



1、四箭小范围增补三套(写作)说明:(1)范文的意义在于开拓考生的思路,考生可以在范文的启发下准备自己的个性化。(2)四箭一直很认真的研究托福重复规律,暂时在国内还没有同期超过四箭的机经。四箭齐发也在尽最大的努力给考生提供帮助;但这并不意味着四箭经为辅”,出国毕竟是要以实力打天下的。每场都一定命中,建议考生以“实力为主,机第一套(24K):Business to be sucsful must put more money in advertisingMany people, if theyve never heard of a certain product before, wont want

2、to buy it. It may seem silly, but they mightnot “trust” the item enough. How do they know some crackers arent gross and bland? How do they know someshoo will be good for their hair? Theyve never even heard of the brand, so they wonder how it couldsibly beof quality. This happens even more simple hou

3、sehold objects. I dont think many people would go to a dentisttheyd never heard of, for instance. But advertising makest uneasiness go away. Consumers think, “Ah, yes! I sawan advertisement fort on TV.” There is a recognition, like seeing a friend rathern a stranger.Advertisements also make their pr

4、oducts stand o ompared to competitors. If rson is at the grocery store and is trying to choose bet n ten different brands of yogurt, they might think of the advertisements to help make a deci . They could remember t a certain brand is thicker n other yogurts or t one brand is s tened only with honey

5、. Thes deci could be determined by little appealing details like t. Meanwhile, the yogurtsve not been advertised get left behind because there is nothing remarkable or unique about them he eyes of the buyer.Finally, advertisements can create a desire for a productt might nove been there otherwise. S

6、ometimes people are sitting at home and suddenly crave Coca-Cola. Theyre not wanting plain old sor juice or anything liket. They specifically want Coca-Cola. Part oft is the tasty flavor of the beverage. But another part is theense advertisingt Coca-Cola has beenng for decades. They make it seem as

7、if the entire world loves Coca-Cola and t you should, too. Peopeve the mynd eventually the mythes truth. Specific products and brands aremade to look so appealing t buyers want only them, and they think of the product without being provoked.ts why investing money and energyo advertising is important

8、 for businesses. Ads increase the familiarity of products, make them seem unique, and make them highly desirable.【四箭 】I agree t it is very important for businesses to put money o advertising. They need to make their product recognizable and therefore trustworthy to buyers, they need to po out what m

9、akes their product unique, and they need to create luring demand for their product.independent writingBYID:康老师托福机经:KLSTFJJ四箭小范围增补三套(写作)第二套(22K):Your job will have more effect on your happinessn the sol life does.【四箭】I disagree with the sementt your job has more effect on your happinessn your sol lif

10、e does. Ithink your sol life is muore importanthe long run. For one thing, sometimes people have to take any jobthey can and dont nesarily find much enjoyment in iall Jobs can come and go, but your relationships with yourfriends and family are meant to be forever. And even if you achieve money and s

11、ucs with your job, it wont meanmuch if you donve loved ones to share it with.There are countless people out theret dont really love their job. For every pasate architect, there are probably adred fast food workerst dread it when their alarm wakes them up to go to workhe morning. But theytanyway beca

12、use they need a job and they need to pay the bills.ts perfectly respectable. However) if they can comehome to a loving family or a friendt makes them laugh, thent should be enough to be happy. Their discontentwith their job should just be a minor ie.This is connected to the factt jobs, even good job

13、s, can be temporary. People can get laid-off unexpectedly or quitof their own accord. But dose family members and friends can be with you your entire life.ts why I think ifsunwise to invest all of your happiness in your job. You can like your job, of course! But your main source of joy shouldbe the

14、permanent thing in your life, not the thingt by nature is always changing or stopand starting.Some people do prioritize their jobs over their sol life. They work feverishly and often achieve money and sucs.They probably thinkt with wealth will come happiness. But what is the poof having a nice house

15、 if nobody isthere to visit you? You might be able to afford to eayourself?expensive restaurants, but do you really want to just go byts why I thinkt your sol life has a greater effect on your happinessn your job does. A lot of people havejobs they arent pasate about to begin with, jobs can be tempo

16、rary whereas your loved ones are not, and money iskind of poless if you have no one to share it with.第三套(18K):It is more important for universities to spend money on improving facilitiesprofessors.n on hiring famous【四箭 】For sure, high-quality facilities and knowledgeable faculty are bo foundation fo

17、r a strong university education. High level of technology in an establishment facili es research and problem-solving. Qualified teachers are also important because they can educate young people in different subjects and academic disciplines. However, I strongly be ve t it is wiser for the universiti

18、es to invest in better facilities n chase after famous professors.of all, famous professors do not mean the best professors. Oftentimes a teacher who gained popularity for one work will lose his/her desire to improve further. This is a dangerous pitfall for universitiest want to hire only四箭小范围增补三套(写

19、作)Finally, a universitytsesses facilities of high-quality is more attractive to students visually. This is a purelypragmatic poof view but is some sense. On open days and tours around the university the prospective studentsand their parents see the technological base of the universityand make up the

20、irimpresbased on whatthey see. As for the professors, even the most famous ones are probably known to a small percentage of the applicants.As one can see, there are several reasons for spending more money on facilitiesn on famous professors. It wouldprobably be benefil to have a balance of those two

21、 categories, but a universityt has attractive facilities andpasate teachers is bettern a couple omous professors and an old computer lab.第一套(24K):文章说 signing bonus 好,speaker 反驳1、文章说 signing经验的老师。2、文章说 signingbonus 可以吸引教师,speaker 说当教师的不只看钱。还看 lab 的条件等等。特别是有bonus 可以吸引不是教师队伍的人,比如 researcher。speaker 说当教

22、师要考 teaching,非教师要花很大时间和精力搞。因此不会来。3、文章说 signingbonus 可以吸引那些 quit 的 prospective 教师。speaker 说那些 quit 的prospective 教师还是走的好,他们在,不会好好工作,学生倒霉。第二套(22K):the factors of Romecs罗马崛起,观点:建 Temple强大,君主权力大,富有,多Wealnd Taxes。非本国人,other nationalities,不忠诚,投靠敌国。君主做出错误决定,丧失,自私决定,增长过快,例:新不扩张权力,为自己建 temple 不再能 conquer固定far

23、mland 开发不好,stop growing,但是更高了农民痛恨寻求敌国成如ask for protection第三套(18K):是说的医疗系统缺 primary cure doctor 的原因reading 说第一 medical school 太贵,货款换不起这种doctor 赚的没有别的doctor 多;反驳说有national healthservice program 提供 lowerest和奖学金,还有compensation 来补偿收入。egrated writingprofessors with great repu ion. On the contrary, young and inexperie


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