1、预习阶段任务安排1. 摘抄所有对于自己来说不认识的词汇/短语-必须有作品;2. 将每个片段中 idea 的句摘抄出来,并且理解后面的 support是讲解原理过程还是陈述内容(这两者并没有明确区别)-必须有作品;3. 尝试理解所有片段里的从句(知道如何使用而不解释),有任何疑问都请在群里或者单独找助教老师解答;4. 素材中红色部分的短语必会必背;交通话题: 交通拥堵的原因以及解决方案,公共交通 VS车交通相关词汇以及解释:cannot move or can only move very slowly.Bumper to bumper traffic when cars are traveli
2、ng so close togethert their bumper bars are almost touchingTraffic jam/congestion - a long line of vehicles on a roadt请翻译下面的这些单词或者短语:pedestrians- public transport- traffic volume- traffic capacity-different means of commuting- commuter-sky train- bicycle lane- parking lot-vertical automatic parking
3、lot- speed bump-carpool-congestion tax/congestion charge- speeding-discourage people from taking their carso the city-Road rage -and angry behaviour by car drivers towards other car driversRush hour / Peak hour - the time of day when the roads, buses, trains etc. are almost full, because people are
4、travelling to or fromworkcar-free cities-Traffic congestion is a result of multiple causes.cause of traffic congestion-1:One of the reasons for traffic congestion is limited road capacity.When traffic demand exceeds road capacity, people will get stuckon their way to work or school.any plaof the wor
5、ld, peoplehave bought a car, be it cheap or expensive.he me,however, the number and width of roads can hardly be increased tomodate the large number of cars.cause of traffic congestion-2:Traffic incidents are another reason for the congestion. When thereis a car crash or flat tyre, the traffic wille
6、 crowded as one ortwo driving lanes are disabled by the broken car. Worse still, withdrivers easily distracted by the mobile phone, the traffic congestioncaused by careless driving has been on the rise.提出解决方案的时候一定要记住:切实可行solution to traffic congestion:If theernment wants drivers to leave their car a
7、t home, thenthere should be better options. A subway line could be built ifsible. There could be a direct bus route if a subway cannot bejustified, oreasript can be made by takino bus routesor even three. Also, authorities could add bicycle racks to busesor allow bicycle parking in subway sions.下面的两
8、个片段都是关于公共交通和健康之间的关系,大家可以看看尽管 idea 相同,support 也可以很个性化benefit of public transport-1:Bus or underground railway users are more active. Individuals whouse public transport get two or three times the amount of physicalactivity per day of those who dont by walking to stops and finaldestinations. Getting a
9、ctive helps lower the risk of many seriousdiseases, such as heart and vascular diseases, strokes, diabetes,hypertensive diseases, osteoporosis, joand back problems, colonand breast cancers, and depres.benefit of public transport-2:Riding public transport vehiclesitively contributes to a betterlevel of health. Walking to and from public transport is a great wayto incorporate some extra physical activityo your routine.Catching public transport may also improve your mental health. It isless str
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