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1、HW Management and Pretreatment危废管理与预处理2022/8/7Part 1 HW management危废管理Waste Category & Classification 废物种类和分类Reception & Pretreatment team 接收和预处理部门Waste storage control 废物存储管理Waste pretreatment 废物预处理2022/8/7Waste Categorization & classification废物分类Chinese National standard of HW 国家危废标准HW code list 危

2、废名录HW package, storage and tagging 危废包装,存储和标示WAC system and deviation report WAC体系和偏差报告WAC list 废料接受证书列表Special waste 特殊废物Category based on pre-treatment 基于预处理的分类2022/8/7National Standard of HW国家危废标准HJ 2025-2012 is general standard for collection, storage, transportation of hazardous waste HJ 2025-2

3、012为危废收集,存储和运输的一般标准Other main standards其它主要标准GB190 危险货物包装标志GB5085.17 危险废物鉴别标准GB6944 危险货物分类和品名编号GB12463 危险货物运输包装通用技术条件2022/8/72022/8/7National Standard of HW国家危废标准Other main standards其它主要标准GB13392 道路运输危险货物车辆标志GB15603 常用化学危险品贮存通则GB15562.2 环境保护图形标志-固体废物贮存(处置)场GB18597 危险货物贮存污染控制标准HJ/T298 危险废物鉴别技术规范JT617

4、 汽车运输危险货物规则JT618 汽车运输、装卸危险货物作业规程2022/8/7Law and regulation of HW危废法律规范Laws and regulations 法律规范1.危险化学品安全管理条例(2011)2.危险化学品经营许可证管理办法(2004)3.危险废物转移联单管理办法(1999)4.废弃危险化学品污染环境防治办法(2005)5.国家危险废物名录(2008)6.道路危险货物运输管理规定(2005)Identify of HW in GB通过国标识别危废GB 5085 is general rule of HW classification GB 5085是危废分类

5、的一般准则GB 5085.1 to GB 5085.6 are detailed rules to identify category of hazardous waste GB 5085.1 到 GB 5085.6是识别危废的详细准则HW is classified as corrosive waste, toxic waste, flammable waste and reactive waste 危废是以腐蚀性,毒性,易燃性和反应性进行分类HJ/T298 gives detailed identify method for HW HJ/T298是识别危废的详细方法2022/8/7HW c

6、ode List危废名录According to Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes (2004 Revision), hazardous waste list is published in 1998 and updated in 2008 根据中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法, 危废名录在1998年 公布,并在2008年进行了更新Waste was classified according to prod

7、uction industry, process and waste material 废物是根据生产行业,生产方法和原料种类进行分类HW producer must register their waste according to HW list 危废产生单位必须根据危废名录登记废物2022/8/7HW package危废包装HW package should follow HJ2025 and GB12463 危废包装必须根据HJ2025 和 GB12463的标准Total 12 rules such as GB12463 4.2.1 一共12条准则,例如GB12463 4.2.1Pac

8、kage must be strong enough, package material must be compatible with waste inside; package should be easy for load/unload 包装必须足够牢固,包装材料必须和废物相适应,包装应该要易于装卸2022/8/72022/8/7HW Storage危废存储Waste storage area/warehouse must follow GB18597, GBZ1 and GBZ2 危废存储区域和仓库必须依照GB18597, GBZ1 和GBZ2为标准Facilities is requ

9、ested such as communication, light and fire fighting 通讯,照明和消防设施是必备的Alarm system and grounding is requested for flammable waste area 存放易燃废物区域警报系统和接地是必备的Follow GB15603 and laws/regulations 遵照GB15603 的法律规范For toxic waste, double key management must be performed 对于毒性废物,必须执行双密钥管理HW Tagging危废标示Its request

10、ed by GB 18597 that HW package must be tagged properly GB 18597规定危废包装必须要有合适的标示It is requested that specified tagging should be tagged for HW stock area/warehouse 危废存储区域和仓库必须要有明确的标示2022/8/72022/8/7HW transportation control危废运输管理Register in EPB and identify with HW code 通过危废号码进行识别并在环保局登记Waste tranfer

11、sheet is requested for each delivery 每次运输必须要有废物运输联单Logistic company is certificated with EPB 运输公司必须要经过环保局(上海)认证2022/8/7WAC system废料接受证书体系Waste Acceptance Certificate 废物接收证书(厂长确认)Waste reception check and WAC renewal 废物接收检查和WAC更新Deviation report 偏差报告2022/8/7Waste Acceptance Certificate废物接收证书SCIPSITA

12、use WAC to identify waste which is available for treatment SCIPSITA通过WAC对废物进行识别,是否可以处理Waste material data sheet is requested for each WAC 每一个WAC有相对应的废物信息数据表WAC is approved with plant manager WAC是由工厂厂长进行批准Waste cannot be delivered before WAC approval 在WAC被批准之前不允许运输Comments from operation manager and

13、plant manager are given as appendix 生产经理和工厂厂长的处理意见作为附录2022/8/7Reception Check and WAC Renew接收检查和WAC更新Waste is checked after reception with visual inspection, quick test and labortory analysis 废物是在接收之后通过目视,快速测试和实验室分析进行检查WAC is updated regularly WAC定期需要更新Waste reception quantity and analysis report is

14、 requested for WAC renewal 在WAC更新时需要废物年度接收总量和分析报告Reception team gives suggestion of waste classification and packaging for WAC renewal 在WAC更新时,接收部门对废物的分类和包装给出建议2022/8/7Deviation report偏差报告Deviation report is tool to improve waste management 通过偏差报告改善废物的管理Deviation: waste received is different from WA

15、C approved in material characteristics or waste package 偏差:废物实际接收和WAC被批准时的数据信息或者包装方式有出入The difference could cause potential risk 废物的变化可能存在潜在的风险The pretreatment and incineration control could be different accordingly 废物的变化可能导致预处理和焚烧方式完全不同Deviation is reported by reception team 偏差是由接收部门进行报告2022/8/7Dev

16、iation Report偏差报告Deviation reports record is kept 偏差报告记录进行存档Sales and reception team have regular meeting together for deviation analysis 销售和接收部门定期对偏差报告进行商讨Reception team give suggestions to solve deviation 接收部门对偏差给出建议的解决方案Sales work with customer to improve waste management after analysis 销售部门根据解决方

17、案和客户进行沟通以改善对废物的管理2022/8/7WAC List废料接受证书列表WAC list provides quick review/check for all waste acceptance certificate WAC列表提供对所有废物接收证书的快速查看Specified information can be found in WAC list including waste compounds and quantity, package, R/S info 在WAC列表中可以查看详细信息包括废物主要成分,总量,包装方式 和R/S信息Special waste informa

18、tion can be found in WAC list 在WAC列表中可以查看到特殊的废物信息2022/8/7Category based on pretreatment基于预处理的分类Pretreatment is necessary to regroup waste 通过预处理对废物重新分类Pretreatment should ensure safety and quality in waste incineration 预处理应该确保焚烧的安全和效率Category of waste based on pretreatment helps reception and sales t

19、eam in waste storage and transportaion control 基于预处理的分类帮助接收和销售部门对废物的存储和运输进行管理2022/8/7Introduction of Reception &Pretreatment Team接收和预处理部门的介绍Main work of RPT 接收部门的主要职责Structure of RPT 接收部门的组织架构Facilities 设施2022/8/7Main work of RPT接收部门的主要职责Confirm waste delivery schedule 确认废物运输安排Finish waste reception

20、 and unloading 完成废物接收和卸料Report deviations in waste reception 报告废物接收过程中的偏差Storage control in warehouse 仓库的存储管理Work on different pretreatment work station to finish waste pretreatment 在不同的预处理站台完成废物的预处理工作Ensure waste under control 确保废物受控2022/8/7Structure of RPT接收部门的组织架构Field chemist: performs waste rec

21、eption check, confirm waste information, give written reports of waste deviation, give instruction of waste pretreatment, give comments and instruction for direct burn control 现场化学师:废物的接收检查,确认废物信息,对废物偏差给出书面 报告,对废物的处理给出指导意见Field operator: finish daily reception and pretreatment work 现场操作工:完成日常的接收和预处理

22、工作2022/8/7Structure of RPT接收部门的组织架构Receiver: finish daily reception data input, reports for files deviation 接收员:完成日常的接收信息录入,文档偏差的报告Supervisor: general work arrangement; coordinate with CS for waste reception schedule; work together with production team for waste incineration control; work on safety,

23、 environment and efficiency improvement 主管:总体的工作安排,和客服部门协调废物接收安排,和生产部门 一起管理废物焚烧,完成安全,环境和效率提升的工作2022/8/7Facilities设施Drum store 桶装仓库Truck tank unloading station 槽车卸料站台Solid pit 固废池Pretreatment work station 预处理站台Fire fighting, Ventilation and safety shower消防,通风和安全喷淋Forklift叉车Exproof tools 防爆工具Walkie Ta

24、lkie 对讲机2022/8/7Drum Store桶装仓库Have different functions in specified areas 在特定的区域有不同的功能Truck unloading 卡车卸料Weighing 称重Temporary storage 临时存放Some work stations 一些工作站台2022/8/7Truck tank unloading station槽车卸料站台To unload waste liquid in truck tank to tank farm 把废液从槽车卸到罐区Waste liquid is classified accordi

25、ng to carloric value 废液通过热值进行分类Waste can be unloaded after laboratory analysis confirm 在实验室分析信息确认之后进行卸料2022/8/7Solid pit固废池Bulk solid unloading 散装固废卸料Storage for waste after unloading or crush 在废物卸料或者破碎之后进行存储Mix different waste together 混合不同的废物2022/8/7Work stations工作站台Shredder 破碎机Solid pit unloading

26、 固废池卸料Pumping station for tank farm 罐区抽泵站台Repacking to IBC 灌装IBCRepacking to small container 灌装小包装Solid waste repacking for shredding 固废重新包装破碎2022/8/7Safety Facilities安全设施Fire fighting shower 消防喷淋Extinguisher 灭火器Ventilation hood 通风(拔风)罩Safety shower 安全喷淋(低倍、中倍、消防水)2022/8/7Forklift叉车For waste load/un

27、load 废物装卸Shredder feeding 破碎机进料Transportation in plant 厂区内的运输Rotary forklift for waste unloading 旋转式叉车:废物卸料Rotary clamp forklift for drum dumping 旋转夹叉车:桶装废料倾倒Overspeed alarm 超速警报2022/8/7Exproof tools and grounding防爆工具和接地Normal tools is dangerous in warehouse and work station with flammable material

28、在仓库和工作站台有易燃物质,普通工具具有危险性Exproof tools ensure low energy release in work, to avoid risk of fire/explosion 防爆工具在工作时确保了低能量释放,避免了火灾和爆炸的风险Some operation may generate static, which is dangerous in case of flammable material exist 一些操作会产生静电,一旦有易燃物质存在会有危险性Grounding container and equipment well can avoid fire

29、/explosion risk caused by static 接地容器和工具能避免因静电引起的火灾和爆炸风险2022/8/7Walkie talkie对讲机Walkie talkie is widely used in plant for communication 在厂区内,通过对讲机进行交流Walkie talkie in plant must be ex-proof for people may work in ex-proof area 因为可能会在防爆区域工作,对讲机必须要是防爆的Part 2 Storage Control and Management存储控制与管理341. I

30、nternal classification of hazardous waste危废的内部分类2. Reception plan接收计划3. Reception control接收控制Package and Label control包装和标签的控制Packaged/bulk waste control包装以及散装废物的控制Lab waste control实验室废物的控制4. Storage management存储管理Storage regular存储规范Drumstore layout桶装仓库布局Routine check and weekly inventory日常巡检和每周库存统计

31、5. Pretreatment control预处理控制6. Recycling package management包装循环使用管理7. 5S35Internal Classification内部分类Classification basis:分类准则GB 6944-2012 Classification and codes of hazardous goodsGB 6944-2012危险货物的分类和编码管理Existed pretreatment method现有的预处理方式36IndustrywasteLiquidInorganicWaste waterCleaning WW, oil/w

32、ater emulsion, aqueous polymer emulsion, alkaliAcidOxidationBleach, disinfectantOrganicOrganic LiquidDiluted glue, Paint, polymer cleaning solventOrganic SolventSovent, diluentNCO LiquidAcrylateOxidationPastyInert oligomerPolyol,Silicone, Ink, GreaseNCO oligomerGlueSolidMetal wasteflange, steel hose

33、, gasketSludgeSludge, Slurry, filter residue, activated carbonNormalPPE, gloves, tissuesLab wasteSolidNormal solidPPE, gloves, tissues, empty plastic bottleGlass fragmentEmpty glass bottleLiquidGlass bottle with agentAcidOrganicWaste waterScrapped chemicalsReception plan接收计划Prepared by customer serv

34、ice team由客服部门安排Confirmed by RPT由接收部门确认Includes information of customer, waste and truck包括客户,废物和车辆信息Includes waste deliver time包括废物的运输时间Set maximum reception quantity based on pretreatment capacity根据预处理能力设定最大的接收量37Reception procedure flow chart接收程序-流程图38Reception package control接收-包装控制Suitable packag

35、es for each kind of waste 每种废物对应合适的包装Meet with law and regulation 遵照法律规范GB 18597-2001 Standard for pollution control on hazardous waste control GB 18597-2001标准:污染控制和危废控制GB 190-2009 Packing symbols of dangerous goods GB 190-2009标准:危险货物的包装标示GB 12463-2009 General specification for transport packages of

36、 dangerous goods GB 12463-2009标准:危险货物的包装运输的一般准则Please refer pretreatment part for details. 参考预处理部分查看详细信息Bigger packages are appreciated 更偏好大包装Decrease operation times 减少操作时间Increase pretreatment efficiency 提高预处理效率More training to customer 给客户进行更多的培训Meet laws and regulations 遵照法律规范Ensure safe storage

37、 确保存储安全Increase work efficiency 提高工作效率39Reception label control接收-标签控制Tracing and pretreatment reference 追踪以及给预处理提供参考Complete and accurate 准确而完整的Pretreatment method after site check if identified 现场检查之后决定预处理方式40(necessary)(necessary)(necessary)(necessary)(necessary)(necessary)Reception Solid waste c

38、ontrol接收-固废控制Pretreatment method 预处理方式PIT/SHRED/SIDE DOOR固废池/破碎/边门Storage area: 存储区域Normal solid north door, south door, solid repacking area一般固废北门,南门,固废重新包装区域Hazardous waste drum store危废桶装仓库Packages 包装Iron carton, big-opening IBC, plastic carton, 200L drum铁箱,大开口IBC,卡板箱,200L桶Big bag吨袋41Reception flu

39、id waste control接收-液废控制Pretreatment method预处理方式PIT/SHRED/PUMP/SIDE DOOR固废池/破碎/抽泵/边门Storage area: 存储区域Drum store桶装仓库Package: 包装IBC, drumIBC,桶Inner plastic bag for pasty waste粘稠废物需内衬塑料袋42Reception Bulk waste control接收-散装废物控制Pretreatment method 预处理方式Unloading to tankfarm (Liquid) 卸料到罐区(液体)Direct burn b

40、y AW,MW,IS1 (Liquid) 通过AW,MW,IS1(液体)直接焚烧Unloading to pit 卸料到固废池Unloading to SILO 卸料到筒仓Packages: 包装Truck tank (liquid) 槽车(液体)Big bin (solid) 污泥车(固体)Highest pretreatment efficiency 最有效的预处理方式43Reception Bulk waste control接收-散装废物控制Storage control 存储控制Ensure compatibility of waste in same container 确保相容性

41、合适Good mix 混合均匀Relief valve for liquid tank 液体储罐配备安全阀Enough ventilation for solid pit 固废池有足够的通风Inventory 存储清单Storage in TF links with PLC 存储在罐区,通过PLC进行控制Storage of bulk solid updated everyday 每天更新散装固废存储44Lab waste control实验室废物控制Feature: 特点Complex, toxic, small packages 复杂,毒性,小包装Scrapped chemicals, h

42、igh reactivity, corrosive, toxic 报废化学品,高反应性,腐蚀性,毒性Chemical list before delivery 每次运输前提供化学品清单Site check and pretreatment ASAP 现场尽快检查和预处理45Expired products报废产品Feature 特点Very regular with confirmed characteristics 非常有规律High value 高价值Supervised by customer or government 由客户或者政府部门进行监管List before delivery

43、 运输前提供清单Provided by customer 由客户提供Confirmed by SITA 由SITA进行确认Site check and pretreatment ASAP 现场尽快检查和预处理Special storage area under monitor 有特定的监控存储区域46Special waste特殊废物Feature 特点Toxic or dangerous 毒性和危险性Special storage area under monitor 有特定的监控存储区域Pretreatment menu to control storage time 通过预处理清单控制存

44、储时间47Lab waste control实验室废物控制Feature: 特点Complex, toxic, small packages 复杂,毒性,小包装Scrapped chemicals, high reactivity, corrosive, toxic 报废化学品,高反应性,腐蚀性,毒性Chemical list before delivery 每次运输前提供化学品清单Site check and pretreatment ASAP 现场尽快检查和预处理48Facilities in storage area存储区域设施Fire fighting 消防Enough fire fi

45、ghting extinguisher in each area 在每个区域配备足够的灭火器Automatic fire fighting system 自动灭火系统Ventilation 通风Enough ventilation for each storage area 每个存储区域有足够的通风Safety shower 安全喷淋Safety shower near work station 在每个工作站台附近配备安全喷淋2022/8/7Drumstore layout and internal flow桶装仓库布局和内部流程50Storage regulation存储规范Graphica

46、l signs on site 现场标示GB 15562.2-1995 Graphical signs for environmental protection solid waste storage site GB 15562.2-1995:固体废物存储区域环境保护标示GB 2894-2008 Safety signs and guideline for the use GB 2894-2008:安全标示以及使用准则Storage by classification 通过类别进行存储GB 18597-2001 Standard for pollution control on hazardo

47、us waste control GB 18597-2001:危废污染控制Internal classification: Acid, waste water, organic, special(oxidation, toxic, etc) 内部分类:酸性,废水,有机,特殊(氧化性,毒性等)Waste with same hazardous code storage together 相同危险代码的废物存储在同一地方Incompatibility waste separately storage 不相容的废物分开存储Enough gap between stacks and walls 堆垛和

48、墙之间有足够的空隙Enough fire fighting way 足够的消防通道51Drumstore routine check桶装仓库日常巡检2-3 times/day 2-3次每天Complete labels and panels 完善标示和面板Stable stacks 堆垛稳定No leakage 无泄漏No package deformation 无包装变形No incompatibility waste storage together 无不相容废物同时存储52Stock inventory库存统计Weekly inventory recordings 每周库存记录Recor

49、ding analysis 记录分析List near expired waste (1 year) 列出即将过期废物(1年)Stock of each classification 每种分类的库存Pretreatment plan of each classification 每种分类的预处理计划53Pretreatment control预处理控制Treat small packages ASAP 小包装尽快处理Lower storage, better control 库存越少越好控制Pretreatment deadline for each classification 每种分类的预

50、处理期限3 hazardous levels (Level 1-3), different deadline each 3种危险等级(1-3级),不同的期限Pretreatment plan in stock inventory 库存统计包含预处理计划Good internal material flow 良好的内部资料流转very important to stock control 对库存控制非常重要54Recycling package control包装循环使用控制Package recycling request and approval 包装循环使用申请和批准Keep low st

51、orage of empty package with regular list 通过列表保持空包装的低库存555S推广Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain 整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,素养A safe, clean, pleasant working area 安全,干净,舒心的工作环境Less efforts, less errors, less accidents 较少的付出,更少的错误和事故A better team spirit, greater cohesion 提升团队精神,团队凝聚力Personal satisfaction a

52、nd pride 个人满意,及自豪感56Part 3 Pretreatment预处理2022/8/7Control of special elements 特殊元素的控制ElementReception limitIncinerate concentrate (average)Incinerate concentrate (maximum)Acid elementF0.30%1.00%Cl1.88%5.00%Br0.03%0.10%I0.00%0.10%S0.44%2.00%P0.50%0.50%Heavy elementHg50ppm1ppm3ppmCd50ppm1ppm5ppmTl50pp

53、mHeavy metal1.00%2.80%Pretreatment method预处理方式 Unloading to solid pit 卸料到固废池Shred 破碎Solid repacking 固废重新包装Pumping to tank farm 抽泵到罐区Regroup to IBC 灌装IBCRepack for side door 重新包装到边门Direct burn 直接焚烧Unloading to solid pit卸料到固废池For waste in small size, unloading to solid pit is efficient pretreatment 对于

54、小尺寸的废物,卸料到固废池是很有效率的预处理方式Waste could be sludge/residue or normal industry waste 废物可以是污泥/渣或者是一般的工业废物Waste cannot be corrosive to the material of solid pit (carbon steel) 废物不能对固废池的材质具有腐蚀性(碳钢)Unloading to solid pit卸料到固废池Waste characteristics 废物特点Reception check 接收检查Mix 混合Special waste 特殊废物Packaging 包装So

55、lid waste including sludge/residue and normal industry waste can be unloaded when:固体废物包含污泥/渣或者是一般的工业废物只有符合以下条件才可以卸料:The waste is not flammable 废物是不易燃的The waste is not acid 废物不是酸性的Smell is under control 气味必须能控制Unloading to solid pit waste characteristics卸料到固废池废物特点Size control to ensure the waste can

56、be fed to top door 通过尺寸控制确保废物能从顶门进料No reagent bottle for safety concern 安全因素的考虑,不能有试剂瓶Flash point test to ensure no flammable material unloading 通过闪点测试确保没有易燃物质pH test to ensure no acid unloading 通过pH测试确保没有酸性物质Unloading to solid pit reception check卸料到固废池接收检查The waste in solid pit should be mixed well

57、 after unloading 在卸料之后在固废池中的废料应该要充分混合For some special waste, good communication is very important to ensure safety in storage 对于一些特殊的废物,通过沟通确保废物的存储安全是非常重要的Unloading to solid pit Mix卸料到固废池混合 Certain waste is special for solid pit unloading在固废池卸料过程中,特定的废物特殊处理Glue 胶水(极易燃)Toxic material 毒性物质Smelly mater

58、ial 有强烈气味的物质Waste with special element 有特殊元素的废物Unloading to solid pit Special waste卸料到固废池特殊废物Control of special waste特殊废物的控制Quick incineration after unloading, for glue/toxic/smelly waste 在卸料之后尽快焚烧,胶水,毒性和有强烈气味的废物Good mix for waste with special element 含有特殊元素的废物必须充分混合Unloading to solid pit Special wa

59、ste卸料到固废池特殊废物Big package is more efficient大包装更有效率Bulk 散装Open IBC / steel bin / plastic bin 开口IBC/污泥车/卡板箱Open drum 开口桶Big bag 吨袋Unloading to solid pit Packaging卸料到固废池包装Shred破碎For solid waste in big size, we have to crush the waste with shredder before incineration 对于大尺寸的固废,我们必须先通过破碎机进行破碎之后才可以焚烧Video

60、of shredder 破碎机监控General work flow for shredder 破碎机的一般工作流程Characteristics and Packaging 特点和包装Special waste 特殊废物Waste difficult to shred 难于破碎的废物Shred Video破碎监控Field chemist directs waste for shred 现场化学师选出需要破碎的废物Waste is classified in 3 types according to potential risk 根据存在的潜在风险,废物分成3类Treat more dang


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