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1、IATA STANDARD GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENTIATA标准地面服务协议STANDARD GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENT标准地面服务协议Annex B - Location(s), Agreed Services and Charges附件B-地点,协议服务项目和收费标准To the standard Ground Handling Agreement根据标准地面服务协议Effective from:生效日期:Between:签订双方:Hereinafter referred to asthe Carrier 以下简称承运人”And:和Here

2、inafter referred to asthe Handling Company以下简称代理人”This Annex B for该附件B是为The location(s):服务地点:Is valid from:生效日期:And replaces:取代:PARAGRAPH 1. HANDLING SERVICES AND CHARGES第一节 服务项目和费用For a single ground handling consisting of the arrival and the subsequent departure at agreed timings of the same aircr

3、aft, the Handling Company shall provide the following services of Annex A at the following rates.对于同一架飞机在规定时间内到达和随后始发所提供的服务应被视为一次地面服务, 代理人应按如下费率提供附件A中所规定的服务:Section(s) .price per (aircraft type, etc)第节价格每(机型,等等)Section(s) .price per第节价格每The number of these clauses can be extended as far as necessary

4、.上述条款的数目可根据实际需要而增加。Handling in case of technical landing for other than commercial purposes will be charged at .% of the above rates, provided that a physical change of load is not involved.除载量发生变化外,对于非商业目的技术经停航班的服务将按上述费率的标准收取,Handling in case of return to ramp will not be charged extra, provided th

5、at a physical change of load is not involved.对于返回机坪的飞机服务,如载量未发生变化的,将不另行收费。Handling in case of return to ramp involving a physical change of load will be charged as for handling in case of technical landing in accordance with Subparagraph 1.2 of this Annex.对于返回机坪的飞机服务,如载量发生变化的,将按照以上1.2条款技术经停航班服务的标准另行

6、收费。PARAGRAPH 2. ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND CHARGES第二节额外服务和收费2.1 All services not included in paragraph 1 of this Annex will be charged for at current local rates.所有未包括在本附件第一节中的服务将按照当地现行费率收费。PARAGRAPH 3. DISBURSEMENTS第三节 垫付3.1 Any disbursements made by the Handling Company on behalf of the Carrier will

7、be reimbursed by the Carrier at cost price plus an accounting surcharge of .%.任何以承运人名义由代理人垫付的费用将按照垫付实际发生费用另加% 勺额外费用向承运人收回。PARAGRAPH 4. LIMIT OF LIABILITY第四节责任限额4.1 The limit of liability referred to in Sub-Article 8.5 of the Main Agreement shall be as follows:本协议主件第8.5条款中对责任限额的具体规定如下:Aircraft Type L

8、imit (per incident)飞机型号限额(每次责任事故)PARAGRAPH 5. AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY第五节职责范围5.1 The area of responsibility as mentioned in Sub-Sections 10.1 and 10.4 of AnnexA is 本协议附件A第10.1和10.4条款中所提及的职责范围应为如下 。.PARAGRAPH 6. TRANSFER OF SERVICES第六节服务的转包6.1 In accordance with Sub-Article 3.1 of the Main Agreement, t

9、he Handling Company subcontracts the services of Annex A Section(s) to根据协议主件第3.1条款之规定,代理人将附件 A中第节之服务分包给 。The number of these clauses can be extended as far as necessary.上述服务内容可根据实际情况增加。PARAGRAPH 7. SETTLEMENT第七节 结算7.1 Notwithstanding Sub-Article 7.2 of the Main Agreement, settlement of account shall

10、 be effected 尽管有协议主件中第7.2条款之规定,财务结算可通过 完成。PARAGRAPH 8. SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION第八节监督和管理8.1 The services of Annex A, Section 1, Sub-section 1.3 covered by Sub-Paragraph 1.1 of this Annex B, refer only to the following services of Annex A which are performed for the Carrier by other organization

11、(s) under cover of separate agreement(s):附件A中的服务第一节第1.3条,包含在本附件B中的第1.1款当中,它仅表明 附件A中的下述服务将由与承运人签订其它单独协议的单位负责提供。Section(s) zW -Hr 弟下Section(s)第节PARAGRAPH 9 NOTIFICATION第九节 通知9.1 In accordance Sub-article 11.3 of the Main Agreement, any notice or communication to be given hereunder shall be addressed t

12、o the respective parties as follows:根据主协议第11.3条,任何通知或联系应发往协议双方如下地址:To Carrier: Carrier致承运方: 承运方 Street 街道.City, Country 城市,国家Telephone 电话Fax传真 .Email 邮件Attn 收件人To Handling Company: Handling Company致承运方:承运方 Street TOC o 1-5 h z 街道.City, Country 城市,国家Telephone HYPERLINK l bookmark72 o Current Document 电话 .Fax传真 .Email 邮件Attn 收件人PARAGRAPH 10 GOVERNING LAW第十节 适用法律10.1 Governing law and courts as per Article 9.1 of the Main Agreement根据协议主件第9.1条规定,适用法律和法庭为Governing Law适用法律This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with


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