




1、AIX操作系统安装配置规范目录 TOC o 1-5 h z AIX操作系统安装配置规范1 HYPERLINK l bookmark2 o Current Document 系统安装配置标准4安装配置指南6操作系统安装6 HYPERLINK l bookmark15 o Current Document 语言包安装9软件包安装10补丁安装15 HYPERLINK l bookmark37 o Current Document 系统配置17时区时间配置17系统参数设置17 HYPERLINK l bookmark47 o Current Document 设置dump大小19 HYPERLINK
2、l bookmark51 o Current Document 修改磁盘定额19 HYPERLINK l bookmark55 o Current Document rootvg 镜像19 HYPERLINK l bookmark59 o Current Document 配置 TCP/IP20 HYPERLINK l bookmark63 o Current Document 修改用户限制20 HYPERLINK l bookmark67 o Current Document 调整 Paging Space20 HYPERLINK l bookmark71 o Current Documen
3、t 启动异步1021 HYPERLINK l bookmark75 o Current Document 修改系统引导映像、顺序22 HYPERLINK l bookmark77 o Current Document syncd daemon的数据刷新频率221系统安装配置标准项目要求备注操作系统版本与 补J要求oslevel -s需要安装的 BundleServerApp_Dev CDEServer:与服务器相关的包 App.Dev:与应用程序开发相关的包 CDE:与图形桌面相关的包 协议选yes需单独安装的基 本包bos.data: HA需要用到的包 bos.adt.*:基本应用程序开发包
4、 bos.dosutil: dos工具需要的包 devices.fcp.* :光纤设备需要的 包bos.dk: SNA需要的包 rsct.basic: db2 v9.7需要的包(SA MP)Smitty installp安装基本包 Islpp -llgrep bos.data Islpp -llgrep bos.adt Islpp -llgrep bos.dosutil Islpp -llgrep devices.fcp Islpp -llgrep bos.dlc Islpp -llgrep rsct.basic安装中文语环境 包包含三种中文语言环境包 ZH.CN.UTF-8 zh.CN.IB
5、M-eucCN Zh.CN.GB 18030locale -asmitty mlang安装语言环境使用64位内核确定kernel是否使用64位Is -1/unix 输出应为: /unix-/usr/lib/boot/unix_64更改系统时区BEIST-8时区必须为东8区,且必须是非 夏令时制smitty chtz 然后重启 shutdown -Fr更改系统时间根据实际时间调整先调整为正确时区.重启系统后再修改时间smitty date更改操作 系统参数Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per userHIGH water mark LOW water m
6、ark设置每个用户支持的最大迸程数:chdev -1 sysO -a maxuproc=1024设置High water mark : chdev -I sysO -a maxpout=33 设置Low water mark : chdev -1 sysO -a minpout=24 有HA测试需求的环境调整High water mark. Low water mark这两个值,其他无需执行设置dump 大小为系统估计值和物 理内存的三分之一 值的较大者系统估计值:sysdumpc smitty extendlv 修改 lg_d Isvg -1 rootvgprtconf查看物理内存大 smi
7、tty mklvcopy 复制 1g, 一 TA CE u; 4/x- 5b /x%,I i3 * MtMr *- 一一卜43= r-a.、? .“r. Mi ,.:f :etWb如I. -廊 一亭 亭 r二/.oa .一二 ,_八一 11力ev -eumplv的大小小-dumplv1_r.-5*Mb*L 42一 _ _ _ _ _ I *. 1 Start Install Now with Default SettingsChange/Show Installation Settings and InstallStart Maintenance Mode for System Recover
8、yConfiguuc Network Disks (iSCSI)5 Select Storage Adapters28 Help ?99 Previous rtenu Choice 1: 2|指定安装方法(Method of Installation)为全新安装(New and Complete Overwrite),安装磁 盘为hdiskO,语言环境为English,键盘默认。Installation and SettingsEither type 0 and press Enter to install with current settings, qt type the niirber
9、of the setting you want to change and press Enter.Syst em Set t i ngs : flclhod of Installation.New and Coinplctc OverwriteDisk Where You Want to InstallhdiskOPritnary Language Bnvironront Settings (AFTER Install): Cultural Convention.English(United States)L2inguagcEnglish.(UnitedStates)KeyboardEngl
10、ish(UnitedStates)Keyboard TypeDefaultWore Options (Desktop, Security, Kernel Software .) 0 Install with the current settings listed above.22 Help ?1|灯ARNING: Base Operating System Installaticn will99 Previous rtenu destroy or iiupair recovery of ALL data on the destination disk hdiskO. Choice 101: 1
11、1选择0开始安装。Ins-tailing: Base Operating SystemPlease waitElapsed tin (in minutes)6pproxirote% tasks complete安装完成后,接受安装许可,进入系统。Accept License AgreementsType or selectxalucs in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER leaking all desired changes.Entry FieldsdEP insTncd Lice、* EEmmt w,1+Fl=HclpF2=RefreshF3=CancelF4
12、=ListEsc+5=RcsetBsc+6=ContBandEsc+7=EditEsc+8=In)a?.cEsc+9=ShellBsc+0=Bxitnter=Do2.2语言包安装将AIX系统安装光盘放入光驱安装.安装三种中文语言包.输入smitty mlang,选择添加额外 语言环境,Manage Language Envirormentrtove cursor to desired item and press Enter.Change/Show Prirary Language BnvironrentAdd Additional Language BnvironnentsRcrrovc L
13、anguage Envi ronront s Chane/Shc77 Langg” HierarchySet User Languages,Change/Show Applications for a Language Convert System Messages and Flat FilesFl=HelpF9=ShellF2=RefreshF10=BxitF3=Cancel2nter=Do在 CULTURAL convention to install, LANGUAGE translation toinstall 中选择 ZH_CN.UTF-8、 zh_CN.IBM-eucCN. Zh_
14、CN.GB18O3Ot 确认安装,Add Additional Language Environnients输入 smitty installp,选择 Install Software Bundle,Install and Update Softwarertove cursor to desired item and press Enter.Install SoftwareUpdate Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)Install Software BundicUpdate Software by Fix (AFAR)Instal
15、l and Updaie froni ALL Available SoftwareFl=Hui pF2=RcfrcshF3=CancclF8=In)agcF9二ShellF10=ExitEnter二Do安装App-Dev, CDE. Server三个软件包,选择从cdrom安装(如果从磁盘安装请输入对应的磁盘路径),接受license.Install Software Bundletype or select values in entry fields.Press Emer AFTER leaking all desired changes.Entry Fields, IIIPUT devi
16、ce / directory for software/dev/cdOBUNDLEApp-Dcvk 93flWARE IQ installall+PREVIEW only? (install operation 昉11NOT occur)no+ODffKIT software updates?yes+&VE replaced files?no+AUTOnATIC&LLY install requisitc software?yes+EXTE1 file sysieae if space needed?yes+VERIFY install and check file sizes?no+Incl
17、ude corresponding LANGUAGE filesets?yes+DETAILED output?no+Process nultiple volunes?yes+.4:二W t-L:uil:u 工二二七:1_:.s+Preview new LICENSE asreennts?no+Fl=HelpF2=RcfreshF3=CancelF4=List+ 5=Rese tF 6=ContnandF7=Edity8=In)a?.cF9=ShellF10=Bxit2nter=Do直至提示安装成功CCOAND STATUSC-omiizind: /stdout : yesstderr : n
18、oBefore ccmnand couplet ion. additional instructions may appear below.TOP|emnstall -I 7 -%NQXY -J” -Z -d /dev/cdO -f File 2&1File:* 3(#) 24 1.3 srczbos/usr/sys/inst. data/sys_bundles/Server. bnd, pkgbas, bas530/I9/03 18:20:011BH_PROLOLBEGIN_TAGThis is an 须Ttomaticaily generated prolog.廿bos530 srcAos
19、Aisr/sys/inst. data./sys_bundlcs/Servcr. bnd 1. 3R Licensed flaierials - Property of IBftKORE. 1681Fl=HelpF2=RcfrcshF3=CancelF6=Ccmn)cind8=工.仁F9=ShcllP10=ExitFind“二Find Hext安装单独的软件包:bos.data、bos.adt.*、bos.dosutik devices.fcp.*、bos.die、bos.alt_diskjnstalk rsct.basico smitty installp进入软件安装菜单,选择Install
20、 Software,Install and Update Softwarertove cursor to desired item and press Enter.Install SoftwanUpdate Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)Install Software BundleUpdate Software by Fix (A?AR)Install and Updaie froni ALL Available SoftwareFl=HelpF2=RcfrcshF3=CancelF8=In)agcF9二ShellF10=Bxi
21、t2nter=Do仍然选择从cdO安装,Install SoftwareType or select xralues in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER Irakiall desired changes.Entry Fields* INPUT device / directory for software sSiSS&ESu/dev/cdO |al 1_1 atest+PREVIEW only? (install operation /rillNOT occur)no4-03MIT software updates?yes+SAVE replaced files
22、?no+AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software?yes+EXTEND file system? if space needed?yes+OVERWRITE saire or newer versions?no+VERIFY install and eheck file sizes?no+Include corresponding LANGUAGE filcscts?yes+DETAILED ouiput?no+Process multiple volones?yes+ACCEPT new license agreerents?no+Preview ne
23、w LICENSE agreerents?no+Fl=HelpF2=Rcfrcsh?3=CancelF4=ListEsc+5=ResetF6=Conoand?7=EditF8=IiDa?.cF9 二 SheF10=BxitEnter=DoSOFTWARE to install 选择 bos.data、bos.adt.*、bos.dosutil devices.fcp.*、bos.dlc、 bos.alt_diskjnstall (可以使用 搜索)。Install SoftwareSOFTWARE to installflove cursor to desired item and press
24、F7, Use arrow keys to scroll. ONE OR FIORE items can be selected.Press Enter AFTER making all scleeti ons.HORE. 405ALLALLbos.9 Alternate Disk Installation Disk Boot Images Alternate Disk Installation Runtimebos. atm+ 5. 3. 8. 0 ATM LAN Bnrxlation Client SupportFlMORE. 1757Fl=HelpF2
25、=RefrcshF3=CancelFT=Selcc-tF8=Inm3eF10=BxitEnt ci-Do/=Findn二Find Nextbos. cdccunlALL接受license,开始安装,直至安装完成CCOAND STATUSComrizind:stdout : yesstderr : noBefore corrand corpletion, additional instructions may appear belcw.HORE. 215bos. die. fddi5. 3. 3. 0bos. die. eiher5.3, 8,0bos. die. 80235.3. 8.0bos
26、. die. combos. die. token5. 3. 8. 0bos. die. sdlc5. 3.10. 0bos. die. qllc5. 3. 8.0bos. die. fddibos. die. ether5.3. 8.0bos. die. 80235. 3. 8. 0bos. dal aI5. 3. 0. 01BonoffrrrotototototototUSUSUSRORORQRCRCRCROAPPLYSUCCESSAPPLYSUCCESSAPPLYSUCCESSAPPLYSUCCESSAPPLYSUCCESSAPPLYSUCCESSAPPLYS
27、UCCESSAPPLYSUCCESSAPPLYSUCCESSAPPLYSUCCESSAPPLYSUCCESSFl=HelpF2=RefrcshF3=Cancelr tComroandF8=ImageF9=ShellPL0=2xitFindh二Find Next接受license,开始安装。Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)type or select values in entry fields.Press Emer AFTER leaking all desired changes.Entry Fields, IIIP
28、UT device / directory for software/p at ch/5300-12F SOFTWARE to update_updatc_allPREVIEW only? (update operation will NOT occur)no+OOffKIT software updates?yes+SAVE replaced files?no+AOTOffATICALLY install requisite software?yes+EXTEND file systems if space needed?yes+VERIFY install and check file s
29、izes?no+DETAILED output?no+Process mhir/leyes+匕二二f一 口:. - .-rri:-.- i- r-i t -1+Prexdew new LICENSE asreenents?no+Fl=HelpF2=RefreshF3=CancelF4=ListEsc+5=RcsetF6=ConcnandF7=EditF8=In)ag.c卜知ShellF10=Bxitnter=Do安装提示完成CCOAND STATUSC-omiizind: /stdout : yesstderr : noBefore couccand couplet ion. addition
30、al instructions may appear below.TOPgemnstall -I 0 -cgPIqvrXY -J” -Z-d /patch/5300-12-f File 261File :Direct orCoirconAgentJaval4. sdk1.4,2, 320JavaS. sdk5. 0.0,275Xll.Dt.ToolTalk5.3.12. 0Xll.Dt.lib5. 3.12.0Xll.D-t.r-te5. 3.12.0XI1. base, rtebos. 64bit5. 3.12.0bos. acct5. 3.12.0Hore 5
31、6841Fl=HelpF2=Rcfrcsh?3=CancelFC=C。皿 andF8=IirageF9=ShcllF10=2xitFindFind Next2.5系统配置时区时间配置设定时区时间,输入smitty chtz_date.Change / Show Date and TimeHove cursor to desired item 21nd press Enter.Change / Show Date TinChange Tire Zone Using System Defined ValuesChange Tire Zone Using User Inputted ValuesFl
32、=HelpF2=RcfrcshF3=CancelFS=In)agcF9二ShellF10=ExitEnter=Do先修改时区,夏令时DAYLIGHT选no,时区选BEIST-8c系统参数设置修改系统设置,输入smitty system.System Bnvironjnentslove cursor to desired item and press Enter.Stop the SystemAix Security ExpertAssign the ConsolcChange / Show Date and Timrtanage Language EnvironnentChange / Sho
33、w Characteristics of Operating SystemChange / Show Nurrber of Licensed UsersBroadcast ffessage to all Usersflanaxe Systein LogsChange / Shew Characteristics of System DwnpWeb-based System Manager,Change/Show Docuirentation ServicesChange System User InterfaceEnable 64-bit Application BnvironnirntKan
34、age Remote Reboot Facilityffanage System Hang DetectionFl=HelpF2=Rc freshF 3 二CancelF8=In)agcF9=ShellF10=Bxit2nter=Do修改 Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user 为 2048,修改 HIGH water mark for pending write I/Os per file 为 33,修改 LOW water mark for pending write I/Os per file 为 2小Change / Show Char
35、acteristics of Operating SystemType or select xralues in entry fields.Press Emer AFTER leaking all desired changes.TOPIEntry FieldsSystem IDOX9000LOL476DOOOOOPzirti-tion IDOX800010L476D00003flaxlEuin number of PROCESSES all wed per user2048+#ffaxirum nuirber of pages in block I/O BUFFER CACHE20+#ffa
36、xiruri Kbytes of real nTOry allowed for JIBUFS0+#Auioirtaticallj REBOOT OS after a crashtrue+Continuously irain-tain DISK I/O tiistoryfalse+HIGH 河” inark for pending y/rile I/Os per fill33+#LOW 冷ter rork for pending: wile I/Osij-+#Airoijnt of usable physical rennry in Kbytes16777216State of system k
37、eylock at boot ti叱nornialEnable full CORE dunpfalse+Use pre-430 style CORE dunoMORE. 13false+Fl=HelpF2=RefreshF3=CancrlF4=ListEsc+5=ResetF6=ContBandF7=EditF8=In)ag.eF9=SheF10=Exitnter=Do设置 dump 大使用sysdumpdev -e来获取系统估计值,设置dump为系统估计值和物理内存的三分之一值 的较大者。smitty extendlv修改Ig_duinplv的大小Increase the Sizeof a
38、LogicalVolumeType or select xfalues in entry fields.Press Emer AFTER inaking all desired changes.Entry Fields* LO3ICAL WLUTTE noire1 g_dlHT*plv.iLiilur 3 ALiL匚二.9Li f j二质#PHYSICAL V3LUKE nanes+POSITION on physicalm ddl e+RAMIE of physical volijnesmniwro+nAXifnm nimber of physical volumes32*to use fo
39、r allocationAllocate each logical partition copyyes+on a SEPARATE physical volijne?File confining ALLOCATION MAPFl=HelpF2=RefreshF3=CancelF4=ListEsc+5=ResetP6=ConoandF7=EditFEIn)ag.cF9=ShellF10=ExitEnter二Do修改磁盘定额修改Quonini值为1, chvg -Qn rootvg,该命令表示rootvg在丢失所有pv前,保持活动状态。 默认情况下,rootvg在丢失pv后,会变成自动脱机状态。r
40、ootvg 镜像使用 smitty extendvg 将 hdiskl 加入 rootvg,使用 smitty mirrorvg.Mirror a Volume GroupType or select values in entry fields.Press Emer AFTER leaking all desired changes.Entry Fields卡 VOLUHE GROUP nairerootvgflirror sync irodeForeground+PHYSICAL TOLUM; nanes+Nurrber of COPIES of each logical2+partitionKeep Quorum Checking On?no+Lx-J. . L11Jo+Fl=HelpF2=RefreshF3=Cancr1F4=ListEsc+5=ResetF6=ContnandF7=2di tF8=In)a?.cF9二ShellF10=Bxit2nter=Do配置 TCP/IP根据实际情况.使用smitty mktcpip进行配置修改用户限制vi /etc/security/limits 中 default 段:将 fsize,cpu,nofiles 改为-1。调
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