depend on their locations, i.e. where they were at that momen

2、t.Ramos went to help the panicked workers into a stairwell (on the 78th floor), helped the heavyset man down one more flight to an elevator (on the 53rd floor), helped the man toward the last bank of elevators (on the 44th floor), and reassured the man he would be staying with him (on the 36th floor

3、).They helped the heavyset man 17 floors down the building.the sentence implies that Ramoss wife refused to believe that Ramos did not make it out of the building.IVOn that morning thousands of people in the WTC were thrown, all of a sudden, into a condition of terrible suffering and uncertainty. Ma

4、yblum was one of them.It seemed that the tremendous sound of the collapse of the South Tower destroyed the mans hope of climbing down the remaining stairs, and thus took away his remaining energy.VocabularyIburning a situation or circumstance relating to sth. in an intermittent manner help sb. Thing

5、s are satisfactory up to this pointIIscoffeddilemmacollapsedpandemoniumreassuringrumbleglancing atmeet up withIII1. Chris became more and more panicky (panic), as the day of the examination drew near. 2. The spacecraft descends / descended (descent) through the atmosphere at a speed of 17,000 mph.3.

6、 Good teachers try to make their lessons more enjoyable (enjoy) by using varied activities. 4. For years they were living with their suitcases packed in constant expectation (expect) of being given permission to leave the country. 5. There was a lot of public debate about the morality (moral) of the

7、 invasion. 6. I managed to get him to lend me the money, but I had to use all my powers of persuasion (persuade).7. His desire to make his son a pianist was so strong (strength) that he spent nearly all his savings to buy him a piano. 8. After a break you should feel energetic (energy) and confident

8、 enough to tackle another assignment. IVADCBDCADV.1. Others faced the ultimate moral dilemma: Save yourself, or save another.Antonym: amoral, nonmoral2. But as hard as she tried, as many questions as she asked, the picture began to fade on the 36th floor.Synonym: disappear3. The drawstrings on his w

9、indow shades would appear to sway slightly, but it was an illusion.Antonym: wildly4. He ripped his T-shirt into pieces, soaked the pieces in water and gave them to colleagues to cover their faces.Antonym: uncover, disclose, reveal5. Hong and Ramos tried to persuade him to continue.Antonym: dissuade6

10、. “I left,” Hong says sorrowfully.Antonym: happily, joyfully, joyously7. Mayblum would be one of thousands cast into extraordinary purgatory that morning.Antonym: ordinary, common8. On the 53rd floor, he came across a heavyset man whose legs just wouldnt move any more.Antonym: small, thin, slenderVI

11、. 1. help helpful / helpless 2. childchildish / childlike / childless 3. act active 4. persistence persistent 5. revolution revolutionary 6. success successful 7. woman womanly 8. lady ladylike GrammarI.wouldwouldused to, wouldused toused toused towouldwouldused to would, would, wouldII.used to trav

12、elwas not used to acceptingwas not used to receivingused to thinkused to livingused to saydidnt use to eatam not used to drivingIII.insistencehabitual actionprobabilitywillingnessprobabilitypolite requestimprobabilitycapability IVcould, would, might, might, should, mightcould/would, should, could, m

13、ight, could, wouldshould, should, would, would, couldVneednt have carriedneednt have boughtdidnt need to tellneednt have hadneednt have stooddidnt need to hurrydidnt need to opendidnt need to takeneednt have washeddidnt nee to workTranslationIIThanks to modern technology, the film about that ancient

14、 battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves. That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived.The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake. In that

15、 earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives. The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.In 1980, when I met up with her, she h

16、ad just returned from abroad with a masters degree. It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm. It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director Xie Jin did it. Exercises for integrated skills1. Dictation With hope of finding more surv

17、ivors / of Turkeys devastating earthquake / now all but gone, / the Turkish authorities are turning their attention / to caring for those who have survived. A full-scale relief effort / in the area hit by the earthquake / is finally beginning after days of confusion. / Turkish and foreign volunteers

18、 / have been joined by soldiers and the police, / and heavy equipment /sent by nearby cities and by private companies / has been moved to almost every victimized town. The Minister of Housing estimated that / 60,000 buildings had been either destroyed / or seriously damaged in the quake. / It is hop

19、ed that / within a few days, / many of the homeless / will be moved / out of the fields and tents / where they were now living. / 42 countries and 38 international organizations / have sent aid to Turkey. / The World Bank had sent $200 million / for housing construction. 2. ClozeLife in Darwin (in t

20、he far north of Australia) had always been free and easy. From May to October, the weather was the best. Tourists arrived in large numbers from the south to (1) escape the winter cold.However, on 24 December 1974, the local television and radio stations warned (2) of / about a cyclone, which the wea

21、thermen had (3) named / called Tracy, moving rapidly nearer Darwin. At two minutes before midnight, the radio gave out a short message. There seemed (4) little / no doubt that Cyclone Tracy was moving towards Darwin. Within minutes people were running screaming into the dark streets. Tall office bui

22、ldings and hotels (5) fell to the ground. Cars parked in the streets were blown (6) over and over until every bit of metal was bent. At Darwins railway (7) station, trains were thrown into the air (8) as if they were toys. The rails were torn up from the (9) ground and bent into different shapes. Al

23、l the (10) time the cyclone was moaning and roaring. When Cyclone Tracy finally (11) left Darwin, there was a strange silence throughout the city. Everyone waited, (12) expecting the storm to turn round and come back to make (13) sure that all the buildings were knocked to the ground. The city was s

24、o badly hit that it was decided to bring in bulldozers to knock (14) down whatever was left standing. The only thing to do was start from the beginning and (15) rebuild the whole city.Writing1. Chandlers looks dark hair, combed back but fairly short and not too wavy His eyes have a sort of half-twin

25、kling, half-questioning look likes to wear dark shirts tall for his age tends to walk with his shoulders back and chin stuck out in front2. Chandlers character is friendly to newcomers but does not go out of his way to make new friends lets other people start the conversation likes to hum or whistle

26、 as he walks likes to laugh at other peoples jokes but seldom tells any himself looks politely bored in class3. Chandlers interests collects stamps does not go in much for sports hates math is good at making posters plays trumpet in the band spends hours at home playing recordsListening ExercisesLis

27、ten for the first time. Note down the key adjectives that are used to describe the situation and the speakers feelings.1st speaker: addicted; heart-wrenching; desperate; unspeakable2nd speaker: important; terrible; overwhelming; overbearing; speechless3rd speaker: saddened; numb; scared; devastated;

28、 unreal; unbelievable; crushed; anxious; shocked; grieving; powerlessListen again. Complete the following passages with the words you hear on the recording.1st speaker: walking across the bridge in the beautiful glow of the sunset , seeing the boats cut waves through the East River, and the mighty subway trains run on their rivers ofsteel, we


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