网管试题来源大型合作伙伴yto standard service agreement c_第1页
网管试题来源大型合作伙伴yto standard service agreement c_第2页
网管试题来源大型合作伙伴yto standard service agreement c_第3页
网管试题来源大型合作伙伴yto standard service agreement c_第4页
网管试题来源大型合作伙伴yto standard service agreement c_第5页
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1、圆通-COVENANT 服务协议YTO-COVENANT Service Agreement本服务协议(本“协议”)由以下双方于年月日签订:This Agreement is enteredo on the day of by and betn:(以下简称“甲方”),一家按照中圆通国际货物国(“中国”)法律设立并存续的民共和市青浦区公司,其地址为中国公路 2189 号第 3 号房A10;SHANGHAI YTOERNATIONAI FREIGHT FORWARDING CO.,.(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), a limited liabilit

2、y company duly incorporatedand existing under the laws of Peoples Republic of China (the “PRC”) with itsregistered address at No.A-10,Lane 2189,Jihe Road HuaxShanghai, China;own, Qingpu District,和AndCONVENANT (以下简称“乙方”),一家按照任公司,其地址为【】。法律设立并存续的有限责CONVENANT (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”), a li

3、mited liability companyduly incorporated and existing under the laws of Malaysia, with its registered addressat .于本协议中各称“一方”,合称“双方”。Each referred to as a “Party” and collectively as “Parties”.、自愿的基础上,经友好协商,就圆通公司委托 COVENANT 提供快进口清关之相关事宜达成如下协议:双方在件On an equal and votary basis and through amicable nego

4、tiations betn bothParties, with respect to the proviof serviprovided by COVENANT to YTOregarding Malaysia import customs clearance, IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:一、服务内容Scope of Service1.1COVENANT shall provide YTO with serviin respect of Malaysia importcustomsclearanceinrespectoftheshipmentsimporte

5、dtoMalaysia(“Shipments”) and charge YTO service fees in accordance with the agreed rates/fee schedule (“Service Fees”).COVENANT 根据本协议的约定向圆通公司提供快件:务(以下简称“服务”),并按照与圆通公司约定的取服务费(以下简称“服务费”)。进口清关服标准向圆通公司收1.乙方提供快件清关服务的区域为:(以下简称“清关区域”)。COVENANT shall provide the Shipment customs clearan(hereinafter referred

6、 to as the “Customs Clearance Area”).ervicealaysia2.乙方提供快件清关服务的时效为:【】个工作日,自乙方交接并接收快件之日起算(含当日)至快件清关完成及相关流程完成之日止。Party B warrantst the time it takes to finish the customs clearance of eachShipment is business days, which shall be calculated from the day Party B receives the Shipment (the day of receip

7、t of the Shipment is included) to the daythe Shipment is cleared and related procedure completed.二、甲方的权利和义务Party As Rights and Obligations1.甲方须遵守清关区域所在国家或地区的相关,不得寄递任何易燃、寄递的快件。易爆、有害及清关区域所在国家或地区的Party A shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the country or district of the Customs Clear

8、ance Area and shall not smuggle any Shipment which is flammable, explosive, toxic, hazardous or which is prohibited by thelaws and regulations of the country or district of the Customs Clearance Area.2.甲保证所交付的快件包装牢固妥当,标识完整准确,符合乙方及仓储要求。Party A undertakest the Shipments delivered by Party A to Party B

9、 areproperly marked and addressed and packed to ensure safe transporwarehousing.ion and3.甲方需提供清晰、完整、准确的快件面单信息,面单信息包括:快件的名称、价值、数量、重量、体积、系方式等详细信息。要求;收件人的地址、名称、联Party A shall provide clear, complete, and correct information indicated on thewaybill, including the information concerning the Shipments con

10、tent, name,value,ty, weight, volume, transporion requirements, the consigneesaddress, company name, name, contact and etc.三、乙方的权利和义务Party Bs Rights and Obligations1.乙方在为甲方提供本协议约定的进口清关服务时,根据服务项目报价表(附件 1)的约定向甲方收取服务费,并向甲方开具形式。Party A shall pay Party B the Service Fee for the proviof Malaysia importcust

11、oms clearanervice under this Agreement in accordance with the ServiceFee Schedule (Annex 1) and Party B shall ie pro formas to Party A.2.乙与甲方指定公司进行交接,对快件进行交接扫描并将数据传输至甲方IT 系统。快件遗失或破损的风险自乙方从甲方指定的公司接收快件并进行交接扫描之时起转移给乙方。Party B shall accept the Shipments from the company designated by Party A andscan the

12、 Shipments and send the electronic dao Party As IT system. The riskof loss or damage of the Shipments shall be transferred to Party B from the timeParty B accepts the Shipments and finishes the handover scanning.3.乙方提供服务期间,如遇清关区域所在国家或地区当地法定节假日需暂停运以形式提前 10 个工作日通知甲方。作,乙Party B shall give Party A a 10

13、business days prior written notice if it wouldsuspend its customs clearanClearance Area.ervice during public holidays in the Customs4.乙配备与甲方的圆通IT 系统相互兼容和协调的IT 系统,并及时传输有关快件清关状态的所有必要信息。数据传输的时限、格式和结构应以甲方规定的为准。Party B shall be equipped with IT system which is compatible andegrated withYTO IT System. Par

14、ty B shall transmit to Party A all the nesary informationregarding the sus of customs clearance. The time period, file formats andstructure of the daransmiss shall be subject to the requirements of Party A.5.乙方承诺其 IT 系统中的时间与操作信息,包括但不限于交接、收件入库、清关,发货出库等甲方进行查询与结算。实有效,并应及时将快件走件状态反馈甲方,以便Party B undertake

15、st the time and operation information in its IT system,including but not limited to information regarding on-site handover, clearance and departure are true and effective. In addition, Party B shall inform Party A the s us of customs clearance in a timely manner to facili e Party As inquiry andsettl

16、ement of accounts.6.乙向甲方提供快件清关进展情况查询的途径与便利。对于乙方提供进口清关服务期间出现的突发状况与异常情况,乙及时通知甲方,与甲时沟通,双方协商应对处理。Party B shall provide to Party A with the acs to inquiry on the sus ofcustoms clearance of Shipments, and shall promptly inform Party A on anyemergencies and abnormal situations during clearance and negotiat

17、e with Party A on solution.7.乙将配送公司签收的底单()至少保留【一年】,自签收之日起算。Party B shall keep the original copy of the handovroof signed by the shipcompany (if any) foreast one year, which shall be calculated from the daythe handovroof is signed by the responsible shipcompany.四、异常件的处理Handling of Abnormal Shipments1

18、.派件公司收到乙方送达的快件时,经检验确认快件外包装完好的,进行签收,乙将签收结果传输至甲方IT 系统。In the eventt the Shipments are received by ShipCompany and areconfirmed in good packing condition, Party B shall transmit the acceptance datato Party As IT system.2.凡出现清关及交货异常情况(包括但不限于无法联系派件公司、面单信息有误或不详、派件公司拒收等)而不当日甲方工作时间内通知甲方,与甲方配送的,乙在发生异常情况的协调沟通

19、处理方式。同时,COVENANT 应继续联系配送公司以完成交货。如无法完成交货,乙方需对快件提供【15】天的免费保管期,期间根据甲方指示行事,逾期乙方可自行对快件进行处理。1.1In case of any abnormal clearance and handover circumstan(including,without limiion, failure to contact the ShipCompany, incorrect orplete information on the waybill, shipcompanys refusal to accept theShipments,

20、 etc), Party B shall inform Party A of the abnormal circumstance onthe same day and negotiate with Party As staff on solution. Meanwhile, Party Bshall continue to contact the ShipCompany and try to handover again.COVENANT shall keep the Shipments forriod of fifteen (15) days for free,during which CO

21、VENANT shall deal with the Shipment as per YTOs instruction.Upon expiry of fifteen (15) days, COVENANT may at discretion to disShipments.e such3.及时传输至甲方 IT 系统,甲方对所有异常件信息,乙要求乙方在指定时间内提供清关异常的详细原因。如乙方未按要求提供,导致的损失由乙方承担。Party B shall transmit the information regarding any abnormal Shipments in regards to

22、Customs Clearance to Party As IT system and Party A may require Party B to provide the details of such abnormal Shipments in a specific time period. If Party B fails to do so, it shall compensate to Party A for any loss arisingfrom thereby.4.如派件公司未收到快件,而乙方无法提供证明及底单证实该派件已签收,则视为快件遗失,乙当按本协议约定承担赔偿责任。In

23、the eventt the shipcompany claimst is not received theShipment and Party B fails to provide any proof evidencingt the shipcompany has accepted the Shipment, then the Shipment shall be deemed to belost. In such a case, Party B shall be liable for any loss thereby in accordance with the terms of this

24、Agreement.五、标准与财务结算Service Fee Schedule and Settlement of Service Fees1.本协议约定的服务费用详见附件一。除非双方另行同意,服务价格将以【】结算。The Service Fee provided forhis Agreement is set forth in Annex 1. Unlessotherwise agreed in writing by both parties, the payment shall be made in CNY.2.费用结算:双方约定以月结方式进行结算。乙方每月 5 日(如遇法定节假日起 7相

25、应顺延)前向甲方提供上个自然月的费用个工作日内进行核对,如甲方对乙方所提供的,甲方在收到有任何异议,可在此期限内向乙方提出。甲方确认费用时,对于因乙方责任导致的赔偿费用,经COVENANT认可后,可直接从应用中扣除。按照双方确认的费用后的 14 个工作日内,以金额,乙方开具形式给甲方,甲方在收到转账方式支付给乙方。The Service Fee shall be settled on a monthly basis. Party B shall, withhe5 business days of eaonth (it shall be extended accordingly in case

26、of publicholidays), send Party A the details of the Service Fee payable for proviof thecustoms clearanervice to Party A for the preceding month. Party A shallconfirm the details within 5 business days and raise objections during this period. When confirming the details of the Service Fee, Party A ma

27、y deduct any compensation amount payable due to Party Bs default from the Service Fee payable upon COVENANTs written consent. After the Service Fee is confirmedby both Parties, Party A shall make payment within 10 business days upon receiptof the pro formaied by Party B.3.汇款及收款所产生的相关手续费由付款收款方各自承担。Br

28、emittance charges shall be borne and paid by both parties respectively.4.乙方行及收款账号信息如下:Party Bs baccount details are as follows:收款人Benefiry行5.结算快件服务费的快件重量应以甲方出仓的称重重量为依据。The settlement of the Service Fees shall be based on the weight of the Shipmentsscaled by Party A when the Shipments are carried out

29、 of the warehouse.六、双方保证Warranties1.甲方保证:Party As Warranties:1)已拥有所有必要的权利和,已采取适用法律要求的所有行动,并已获得所有必要的批准和同意以签订和执行本合同;Is all nesaryer, authority and capacity, has taken all actionsrequired by applicable laws and has obtained all the approvals andconsents to entero and perform its obligations under this

30、Agreement;2)甲方对本协议的履行不会务、法律、规章或法令。对双方有约束力的任何合同条款、义The performance of its obligations under this Agreement will not result in a breach of any agreements, obligations, applicable laws, regulations,order or decree, which has binding effect on it.2.乙方保证:Party Bs Warranties:1)乙方已拥有所有必要的权利和,已采取适用法律要求的所有行动

31、,并已获得所有必要的批准和同意以签订和执行本协议;Is all nesaryer, authority and capacity, has taken all actionsName of BBAccount No.的SWIFT 代码SWIFT Coderequired by applicable laws and has obtained all approvals and consentsto entero and perform its obligations under this Agreement;2)乙方对本协议的履行不会务、法律、规章或法令;对双方有约束力的任何合同条款、义The

32、 performance of its obligations under this Agreement will not result in a breach of any agreements, obligations, applicable laws, regulations,order or decree, which has binding effect on it;3)乙方具备签订和履行本协议所必须的全部资质和;All qualifications and permits required to enable itto entero andperform its obligatio

33、ns under this Agreemenve been obtained;4)乙方具备履行本协议所必须的场地、设施和设备;The requisite site, facilities and equipment have been put in place toenable it to perform its obligations under this Agreement;5)乙方具备履行本协议所必须的IT 系统;The IT system required to enable it to perform its obligations under thisAgreemenve been

34、 put in place;6)乙方具备履行本协议所必须的货物安全检查流程、货物收运工作程序、工作岗位责任制等规章制度。Nesaryernal guidelines and systems, such as standard operationprocedure on Shipments sorting and clearance and responsibility systemofts, have been put in place to enable it to perform its obligationsunder this Agreement.七、违约责任Liabilities1.

35、一方本协议项下约定的,应就其违约行为赔偿守约方的全部损失。The Party who breaches the provis of this Agreement shall compensate theotharty for all losstained thereby .2.乙对其提供服务过程中的快件遗失、破损等损失承担赔偿责任, 并按照快件实际价值向甲方进行赔偿,但每票快件最高赔偿额不超过【2000】元人民币。Party B shall be liable for any loss or damages of the Shipments when performing its servic

36、e under this Agreement. In such a case, Party B shall compensate Party A for the actual value of the Shipment but shall not exceed RMB 2,000 perShipment.3.乙方延迟清关的,如送达时间超过承诺时效 2 个工作日的,乙方免收该票快件服务费的 50%;超过 4 个工作日的,该票快件服务费全免;超过 6 个工作日的,甲方判定此票快件为遗失件,赔偿标准参照遗失件的理赔标准。Comparing with Party Bs committed cleara

37、nce time, if the clearance time of anyShipments: exceeds 2 business days, Party B shall cut the Service Fee oftShipment by half; exceeds 4 business days, Party B shall waive the Service Fee of t Shipment; exceeds 6 business days, Party A may at its discretion determine the Shipment to be lost, and P

38、arty B shall bear compensation liability for the lostShipment in accordance with Clause 7.2 herein.4.乙方对下列情形导致的损失不承担赔偿责任:Party B shall bear no liability under the following circumstan:(1)因收件人的行为导致的损失;Any loss caused by the consignee;因快件之性质所引起损耗、发霉、腐坏、变色、生锈、火灾、导致的损失;(1)等Any loss of wastage, mildew, s

39、poil, color change, rust, fire, bomb caused by the nature of the Shipments;因运单记载信息有误而造成的损失;Any loss caused by the wrongful information of the waybill;非因乙方原因造成的快件包装不当或不充分导致的损害(乙方知晓或应当知晓该快件可能会由于包装问题导致损害的情况除外)。(2)(3)Any loss caused by improper or insufficient packing of the Shipment whichis notributabl

40、e to Party B (unless Party B knows or has the reason to knowthe Shipment may cause loss due to the inadequate or defective packing).5.因乙方提供的物流信息不真实、确、不完整、不及时所导致的任何问题,均由乙方自行解决,如因此给甲方造成任何损失的,乙予以赔偿。如乙方故意向甲方提供虚假信息,甲方解除本协议并要求乙方赔偿损失。Any problems caused by untrue, inaccurate,plete information of theShipmen

41、ts provided by Party B shall be solved by Party B and Party B shallcompensate Party A for all loss arising from thereby.he eventt Party Bends to provide untrue information to Party A, Party A is entitled to terminatethis Agreement and Party B shall be liable for Party As loss.6.就任何乙向甲方支付的损害赔偿金额,经双方协

42、商同意,甲方从甲向乙方支付的服务费中直接扣减。Party A is entitled to deduct any compensation amount payaby Party B fromthe Service Fee payaby Party A upon mutual agreement.八、协议期限及协议的终止、解除Term and Termination1.本协议自甲、乙双方签署之日起生效,合同有效期至年协议期满双方无异议的,有效期自动顺延 1 年,依此类推。This Agreement shalle valid upon execution by both parties and

43、 remain inAfter expiry of the said term, this Agreement will befull force till .automatically renewed for one year unless eitharty objects.2.任何一方均可提前 30 日通知对方单方终止本协议。Either party maynotice to the othterminatearty.this Agreement by giving a 30 days prior written3.通知后,未能在 7 个工作日内对其违约行为一方本协议,经守约方进行补救的,

44、守约方单方解除本协议,并要求违约方赔偿相应损失。In case of any breach of this Agreement caused by one party and such breachcontinues for moren 7 business days following a written notice by the otherparty,t otharty shall have the exclusive right to terminate this Agreementand claim any compensation for its loss.4.乙方存在下列情形之一

45、的,甲方单方解除本协议,并要求乙方赔偿甲方因此的所有损失:In case of any of the following circumstancaused by Party B, Party A shallhave the exclusive right to terminate this Agreement and claim Party B for all losssustained consequently upon such circumstance.1)甲方同意擅自使用圆通形象并从中牟利;use of YTO image and making profits of the same

46、without the prior written月日consent of Party A;2)给圆通声誉造成不良影响的;causing bad effects to the goodwill of YTO;3)乙方或其擅自私拆、扣押、留置甲方货物的。Party B or Party Bs staff opens, detains or withholds Party As Shipmentswithout permis.5.本协议之终止并不影响本协议项下未完成之结算或任何一方付款义务以及其他在终止之日前已产生的权利或义务。The termination of this Agreement s

47、hall be without prejudice to the obligation of paying outstanding bills of either party and any other existing rights andobligations accrued before the termination hereof.6.不论因何种原因导致本协议解除或提前终止,双进行妥善交接,包括但不限于完成对账和结算、系统数据交接和删除、乙方就其占有的货物完成清关或返回甲方等。he event this Agreement is terminated for whatever reas

48、on, both parties shall conduct proper hand-over, including without limi ion to payment of outstanding bills, hand-over and deletion of system data, completion of customs clearance of Shipments received by Party B.九、ity任何一对另一方披露的所有“信息”,任何一方另一方事先同意均不得使用或向任何第透露任何信息。 “信息”包括所有资料、商业信息及和的专有信息,包括但不限于商业、技术资料

49、、用户资料。Each party shall keepand not use or makeany disclosure of theInformation to any third party without the prior written consent of theother Party. TheInformation shall mean all private andinformation, including without limiion to trade secrets and information concerningtechniques, sales, busines

50、s and cnts.十、廉洁条款Code of Conduct1.乙方不得以获得或保留商业或以不当利益为目的,向甲方提供财物或其他利益(包括但不限于馈赠、款待或给予回扣、实物或其他形式的利益)。甲方亦不得索要或乙方提供的上述财物和其他利益。Party B is prohibited from offering any bribes or benefits (including but notlimited to gifts, hospitality, kickbacks, property or other form of benefits) to PartyA for the pure o

51、f obtaining or retaining business advantage or any impropererest, whereas Party A shall not solicit or receive any aforesaid bribes orbenefits from Party B.2.若乙方发现甲方箱存在上述行为, 应立即向甲方。( 邮:86-21-69777777-6802 传真: 86-21-69746290)Party B shall immediay report to Party A with respect to any aforesaidplianc

52、eactsofPartyAsstaff(: :86-21-69777777-6802 Fax: 86-2169746290).3.若乙方本条款,甲方单方解除与乙方签订的所有合同,并保留要求乙方承担损失和赔偿的权利。In case of any breach of this Clause caused by Party B, Party A shall have theexclusive right to terminate all the contracteredo with Party B and reserveits right to claim for any damages incur

53、red from such breach.十一、不可抗力Force Majeure1.“不可抗力”是指本合同双方不能预见、不能避免和不能克服的客观情况。该事件包括:自然事件,如洪水、暴风、等人类无法控制的大自然力量所行为等。引起的事故;社会事件,如、Force Majeure means any event the happening or pernicious result of whichcould not be expected, avoided or prevented by both parties, including withoutlimiion, natural eventch

54、 as floods, typhoon, earthquake, and soernment.l eventssuch as wars and acts of2.如果出现不可抗力,双方在本协议中的义务将在不可抗力影响范围及其持续期间内中止履行。任何一方不应承担由于其控制范围之外的不可抗力原因造成的未能履行其本协议义务的责任。但声称不可抗力的一在不可抗力发生后不迟于十五日通知另一方,并随附经有关部门确认的不可抗力证明,且应尽可能减少不可抗力所产生之影响。如果不可抗力持续三十日以上,且对本协议之履行产生不利影响,则任何一方均可终止本协议。Either party shall have the ri

55、ght to suspend performance of its obligations hereunder in whole or in part upon the occurrence of Force Majeure. Eith arty shall be excused from its performance under this Agreement and only to the extent and for so long as such performance is hindered or prevented by ForceMajeure. The party claimi

56、ng Force Majeure shall give the other party writtennotice thereof as soon as practicabut not latern fifteen (15) days from theoccurrence date of such Force Majeure. Such notice shall be attached with awrittenied by the relevant authority. The Party claiming ForceMajeure shall also endeavor to mitiga

57、te the effects of Force Majeure.he eventt the performance of this Agreement by either party is suspended for acontinuous period of moren thirty (30) days in accordance winotice givenhereof, which has material adverse effect on the performance of this Agreement,eitharty may terminate this Agreement b

58、y notice in writing with immediateeffect to the otharty.十二、协议的转让Assignment1.甲方事先同意,乙方不得向任何其他方转让本协议项下的权利或义务。本协议应对各其各自的继承人和受让人具有约束力。Party B may not assign or transfer any of its rights, benefits or obligations underthis Agreement without the prior written consent of Party A. This Agreement shallbe bin

59、ding on both parties hereto and their respective heirs, sucpermitted assigns.sors and2.甲方根据业务调整情况将本协议项下的全部权利义务一并转移给其关联公司或有关系的第公司,乙方承诺对此不持有异议。Party B agreest Party A may, in accordance with its business plan, assign orotherwise transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement in whole to itsa

60、ffiliates or related third party.十三、通知Notice本协议下所规定1.应以形式通过以下邮址递交收悉,通知的到达以对方收悉为准:Any notice or communication under or in connection with this Agreement shallbe addressed to the following address in writing and shall be deemedbeen duly delivered upon acknowledgement of receipt by the addressee.tohave


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