0105咨询求rfi rfi001-sketches空调机与FCU建议在立管分支处_第1页
0105咨询求rfi rfi001-sketches空调机与FCU建议在立管分支处_第2页
0105咨询求rfi rfi001-sketches空调机与FCU建议在立管分支处_第3页
0105咨询求rfi rfi001-sketches空调机与FCU建议在立管分支处_第4页
0105咨询求rfi rfi001-sketches空调机与FCU建议在立管分支处_第5页
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1、M101 M101 (Ch llers AC Water System Diagram)The logic of sequence of operation (SOO) is un easonable Besides the SOO (sequence of operation) as shown on he system diagram is diffe ence from of de ign b ief建议采用动态压差平衡阀 或者动态压差阀和静态平衡阀成对使用。此为普遍现象 图面其他位置不再全都标记空调机与 CU 建议在立管分支处各自独立接出支路 各自设动态压差平衡阀。此为普遍现象 图面其

2、他位置不再全都标记M102 03FCU PAU AHU FCU PAU AHU M102 03AC w ter S s em Di gr mThe p e sure d op of FCU nd FAU AHU are q i e di fe ent rom ach o her t is ecommend d o di t ib te t e hi ed w ter o FCU nd AU AHU by di fe ent nd v dual b an h p pes es ec iv lyE ch bra ch to be equ pp d w th dyn m c ba anc ng va

3、 ve (Cu r nt d s gn is s a ic ba an ing v lv ) St t c ba anc ng va ve is ecommend d o be equ pped a w ter ol e tor hea er)问题同M 02oblem same as M 02应该控制送风温度保持稳定M106M108仾VAV仾 仾VAV box 仾 M106M108(HVAC Smoke Protection and Ext ac ion Sys em Diagram)VAV ope ation con rol logic query -The cur ent design e

4、nd to control the return air temperature and ke in a steady value It is ecommended to con rol he supply air temperature andke t in a s eady s atus by means of auto-regulating-valve o cont ol the water flow volume of AHU The comfort temperature of indiv dual room shall be kept and cont o led by inflo

5、w-air volume of VAV boxesM107仾 仾仈 仾仾仾“仾-仾 仾”仾M107 (HVAC Smoke Protection and Ex raction System Diag am)Theoretically to control the re urn air fan by pr e di ferent (510Pa)be n indoor and outdoor atmosphe ic pre e is feasible However it is very d fficult to achieve this result as 5 to 10Pa requireme

6、nt s very harsh condition to he location and prec s on of differential pre e sensor in part cular n case of windy weatherIt s mended to equip air volume flow sensor n he supply a r duct and return air duct The fan speed shall be control by aprog ammed calculat on by he BA system thussupply air volum

7、e pre r zed a r volume return air volume Qs Qp Qr控室 差难度较大M107仾 仾仈 仾仾仾“仾-仾 仾”仾M107 (HVAC Smoke Protec ion and Extraction System Diagram)Theoretica ly o cont ol the e u n air fan by p e re d fferent (510Pa)bet indoor and outdoor atmospheric pr e is feasible However it is very difficult to achieve his

8、result as 5 to 10Pa requi ement is very harsh cond tion to the location and prec of di fe ential pre e sensor in particular in case of windy wea herIt is mended to equ p air volume low sensor n the supply air duct and return air duct The fan speed shall be control by ap ogrammed calculat on by the B

9、A system hussupply a r volume pre ized air volume return air volume Qs Qp Qr应该改为控制送风温度稳定General s us In he apa tmentadjustable ire rs would be ins alled However the adjustability of fired r is limited by the gear It is mended to install individual CVD in apar ment (constant volume d e )防火调节阀的调节性能不 好,建议用定风量阀或专门的调节阀57205730574058505860587058805600S5900S5700600589005900E9005500560258005510578057705760575058405830582058105580552055705


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