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1、甚麼是合作學習(Cooperative Learning)?協同教學?小班教學?小組學習?合作學習是一種以小組形式進行的教學策略, 組員藉着互相幫助去提升大家的學習成效,包括認知及情意兩方面(Johnson & Johnson, 1999)。心理學認知心理學 發展論:個體的認知隨著失衡現象平衡後而發展 矛盾論:個體盡力修正與人有衝突的概念 精緻化論:個體的認知隨著本身已知重新組織而變得精緻行為主義心理學個體的行為會因得到賞報而增強人本主義心理學個體在和諧互信的氣氛下主動學習 社會學社會互賴理論:社會成員因互相依賴而產生互動社會接觸理論:小組成員透過接觸而提高小組的向心力及友誼 合作學習主要派別

2、Johnson & Johnson (元素派)Kagan (架構派)Slavin(模式派)合作學習主要模式Johnson & Johnson共同學習法 (LT) 任何科目Sharan & Sharan合作探究學習法 (GI) 專題研習Kagan結構取向 (Structural Approach) 任何科目Slavin學生小組成就區分法 (STAD) 中、數、常小組遊戲競賽法 (TGT) 中、數、常拼圖法第二代 (Jigsaw II) 中、常Johnson & Johnson自行加上合作學習元素沒有固定步驟教師需對合作學習有深入認識Kagan等量參與同時交流精熟 思考分享溝通方法易用簡單不受時空

3、限制Slavin步驟清晰自己進步,小組得益受時空限制方法有STAD, TGT, Jigsaw II合作學習值得關注的問題教師對合作學習的誤解課室與學校空間的限制學生未能掌握社交技巧學生未能建立團結小組精神Difference between Social Skills Pupils Need and teachers teach(%)0.01*80.790.3Resolving a conflict0.05*85.592.1Sharing feelings0.00*75.390.9Criticising ideas, not people0.2084.889.7Encouraging one

4、another0.2586.190.3Interrupting appropriately0.01*85.493.9Asking questions0.05*88.094.0Contributing ideas1.0094.594.6Listening actively0.04*88.093.3Taking turns0.5197.695.8Staying on the task 0.3386.289.2Monitoring time 0.00*66.981.2Using names and eye contact0.1897.695.2Speaking in quiet voices0.04

5、*97.692.0Staying with the group1.0091.691.5Moving about quietly p(2-tailed)Teachers teachYes(%) Pupils needYes(%)Social SkillP.S.:. * p0.05 (McNemar test)The result indicatesMost of the teachers agreed that their pupils need to learn social skills, but For 8 of 15 items, there is significant differe

6、nce between the percentage of teachers who agreed that their pupils need to learn the social skills and who have taught their pupils the social skills.Recent articles on cooperative learning:Chan, K.W. (2004). Student perceptions of learning together. International Journal of Learning, Vol. 10, 1231

7、-1242.Chan, K.W. (2004). Using Jigsaw II in teacher education programmes. Hong Kong Teachers Centre Journal. Vol. 3, 91-97.Chan, K W. (2004). Frequencies of small group activities and the social skills in the implementation of curriculum reform. In Y.C. Lo & W.S. Li (Eds.). School curriculum reforms

8、 in Hong Kong (Research Series) (pp. 117-130). Hong Kong: Modern Educational Research Society, Ltd. (In Chinese) Chan, K.W., & Hui, M.F. (2004). The application of Group Investigation in Chinese language teaching: theory and practice. In M.S. Ho, K.M. Cheng, & K.C. Ho (Eds.). A century Chinese language education and the


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