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1、EnglishChineseacceptable level可接受的程度active pit alarms泥浆槽警报active pit levelaft船尾泥浆池液位aft catwalk船尾钻杆走道Aft Conveyor船尾输送机Aft Mouse Hole船尾接管孔AFT PRS船尾 PRSair hoist气动绞车air hoist line气动绞车大绳air regulator空气调节器alarm message警告短信all clear解除警报信号Approved by:批准人:arm extend joystick悬臂伸展操纵杆arms悬臂Assistant Driller副司

2、钻Asst. Driller副司钻auto mode自动模式barrier tape栅栏带BHA底部钻具组合bit and stabilisers钻头和稳定器Bit Breaker钻头装卸器blocks滑车blue tugger蓝色卷扬机BOP防喷器bottom hole assembly井底孔组合bottoms up循环一周box end内螺纹端Boxes and pins内螺纹和外螺纹break circulation恢复循环Carriage Raise-Lower钻车升/降carriages钻车cased hole已下套管井casing box套管内螺纹端casing drift套管整形

3、器casing elevator套管吊卡casing finger套管手指casing jobs下套管作业Casing Power Tong套管动力吊钳Casing Roughneck套管钻工casing size套管尺寸Casing Tong套管吊钳Casing Tong套管钳CCW 逆时针方向水泥头水泥立根链式起重机链钳链钳检验单车载升降台车载升降台cement head cement stand chain hoist chain tong Chain tongs check list Cherry picker cherry picker claw爪钩claw爪钩爪钩关闭清理并检查邻近

4、内部楼梯关闭下辊关闭尾臂关闭装卸工具CLAW CLOSE clean and inspect close access stairs close lower rollerCLOSE TAILING ARM close the handling tool collar clamp 卡箍Company Man 公司人control panel控制面板conveyor 输送机conveyor belt输送带Core Barrel 岩心筒core tube 岩心筒counter balance平衡锤counter weight重锤Crane 吊车Crane operator吊车操作工Crown Blo

5、ck 天车csg 套管cutting tool 切割工具Date approved:批准日期:Date issued:发行日期:deadman 叉杆debriefing任务报告deck crew舱面人员Deepwater Discovery 深水发现degasser 除气器Denso Tape防蚀带derrick 井架derrick man井架工Derrickhand井架工Derrickman井架工dog collars 爪环 dolly台车Dope丝扣油down hole tools井下工具DP OperatorDP 作业员draw works绞车draw-works drum 绞车滚筒 D

6、rill Collar钻铤drill crew钻井队员Drill Floor钻台Drill Line大绳Drill Pipe钻杆drill string钻柱Driller 司钻drilling bails钻井提环drilling mud钻井泥浆Drilling parameters 钻井参数 drill-line tensioner大绳张紧器drive dolly顶驱台车Duct Tape封管胶带DWS司钻工作站elevator 吊卡elevator adapter吊卡适配器Emergency Disconnect 紧急中断Extend 伸出Extend the arm fast-line t

7、ension Feeder File name fill with pump Finger board Finger Position finger slot fingerboard fingerboardfingerboard mode fish neck Fishing Assembly Fishing Assembly tools FJE平式接头吊卡FJE claw close Flex joint Floor men Floorhands伸出推靠臂快绳拉力进料器文件名称泵灌注指梁手指位置指状槽指梁指梁指梁模式打捞颈打捞组合打捞组合工具平式接头吊卡爪钩关闭挠性接头钻台工钻工flow ch

8、eck流量检查flow head 井口自喷装置 flush joint elevators平式接头吊卡Fore conveyor船头输送机Fore Mouse Hole 船头接管孔 FOSV fresh mud full gauge tools full single fwd 船头 Fwd Mousehole Fwd PRS gas peak goggles Grease grip jaw hand signals全启式安全阀淡水泥浆全尺寸工具完整单根handling equipment handling tool Handling Tool handover sheet hazards 危害

9、 Headache Ball hold the pipe hole 井眼 hole condition hole fill up sheet Hook 大钩 Hook Position horizontal position hose 软管 hydraulic hose IBOP ID船头接管孔船头PRS气体峰值护目镜润滑脂夹紧卡爪手势信号装卸设备装卸工具装卸工具交接班工作单保险球握住钻杆井眼状况井眼灌注工作单大钩位置水平位置液压软管内部防喷器内径Index Procedure inner barrel insert plate inserts索引程序 内岩心筒 嵌入板卡瓦座Interlock

10、 Override iron roughneck jaw 卡爪 jaws 卡爪 jetting assembly joint of casing互锁超控 铁钻工喷射组合套管接头keypad键盘kill manifolds压井管汇KT Ring KT 环landing string接地钻柱latch 簧闩Lay Down 放倒lift cap 提升罩lift subs提升接头lifting bails 吊环Logging unit测井装置Lost Control Of Fingerboard 指梁失控main protective sheath主保护套man riding 载人Manning r

11、equirements人员配备要求Manriding Checklist 载人清单Manriding Work载人工作Manual Mode 手动模式master bushing转盘方瓦Measurement While Drilling随钻测量Monkey Board 二层台moon pool 月池Mouse Hole 接管孔mouse hole spider Mud bucket mud hose mud line Mud Logger mud manifold mud mat mud pump mud return mud weight in mud weight outmud-logg

12、ing unit MWD 随钻测量接管孔卡盘泥浆桶泥浆软管泥线泥浆录井工泥浆管汇防沉板泥浆泵泥浆回流进口泥浆比重出口泥浆比重泥浆测井装置None required 无要求 notify the bridge通知驾驶室OD 外径off-load 卸载offshore海上on shore岸上open hole time裸眼时间open position打开位置open the jaw打开卡爪打开下卡爪操作程序操作工程师【超控】按钮Open the lower jaw Operational Procedure Operations Engineer Override pushbutton P. A

13、,公共广播停泊系统待定位置准许证要求:外螺纹端 外螺纹端 管子涂料 钻杆操作器 钻杆装卸装置 钻杆操作器吊卡parking system pending position Permit Requirements:pin end pin end pipe dope pipe handler Pipe Handler钻杆旋扣器 钻杆立根 钻杆记录 钻杆刮泥器泥浆池增益/损失 门口中间吊车pipe handler elevator Pipe spinner pipe stand pipe tally Pipe wiper pit loss/gain Port Mid CranePre-job 作业前

14、 Pre-job Safety Meeting工作前安全会议pressure test压力测试PRS钻杆排放系统PRS handling tool模式识别系统装卸工具Public Address扩音广播pump stroke counter泵冲程计数器短节目的:清管器Pup Joint Purpose: RabbitRACKER CONFIGURATION 排管器配置 Radioactive Shield 放射护罩 radioactive source fishing放射源打捞radioactive work放射性工作有规律间隔缩回缩回推靠臂缩回推靠臂审查程序审核人修订版:监控摄像机radio

15、s 无线电 regular interval retract retract arm retract the arm Review Procedure Reviewed by Revision: rig 钻机 rig camerarig floor 钻台Rig Manager海上钻机操作监督RIH下入井内riser 立管riser deck立管甲板riser hand立管手阀Riser Mode 立管模式riser skate立管板roller 辊rotary 转盘rotary bushings 转盘补心rotary table转盘rotate to fingerboard 指梁Roughne

16、cks钻工Routine Activity例行活动routine operation例行操作F套管下入顺序下入速度下送工具安全程序安全工作许可证安全措施:安全栅栏安全夹安全带安全预防措施RPM 每分钟转数保护接头run casing running order running speeds Running Tool safe procedure Safe Work Permit Safeguards: Safety barriers safety clamp Safety harness safety precaution saver subSchlumberger Wireline斯伦贝谢钢

17、丝绳select the working slot选择工作槽Senior Supervisor 高级监督 sensor传感器set back area立根盒set down 坐放 Shale Shaker泥浆振动筛shipping crate 板条箱 shoe 管鞋 shoe joint 鞋管 single 单根 single joint elevators单根吊卡Single Mode 单杆模式 single pipe 单杆 sledge hammer 大锤sling 吊索 slip handles 卡瓦手柄 slips卡瓦Slope Indicator 测角器 slot position

18、槽位 slug段塞snap Shot快速嵌入soft/weak formations 软弱岩层 spider 卡盘 spider slips卡盘卡瓦spider slips卡盘卡瓦split bushings拼合衬套split ring 拼环 spool piece 管段 stabbing guide 对扣引鞋 stabilizer稳定器stabilizers 扶正器 stand 立根 Stand Mode 立根模式 standby 待命 standpipe 竖管 staple 气钉 stiff arm 硬臂 stiffening arm 加强臂 stinger插入管stop automati

19、cally 自动停止 Subsea Engineer 海底工程师 surge pressures波动压力tag lines 抓斗稳定索 tailing arm 尾臂Task Specific THINK Procedure特定任务的思考程序TD 顶驱 TD Torque 顶驱扭矩 Telescopic Joint 伸缩接头 THINK Plan思考计划Thread compound螺纹油thread lubricant螺纹润滑剂Thread protector护丝管箍tight spots 缩径处 Tong die吊钳牙板tong jaws吊钳卡爪tongs 吊钳Tool Joint钻具接头T

20、ool pusher 钻井队长工具箱会议工具箱会议钻井队长顶部管接头顶驱顶部钻具接头扭矩值扭矩扳手游走到钻井中心游车起下钻防喷训练起下钻工作单泥浆补给罐泥浆补给罐特定任务的思考程序管件井场管材 卷扬机卷扬机钢丝松开开闩开闩模式toolbox meeting Toolbox Talk Toolpusher top connection top drive top tool joint torque value Torque Wrench travel to well center traveling block trip drill Trip sheet trip tank Trip Tank

21、TSTP tubularTubulars on Board tugger tugger line Unclamp unlatch Unlatch ModeUnlock 开锁Upper Carriage 上钻车Upper Claw 上爪钩upper jaw 上卡爪Upper Pipe Rams 上闸板valve 阀V-Door 井架大门vent manifold 排出管汇vent ports 排出口vertical position垂直位置vessel maneuvering operation 船只调动作业vessel motion 船只运动visqueen 维士昆visual check 目

22、测Watchman看守工weight indicator指重表weight indicator重量指示器Well Centre 油井中心wellhead 井口Wire brush 钢丝刷wireline sheaves 钢丝绳滑轮work basket 工具筐Work Permit工作许可证wrench 扳手 slips 卡瓦 latched row service eng. crossover锁存行服务工程师转换接头REG box end Lifting Nubbin Port mid-ship crane MRLD Tool drill floor aft. rig floor tugge

23、r售后服务工程师转线轨道变速箱端提升小片变速内螺纹端提升小片港口船中起重机 港舯起重机link tilt 吊环 double of drill pipe DC finger back-out storage rack transit water line cursor rail load rating over water work 2ea spanners inertia reel unhook unlatch多速率线性检测工具钻台船尾钻台起重机(可用作动词)双钻杆退出存放架经纬仪水线指针轨转动臂轨额定负荷水上作业双头扳手惯性卷筒做动词用脱钩开闩stowed position upper d

24、eck captain mate boatswain securing bolt life vest top tubular attach.to. pad eyes turnbuckle boomer Tripping tool table bowl side outlet rig tong swivel动词动词存放位置上甲板Telescopic Joint centre hole Web Sling船长大副水手长紧固螺栓救生衣顶部管件系上系缆环板螺丝扣自动木栅起下钻工具转盘滚筒侧向出口钻机大钳旋转接头水龙头伸缩节中心钻孔吊货索网垫眼PA announcement 公共广播公告Bosun水手长

25、Shackle卸扣Large Yellow Web Sling大黄色吊货索网red indicator line红色指标线shackle pin 卸扣栓销bow of the shackle 卸扣的弓形port amidships crane左舷船中起重机Trolley Bucket台车吊桶hydraulic lifting tool液压提升工具Lifting cap 提升罩起钻时用的钻具护丝Tugger from rigfloor钻台卷扬机catwalk tugger钻杆走道卷扬机spotter 侦查员Snatch Block 紧线滑轮crane spreader hook起重机吊钩tail

26、 out 甩尾 动词tail in 收尾 动词logging line 录井大绳funnel 漏斗 喇叭口语译通-大青:wireline 钢丝绳tugger 卷扬机tubular管件Trip Tank泥浆补给罐torque扭矩toolpusher钻井队长Tool Joint钻具接头TD 顶驱tag lines抓斗稳定索snatch block 开口滑车sling 吊索shackle 卸扣saver sub保护接头Safe Work permit安全作业许可证safety clamp 安全夹Running Tool 下入工具Rotary Table 转盘riser skate立管板rig flo

27、or 钻台Pup Joint 短节Pipe Racking Systems钻杆排放系统(PRS)Pipe Handler钻杆装卸装置(PH)铁钻工 内岩心筒Mud Gas Separator泥气分离器Mouse Hole 接管孔 mousehole 接管孑 L Measurement While Drilling jaw 卡爪 Iron Roughneck inner barrel hose 软管 Handling Tool flush joint elevators Flush Joint Elevator flow head fingerboard Express Head elevato

28、r drill string Drill Pipe Drill Floor driller drill crew derrick Cursor Rail crane core bbl. conveyor随钻测量装卸工具平接式吊卡平接式吊卡井口自喷装置指梁快车头吊卡钻柱钻杆钻台司钻钻井队员井架游标轨起重机岩心筒输送机挠性管框架饶性油管Coil Tubing Frame Coiled Tubing CMCCMCchain tong 链钳 Bop防喷器BHA底部钻具组合(CT)(MGS)(MWD)辅助钻杆装卸系统(APHS)副司钻副司钻船尾PRS甚高频无线电上臂螺纹拉链船尾接管孔船尾气动绞车上钻车防

29、沉板链式起重机Auxiliary Pipe Handling System Asst. Driller Assist Driller AFT PRS VHF radio upper arm thread drag chain aft mouse hole Aft air hoist Upper Carriage mud mat chain hoist套管接头控制面板张力调节螺栓立管卡盘KT环钻铤气动卷扬机钻井队长滑轮思考计划多速率线性检测工具全启式安全阀 (Full Opening Safety Valve)船头接管孔bail 吊环 joint of casing control panel

30、tension adjust bolt riser spider KT Ring Drill Collar air tugger Tool Pusher sheave THINK Plan MRLD Tool FOSVFWD MOUSE HOLE claw 爪勾 traveling block safety harness Review Procedure游车安全带审查程序提升短节 大绳井架工 岩心架走道卷扬机作业前安全会议船头气动绞车挠性油管架 扭矩扳手思考训练闩上吊卡 甲板人员阻气门车载升降台 套管钳Lift Sub Drill Line Derrickman core frame cat

31、walk tuggerPre-job Safety Meeting Fwd air hoists Coil Tubing Track Torque Wrench THINK Drill latch elevator deck crew Choke cherry picker Casing Tong ton 吨夹爪井口自喷装置水泥头载人作业许可证plc 可编程逻辑控制器(翻译成PLC)wireline operator钢丝绳操作工tugger line卷扬机钢丝side door elevator侧门吊卡methanol tote tank 甲醇罐 grip jaw flowhead cemen

32、t head manrider Work Permitshallow gas 浅层气 riding belt 载人带 casing spider slips 套管卡盘卡瓦 bushing blue tugger standby mud line landing string cmt headUpper Pipe Rams Tailing Arm Claw roller 辊 rig floor tuggers permit to work Fingerboard Active drill floor tuggers web sling sledge hammer Sequence Mode re

33、tract position补心蓝色卷扬机备用泥线接地钻杆水泥头上闸板尾臂爪钩钻台卷扬机作业许可证【指梁活动】钻台卷扬机吊货索网长柄大锤【次序模式】收回位置pin end外螺纹端Operation procedure Monkey Board Manual Mode link tilt inner Bbl Gantry Crane finger board Choke Manifold casing Bails standpipe stabilizer roustabout cradle catcher操作程序二层台手动模式吊环倾斜装置内岩心筒龙门起重机指梁节流管汇套管提环竖管稳定器甲板工钻架

34、卡头wireline adapter storage area stand of drill pipe Shale Shaker roughneck roller jaw RIH 下钻 Racker Configuration PRS handling tool钢丝绳接头存储区钻杆立根泥浆振动筛钻工辊卡爪(run in hole)排管器配置PRS装卸工具(UPR)mouse hole spider接管孔卡盘moon pool tugger月池卷扬机methanol 甲醇man riding operation载人作业lift cap提升罩leg Sling bridle吊索系船索hole co

35、ver孑匕盖drill-line tensioner 大绳张紧器drag chain bucket dowell choke line box end belly board air hoist line air hoist aft conveyor拉链斗dowell节流管汇内螺纹端中间平台气动绞车大绳气动绞车船尾输送机“Lost Control Of Fingerboard” spider RBS nut floormen dolly barrel APHS卡盘井架排立立根螺母钻台工台车石心同辅助钻杆装卸系统Transmission Control Protocol Reservoir De

36、scription Service Power Distribution Panel Log While Drilling yellow tugger workbasket vertical position upper jaw Think process tailing claw BOGIE SWITCH Subsea Engineer single joint casing elevators shoe joint sensor riser claw radio communication PRS PLC Port crane moonpool指梁失控(全称)(Auxiliary Pipe

37、 Handling System )传输控制协议获得油藏描述服务配电面板(PDP)I 随钻测井 (LWD)黄色卷扬机工具筐垂直位置上卡爪思考过程尾爪钩台车开关海底工程师单根套管吊卡(TCP)(RDS)管鞋套管节传感器立管卡爪无线电通信PRS PLC (全称)右舷起重机月池joint 单根钻杆Fwd PRS 船头 PRS forward catwalk船头钻杆走道flare boom 火炬臂Emergency disconnect 紧急中断 core bbl casing stand burner head booster line bearing Public Address Internet

38、 Protocol Wireline Sheave wellhead岩心桶套管立根喷嘴头增压管线 轴承公共广播互联网协议钢丝绳滑轮()(大部分翻译错)(IP)井口varco台车varco trolley TDS wireline adapter T.D.S 顶驱系统 riser tailing arm Racker Pipe Mode port amidships crane Work Sheet port aft tugger顶驱系统钢丝绳接头安装(修改缩写的部分)Pending Latches box parking control panel lanyard 系索 Interlock O

39、verride Mode Hot Work Permit立管尾臂排管器钻杆模式左舷船中起重机 工作表左舷船尾卷扬机待定锁存框停泊控制面板hook position calibration forward mouse hole fast-line 快绳 DPO钻杆操作工diverter running tool derrick log book choke节流chain tong tight bridge驾驶室bottom hole assembly assy annular “set down” 、P Tank互锁超控模式热作业许可证(大部分翻译错)大钩位置校准船头接管孔分流器试车工具 井架钻

40、井日志(试车工具错?)(有翻译错)链钳上紧底部钻具组合(BHA)working slot tugger operator组合环空坐放、P,罐工作槽卷扬机操作工(有翻译成“P”灰罐?)thread protector 护丝test Joint 测试接头TDS Wireline Adapter InstallationTDS钢丝绳接头安装(TDS是否需要全称,需要全文统一) spare set of elevators slip handles Samson post safety sling rotary bushings Riser ModePre Job safety meeting pre

41、-job meeting Port Mid Ship Crane Port Aft poor boy pipe stand park position hydraulic hose handling tool forward end floor man dump valve cup tester crew member counter weight manrider tugger kill mud kill line jaw status Interlock Override function test counter balance Core Barrel control system Ca

42、sing Hanger barrier tape auto mode appropriate size psi hanger dope supervisor spotter OIM备用吊卡卡瓦手柄吊杆柱安全吊索钻盘补心立管模式作业前安全会议作业前会议左舷船中起重机左舷船尾泥气分离器钻杆立根停泊位置液压软管装卸工具船头端钻台工放卸阀皮碗试验器机组人员:平衡锤(字典解释为平衡重载人卷扬机压井泥浆压井线卡爪状态互锁超控功能试验平衡锤石心同控制系统套管悬挂器栅栏带自动模式适当尺寸()(有翻译成港口中型船起重机)(字典解释为平衡重psi悬挂器丝扣油监督观察员采油平台经理(注意替换掉监督员)(翻译方法比较

43、混乱,需要重点替换)Drillship钻井船drawwork绞车DHM井下马达(Down Hole Motors -注意这个缩写尽量用全称)CDR 补偿双电阻率测井仪 (船头PRS从输送机吊起新的双电阻率测井仪。, 这句翻译错,剩下没问题,注意替换)weight indicator指重表(翻译不统一,全文注意)visual check 目测(视觉检查?目视?注意替换)telescopic joint伸缩接头Stbd crane右舷起重机split ring拼环snub line尾绳Slope Indicator测角器red tugger红色卷扬机Red Alert红色警告possum bell

44、y泥浆储罐pipe joint钻杆接头(很多翻译成钻具接头)pipe dope钻杆丝扣油(很多翻译不一致)pilot hole领眼outer Core外岩心man rider人车(安排一个人向上到顶驱系统并连接大钩解开软管到顶取系统制动出口。?这句有问题,注意查找)main deck 主甲板lo-torque valve 低扭矩阀lock pin 锁钉leak tests泄漏检测jetting assembly喷射组合Index Procedure索弓|程序hot line 热线Hook Position大钩位置green tugger绿色卷扬机fwd Mousehole船头接管孔Fore P

45、RS船头 PRSflow check流量检查floor men钻台工FJE平接式吊卡(flush joint elevators-此处尽量使用全称)finger slot 手指槽 fingerboard mode 指梁模式 fast-line tension快绳张力(错误-需要修改)(有水泥组合 cement需要整体查找)escape route 逃生路线 Emergency STOP 紧急停车 Crane Op起重机操作工chain block 链条滑车cement assembly固井组合BX elevator BX 吊卡Bop transporter防喷器传输器air winch气动绞车

46、aft tugger船尾卷扬机Aft Riser船尾立管vessel maneuvering operation船只调动作业V-Door井架大门Upper Grip Jaw 上夹爪swivel旋转接头Sub sea engineer水下工程师(海底工程师全部替换)Sub Sea Eng.水下工程师(海底工程师全部替换)spacer sub隔离接头poor boy degasser泥气分离器pipe wrench 钻杆扳手pipe handler 钻杆装卸装置man riding harness 载人带lubricant 润滑剂Lock Down Tool锁定工具left-hand contro

47、l panel single joint elevators racker 排管器 RKB方钻杆补心Kick Off Assembly high pressure testing hang off line左手边控制面板单根管子吊卡gimble 万向接头 Fore Mouse Hole drillstring 钻柱 Drill Collar Fingerboard DowellDowellclamp cylinder body W.H wrench adapter stabber shaker(全称翻译不统一)造斜钻具组合高压试验悬挂钢丝绳(注意译文中的批注) 船头接管孔钻铤指粱(文中有翻译成

48、道威尔的,修改成英文)夹具气缸体Accumulator aft mousehole air line井口扳手接头对扣/对扣工振动筛蓄电池, 船尾接管孔架空线(翻译不统一)(全部替换成适配器)(视情况而定,估计原文错误)annulus 环空APHS operator辅助钻杆装卸系统操作工(APHS的缩写替换回来-操作者全文替换为操作工)API API(、美国石油学会标准需要替换成API,查找)YELLOW ALERT 黄色警报(、警报和警告需要全文替换)work vest工作汗衫work site work basket work area wireline head Wireline Fish

49、ing wire brush WH 井口 wellhead joint welder weight bar wedge wear bushing warning sign visqueen vent ports vent manifold upper column Upper Claw unscrew unlatch well test well testing umbilical 管和控制, tubing spider torque value toolbox meeting Tidal 潮汐 test run 试运行 tension indicator工具筐工作区域钢丝绳头绳索式打捞 钢丝

50、刷:井口单根管子焊工加重杆楔子抗磨补心警示牌(翻译不统一的多)维士昆排出口排出管汇上柱上爪钩拧开开闩试井试井脐管这句查找一下油管卡盘扭矩值工具箱会议(翻译不统一)(有试运转和试车-需要统一) 张力指示器(翻译不统一?是否需要替换?)(翻译控制管缆”“控制;井口自喷装置位置的确定将按照软 有误)Tensioner 张紧器TD Torque 顶驱扭矩T-Bar T型钢(这个”型?形?)taglines 抓斗稳定索suction lines吸入管线subsea 水下string 钻柱stinger插入管(=stinger pipe)stiff arm 硬臂stbd 右舷 ()starboard 右舷

51、staple 气钉stb 右舷(修改标准”插头)stand selector立根选择器standpipe manifold竖管管汇Stand Mode立根模式stabbing guide对扣引鞋SSTT海底试验树(全称?须全文统一缩写的问题)spreadsheet电子表格snap Shot快速嵌入slot position槽口位置slips卡瓦Single Mode单根模式side entry sub旁通接头shipping crate板条箱shims垫片shear rams剪切式闸板serial number序列号Seal Assembly密封组合Schlumberger斯伦贝谢(有翻译成S

52、chlumberger,统一成译文或原文)scaffolding脚手架safety line安全绳safety gates安全闸门safety device安全装置safety chains安全链Safe Operation安全作业(操作和作业,需要统一-比较严重)rubber 橡胶ROV遥控潜水器(翻译大部分不一致-)routine operation例行作业(还是操作和作业的问题-)pneumatic气动plywood胶合板pipe weight钻杆重量值Pipe Rams闸板pipe ram闸板pin protector外螺纹端护丝pending position彳寺定位置(这个需要核实

53、)Normal Mode正常模式N.M. HWDP无磁加重钻杆mud weight钻井液密度(字典的解释)mud pump钻井液泵(mud这个词可能全篇错,需要全文查找)Hsg. 外壳Mud loggers钻井液录入工mud engineer钻井液工程师parking system停泊系统pad eye吊眼padeye吊眼overshot打捞筒outer saddle外鞍(saddle这个词需要单独看看)outer barrel 外岩心筒OD 外径obstruction 障碍物O.D 外径rolling cradle滚轮托架(rolling和cradle单独出现的时候也要查)riser han

54、d立管手阀riser deck立管甲板rig tongs钻机大钳rigfloor 钻台rig crew 钻井班(翻译不一致,按照石油字典解释修改成钻井班”)regulator 调节器radioactive source 放射源Racker Mode 排管器模式cmt 水泥(cement-水泥/固井)bridle 系船索booster助力器Boatswain 水手长checklist清单cylinder气缸体crewmember 工作班人员collar 钻铤B.O.P防喷器bicycle 缆车commissioning 试车chicksans 高压旋转接头bypass 旁通阀brace 拉杆(翻译不统一)Pump


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