



1、Grammar语法: Unit 1: 1. 表频率的词汇和短语: always ,usually ,often ,never, hardly ever,sometimes seldom ,once a day ,twice a month ,three times a week 2. 做事情的频率(how often you do things): What do you usually do in the morning? I usually read English books. Sometimes I walk in the garden. I hardly ever exercise.

2、 I eat vegetables twice a week, but I never eat junk food. 3. 如何提问频率“多久一次” How often does he play tennis? He plays tennis every day. How often do you drink milk? I drink milk once a day. How often do they go to the movies? Sometimes. Unit 2: 1. 询问别人身体状况: Whats wrong with you? / Whats the matter with

3、 you? / Whats the trouble? 2. 提出建议(give advice and make suggestions) Whats wrong with you? I have a headache. You should go to bed and have a rest. You shouldnt work late. I have a fever. You should drink a lot of water. You shouldnt be stressed out.Unit 3: 一般将来时: 1. 现在进行时“be+动词ing”可以用来表示一个在最近按计划或安排

4、要进行的动作。 What are you doing for vacation? Im visiting Tibet. Where are you going on May Day? Im going to the beach. How many students are coming to out party tomorrow? Fifty. 2. “be going to +动词原形”表示主观打算去做某事,表示“人”打算,计划,决定要去做的事。 They are going to travel in China. Look at the clouds! It is going to rai

5、n. Are you going to be a teacher when you grow up? Yes, I am. 3. 用“shall动词原形”或“will动词原形”表示一般将来时。 (shall只用于第一人称) We shall go to the beach this Sunday. My brother will finish middle school in a year. These birds wont fly to the south in winter. When will they begin the work? Unit 4: 谈论如何到达某地,以及以何种方式到达

6、某地。 How do you get to the museum? I get to the museum by subway. Sometimes I ride my bike to the museum. 注意区别: (1)take the bus = go by bus eg: I take the bus to get to school. = I get to school by bus. take the train = go by train eg: He takes the train to go to school. / He gets to school by train.

7、 take the subway = go by subway take a taxi = go by taxi go in a car = go by car ride a bike = go by bike walk = go on foot How引导的疑问句: 1. How does Lucia get to work? 2. Dave is going to travel to Paris by plane. How long does it take? (提问时间长短“多长时间”) 3. How far is it from the post office to the museu

8、m? 提问距离“多远”) 4. How often does Kate swim in the river? (提问频率“多久一次”) 5. How old is the little boy? (提问年龄“多大”) 6. How many cows are there? (提问数量“多少”many后跟可数名词) 7. How much water is there in the bottle? (提问数量“多少”much后跟不可数名词) 8. How much is the doll? (提问价钱“多少钱”) 9. How tall is his teacher? (提问高度“多高”) 10

9、. How was the weather? (提问程度“怎样”) Unit 5 情态动词“can”表示可能性,或现在决定将来的事。 练习用“Can ? ”发出邀请,接受或拒绝并给出原因: Can you come to my party on Monday? Sure, Id love to. / Sorry, I cant. I have to study for a test. Can she go to the movies? No, she cant. She has to do her homework. Can he go to the football game tomorro

10、w? No, he cant. He has a driving lessons. Unit 6: 形容词比较级: 形容词比较级是用来表示事物的等级差别。 I. 形容词比较级的构成: 规则变化: 1. 一般单音节词末尾加er。 talltaller greatgreater 2. 以不发音的e结尾的单音节词和少数以le结尾的双音节词只加r。 nicenicer largelarger ableabler 3. 以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母,再加er。 bigbigger hothotter 4. “辅音字母y”结尾的双音节词,改y为i,再加er。easyeasier

11、busybusier 5. 少数以er,ow结尾的双音节词末尾加er. clevercleverer narrownarrower 6. 其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加more来构成比较级。 importantmore important beautifulmore beautiful 不规则变化: goodbetter well(健康的)better badworse illworse oldolder / elder manymore muchmore little(少的)less far(远的)farther / further II. 比较级句型: 1. 比较级than 比较为 A

12、动词形容词比较级thanB. 两者相比较,A比B更一些。 I am older than you. Mary is happier than Jane. His brother is younger than I(me). Beijing is more beautiful than Wuhan. My sister has longer hair than Tara. Her mother is thinner than her father. Jack is taller than Tom. 2. asas A+动词+as+形容词原级+as+B.表示A和B两者比较,程度相同,“和相同”。 My uncle is as tall as your father. Tom is as honest as John. My dog is as old as that one. Anotas形容词原级asB表示A,B两者程度不同


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