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1、1我没料到这个无耻的女人居然同好友的丈夫调情。译 1 I had not expected that this shameless woman should flirt with her best friends husband.译 2 I had not expected that this shameful woman should flirt with herbest friend s husband.(shameful通常指某 事物是 可耻的,丢脸的“,而shameless(可以指人和事物)表示 having or showing no feeling of shame;)译 3 I

2、had not expected that this shameless woman should flirt with her best friend s husband.2在皎洁的月光下,那个花花公子在我耳边悄悄说着情话。译 1 The playboy whispered sweet nothings to my ear with a bright moonin the sky.译 2 The playboy whispered love words to my ear with a bright moon inthe sky.(因为 情书”是love letter ,情歌”是love s

3、ong 。英语中 情话”常用loversprattle 或sweet nothings 来表达。 prattle 有孩子话,废话”的意思,所以lovers prattle 指 恋人之间孩子气的废话 ;sweet nothings更是一目了然,有 甜蜜而不中用”的意思。)译 3 The playboy whispered love s prattle to my ear with a bright moon in the sky.3.我感到很痛。译 1I feel a lot of pain.译2 I am painful.(painful表示 使人痛苦的,让人疼痛或讨厌的,它的主语往往不是人,

4、而是事物或人体的某个部位 )译 3 I am in great pain4这个任务很危险,但总得有人去冒险。译 1 The task is really dangerous. But someone has to bell the cat.译 2 The task is really dangerous. But someoneas to take the adventure.(adventure指军事历险、探险旅行等惊险活动或投机活动。而bell the cat 源自一个故事:一窝老鼠想在猫脖子上套一个铃铛, 这样猫一来他们就会听到,并及时逃命。但主意虽好,却苦于没人去铃铛(bell the

5、 cat )。后来,bell the cat 被人们反复引用,表示 为大家的事去承担风险” 译 3 The task is really dangerous. But someone has to bell the cat.5你去弄些水来。译 1 Go and fetch some water.译 2 Go andbring some water. ( bring 虽然表示 带来”,但它是让某人 在来的时候将某物带来(但说话时人还没来);而fetch则是让身边的某人 去取某物”,它包括往返的 两段路程。)译 3 Go and get some water.6那本书毫无价值可言。译 1 That

6、 book is valueless译 2That book is invaluable. (invaluable 是指非常贵重的,无价的”(highly valuable , precious )译 3 That book is valueless.7我有一个舒适的家译 1 I have a warm family译 2 I have acozy family(family主要指家庭成员;而home主要指居住地,即 住宅”。)译 3 I have a cozy home.8给他当二把手我看也值得。他太能干了译 1 Ifeel it worth playing second fiddle to

7、 him. He is so capable.译 2 I feel it worth being a second-handto him. He is so capable.(second hand作名词指 中间人、旧货”或 助手工人”,而汉语的 上把手”是 副手”,即第二负责人”的意思,所以二者不是一回事 )译 3 I feel it worth playing second-fiddle to him. He is so capable.(play second fiddle则源于管弦乐队中第一提琴手(first violin )不在的时候由第二提琴手负责,并被人们引申为当主要领导人的副手

8、”,)9奥斯本名义上是个医生,但他整天都呆在股票交易所里。译 1 Osborne is doctor in name only, but he stays in the stock exchange allday long.(徒有虚名的)译 2 Osborne is a doctorby nameonly, but he stays in the stock exchangeall day long. (by name常放在专有名词之后,表示所说的人或事物的确实名称而in name是贬义词,表示 名义上的”或徒有虚名”。)译 3 Osborne is a doctor in name only

9、, but he stays in the stock exchangeall day long.10你做这样的事难道不感到羞耻吗? 译 1 Aren t you ashamed of doing such a thing?译 2 Aren t you ashamedr doing such a thing?(be ashamed for 一般是指“对他人的行为或外在事物感到羞耻”,而be ashamed of则是 的于自己的所作所为而感到羞耻”。)译 3 Aren t you ashamed of doing such a thing?11我们的基础教育相当薄弱。译 1 Our basic

10、education is rather weak译 2 Our fundamental education is quite unsubstantial.(fundamental指主观认为必要的,而elementary和basic是(客观)现 实真正必要的)译 3 Our elementary /basic education is quite unsubstantial.12农村的生活节奏缓慢,城市的生活节奏快。译 1 Thepace of life in the countryside is slow, while that in the city is fast译 2The pace o

11、fliving in the country is slow while in city it is very fast.Living (living指的是具体的生活细节,而life是生活的统称 着眼于宏 观和状态)译 3 The pace of life in the country is slow while in city it is very fast.13他们终于弄清了这件事的来龙去脉译 1 Theyfinally got to the bottom of the matter.(bottom :强调事情的结果)译 2Finally, they found out the begin

12、ning and subsequent development ofthe incident.(来龙去脉 表示人或者事物的来历或者事情的起因经过结果。译文看起来翻译的很精巧,其实很空洞)译 3 Finally , they got a clear idea of the entire scenario of this incident.14玛丽是个醋劲十足的女人。译 1 Mary is a jealous woman.译 2 Mary is a womanfull of vinegar.(醋劲很足就是妒忌心很重)译 3 Mary is a jealous woman.15这些退伍军人都享受公费

13、医疗。译 1 The veterans were treated with free medical care.译 2The demobilized soldiers allenjoy free medical care.(enjoy喜爱;欣赏;享受;使过得快活)Be entitled to使有权利;给予 权利;有权享有;有资格)译文 3 The veterans soldiers are entitled to free medical care16哈德罗挥金如土,一点儿积蓄都没有。译 1 Harold spends money like water, and has no savings.

14、 译 2Harold spends money likedirt, and has no savings.(俚语:西方的地理环境多喜欢把事物和水作比,而东方喜欢和土作 比)译 3 Harold spends money likes water, and has no savings.17都十点钟了,起床了,懒虫!译 1 It s ten o clock. Get up, lazy bones.译2 It s ten o clock. lGzy worm (:懒虫”并非真是一条虫,只不过被用 来形容人很懒惰罢了。)译 3 It s ten o clock. Get up, slacker.18老

15、师很喜欢这个嘴甜的小姑娘。译 1 The teacher likes this sweet-mouthed little girl very much.译 2The teacher likes thissweet-mouthed little girl very much.(中国人喜欢说 嘴甜,但honey-lipped更符合英美人的语言习惯)译 3The teacher likes this honey-lipped little girl very much.19时间过得飞快。现在,他来纽约已经半年了。译 1 Time files. Now he has been New York for half a year now.译 2 Time pasted quickly. Now he has been New York for a half year.(past是副词表示一个事物与另一个事物的 方位关系)译 3How time flies! Now he has been in New York for a half year20旧M公司一直处在电脑行业的前沿。译 1 IBMhas always b


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