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1、Course of Metallurgy 冶金教程 Part 2 Heat Treatments and Surface Treatments 第二部分 热处理与表面处理A. MantiniQuality 2 Wheels06/08/20221INDEX 索引 1 Heat treatments of steels 钢的热处理 - Annealing 退火 - Normalizing 正火 - Quenching 淬火 - Tempering 回火 - Stress Relieving 应力消除 2 Surface Thermo Chemical Treatments of steels 钢的

2、表面热-化学处理 - Case Hardening 表面硬化 - Nitriding 滲氮 3 - Protection Surface Treatments of steels 钢的表面保护处理 - Phosphating 磷化 - Zinc Plating (Galvanizing) and Dacromet 镀锌与 Dacromet - Chrome Plating 镀铬06/08/20222Heat Treatment of Steels 钢的热处理1 - ANNEALING 退火 Ferrite and Pearlite (globular) 铁素体与珠光体(球状)2 - NORMA

3、LIZING 正火 Ferrite and Pearlite (lamellar) 铁素体与珠光体(薄片状) 3 QUENCHING (Hardening) 淬火(淬水) Martensite, Bainite 马氏体,贝氏体4 - TEMPERING 回火 Tempering Martensite (Sorbite) 马氏体回火(富氮碳钛矿)5 STRESS RELIEVING 消除应力 Martensite 马氏体6 SURFACE HARDENING (Quenching + Tempering + Surface Quenching + Stress Relieving) 表面硬化(淬

4、火+回火+表面淬火+消除应力)7 DIFFUSION THERMO CHEMICAL TREATMENTS (Case Hardening, Nitriding) 渗透热-化学处理(表面硬化与渗氮)06/08/20223Heat Treatment of Steels 钢的热处理TimeTemperature C 温度AC3AC1ga + gaNormalizing正火Quenching淬火MSTempering 回火Annealing退火Stress Relieving消除应力06/08/20224Heat Treatments of Steels钢的热处理TimeTemperature C

5、AC3AC1ga + gaMSMFQuenching + Tempering 淬火+回火06/08/20225Heat Treatments of Steels 钢的热处理Steel 38NiCrMo4 钢38NiCrMo4 Workmanship annealing: 工艺退火-austenitizing 850C for 1 hour, furnace cooling.奥氏体化 850 C 一个小时,炉冷Microstructure: Ferrite -Pearlite with globular pearlite 显微组织:铁素体-球状珠光体Brinell Hardness HB = 1

6、80布氏硬度 HB=180Ultimate Strength R = 635 N/mm2 极限强度 R = 635 N/mm2 06/08/20226Heat Treatments of Steels 钢的热处理Steel 38NiCrMo4Normalized: austenitizing 860C for 30, air cooling (out of furnace)正火:奥氏体化 860 C 30分钟,空冷(在炉外)Microstructure: Ferrite - Pearlite with lamellar pearlite.显微组织:铁素体-薄片状珠光体。Rockwell Har

7、dness HRC = 20洛氏硬度 HRC = 20Ultimate Strength R = 770 N/mm2 极限强度 R = 770 N/mm2Yield Strength RS= 600 N/mm2A5 = 20% 屈服强度 RS= 600 N/mm2A5 = 20%Toughness KCU = 200 Joules韧性/刚性 KCU = 200 Joules06/08/20227Heat Treatment of Steels 钢的热处理Steel 38NiCrMo4Quenching: austenitizing 860C for 30, oil cooling淬火:奥氏体化

8、860 C 30分钟,油冷Microstructure: Acicular Martensite.显微组织:针状奥氏体Rockwell Hardness HRC = 55洛氏硬度 HRC = 55Ultimate strength R = 1980 N/mm2极限强度 R = 1980 N/mm2Yield strength RS = N.D.A% = N.D 屈服强度 RS = N.D.A% = N.DKCU = N.D.06/08/20228Heat Treatments of steels 钢的热处理Steel 38NiCrMo4Quenching: austenitizing 860C

9、 for 30, salt bath at 330C for 1 hour, air cooling淬火:奥氏体化 860 C 30 分钟, 在330 C 盐浴一个小时, 空冷Microstructure: Bainite显微组织:贝氏体Rockwell Hardness HRC = 42洛氏硬度 HRC = 42Ultimate Strength R = 1347 N/mm2 极限强度 R = 1347 N/mm2Yield Strength RS = 1200 N/mm2A5 = 15%屈服强度 RS = 1200 N/mm2A5 = 15%KCU = 130 Joules06/08/20

10、229Heat Treatment of steels 钢的热处理Steel 38NiCrMo4Quenching: austenitizing 860C for 30, oil cooling淬火: 奥氏体化 860 C 30分钟,油冷Stress relieving: 200C for 2 hours消除应力: 200C 达2个小时Microstructure: Acicular Martensite 显微组织:针尖状马氏体Rockwell Hardness HRC = 52洛氏硬度 HRC = 52Ultimate strength R = 1820 N/mm2 极限强度 R = 182

11、0 N/mm2Yield Strength RS = 1550 N/mm2A5 = 8%屈服强度 RS = 1550 N/mm2A5 = 8%KCU = 30 Joules06/08/202210Heat Treatment of steels 钢的热处理Steel 38NiCrMo4Quenching: austenitizing 860C for 30, oil cooling.淬火:奥氏体化 860 C 达30分钟,油冷Tempering: 600C for 2 hours回火600 C达2小时 Microstructure: Tempered Martensite (Sorbite).

12、显微组织: 回火马氏体(富氮碳钛矿)Rockwell Hardness HRC = 32洛氏硬度 HRC = 32 Ultimate Strength R = 1050 N/mm2 极限强度 R = 1050 N/mm2Yield Strength RS = 900 N/mm2A5 = 14%屈服强度 RS = 900 N/mm2A5 = 14%KCU = 120 Joules06/08/202211Heat Treatment of steels 钢的热处理06/08/202212Heat Treatments of steels 钢的热处理06/08/202213Heat Treatmen

13、ts of steels 钢的热处理06/08/202214Heat Treatments of steels 钢的热处理06/08/202215Heat Treatments of steels 钢的热处理06/08/202216Surface Hardening 表面处理Surface hardening (induction hardening) on crankshaft对曲轴的表面处理 (感应淬水)06/08/202217 DIFFUSION THERMO CHEMICAL TREATMENTS 渗透热化学处理With the diffusion thermo chemical tr

14、eatment is obtained the modification of the superficial characteristics of a material by the diffusion (trough the surface) of an alloying element. For the steels the more diffused treatments are the Case Hardening and the Nit riding.通过渗透(经表层)合金元素而改善材料的表面特性,这就被称为渗透热化学处理。对于钢来说,渗透力较为明显的是表面硬化(渗碳)以及渗氮。1

15、 - Case Hardening: 表面硬化(渗碳) Solid Case Hardening (into a box) 固体表面硬化(在箱子中) (固体渗碳) Liquid Case Hardening 液体表面硬化 (液体渗碳) Gas Case Hardening 气体表面硬化 (气体渗碳)2 - Nitriding: 渗氮 Gas Nitriding 气体渗氮 Ionic Nitriding 离子渗氮06/08/202218Case Hardening 表面硬化06/08/202219Case Hardening表面硬化06/08/202220Case Hardening 表面硬化0

16、6/08/202221Case Hardening 表面硬化Rocker arms of an engine 4 Strokes 4 Valves: steel 16CrNi4 cemented and chrome plated (white layer).4冲程4 气门的发动机的摇臂:钢16CrNi4 接合层与镀铬层(白色层)The cemented layer (darker colour) is under of the layer of hard chrome. 结合层(较暗色)处于硬铬层之下At core could be noticed a typical martensitic

17、 structure obtainable by quenching a low carbon steel. 在芯部可以看到有因低碳钢淬火而产生的典型的马氏体组织。x 20006/08/202222Case hardening 硬化Rocker arms of an engine 4 Strokes 4 Valves: steel 16CrNi4 cemented and chrome plated (white layer).4冲程4 气门的发动机的摇臂:钢16CrNi4 接合层与镀铬层(白色层)The cemented layer (darker colour) is under of t

18、he layer of hard chrome and it shows a crack due to a localized overheating caused by a wrong grinding operation. 接合层(较暗色)处于硬铬层之下. 因为磨削而导致局部过热, 造成一道裂痕。The cemented layer appears altered in the superficial side (of darker colour)接合层在表面的一侧似乎改变了(较深色的)X 50006/08/202223Case hardening 表面硬化Case Hardening S

19、teel 16CrNi4 表面硬化钢16CrNi4 Carburizing: 900C for 10 hours, 渗碳:900 C 10 个小时Quenching: 800C in oil, 淬火:800 C 油淬 Stress relieving: 150C for 2 hours. 消除应力:150C 2小时 Air cooling. 空冷Surface Hardness HRC = 65表面硬度 HRC = 65Surface Microstructure: thin martensite表面显微组织: 薄的马氏体06/08/202224Case hardening 表面硬化Case

20、Hardening Steel 16CrNi4表面硬化 钢16CrNi4 Same specimen than the precedent photograph but at core除了芯部外, 与之前的图片是一样的样本Core hardness HB = 327 (HRC= 35)芯部硬度 HB = 327 (HRC= 35)Microstructure: acicular martensite with ferrite islands 显微组织:含铁素体岛的针状马氏体06/08/202225Case hardening 表面硬度Case Hardening Steel 16CrNi4表面

21、硬度 钢 16CrNi4Material submitted to gas case hardening, 汽油表面硬度处理材料quenched in oil from 840C and stress relieved 180 C for 2 hours从 840C 进行油淬,并且180 C 消除应力2 个小时Surface Hardness HRC= 58表面硬度 HRC= 58Surface Microstructure : Martensite with retained Austenite (5 - 6%)表面显微组织:残余奥氏体(5 - 6%)+马氏体06/08/202226Case

22、 hardening 表面硬度06/08/202227Nitriding 渗氮06/08/202228Nitriding 渗氮Nitriding Steel 41CrAlMo7 ( no metallographic etching)渗氮钢 41CrAlMo7(无金相侵蚀)Quenched in oil from 880C, tempered at 550C for 3 hours.从880 C 油淬 , 550C 回火3个小时Nitriding: 530C for 50 hours in dissociated ammonia.渗氮:在离解氨中50小时 530 C Surface Hardn

23、ess HV = 1000表面硬度 HV = 1000 You could see the surface layer of surface nitrides of iron and chrome sayings white blanket.”从铁与铬渗氮表面的表面层,你可以感受到这么句俗语“白毯子”x 50006/08/202229Nitriding 渗氮Nitriding Steel 41CrAlMo7 (metallographic etching)渗氮钢 41CrAlMo7 (金相腐蚀)Quenched in oil from 880C, Tempered at 550C for 3

24、hours.从880 C 油淬 , 550C 回火3个小时Nitriding: 530C for 50 hours in dissociated ammonia.渗氮:在离解氨中50小时 530 CSurface Hardness HV = 1000表面硬度 HV = 1000 Sub Superficial Microstructure: nitrides of iron and chrome lattice into Sorbite matrix. 表面下层金相组织:铁和铬渗氮后晶格为富碳氮钛矩阵.06/08/202230Nitriding 渗氮Nitriding Steel 41CrAl

25、Mo7渗氮钢 41CrAlMo7Same specimen than the precedent photograph but at core除芯部外,与之前的图片的样本一样Core Hardness HRC = 38芯部硬度HRC = 38 Microstructure: Tempered Martensite (Sorbite)显微组织:回火马氏体(索氏体)06/08/202231Phosphating 磷化The Phosphating is a superficial treatment protection that consists of the cover the surface

26、 of a steel manufactured article by a compact layer of Phosphates of Zinc and Manganese.磷化是属于一种对表面进行保护的处理。就是在机器制成品的表面覆盖一层密致的磷酸锌和磷酸锰。There are the phosphating against the rust (F FAR Z, phosphates of zinc and iron) and the phosphating against the seizure (FF-AG, phosphates of manganese and iron).磷化防锈

27、 (F FAR Z, 磷化锌与磷化铁) 和磷化防seizure(FF-AG,磷化锰与磷化铁)Both the treatments consist of the immersion of the finished piece (and polished up in surface) in a bath of melt phosphorus salts with opportune additions of oxidant and catalysts agents.两种处理都是将完成的料件(表面有打磨)浸入盛有溶化了的磷酸盐的池中并适当的添有氧化物与催化剂.The process has com

28、pleted by a passivation that consists of the immersion of the piece in oil of peculiar characteristics; for the high strength steels is advisable a careful dehydrogenation (180C x 2h) within four hours from the treatment. 此过程由“钝化”得以完成,就是将料件浸入有着特殊特点的油中;对于高强度的钢,建议在进行了此处理的4个小时时进行精心的脱氢作用(180C x 2h)To ch

29、eck the uniformity of the layers is applied to brief exposures in salt spray test (60); 24 - 48 hours if oiled.为了检测层的均匀,在盐雾测试中(60) 将其短时暴露;如果浸油的话, 24 - 48 小时06/08/202232Zinc Plating and Dacromet 镀锌与DacrometThe zinc is a material fewer noble than the iron and accordingly when the two materials are sim

30、ultaneously in presence of an aggressive agent the zinc corrodes for first; in this way until there is zinc the steel to it joined does not come corroded.锌的抗腐能力不及铁,因此当这两种物质同时遇到较富侵略性的物质时,锌会首先受到腐蚀,in this way until there is zinc the steel to it joined does not come corroded.For this reason has been in

31、vented the technical of Zinc Plating that consists of the cover a manufactured article of steel with a thin layer but uniform and compact of pure zinc.基于以上原因,就发明了利用其特性的镀锌,就是在机器制成品的钢的表面覆盖一层薄,均衡与密致的纯锌涂层。According to the technology of deposition are spoken about Deep Galvanization (immersion of the man

32、ufactured article in a bath of fused zinc) and of Electrolytic Galvanization (immersion in a electrolytic bath and deposition of the zinc by means of passage of current electric); in this case the high strength steels must be subjected to dehydrogenation heat treatment. 根据所说及的深层镀锌(将机器制成成品浸入有溶化锌的池中)及

33、其电解镀锌(沉浸在电解池,通入电流,产生锌沉积物)的沉积物的工艺,在这种情形下,要获取高强度的钢就要通过脱氢热处理。In the applications of our interest is preponderant the use of the electrolytic galvanization with film of zinc with thickness from 7 to 15 microns, followed by passivation of the zinc in way to increase the resistance to the atmospheric oxid

34、ation.基于工业上的效益考虑,较常用的是厚度为7-15微米的电镀锌膜,随后是锌的钝化,以此来增强抗氧化性。06/08/202233Zinc Plating and Dacromet 镀锌与 达可罗An evolution of the process of galvanization is the Dacromet that consists of the superficial deposition of metallic zinc through an organic varnish.镀锌工序的发展称为Dacromet.是通过一层有机清漆而产生表面的金属锌的沉积。The treatme

35、nt has performed for immersion follows from centrifugal (at the end of remove the excess of varnish) and following passivation.此处理是将料件沉浸与离心(最终去除过多的清漆),然后钝化。The treatment of dacromet is more expensive than the galvanization but in remuneration do not require dehydrogenation and it allows of double th

36、e times of resistance in salt spray test.Dacromet处理比镀锌昂贵但是其好处是不再需要进行脱氢且可以在盐雾 试验中耐腐蚀时间增加一倍For the galvanization that for the dacromet the passivation happens by immersion of the pieces in baths of salts of chromic ions, extremely dangerous for whom he performs the treatments and on the way of have se

37、t outlaw. 钝化工序就是将料件浸入在有铬离子的盐池中。如果没有按要求操作的话,操作员会处于很危险境况中。06/08/202234Chrome plating 镀铬The Chrome Platings are treatment used for confer or a better wear resistance (Hard Chrome Plating) or a better appearance to metallic manufactured items (Decorative Chrome Plating).镀铬处理会赋予或增强耐磨性能(硬的镀铬),或者还会使金属加工物外观更佳。(装饰性的镀铬) Sometime the differenc


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