【小升初】译林版(三起)2022-2023学年六年级下册英语期末升学分班分层专题02 任务型阅读(含解析)_第1页
【小升初】译林版(三起)2022-2023学年六年级下册英语期末升学分班分层专题02 任务型阅读(含解析)_第2页
【小升初】译林版(三起)2022-2023学年六年级下册英语期末升学分班分层专题02 任务型阅读(含解析)_第3页
【小升初】译林版(三起)2022-2023学年六年级下册英语期末升学分班分层专题02 任务型阅读(含解析)_第4页
【小升初】译林版(三起)2022-2023学年六年级下册英语期末升学分班分层专题02 任务型阅读(含解析)_第5页
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1、试卷第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 3 3页第PAGE 页码11页/总NUMPAGES 总页数20页【小升初】译林版(三起)2022-2023学年六年级下册英语期末升学分班分层专题02 任务型阅读一、任务型阅读Table MannersGood table manners are different from country to country.In India, for example, people eat with their right hands. Eating with left hands is very rude (粗鲁的)!In the West,

2、 people dont usually share food. Everyone has his or her own plate of food. And you should not make noise when you are eating, even if the food is really good. Eating with noise is rude in the West. But in Japan it is good manners to make noise when you are eating, because that shows you are enjoyin

3、g the food. In China, it is OK to make a lot of noise in a restaurant. But in the West, the restaurant is a quiet place. Making much noise in a restaurant shows ones bad manners.CountryGood table mannersBad table mannersIn IndiaPeople eat with _1_.Eating with _2_.In the WestPeople eat his or her own

4、 _3_.Eating with _4_.In JapanPeople make _5_ when they are eating./In _6_Its OK to make a lot of noise in a restaurant./阅读绘本故事,完成下面的任务。7根据图片故事,选择恰当的单词,将其标号填在横线上。AImportantBneedsCinDsleepE. loveDog is a kind of good pet. You should know all of the things your dog needs. Your dog needs water all day l

5、ong.Your dog needs to eat food once or twice a day. You can feed it _ the morning and evening.Walking is _ for your dog. Your dog needs to be walked once or twice a day.Your dog needs a warm place to _.Your dog _ to be brushed and washed.Your dog needs a family and lots of _.8喜欢什么小动物?为什么?试着写一写。例:I l

6、ike dogs, because they are very kind._The Chen familys three-day tour to Hualien (花莲县)Day 17:20 a.m.To Hualien by train10:30 a.m.To Taroko National Park bus7:00 p.m.Stay in Hotel ADay 25:00 a.m.Watch the sunrise (日出) on the beach11:30 a.m.To Baiyang Waterfall by bus8:00 p.m.Stay in Hotel BDay 310:00

7、 a.m.To a farm by bus5:20 p.m.Back to Taipei by train7:00 p.m.Home9Where will the Chen family go?_10How will they go back to Taipei?_11When will they go to Baiyang Waterfall?_12Will they stay in Hotel A on Day 1?_13What will they do on the beach on Day 2?_Lily: Jane, where did you go on your holiday

8、?Jane: I went to many places. I went to Sanya three weeks ago. The sea was beautiful and I went swimming in the sea. And I bought a gift for you.Lily: Thanks. What other places did you go?Jane: I went to Beijing yesterday. I took many pictures of the Great Wall. The Great Wall is amazing!Lily: Thats

9、 nice! Next time we can go there together.Jane: Sure. What about you? Where did you go?Lily: I just stayed at home and read some books because I had a cold.Jane: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Can we visit the museum this weekend?Lily: OK.14阅读对话, 选择正确答案。(1) Jane went to _ places on her holiday. ( )AtwoB

10、threeCfour(2) The sea of Sanya was _. ( )AwonderfulBbeautifulCamazing(3) Lily and Jane will visit the museum _. ( )Anext weekendBthis weekendClast weekend(4)Jane bought a gift for _. ( )ALilyBher motherCher father(5) Lily _ on her holiday. ( )Astayed at homeBwent to the museumCwent to the library15根

11、据对话内容,补全表格信息。What did they do on the holiday?Jane1.Three weeks ago, Jane went to Hainan. She went _ in the _.2. Yesterday Jane _ the Great Wall.3.Jane _ of the Great Wall.Lily4. Lily stayed at home and read some books because she _.There was a frog. He lived in a well and he never (从未) left the well

12、. He thought the sky was as big as (和一样大) the mouth of the well. One day a bird came to the well. He saw the frog and said, “Frog, lets have a talk.” Then the frog asked, “Where are you from?” “I fly from the sky,” the bird said. The frog felt surprised and said, “The sky is only as big as the mouth

13、 of the well. How do you fly from the sky?” The bird said, “The sky is very big. You always stay in the well, so you dont know the world is big.” The frog said, “I dont believe you.” But the bird said, “You can come out and have a look yourself.” So the frog came out from the well. He was very surpr

14、ised. How big the world was!16根据上下文猜测文中“well”的意思是:()A好的B好吧C井17One day, a _ came to the well.18我们遇到不会读的单词时要找学过的单词来帮忙,如frog,我们就可以找_和_这两个单词来帮忙,这样我们就能正确读出这个新单词了!19At last, the frog found (发现) the world was _.Shanghai is very big and very famous. It is in the east of China. It has got about seventeen mil

15、lion people. You can take a boat trip along the Huangpu River. You can also visit the Yu Garden and Shanghai Museum. London is in the north of the UK. Its very old. Its got more than two thousand years history. It has got seven million people. You can visit the Big Ben, London Eye and Hide Park.You

16、can see many paintings on the wall there. You can buy chocolate and coffee there. Florida is in the south of the US. It has got thirteen million people. Its a great place for holiday. You can see colorful fish under the sea. You can also row a boat in the park.Disneyland is there. You can say hello

17、to the Mickey Mouse. PlaceFeather(特点)WhereHow big(people)What. doShanghaibig and famouseast of China_20_ millionGo along the Huangpu River by _21_, visit the Yu Garden and Shanghai MuseumLondon_22_north of the UK7 millionvisit the Big Ben, London Eye and Hide Park, buy _23_ and coffeeFloridagreat pl

18、ace for holiday_24_13 millionsee colorful fish, row a boat trip in the park, say hello to the Mickey Mouse阅读理解。Look! This is Peter the cat. He is wearing his new white shoes and walking on the street. Peter loves his white shoes so much, he sings this songI love my white shoes.I love my white shoes.

19、I love my white shoes.I love my white shoes. Oh no! Peter steps in a large pile of(一大堆) strawberries! What colour are his shoes? Red!Does Peter cry? No! He keeps walking and singing his song.请涂色,让它们变得香甜诱人吧!I love my red shoes.I love my red shoes.I love my red shoes.I love my red shoes. Oh no! Peter

20、steps in a large pile of blueberries!What colour are his shoes? Blue!Does Peter cry? No! He keeps walking and singing his song.请涂色,让它们变得芳香浓郁吧!请填写歌词,和Peter一起唱一唱吧。_._._._.Oh no! Peter steps in a large puddle of(一大滩) mud!What colour are his shoes? Brown!Does Peter cry? No! He keeps walking and singing

21、his song.I love my brown shoes.I love my brown shoes.I love my brown shoes.I love my brown shoes. Oh no! Peter steps in a bucket of water.And all the brown, and all the blue, and all the red are washed away.What colour are his shoes again? White! But now they are wet. Does Peter cry? No! He keeps wa

22、lking and singing his song.I love my wet shoes.I love my wet shoes.I love my wet shoes.I love my wet shoes.25初读故事,我们要了解故事大意和主要情节。你读懂了吗?快来检测一下吧!(1) The story is about _. ( )Aa dogBa cat(2) At first(一开始), Peters new shoes are _. At last, his shoes are white but wet. ( )AwhiteBblack(3) Through the stor

23、y, we know _. ( )APeter is a happy cat.BPeter likes to sing songs.CA and B26要想读懂故事,读透故事,还要借助图片和上下文来进行合理推测哦!(1) “Peter steps in a large pile of strawberries.” Whats the meaning of steps? ( )A踩上B台阶(2) “What colour are his shoes again? White! But now they are wet.” Whats the meaning of wet? ( )A干的B湿的27

24、Peter loves his shoes. He keeps walking and singing his songs. Whats his song? 回到原文,在横线上把歌词补充完整吧。28What colour are strawberries and blueberries? Please colour the fruits.回到原文,给这两种水果涂上颜色吧。29填一填。Peter the cat is wearing his new white shoes and walking on the street. Peter step in30涂一涂。 What colour are

25、 his shoes? (请涂色) 31选择“Yes”或“No”。Does Peter cry?“Yes.” or “No.”阅读短文并回答问题。My name is Chen Jie. Im twelve years old. Yesterday was Saturday. I had no classes. My parents and I had a picnic in the park. We got up at six oclock. My mother cooked breakfast for us. We went to the park by car. In the park,

26、 my father read a book under a big tree. My mother listened to music. I played with my dog and ate good food. We went back home at 4 oclock. In the evening I watched TV with my parents. Yesterday was a nice day.32What day was it yesterday?_33When did they get up?_34How did they go to the park?_35Did

27、 her mother see a film?_36What did they do on Saturday evening?_Tom is a good student. He gets up at 6:00 am every day. He likes red, so he often wears his red shirt. He goes to school at 7:00 am. He practices running at school in the morning. At 8:30, he has Chinese class. He likes Chinese very muc

28、h and he is good at writing. He doesnt like English, because he thinks its difficult. He has lunch at school. And in the afternoon, he always plays basketball on the playground with his friends. He does his homework at school too. He goes back home at 5:30. He reads in the evening. And he goes to be

29、d at 9:30 pm.37阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(1) Tom is good at _. ( )AChineseBEnglishCMaths(2) Tom often goes home at _ pm. ( )A6:00B5:30C7:00(3) Tom thinks English is _. ( )AeasyBinterestingCnot easy(4) In the evening, Tom often _. ( )Adoes homework at home Bwatches TV at home Creads books at home(5) _ is Toms fav

30、orite colour. ( )ARunningBRedCBasketball38请仿照上题的短文,按照下面的要求介绍自己的一天。要求:(1) 意思连贯,语句通顺。(2) 标点正确,书写规范。(3) 不少于5句话。_Im Mike. Today is Friday. I dont go to school because of summer holiday. Come and look at my parents old photo. This is a photo fifteen years ago.The man is my father. He was 25 years old at

31、that time. He was younger and thinner. He was a postman. He didnt like sports. But now he likes playing sports very much. He plays basketball every day. So he becomes stronger. And he is a worker now. The woman is my mother. She is one year younger than my father. She had long hair and she didnt wea

32、r glasses at that time. She was a teacher. But now, my mothers hair is shorter. And she wears glasses. She is still a teacher.39Why doesnt Mike go to school today?He doesnt go to school because of _.40What did Mikes father do fifteen years ago?He was a (an) _.41Is Mikes father stronger than before?_

33、42How old was Mikes mother fifteen years ago?She was _ years old.43Who wears glasses now?_答案第 = page 1 1页,共 = sectionpages 2 2页答案第 = page 9 9页,共 = sectionpages 1 1页答案:1right hands2left hands3plate of food4noise5noise6China【导语】本文介绍了不同国家的餐桌礼仪。1句意:人们用_吃。根据文中“people eat with their right hands”人们用右手吃,故答案

34、为right hands。2句意:用_吃是不好的餐桌礼仪。根据文中“Eating with left hands is very rude!”用左手吃是粗鲁的,故答案为left hands。3句意:人们人们吃他/她自己_。根据文中“Everyone has his or her own plate of food.”人们吃他/她自己盘子里的食物,故答案为plate of food。4句意:_吃是不好的餐桌习惯。根据文中“Eating with noise is rude in the West.”在西方吃饭时发出声音是粗鲁的,故答案为noise。5句意:当吃饭的时候,人们制造_是好的餐桌礼仪。

35、根据文中“But in Japan it is good manners to make noise when you are eating.”但是在日本,吃饭的时候制造声音是好的餐桌礼仪。故答案为noise。6句意:在_。根据文中“In China, it is OK to make a lot of noise in a restaurant.”在中国,在餐馆里制造很多噪音是可以的,故答案为China。7 C A D B E8I like cats, because they are very lovely.【导语】本文主要讲述了如何饲养一只宠物狗。7句意:你可以在早上和晚上喂它。在早上用

36、介词in。故选C。句意:散步对你的狗来说很_。根据句意和所给单词可知这里说的是散步对你的狗来说很重要。A important重要的,符合语境,故选A。句意:你的狗需要一个温暖的地方来_。根据句意和所给单词可知这里说的是你的狗需要一个温暖的地方来睡觉。Dsleep 睡觉符合语境,故选D。句意:你的狗_洗刷。根据句意和所给单词可知这里说的是你的狗需要洗刷。选项 B. needs 需要符合语境,故选B。句意:你的狗需要家庭和许多_。根据句意和所给单词可知这里说的是你的狗需要家庭和许多爱。选项 E. love爱,符合语境,故选E。8所给例句句意:我喜欢狗,因为它们非常友好。根据例句句意和实际情况可仿写

37、句子:我喜欢猫,因为它们非常可爱。故答案为I like cats, because they are very lovely.9They are going to Hualien.10By train.11At 11:30 on Day 2.12Yes, they will.13They will watch the sunrise on the beach.【导语】本文讲述了陈一家要去花莲县的旅行计划。9句意:陈一家将要去什么地方?根据The Chen familys three-day tour to Hualien可知他们要去花莲县。故答案为They are going to Huali

38、en.10句意:他们将怎么回到台北?根据Back to Taipei by train可知是乘火车。故答案为By train.11句意:他们将什么时候去白羊瀑布?根据11:30 a.m.To Baiyang Waterfall by bus可知是第二天的上午11:30.故答案为At 11:30 on Day 2.12句意:在第一天他们将呆在旅馆里吗?根据7:00 p.m.Stay in Hotel A可知他们要呆在旅馆。故做肯定回答,故答案为Yes, they will.13句意:第二天他们将在海滩做什么?根据Watch the sunrise (日出) on the beach可知他们要看日

39、出。故答案为They will watch the sunrise on the beach.14 A B B A A15 swimming sea visited took many pictures had a cold14(1)题干是珍妮在她的假期去了几个地方。根据文中的句子,提到了Sanya,Beijing。故选A。(2)题干是三亚的大海是。根据文中的句子The sea was beautiful and I went swimming in the sea. 可知大海是漂亮的。故选B。(3)题干是李蕾和珍妮将会在去参观博物馆。根据文中的句子Can we visit the museu

40、m this weekend?可知是这个周末,故选B。(4)题干是珍妮给买了一份礼物。根据文中的句子And I bought a gift for you.可知是给李蕾买了礼物。故选A。(5)题干是李蕾在她的假期。根据文中的句子Lily: I just stayed at home and read some books because I had a cold.可知呆在家里。故选A。15题干是三周之前,珍妮去了海南。她去。根据文中的句子 The sea was beautiful and I went swimming in the sea.可知去游泳了,故答案为swimming。题干是三周

41、之前,珍妮去了海南。她去游泳。根据文中的句子 The sea was beautiful and I went swimming in the sea.可知去游泳了,故答案为sea。题干是昨天珍妮长城。根据文中的句子I went to Beijing yesterday. I took many pictures of the Great Wall. The Great Wall is amazing!可知是去参观了长城。故答案为visited。题干是昨天珍妮长城。根据文中的句子I went to Beijing yesterday. I took many pictures of the G

42、reat Wall. The Great Wall is amazing!可知是去参观了长城。故答案为took many pictures。题干是李蕾呆在家里并且读书因为她。根据文中的句子Lily: I just stayed at home and read some books because I had a cold.可知是感冒了。故答案为had a cold。16C17frog18 fruit dog19big【导语】本文讲述了井底之蛙的故事。16根据上下文可知well的意思为井。故选C。17句意:一天,一_来到井的旁边。根据“One day a bird came to the we

43、ll.”可知是一只鸟。故答案为bird。18我们遇到不会读的单词时要找学过的单词来帮忙,如frog,我们就可以找fruit水果和dog这两个单词来帮忙(答案不唯一),这样我们就能正确读出这个新单词了!故答案为fruit;dog。19句意:最后,青蛙发现世界很_。根据“He was very surprised. How big the world was!”可知是大的big。故答案为big。201721boat22old23chocolate24south of the US【导语】本文主要介绍了上海,伦敦和佛罗里达三个城市。20根据文中句子“It has got about seventee

44、n million people.”可知上海有大约一千七百万人口。故答案为17。21根据文中句子“You can take a boat trip along the Huangpu River.”可知你可以乘船沿着黄浦江游览。所以是乘船,by boat,故答案为boat。22根据文中句子“London is in the north of the UK. Its very old.”可知伦敦是古老的,故答案为old。23根据文中句子“You can buy chocolate and coffee there.”可知可以在那买巧克力和咖啡,故答案为chocolate。24根据文中句子“Flo

45、rida is in the south of the US. ”可知佛罗里达在美国的南部。故答案为south of the US。25 B A C26 A B27I love my blue shoes.I love my blue shoes.I love my blue shoes.I love my blue shoes.28草莓涂成红色,蓝莓涂成蓝色29strawberriesblueberriesmudwater30红色、蓝色、棕色、白色31No【分析】25(1)句意:故事是关于 _。根据短文内容Look! This is Peter the cat.看!这是猫彼得。a cat一只

46、猫,故选B。(2)句意:一开始,彼得的新鞋是_。最后,他的鞋子是白色的但是湿的。根据短文内容He is wearing his new white shoes and walking on the street.他穿着他的新白鞋,走在街上。 可知:一开始,彼得的新鞋是白色的。white白色的,故选A。(3)句意:通过这个故事,我们知道_。选项A彼得是只快乐的猫。选项B彼得喜欢唱歌。选项C彼得是只快乐又喜欢唱歌的猫。综合整个短文,可知彼得是只快乐又喜欢唱歌的猫。故选C。26(1)句意:“彼得踩上了一大堆草莓。”踩上是什么意思?故选A。(2)句意:“他的鞋子又是什么颜色?白色!但是现在它们湿了。”

47、湿是什么意思?故选B。27句意:彼得喜欢他的鞋子。他不断走路和唱歌。他的歌是什么?根据上文What colour are his shoes? Blue!他的鞋是什么颜色的?蓝色!可知他的歌是I love my blue shoes.故答案为I love my blue shoes. I love my blue shoes. I love my blue shoes. I love my blue shoes.28句意:草莓和蓝莓是什么颜色?请给水果上色。根据短文内容Peter steps in a large pile of strawberries! What colour are hi

48、s shoes? Red!彼得踩上一大堆草莓!他的鞋是什么颜色的?红色!Peter steps in a large pile of blueberries!What colour are his shoes? Blue!彼得踩上一大堆蓝莓!他的鞋是什么颜色?蓝色!故答案为草莓涂成红色,蓝莓涂成蓝色。29根据图片,结合短文内容,各单词依次为strawberries;blueberries;mud;water。故答案为strawberries;blueberries;mud;water。30根据短文内容,彼得的鞋颜色的变化依次为红色、蓝色、棕色、白色,故答案为红色、蓝色、棕色、白色。31句意:彼得哭了吗?根据短文内容Does Peter cry? No! He keeps walking and singing his song.彼得会哭吗?没有!他不断走路和唱歌。故答案为No。32It was Saturday.33They got up at six oclock.34They went to the park by car.35No, she didnt.36Th


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