1、The United KingdomI. Multiple Choice1. The was “the greatest progressive revolution that mankind had so far experienced, a time which called for giants and produced giantsgiants in power of thought, passion, and character, in universality and learning” (Engels).a. Renaissanceb. Industrial Revolution
2、c. Reformationd. Bourgeois Revolution2. is regarded as the first English Prime Minster.Duke of WillingtonWilliam GladstoneBenjamin DisraeliSir Robert Walpole3. The official head of Parliament is .a. the Prime Minister b. the Monarchc. the Speaker d. the Chancellor4. The present sovereign of Britain
3、is .a. Elizabeth I b. Elizabeth IIc. Elizabeth III d. Edward II5. is a day to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.a. Christmas b. Good Fridayc. Easter Monday d. Boxing Day6. published his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victorian times.a. Adam Smith b. Charles Darwinc. T
4、homas More d. Francis Bacon7. The largest section of Great Britain is .a. Scotlandb. Walesc. Englandd. Northern Ireland8. The Lake District is well known for .a. its wild and beautiful sceneryb. its varied lakesc. the Lake Poetsd. all above9. The highest peak in Great Britain is .a. Ben Nevisb. Cros
5、s Fellc. Snowdond. Cheviot Hill10. The capital city of Wales is .a. Edinburghb. Belfastc. Cardiffd. Londonderry11. The part that receives the largest amount of annual rainfall is .a. the east lowlandsb. the northern part of Englandc. the northwestern part of Scotlandd. Wales12. The longest river in
6、Britain is the .a. Thames Riverb. Severn Riverc. Clyde Riverd. Tyne River13. The largest lake of the United Kingdom is in .a. Englandb. Walesc. Scotlandd. Northern Ireland14. The vast majority of the people of the UK are .a. Roman Catholicsb. Presbyteriansc. Anglicansd. Methodists15. The English are
7、 mainly descendants of .a. Celtsb. Anglo-Saxonsc. Vikingsd. Norman Conquerors16. A cockney is a .a. typical Englishmanb. typical Londonerc. typical Britond. native London dialect speaker17. The Welsh came to Britain .a. earlier than the Englishb. later than the English c. together with the Englishd.
8、 in the 13th century18. Which word is not exact to describe the Welsh?a. Musical.b. Emotional.c. Cheerful.d. Suspicious.19. Most of the Scotsmen now speak .a. Englishb. Celticc. Gaelicd. both English and Gaelic20. A typical Scotsman is usually depicted in the following word except .a. braveb. hard-w
9、orkingc. economicald. extravagant21. Most people in Northern Ireland are .a. Catholicsb. Protestantsc. Presbyteriansd. Nonconformists22. The earliest known settlers on the British Isles were .a. Celtsb. Iberiansc. Gaelsd. Anglo-Saxons23. The real Roman conquest of Britain began in .a. 55 BCb. 54 BCc
10、. AD 43d. AD 9624. Which part of Britain was radically transformed by the Romans?a. Scotland.b. Wales.c. England.d. London.25. Christianity was first brought to England by .a. Romansb. Anglo-Saxonsc. Celtsd. Danes26. Which of the following tribes first came to Britain?a. Anglos.b. Saxons.c. Jutes.d.
11、 Teutons.27. King Ethelred was called Ethelred the Unready because .a. he was always unready for fightingb. he lacked military preparednessc. he failed to make preparednessd. he failed to follow good advice28. The greatest achievement of William the Conqueror was .a. the establishment of the legal s
12、ystemb. the introduction of the feudalismc. the spreading of Norman-Frenchd. the compiling of the Domesday Book29. The Domesday Book included all the following points except .a. all land and property of then Englandb. the rights of landownersc. the duty of every courtd. the power of the king30. The
13、last of the true Norman Kings was .a. William Rufusb. Henry Ic. Henry IId. Robert31. The founder of the English legal system and the Common Law was .a. Henry Ib. Henry IIc. Stephend. Matilda32. The Great Charter includes all the following points except that .a. no tax should be made without the appr
14、oval of the councilb. no freemen should be arrested except by the law of the landc. if the king attempted to free himself from law the vassals had the right to force the king to obeyd. the vassals had the sole power to levy a tax on people33. The first “Prince of Wales” in English history was .a. He
15、nry IIIb. Edward Ic. Edward IId. Edward III34. The Parliament of was known as “model parliament”.a. Henry IIIb. Simon de Monfortc. Edward Id. Edward II35. Wales was conquered by .a. Edward Ib. Edward IIc. Henry IIId. Richard I36. The chief demand of the peasants during Tylers Rising of 1381 was .a.
16、to punish the lawyersb. to raise wagesc. to free villeinsd. to reform the church37. The War of the Roses ended in 1485 with the accession of , the first king of the House of Tudor.a. Henry VIIb. Henry VIIIc. John of Gauntd. Edward IV38. Under Henry VII, the justices of the Peace had all the followin
17、g powers except .a. trying casesb. the care of roads and bridgesc. training lawyers d. the control of guilds39. John Cabot was sent to discover new way to the East by .a. the Popeb. the King of Spainc. Henry VIId. Henry VIII40. Which is not proper to describe the Church of Middle Ages?a. It was a re
18、ligious body that had a political power.b. It was a body that had a legal power.c. It was a branch of national government controlled by king.d. It was like an upper-state organization that was very powerful.41. The external pretext for the Reformation in England was s divorce case.a. Henry VIIb. Hen
19、ry VIIIc. Clement IId. Charles V42. Elizabeth I was excommunicated by the Pope in .a. 1558b. 1571c. 1586d. 160343. Who was a Catholic among the following kings and queens?a. Henry VIIIb. Edward VIc. “Bloody Mary”d. Elizabeth I44. Spanish Armada was defeated in .a. 1558b. 1588c. 1600d. 160345. In dra
20、ma the most shining representatives of the Elizabethan Age were the following ones except .a. Christopher Marloweb. Edmund Spenserc. William Shakespeared. Ben Jonson46. Guy Fawkes was .a. a Protestantb. a Presbyterianc. an Anglican d. a Catholic47. Which is incorrect to describe King James I?a. He b
21、elieved that kings were responsible to parliament.b. He believed that king derived his authority from God.c. He tried to make the Church of England subservient to his will.d. He was quite learned and was remembered by the English for the compiling of the Authorized Version of the Bible.48. The troub
22、le of Charles I, which led to the first Civil War, came at first when he .a. dissolved Parliamentb. persecuted Protestantc. asked people for “loans”d. wanted to reform the Presbyterian Church in Scotland49. Which group in the following were inclined to support the King during the Civil War?a. Mercha
23、nts.b. Yeomen and artisans.c. Catholics.d. Extreme Protestants.50. Charles I was tried by the High Court mainly because .a. he was an absolute kingb. he waned to reform the Church of Scotlandc. he started the Second Civil Ward. he wanted to establish Presbyterianism in England51. The Rump Parliament
24、 was dispersed by Cromwell in .a. 1649b. 1651c. 1653d. 165852. The Great Fire of London broke out in .a. 1660b. 1665c. 1666d 166753. The Glorious Revolution marked the .a. beginning of the crown supremacy over parliamentb. end of the Civil Warc. failure of the Parliamentd. beginning of the constitut
25、ional monarchy54. England and Scotland were constitutionally united in .a. 1603b. 1688c. 1702d. 170755. After the French and Indian War, Britain got control of .a. Canadab. Indiac. the Ohio Valleyd. all above56. When American colonies were fighting for independence, the King of Great Britain was .a.
26、 George Ib. George IIc. George IIId. George IV57. Britain completed her railway system by .a. 1800b. 1820c. 1850d. 187058. According to the Reform Bill 1832, who got the right to vote?a. The male workers in cities.b. The middle class.c. The women.d. Te farmhands.59. The Peoples Charter includes all
27、the following points except .a. the universal manhood suffrageb. the abolition of property qualification for MPsc. the abolition of payment of MPsd. voting by secret ballot60. The 19th century economic thinking stems chiefly form .a. Thomas Malthusb. David Ricardoc. Robert Owend. Adam Smith61. The “
28、principle of population” was formulated by .a. Thomas Malthusb. David Ricardoc. Robert Owend. Adam Smith62. Who was probably reluctant to abolish the corn laws?a. The Tories.b. The Whigs.c. The workers.d. The urban middle class.63. The incorrect comment on Gladstone is .a. He stood for laissez faire
29、 in economics.b. He favored economy in public expenditure.c. he adopted an aggressive foreign policy.d. He adopted gradual parliamentary reform.64. The incorrect comment on Disraeli is .a. He was the founder of the Liberal Party.b. His policy was to expand the British Empire.c. He made Queen Victori
30、a Empress of India.d. Under him the second Reform bill was passed.65. Which reform bill granted women suffrage?a. The Reform Bill of 1832.b. The Reform Bill of 1867.c. The Reform Bill of 1884.d. None above.66. The labour Party was founded in .a. 1893b. 1899c. 1900d. 190667. Queen Victoria was procla
31、imed Empress of India in .a. 1837b. 1876c. 1898d. 190168. The first dominion of Great Britain was .a. Canadab. New Zealandc. Australiad. the Union of South Africa69. The Boers in South Africa were from .a. the Orange Free Stateb. Transvaalc. Germany d. Netherlands70. The causes for Britain to join t
32、he “Triple Entente” in 1907 were the following ones except .a. the failure of the British rapprochement with Germanyb. the skillful diplomacy of the French ambassador to Britainc. the German policy to build a large navyd. the British splendid isolation policy71. Britain declared war on Germany in Au
33、g. 1914 when Germany invaded .a. Franceb. Polandc. Belgiumd. Serbia72. According to the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, Britain got .a. most of the Germanys remaining merchant shipsb. Palestine and Mesopotamia from Turkeyc. German colonies in Africa and in the Pacific Ocean as mandates of the League o
34、f Nationsd. all above73. The British Communist Party was founded in .a. 1918b. 1919c. 1920d. 192174. Mrs. Margaret Thatcher agreed in to return Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty in 1997.a. 1983b. 1985c. 1988d. 199075. The chief cause that led to Mrs. Thatchers resignation in 1990 was the .a. impositi
35、on of property taxesb. imposition of a per-capita taxc. cutting public expenditured. denationalization of private enterprise76. Anthony Blair became Prime Minister in .a. 1994b. 1996c. 1997d. 199877. Which document, for the first time in English history, forced King to take the advice of nobles?a. T
36、he Petition of Right of 1628.b. Habeas Corpus Act.c. Magna Carta.d. The Bill of Rights of 1689.78. Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in .a. 1951b. 1952c. 1953d. 195479. Among the following members the first one to succeed to the throne is .a. the Kings brotherb. the Catholic sonc. the Protestant
37、daughterd. the Protestant son80. The Monarchs eldest daughter is usually called .a. Princess of Walesb. princess royalc. Princess daughterd. female Prince of Wales81. Which is not right to describe the Prime Minister?a. The head of Cabinet.b. The head of civil service.c. The leader of the Party in p
38、ower.d. The head of the country.82. Most of the practical work of the government is done by .a. the Prime Ministerb. the Cabinet ministersc. the heads of departments d. the civil servants83. A civil servant must be .a. a member of the Party in powerb. a MPc. active in politicsd. politically neutral8
39、4. The smallest governmental unit in England is .a. countyb. districtc. parishd. community85. The English Parliament was formally divided into two Houses in .a. the 13th centuryb. the 14th centuryc. the 17th centuryd. 168886. The House of Commons has become more important than the House of Lords sin
40、ce .a. 1642b. 1660c. 1688d. 183287. Now the House of Lords can prevent a bill from passing into law for .a. three monthsb. six monthsc. one yeard. two years88. Among the following ones who cannot vote in parliamentary election?a. Girls of 18 years old.b. Civil servants.c. The judges.d. The hereditar
41、y peers.89. The general election normally takes place every year.a. threeb. fourc. fived. six90. The High Court of Justice includes the following divisions except the .a. Queens Bench Divisionb. Criminal Divisionc. Chancery Divisiond. Family /Division91. Which one in the following is usually dealt w
42、ith by the Chancery Division?a. The case of murder.b. The case concerning mortgages.c. The case of tort.d. The case concerning divorce.92. Most of the civil cases are actually tried by .a. Magistrates Courtsb. County Courtsc. High Court of Justiced. Crown Court93. The Whig took the name “Liberal”, w
43、hile the Tories became the Conservative after .a. 1760b. 1830c. 1832d. 191694. The Labour Party became one of the two major parties after .a. 1916b. 1922c. 1930d. 194595. The Conservative Party supports the following policies except .a. denationalizationb. free enterprisec. extending the social serv
44、iced. cautious social reform96. Which one is not correct to comment on the Labour Party?a. It is a party of anti-Communism.b. It is in favour of social and economic equality.c. It is less radical in dealing with foreign affairs.d. It is a real socialist party.97. the Labour Party Conference is atten
45、ded by from trade unions and local associations.a. representativesb. delegatesc. party leadersd. Labour MPs98. The third largest political party in Britain is the .a. Social Democratic Partyb. Liberal Partyc. British Communist Party d. Ulster Unionist Party99. With the aim of gaining more seats at a
46、 general election the Liberal Party formed an official alliance in 1981 with .a. the SDPb. the Labour Partyc. the British Communists d. the Ulster Unionists100. During a general election the amount of money each candidate can spend is .a. limited by his party b. limited by lawc. limited by governmen
47、td. unlimited101. The LEA is responsible for the following matters except .a. engaging teachersb. maintaining school buildingsc. paying teachersd. holding examination102. The curriculum and teaching methods in a state school is usually decided by the .a. LEAb. Education Committeec. CEOd. Head Teache
48、r103. Which aim is more important in primary education?a. To teach children some skills.b. To make children learn more knowledge.c. To foster the potentialities of children.d. To help children get good marks for examination.104. What kind of secondary schools now receives the largest umber of studen
49、ts?a. Grammar Schools.b. Technical Schools.c. Comprehensive Schools. d. Secondary Modern Schools.105. Which is incorrect to describe the public schools?a. They are independent schools.b. They emphasize the importance of character training.c. They are fee-free schools.d. They pay higher salaries for
50、their teachers.106. The income of Oxford University is derived mainly from .a. endowments and students feeb. grants from public fundsc. financial support from governmentd. rates of local governments107. The most famous redbrick university is .a. Oxford Universityb. Cambridge Universityc. London Univ
51、ersityd. Bristol University108. Open University communicates with its students mainly by .a. BBC radiob. television programsc. national network of tutorsd. all above109. The BBC began its regular TV service in .a. 1922b. 1927c. 1936d. 1945110. According to the text, the most popular TV channel in Br
52、itain is .a. ITV b. BBC-1c. BBC-2d. TV-am111. “Fleet Street” is frequently used to stand for .a. Londonb. newspapersc. the Pressd. national newspapers112. Which one in the following is not a quality paper?a. Daily Telegraph.b. The Times.c. Daily Express.d. The Guardian.113. Which one is not a popula
53、r paper?a. Daily Star.b. The Observer.c. Mirror.d. Sunday people.114. The Standard is noted for .a. up-to-the-minute reportingb. large advertising sectionsc. popular features and profiles of the people in the newsd. all above115. Which one in the following gives the viewpoint of the left wing of the
54、 Labour Party?a. Economists.b. Spectator.c. Tribune.d. Punch.116. According to the English law, no person can get married below the age of .a. 16b. 18c. 20d. 21117. In England a wedding ceremony in a registry office is usually .a. more formal than that in a churchb. required by lawc. very grand and
55、formald. less formal than in a church118. The commercially produced breakfast cereal first started in .a. Americab. Englandc. Scotlandd. Wales119. In Britain supper means .a. an evening dinnerb. a formal meal in the eveningc. a sumptuous dinnerd. a light meal in the evening120. The decimal currency
56、came into use in Britain in .a. 1960b. 1969c 1971d. 1973121. Which is incorrect to describe the pub in Britain?a. Children under 16 are not admitted to a pub.b. Te main drink served in pubs is beer.c. Most pubs sell all kinds of alcohol.d. The pubs are open all day.122. Generally speaking the Englis
57、h are .a. talkative in public placesb. hostile to radical changesc. quarrelsomed. impatient of waiting for buses123. The Beatles were .a. four famous solo starsb. four American musiciansc. a pop group formed in Liverpoold. a pop group who were from America124. is an important idea to the Industrial
58、Revolution that called for dividing the production process into basic, individual tasks.a. Division of labourb. Iron law of wagesc. Laissez faired. Maximum of profit125. Which of the following papers is a quality Sunday newspaper?a. The Sun. b. The Times.c. The Sunday Times d. The Economist126. publ
59、ished his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victorian times.a. Adam Smith b. Charles Darwinc. Thomas More d. Francis Bacon127. Canadas fur trade, later fur monopoly, gradually began to take shape in the _ century.a. 15th b. 16th c. 17th d. 18th128. _ was Canadas first woman Prime
60、Minister. a. Pierre Trudeau b. Brain Mulroney c. Jean Chretien d. Kim Campbell129. On average, members of the House of Commons are elected for a maximum of _ years. a. three b. four c. five d. six 130. Canadas three largest trading partners include the following except _. a. Britain b. America c. Me
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