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1、 语音语调知识介绍(一)元音音 标(二)辅音/ i:/ / i /eat - it feel -fillfeet -fit wheel - willsheep - ship sleep - slipCheap -chip seat - sit/:/ / door short floor before because not hot dog sorry fog blog clock /u:/ /u/ room moon noon choose tool fool school good took cook look book put /:/ /bird first nurse purpleabo

2、ut accuse/ /a:/ but cut bus cup touch fun class grass past ask answerarm smart park party hard /e/ / bed-bad dead-dad said-sad beg-bag bet-bat men-manEnglish Diphthongs 双元音Centring diphthong 开口 Closing diphthongs闭口 Ending in Ending in I ending in I e eI aI I a here hare tourthey cry toy know now /ei

3、/ /i:/-/ei/ seasay great-greet greengrain real-rail sheepshape wheel-whale/ai/ / /e/ sad-side cat-kite smell-smile fell-file child A child is crying by my side./u/ /au/go home so coat boat float know snow slow crowd now cow flower mouth loudRead the following words: ear year ill -eel hear hill hair

4、hell - hire fear fill feel fail fell fair fire file Reading aloud Pay special attention to the pronunciation of English Diphthongs. Your Sense of TasteTaste is one of our five senses. The others are hearing, sight, touch, and smell. You hear with your ears, you see with your eyes, and you taste thin

5、gs with your tongue. /p/- /b/ /t /-/d/ /k/-/g/ 三组爆破音! put pub take good cake but book tap tape dog kite cat shape pet beg bake /p/- /b/ /t /-/d/ /k/-/g/爆破音中的清辅音,在/s/后被浊化。即/s/+/p/b/ spring spy space speak spread /s/+/t/d/ stand stay still stick style student /s/+/k/g/ sky skill skirt skype escape sch

6、ool 失去爆破和不完全爆破:(Rule 1)爆破音 + 爆破音 当一个爆破音后面紧跟着另一个爆破音时,前面的爆破音不发生爆破。方法是:对于前一个爆破音,只作发音的姿势,刚要发出时,立即发出第二个爆破音。这种现象叫做失去爆破. what time goodbye bedtime big kite(Rule 2)爆破音 + 摩擦音或破擦音 (摩擦音:/f, v, , , s, z, , , r, h/) (破擦音:/ts, dz, tr, dr, t, d/)鼻辅音:/m, n, / (舌边音:/ l/) 当一个爆破音后面紧跟着一个摩擦音或破擦音时,前面的爆破音只作部分爆破。方法是:对于前一个爆

7、破音,作好发音的姿势,刚发出时,立即过渡到第二个摩擦音或破擦音上去。第一个爆破音发出的声音是非常轻微的,有时甚至听不出来。这种现象叫做不完全爆破。 picture big jug good child that joke good morning big nationPractice 1.Stop doing that. 2.See you about four, then. 3.Sometimes I make mistakes in spelling. 4.I cant understand this word. 5.I dont think my husband would let me

8、 do that./f/ /v/ 咬唇音! fish five film finger fifteenvery voice visit vocation vivid /s/ /z/sun east west Six silly has prize his rose/ / 咬舌音!three thank think thousand that there weather father/和 /s/的区别 mousemouth sick-thick force-forth / / she ship sheep fish shy shine shrink cash This shop sells fa

9、shionable shirts. She sells fresh fish from the ocean.Read the following tongue twister:She sells seashells on the seashore.The shells she sells are seashells Im sure.If she sells seashells on the seashore,Then she sells seashore shells./ /shape shame shine show should measure pleasure occasion pers

10、uasion/t/ /d/ chair child children church orange age large college juice /t/ /d/ orange age large college juice jeep just joke jump a large college Every Jack has his Jill. Jack, just give me a large jar of jam. Jim and John enjoy the juice very much./tr/ /dr/ tree try trip trousers train countrydri

11、ve dream dry dress hundred strong /ts/ /dz/ cats kites streets puts fights needs hands friends birds thousandsI saw lots and lots of cats and kites.The guards killed thousands and thousands of birds and cats./m/ /n/ / my me money most mouth some room comb him new night name now noon moon kind fine w

12、ine English sing song thing finger wing/l/ -/n/ light night line nine lion like Nike labor-neighbor low know lead need /n/- / /sin sing thing sun son song given giving clean- cling/ l / late like look sleep loud lunch letter library elephant Lily small girl little middle school people beautiful wond

13、erful B. 连读 (Linking):在连贯的语流中,前一个词的尾辅音和后面紧跟的词的词首是元音时,就自然地拼在一起读,这称之为连读,如:a lot of, one o f us, most o f us, all o f us, look a t it, a map of China, an exercise-book, half a n hour Can you speak English or French?在以字母r(或re)结尾的词中,r(或re)一般是不发音的。但如果后面的词的词首是元音时, r(或re)就发/r/ 音,并与后面词的词首元音连读,如:a pair of sho

14、es, for a long time Where(r)is he? There (r)i s a book on the desk.连读是连贯的、较快的语流中一种自然产生的现象, 不要故意为连读而连读。有时连句子本身都还读得不太流利却故意连读, 反而影响了语流的流畅, 甚至混淆了意思或让人家根本听不懂你说的是什么。例如:Try it over and over again. 连读: 音的同化 (Assimilation)在连贯言语中的词, 不是一个一个孤立地来读的, 它们几乎总是互相结合着出现的。因此它们在语流中有可能受相互间的影响而产生种种语音变化,音的同化就是其中的一种。音的同化就是一个

15、音因为受了另外一个相邻的音的影响而发成了这两个音之外的第三个音。 a. j 与 t 相邻时, j 受了邻音 t 的影响变成了 音, 与 t 一起构成了t, 例如:Glad to meet you. 中的 mi:t ju在连贯性的说话中可读成 mi:tu。又如:Dont you know her? 中的 duntju: 可以读成 duntju: 。再如:I thought you would come. 可以读成 ai :tu wud km . b. j 与 d 相邻时, j 受了邻音 d 的影响变成了 , 与 d 一起构 成了d , 例如:Did you do it? 中的 did ju: 可

16、以读成 didu: 。 又如:Would you like to go with me? 可以读成 wu du: laik t u wi mi:? 再如:Could you help me? 可以读成 ku du: hel (p) mi:? 强读和弱读: 英语中大约有50个最常用的单音节词,如a, of, the, and, from, as,must等,他们每个词都有两种或两种以上不同形式的读音,一种形式叫强读,其它的叫弱读。and /nd/ / nd/ /n/E.g. You and me / Ladies and gentlemenof /v/, /v/, /v/, /f /E.g. a

17、 cup of teaare /a:/, /E.g. The days are shorter. Weak forms:1.大多数有弱读形式的单词中,元音都变成了/ 。 at /t/ as /z/ had /hd/ and /nd/ /n/ must /mst/ us /s/ but /bt/ can /kn/2.有少数几个单词弱读形式由/ i :/变成了/ i /。 be been me Read the following examples: in a minute Im coming. in and out He sat and ate. bread and butter as old

18、as you She has been out. He does but I dont. You can go now.2. Sentence Stress In a normal English sentence, certain words are stressed and certain words are unstressed. Content Words n. v. adj. adv. number, some pron. (this, that, what) Form Words (Function Word ) article, auxil.v., conjunction, pr

19、ep 句子重音 Sentence Stress句子重音的一般规则实词重读 虚词不重读名词 一般都重读 There is a book on the desk.My sister put up a picture on the wall.John wants to see the teacher after class.An elephant is an animal.代词常重读的代词有 1指示代词This is not what I mean.That isnt the one I asked for.Do you like these flowers?但如指示代词前后都有重音时,该指示代词可

20、失去重音How do you like those little ones?Who wrote this interesting story?2. 名词性物主代词Yours is much nicer than mine.The red one is his.但在双重所有格中,物主代词往往不重读 Im writing to a friend of mine.3. 强调代词 I saw it myself.The man himself told me so.4疑问代词 Who are you talking to?What can I do for you?Who came to see yo

21、u this morning? 形容词(包括分词作形容词)一般都应重读 数词一般都应重读The streets are wide, clean and beautiful.This narrow valley was the scene of a famous battle.His first daughter is fifteen.Its a dull and disappointing film.Thats exciting news.The worried man entered the crowded street.He bought ten cups and I bought onl

22、y four.动词 主要动词,或称实意动词、行为动词(notional verb)都要重读 (be、have 除外)He takes a walk after supper every day.Dont forget your homework.I suppose you know him. 助动词和情态动词与not构成的缩略式要重读 (该类词在肯定句中不重读) I dont want to go there today. He wasnt surprised when I told him the news. We cant stay any longer. Dont you think y

23、ou shouldnt say such things? We must do it now, mustnt we?cannot不缩写成cant 时,重音也在can 上I cannot agree with him. 然而Do 用于肯定句中表示强调时,总是重读的I do hope this will be effective.He does need your help.We did warn you before.Do drop in when you are in Xuzhou. 以上几类通常不重读的动词(be, have,情态动词)用于简短回答, 或其后省略了主要动词时,要重读; 用于一

24、般疑问句句首有时重读,但在 比较随便的谈话中不必重读 ()Have you any brothers and sisters? Yes, I have.()Are you a student? Yes, I am.()Can you come this afternoon? Yes, I can.He said more than he should at the meeting. I dont want to go there, but I must.副词一般都重读 They came back early yesterday. Where did you buy it? Why do yo

25、u come? You meet people everywhere. Ive never heard of such a thing before. Perhaps shell arrive tonight.Tell him to come in. A car dashed past. Thank you for coming to see me off.但关系副词不重读 He visited the small village where he was born.They came right at the time when we needed their help.This is the reason why they failed.介词在句首时常可重读 On his way home he met an old friend. In the room they found a little boy. Under the tree


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