1、PMP 辅导(3058537442) 20:56:52大家晚上好嶒(384156873) 20:57:09那么得写邮件让PMI 改了(16188369) 20:58:00老师好PMP 辅导(3058537442) 20:58:04下次课是节过后的周一晚上(15659602) 20:58:06啊还没复习完PMP 辅导(3058537442) 20:58:14九点到十点PMP 辅导(3058537442) 20:59:00第四章涉及变更和收尾两部分流程,前面讲得比较快,所以安排两次习题课PMP 辅导(3058537442) 20:59:28下周一开始讲义第五章 项目范围管理(11029295) 2
2、0:59:31今天先讲后做题是吧PMP 辅导(3058537442) 20:59:41PMP 辅导(3058537442) 20:57:34今天晚上还是第四章的习题课今天习题课PMP 辅导(3058537442) 20:59:58While planning a system implemenion, the project managermeets win unsatisfiedfunctional manager. The functional manager questions the project managers authority to continue with the pro
3、ject.Whicho the functionA. Project chartershould the project managresent tB. Project management plC. Project scope D.在计划某个系统实施时,项目经理遇到一个不满意的职能经理。职能经理质疑项目经理继续执行项目的权力。项目经理应向职能经理提供下列哪一份文件?A.B.C.D.项目章程项目管理计划项目范围说明书组织结构图PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:00:08两分钟思考嶒(384156873) 21:00:40APMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:00:58嶒 老师
4、说发再发啊(11029295) 21:01:10a嶒(384156873) 21:01:12sorry.(854712883) 21:01:14a(854712883) 21:01:29两分钟到了PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:01:44老师说发再发PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:03:21参考试题:A:项目章程是项目经理的文件。参见讲义第 51 页。PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:04:08再强调一下,老师说发再发,以免影响别的同学思考PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:05:51PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:04:43During
5、project implemenion, the customer identifie s new requirements which were notincludedhe contract.What should the project manager do?Report the ie to senior management and ask fo r an exceptionRegister the change request and perform theegr ated change control prosReview the impact and accept the new
6、requirement s if they do not impact the scheduleUpdate the scope and charge the customer for th e new requirement在项目执行期间,客户识别出没有包含在合同之内的新需求。项目经理首先应该怎么做?向高级管理层问题,并要求作为例外情况对待登记变更请求,并执行整体开变更控制流程影响,如不影响进度,则接受新需求更新范围,并向客户收取完成新需求所需的费用发PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:08:48Senior management assigns the project manage
7、r to anernational development project. Theproject sponsor providess as input to develop the project charter. The project managerhas the sement of work,business case, contract,anizational proas otherss.s, as wellWhat should be the next step for the project manager?A. Consolidate all theut to the proj
8、ect charters and use them as inpB. Concentrate on the most importants and use only theses as inputC. Use the technique of expert judgment to assess all of the inputsPMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:08:01参考:B试题:遵循变更管理流程,先提交变更请求。参考讲义第 68 页。D. Use an Ishikawa diagram to validate thes高级管理层将项目经理分派到一个国际开发项目上。项目发起人提供
9、文件,作为编制项目章程的依据。项目经理拥有工作说明书、合同、组织过程文件以及其他文件。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?A.B.C.D.整理所有文件,将利用他们作为编制项目章程的依据将使用集中在最重要的文件上,仅把这些文件作为依据判断技巧,评估所有依据文件使用石川图来验证文件PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:10:00发PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:13:16题干是项目章程的输入PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:14:00PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:12:17这道题目有 C 在就不能选 APMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:13:06这道题目意
10、是在考项目章程PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:08:54认真思考啊C 是用理PMP 辅导判断评估一下这些文件,显然比 A 直接拿来用更加合(3058537442) 21:14:20石川图在讲义 196 页增(31921631) 21:14:23请问第几页呢?PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:14:39后面讲质量管理时会讲到PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:14:52参考试题:C:编制项目章程的工具。参见讲义第 52 页。PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:14:59好,下一题PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:15:19The project s
11、ponsors started a new project. The projec t involves their customers, somesubcontractors and a virtual projectanization. Project sponsors develop project charter, to correct ex pecions betn which of thePMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:16:43发PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:18:48我先 21:18:51期望应该最后的可交付成果吧PMP 辅导(3058537442)
12、21:19:12参考:Cfollowing?Project sponsor and sponsoring companyContractor and projectCustomer and projectProject Manager and Sponsoring company项目发起人启动了一个新项目。该项目涉及他们的客户、多个分包商以及一个虚拟项目组织。项目发起人制定项目章程,来纠正下列哪一项两者之间的期望?项目发起人和赞助公司分包商和项目客户和项目项目经理和赞助公司试题:项目章程在项目执行组织与需求组织(或客户,如果是外部项目的话)之间建立起伙伴关系。参见讲义第 51 页。参见项目管理
13、知识体系指南第 5 版第 67 页。PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:20:00我理解这个期望就是对项目目标的期望,可以简单理解为可交付成果(283798324) 21:20:31其实我也不理解,就算按题点,那也是客户和项目团队吧(1390703849) 21:20:38分包商不是需求组织吗? 21:20:44项目就是解决实际需求的(258211904) 21:20:47(191939084) 21:20:50老师发的时候,可不可以麻烦老师再发一下题目PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:20:55项目立项后,项目章程的签署代表了客户和项目团队对于项目目标的一个一致认可(283
14、798324) 21:20:55项目执行组织难道不是项目团队?(240906229) 21:21:06A 为啥不对PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:21:18The project sponsors started a new project. The project involves their customers, somesubcontractors and a virtual projectanization.Project sponsors develop project charter, to correct expecions betn which of thefoll
15、owing?Project sponsor and sponsoring companyContractor and projectCustomer and projectProject Manager and Sponsoring company项目发起人启动了一个新项目。该项目涉及他们的客户、多个分包商以及一个虚拟项目组织。项目发起人制定项目章程,来纠正下列哪一项两者之间的期望?A. 项目发起人和赞助公司分包商和项目客户和项目项目经理和赞助公司PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:21:50项目发起人有可能就来自赞助方Kiki(930680480) 21:22:01如果需求组织包含用
16、户就是以用户 为主?(312746119) 21:22:02同类 21:22:15PMP 辅导项目包含 发起人 和 项目团队吗?PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:22:17项目执行组织就是项目团队Kiki(930680480) 21:22:23那需求组织是的捏?(283798324) 21:22:36我第一次选的是项目经理和赞助公司PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:22:41Kiki 有可能(635417574) 21:23:00回复:我也是。王(243263044) 21:23:02我我也是选择了dPMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:23:05其实C 更合适的是客
17、户和项目团队(240906229) 21:23:08如何定义虚拟项目组织 21:23:09本题 和 赞助公司 没有关系把PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:23:13这样大家是不是能理解了(253110187) 21:23:15(165305614) 21:23:24麻烦老师把参考和与原题放在一个框PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:23:54这题就是考“项目章程在项目执行组织与需求组织(或客户,如果是外部项目的话)之间建立起伙伴关系”这句话Kiki(930680480) 21:23:58Kiki(930680480) 21:23:50懂了(15659602) 21:23:59
18、PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:24:49In an eight-month project, the customer requests a ch ange to a complex business requirement.Development is 72% complete. The customer suggests the project schedue extended by anadditional month.What should the project manager do next?Reject the change since most of the de
19、velopment is completeAsk for additional fundsyze the varianceAccept the change since the customers has increas ed the schedule在一个为期八个月的项目中,客户要求变更一项复杂的业务要求。开发已完成 72%。客户建议将项目日程额外推迟一个月。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?变更,因为大部分开发均已完成申请额金分析偏差接受变更,因为客户推迟了日程PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:27:20的选择对的,没有完全正确的选择,只有四个选项中最正确(15659602) 21:27
20、:22c 分析偏差就是在评估变更影响(1390703849) 21:27:43只有c 比较适合(240906229) 21:28:01首先排除a 和d(1390703849) 21:28:05其他的有点霸气外露了Kiki(930680480) 21:28:18难道又考工具与技术?(4078018) 21:28:31不是,考变更(4078018) 21:28:38的流程,一步一步PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:28:53PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:26:23老师,需求组织怎么定义对于外部,就是客户,对于,就是需要这个可交付成果的部门这题只能选 C 了(4078018)
21、 21:28:5368 页 21:28:59因为任何变更 都是 需要分析 偏差(1390703849) 21:29:04变更的升华题PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:29:17AD 直接排除(240906229) 21:29:59PMP 辅导如果有一项是要求客户提交变更呢?PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:30:02B 申请额金呢金也不对,因为还没有批准变更呢,怎么能申请资(40308838) 21:30:06进度计划与范围都变了,需要先评估差异,再决定下一步 21:30:21那就选 提交(240906229) 21:30:33我也这么想 21:30:35PMP 辅导PMP
22、 辅导(3058537442) 21:30:54不要做这种假设,不可能这么出题吧,用徐老师的话说,就是,自己把自己难倒了嶒(384156873) 21:31:00变更到底是项目经理提交还是客户提交(240906229) 21:31:02好吧 21:31:21PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:31:22如果有提交变更请求,那么就果断选(670075275) 21:31:44干系人都可以提交吧?PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:31:47In an eight-month project, the customer requests a change to a complex
23、business requirement. Development is 72% complete. The customer suggests the project schedue extended by an(240906229) 21:30:51请指教additional month.What should the project manager do next?A. Reject the change since most of the development i s completeB.C.D.Ask for additional fundsyze the varianceAcce
24、pt the change since the customers has increased the schedule在一个为期八个月的项目中,客户要求变更一项复杂的业务要求。开发已完成 72%。客户建议将项目日程额外推迟一个月。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?A.B.C.D.变更,因为大部分开发均已完成申请额分析偏差金接受变更,因为客户推迟了日程参考试题:C:先分析偏差,分析变更的影响。 21:31:48都有 21:32:03变更只要是项目干系人 都可以提PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:32:08对,任何干系人都可以提交变更请求 21:32:33所以项目干系人 是很重要的嶒(3841
25、56873) 21:32:39那这个算不算提交PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:33:00A company reviews four strategic revenue generatin g optionsand selects one initiative.Which would be the next step to formally beghe pr oject?Define scopeEstimate cost and scheduleDevelop project management planCreat project charter一家公司了 4 个性的创收方案,并
26、从中选择一个方案。若要正式开始项目,下一步应该是?定义范围估算成本和进度制定项目管理计划 21:33:09他这句话是提交变更PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:33:15嶒 需要提交 21:33:43是的 必须PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:34:14发PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:36:10A company reviews four strategic revenue generating optionsand selects one initiative.Which would be the next step to formally begoject?
27、he prA.B.C.D.Define scopeEstimate cost and schedule Develop project management plan Creat project charter一家公司了 4 个性的创收方案,并从中选择一个方案。若要正式开始项目,下一步应该是?A. 定义范围D. 创建项目章程B.C.D.估算成本和进度制定项目管理计划创建项目章程参考试题:D:新的项目,首先应该制定项目章程。参见讲义第 51 页。参见项目管理知识体系指南第 5 版第 66-67 页。PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:36:48The sponsor asks the p
28、roject manager to stop the proj ect because the allocated budget is depleted.What should the project manager do next? A.Negotiate with vendors to finish the outstanding tas ksPrepare a final report toproject ies an d deliverablesUpdate the project charter to reflect the project en d datePrepare a ch
29、ange request to update the project scop e项目发起人要求项目经理停止项目,因为分配的已经花完。PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:37:21发PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:39:47The sponsor asks the project manager to stop the project because the allocated budget is depleted. What should the project manager do next?A.Negotiate with vendors to finish the
30、outstanding tasksB.Prepare a final report tod deliverablesproject ies anC.Update the project charter to reflect the project end dateD.Prepare a change request to update the project scop e项目发起人要求项目经理停止项目,因为分配的已经花完。PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:38:58项目发起人要求项目经理停止项目项目经理接下来应该怎么办?与客户谈判完成剩余任务准备最终,项目问题和可交付成果更新项目章程
31、,并反映最终日期 D.准备变更请求,更新项目范围项目经理接下来应该怎么办?A.与客户谈判完成剩余任务B.准备最终,项目问题和可交付成果C.更新项目章程,并反映最终日期D.准备变更请求,更新项目范围参考试题:B:发起人要求停止项目,开始项目收尾。参见讲义第 71 页。参见项目管理知识体系指南第 5 版第 101 页。PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:40:22这道题目呢?PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:40:25Halfway through a multiphase project,the sponsor ter minatesthe work because there
32、 is nolonger ananizational need for the project. This could have been avoided if ?More effort was spent on develothe project m anagement planThe project business case was properly developedLegal requirements wereyzed at the start of the projectD. The project sement of work was more detailed在一个多阶段项目的
33、中途,由于对该项目不再有组织上的需求,发起人终止项目工作。要避免这种情况可以?在制定项目管理计划时多花些精力正确制定项目商业论证在项目开始时分析法律要求更为详细地描述项目工作说明书PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:42:59Halfway through a multiphase project,the sponsor ter minatesthe work because there is nolonger ananizational need for the project. This could have been avoided if ?More effort was spe
34、nt on develothe project m anagement planThe project business case was properly developedLegal requirements wereyzed at the start of th e projectThe project sement of work was more detailed在一个多阶段项目的中途,由于对该项目不再有组织上的需求,发起人终止项目工作。要避免这种情况可以?A.B.C.D.在制定项目管理计划时多花些精力正确制定项目商业论证在项目开始时分析法律要求更为详细地描述项目工作说明书参考试题:
35、B:商业论证是从商业角度提供必要的信息,决定项目是否值得投资。参见讲义第 54 页。参见项目管理知识体系指南第 5 版第 69 页。PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:44:03A project is completed, however, the project was delayed, causing cost overruns at of the project.What should the project managern this case?A.the circumstanas lessons learnedB. Focus attention on archiving
36、the finanor this projectl records fC. Evaluate all the work of the project and compare the results tothe project scopePMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:47:34这道题目难以抉择的原因在于经常被问:项目经理本应怎么做,项目经理接下去应该怎么做。所以(15659602) 21:47:46搞不清楚是哪种情况项目已经完成,不能再回到d,只能去a(84754736) 21:47:55项目已完成PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:48:32整个复习过程中,只要求做习题集
37、上和单元练习以及模拟题,这些都是往年老师自己编题目,这些上面没有的题目,需要。 21:48:40那么再次评估,看看什么问题导致的,在总结经验的呀PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:48:48D.the circumstansurrounding project c ompletion during the scope verification pros项目虽然完成了,但是却延期,导致项目结束时成本超支。在这种情况下,项目经理应该怎么做?将这种情况为经验教训将注意力集中在存档该项目的财务上评估项目的所有工作,并将结果与项目范围相比较在范围核实过程项目完成相关的情况这道题目建议的选择是AP
38、MP 辅导(3058537442) 21:49:04项目结束了,成本超支,项目不太成功,应也就是说他问项目经理接下去应该怎么做A 是什么时候都必做的功课不论项目成功还是失败(84754736) 21:49:05经验教训。习题集做熟好 21:49:29接下去 。PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:49:33A project is completed, however, the project was delayed, causing cost overruns atof the project.What should the project managerA.B. Focus atte
39、ntion on archiving the finan or this project?nedfC. Evaluate all the work of the project and compare the results tothe project scopeD.the circumstansurrounding project completion during the scope verification pros项目虽然完成了,但是却延期,导致项目结束时成本超支。在这种情况下,项目经理应该怎么做?A.B.C.D.将这种情况为经验教训将注意力集中在存档该项目的财务上评估项目的所有工作,
40、并将结果与项目范围相比较在范围核实过程项目完成相关的情况参考试题:A:项目结束了,成本超支,项目不太成功,应参见讲义第 71 页。经验教训。参见项目管理知识体系指南第 5 版第 104 页。 21:49:34就是下一步的事情(1390703849) 21:50:13应该是考审核项目失败之后要做什么PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:50:20What type of baseline includes a combination of scope, schedule and cost?A. Quality baseline 21:50:11那么分析问题 不就没有了B.egrated b
41、aselineC. Overall project baselineD. Performance measurement baseline下列哪种基线综合了范围、进度和成本? A质量基线B综合基线 C总体项目基线D绩效测量基线PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:50:51PMP 辅导反正都是要经验教训的(3058537442) 21:51:11发吧大家PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:52:05这是周二上课那天讲的(15659602) 21:52:05dPMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:52:15基准里的概念(11029295) 21:52:20 21:52:31老
42、师哪一页?PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:52:32还有吗,老师(1004472258) 21:52:41了做题都对,怎么就错的厉害PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:52:46What type of baseline includes a combination of scop e, schedule and cost?Quality baselineegrated baselineOverall project baselinePerformance measurement baseline下列哪种基线综合了范围、进度和成本? A质量基线B综合基线 C总体项目基线 D
43、绩效测量基线参考:D试题:参见讲义第 58 页。参见项目管理知识体系指南第 5 版第 546 页。PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:53:51最后一题(1378671183) 21:53:53(1004472258) 21:53:54只习题集PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:53:55Project A is delivered to customer A and the closure activities are carried out.The projectteam will be transferred to work on project B for custo
44、mer B.The sales manager requests the project manager providet salepport for project A.Which of the following should the project manager do?A. Move the project team to project B and start new i nitiation activities.B. Suggest the sales manager obtain new resour.C. Deny the sales managers request and
45、refer to the contract.D. Ensure project As specific knowledge is captured and transferred to theanization.项目 A 已经交付给客户 A,而且开始开展收尾活动。项目团队将会转移到客户 B 的项目上工作。销售经理要求项目经理提供项目 A 的售后支持。项目经理应该执行下列哪一项?A.B.C.D.将项目团队转移到项目 B 上,开始新的启动活动。建议销售经理获得新的资源。销售经理的请求,并查阅合同。确保项目 A 的特定知识已获收集,并移交给组织。(1390703849) 21:53:59习题只有绩效
46、基准。 21:53:59PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:55:09发PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:57:23在讲义 58 页,也较基准(1390703849) 21:57:28第一个ppt(240906229) 21:57:46徐老师讲过PMP 辅导(3058537442) 21:57:51Project A is delivered to customer A and the closure activities are carried out.The projectteam will be transferred to work on project B for customer B.The sales man
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