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1、全腦思維訓練1Whole Brain Training-RationaleThe human brain has many parts, but our present educational system only address a small percentage of those.Shaun Kerry. M.D.Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology2Focuses on narrow segment of the brainLocated in the left portion of the cerebral co

2、rtexIsolating certain parts of the brain does not promoteAll parts of the brain should work together!3Research conducted at the California Institute of Technology, 1950sLeft hemisphereAnalyzeUse wordsWork with numbersRight hemisphereUnify concepts(put detail together)Formulation of a complete pictur

3、eCreative4Limbic systemlack of stimulationBecome dull and lifelessEmotions and their connection to thoughts are completely ignoredConstantly given the message to STOP feelingCope with the harshness of society by not showing emotion.Becomes a habit, emotions are denied altogetherAbuse, force busyness

4、, or control from external authorities are imposed upon a studentResult: anger, apathy, and an abandonment of the sense of self5What is whole brain training?Based on Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Roger Sperrys Split Brain TheoryCombine with neuro-science research to develop a new accelerated learning model

5、Aims at utilize and unleash potential of our human brain.6by understand the thinking model of genius in human history like Einstein, Leonardo da vinci.Scientists discover that they were using both left and right brain to process all information which they come across.Foreign Education is now emphasi

6、s on Network thinking rather than linear thinkingIndividual keep their mind at a relax but alert state which indicate alpha brainwave activities are the optimum mental state for learning, especially new knowledge.7有關大腦的理論Dr. Sperry的全腦模式8只用左腦閱讀的問題線性閱讀(Linear),逐字讀(Word by Word)記憶保留度低(Retention Rate)左下

7、腦處理記憶72(即5至9個單位)閱讀時吸收零碎的資料,缺乏整體性欠右腦的整體性思考(Holistic Thinking)iv.難於理解言外之音(Read between the lines)9其他減慢閱讀速度的原因默讀(Sub-Vocalization)功能協助加深對某些文字的記憶倚賴由看書變為聽書心內默讀聲成了吸收文字的媒介,而不是由眼睛吸收!10全腦學習法課程內容初階大腦研究及其功能配合大腦記憶的學習方法左右腦不同的功能引起不同的學習訓練如:遺忘曲線,學習曲線,心智繪圖等學習常規11溫習常規遺忘曲線分階段學習作息有序新舊資料結合12心智繪圖將大量資料以最小時間放入腦內配合大腦記憶模式輸入易

8、於提取及搜尋配合題目分析,考試時無往而不利以網絡形式大量而快速地學習英語13初階跟進 主要跟進學習常規的情況,以其學校的課程為本,配合學生個別情況,為學生訂立個人學習計劃(IEP, Individual Education Programme)14中級 內容主要教授:大腦與飲食腦波轉換潛意識探索與情緒控制Up-side down drawing15腦電波與思考 A.原理B.練習腦波轉換 16腦電波可分為下列四個階段17腦波轉換 BetaAlpha ThetaDirected Attention e.g.MeditationIntentional BreathingWhole Body Rela

9、x18中級跟進 主要跟進學員在情緒控制、自我心理調節、生活飲食的調適以及閱讀與全面性學習的加速練習。19精英 內容主要教授:進階腦波轉換全腦速讀術左腦革命(高層次分析力)右腦全攻略(創意思維訓練)腦內激活閱讀及寫作 20精英跟進 主要跟進學員在初、中級階段所學,並鞏固其技術的應用能力,跟進上述各能力的鍛鍊,包括:速讀,閱讀,寫作,創意思維訓練及高層次分析力等。21Has the whole brain approach ever been used in schools?Yes. Over the past 15 years applications have been carried out

10、 in elementary schools, secondary schools, colleges, and universities. The most significant application currently underway is at the University of Toledo School of Engineering. Not only is the whole brain concept being applied to the teaching of creative problem solving, but also all incoming freshm

11、en and outgoing seniors will be profiled for the next four years as the basis of diagnosing the impact of engineering education on their HBDI profiles over the course of their four years at the University.22What are the other applications of the whole brain concept? UNDERSTANDING OF SELFRelationship

12、 with OthersSelf Development DIAGNOSISThinking StylesLearning StylesCourse Design PERSONAL GROWTHJob DesignEducation/Training DirectionArticle Report/Career DirectionBook DesignJob ChoiceOrganization StructureOrganization Climate GROUP PROCESSOrganization CultureLearning DeliveryManagement/Leadershi

13、p StyleTeam BuildingStaff InteractionMODELINGCreative Problem SolvingCreativityTeaching/Learning COUNSELINGCommunicationEducationalOrganization DevelopmentCareerProductivityJobMarriageFamilyMANAGEMENTStaff DevelopmentCommunicationPlanning ApproachTask Force FormationStrategic/OperationalLearning Group FormationManaging DifferencesCreative Team FormationDeal


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