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1、Book 3 Unit 2The FreedomGiversLanuaesisbundle (para. 8)but (paras. 4 & 9)Sentence paraphrase1.For Josiah Henson has live through the character inAmerican fictiont he helped inspire: Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin. (para. 2)2.Ironically,t character has

2、come to symbolize everythingHenson was not. (para. 2)3.Making the best of his lot, Henson worked diligently and rosefar in his owners regard. (para. 17)For Josiah Henson has live through the character inAmerican fictiont he helped inspire: Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe

3、s Uncle Toms Cabin.Paraphrase: Josiah Henson is remembered mainlybecause he gave inspiration (灵感) to Harriet BeecherStowe to create the character of Uncle Tom.Ironically,t character has come to symbolizeeverything Henson was not. (L. 12)Paraphrase: Unfortunay, Uncle Tom is not likeHenson in characte

4、r. / Hensons characteristics werecomple assoy opite to thoset people nowte with the name of Uncle Tom.Making the best of his lot, Henson worked diligently and rose far in his owners regard. (para. 17)Paraphrase: Henson accepted his fate, and byworking hard, he soon won his owners respect.Practice 1:

5、 VerbPlease choose from the following words to complete the sentence: abolish, authorize, capture, compel, disguise, liberate, sentenceI was compelled to acknowledge(我不得不承认) the force of his argument.1.我已经委托他代我处理)have authorized him to act for me2.while I am away.disguised themselves as security gua

6、rds (装扮成了3.The raiders).保安4.Hehas been sentenced to pay a fine of 1000(被判罚款1000英镑).Practice 1: VerbPlease choose from the following words to complete the sentence: starve, for e, trans ort, im ose, motivate,symbolizeimed her ideas on the group(竭力把自己的想法强加於5.She全组的人).6.Every manager must(激励motivate an

7、d encourage his employees和鼓励他的雇员).7.Each country needs tofe its own industrialdevelopment strategy(制定自己的).of the Ol m工业发展symbolizes peace and friendshipic torch among the nations of the world(8.The lihtin象征着世界各国间的和平和友谊).Practice 2: adj.Please choose from the following words to complete the sentence:

8、 confident, religious, historic, painful,ral, slender, undergroundIt was painful to admitt I was wrong.1.承认错了是件很痛苦的事。2.He(有信心通过).is confident of passing the examinationa historic occa3.This is. (具有历史意义的时刻).(她身材优美苗条).4.Shes got abeautiful slender figureAn underground passage(一条通道) leads to the5.build

9、ing ahe street.Practice 3NounPlease choose from the following words to complete the sentence: conviction, decade, exploit, web,mis, settlement, terminal, site, welfare, legDo you always act in accordance with your convictions(本着你的1.信念行事) ?The daring exploits of the parachutists(跳伞者大胆的动作)2.were much

10、admired.(The last leof our tri旅行的最後一段行程3.the most tiring.4.The datawill be fedo the computer terminal(数据将输入电脑终端).Practice 4: PhrasesPlease choose from the following words to complete the sentence: close in (on/around), make the best of, stand up (for), give up, pass for, put trust in, set offWe must

11、stand up for truth(坚持真理) and correct mistakes1.2.make the best of this valuable opportunityYou should(充分利用这宝贵的机会)would nevass for an English manHe(人们决不会把他当成3.英国人); his pronuntion gives him awayave uthe ar umentShe realized she was wrong and(停止了争4.论)The advancing soldiersclosed in on the town(近了这座城镇)

12、.or home (动身5.Having said farewell to their friends, they set o回家)6.Practice 4: PhrasesPlease choose from the following words to completethe sentence: as for, at risk, on the side,he eyesof, beent on7.His job at the hospital did not pay much, so he found another job onthe side(他另外找了一份)Hesent on gett

13、ing promotion(他一心一意想得到晋升), and no8.ones going to stop him!9.The whole future of the company is at huge risk(受到严重).As fort man(至于那个人), he is not qualified for the job at all10.he eyes of my parents11._(在我父母的心目中), Im forever a child.Alongside me was a slender woman in black dress, my guide back to a t

14、ime when the surrounding settlement in Dresden,Ontario, was home to aAmerican History. (Line 2-4)slender:1) thin and delicate in build; gracefully slima slender girl, figure 苗条的 身段Although he face was quite plain, s e hands, like a concert pianist.King crabs have long, slender legs, wi,nexpressivesp

15、an over 1 meter (3 feet).2) long and thinslender fingers 纤细指a slender waist 细腰a wineglass wislender stem 高脚杯3) small in amount or extent; meagera slenderslender wagese 微薄的收入a slender check 小额支票a slender hopea slender chance of survivalsettlementsettlement: a place where people have come tosettleManh

16、attan was the site of the original D settlement of New Amsterdam.hThese tools were found in an early Iron Age settlement.He was confidentt the Creatorendedall men to be created e ual. L. 6confident: feeling or showing trust in olf orones abilitybe confident of/about/Michael was confident Harvard Uni

17、versity.t clauset he would be admitted byThe more familiar you are with this machine, the more confident you will be about using it.The soccer team is quite confident of being able towhis important game.And he never gave up struggling for t freedom. L. 7give up: abanan attempt to do sth.Hes given up

18、 smoking since his illness.The rescue team had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive.She was working part-time but she suddenly gave up.Carters devotion to her antor is about morenersonalride: it is about familhonor.L. 8Paraphrase: Carter is faithful to her forefather not only becauseshe

19、 is proud of him herself, but also because he has brought honor to the whole family.devote: 1) To give or apply (ones time, attention, or self) entirely toa particular activity, pursuit, cause, ordevote/devotion to.After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.2) To set apart for a speci

20、fic pure or use:land devoted to mining3) To set apart by or as if by a vow or solemn act; consecrate:a temple devoted to ApolloFor Josiah Henson has live through the character inAmerican fictiont he helped inspire: Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowes UncleToms Cabin. (L. 9)

21、Paraphrase: Josiah Henson is remembered mainly because he gave inspiration (灵感) to Harriet Beecher Stowe to create the character of Uncle Tom.live on: continue to existThose beautiful memories will live on.live on sth.1)to have a particular amount of money to buy food and otherneIsary things:t know

22、how they manage to live on $55 ak.2) to eat a particular type of food:They live on bread and pooes.He practically lives on fish and chips.Ironically,t character has come to symbolizeeverything Henson was not. (L. 12)Paraphrase: Unfortuna character.y, Uncle Tom is not like Henson inironically: it see

23、ms ironic (t)Ironically the widespread use of antibiotics seems to be causing a lot of unexpected health problems.Ironically it is often the pooreople who give the mo.symbolize: be a s mbol of, stand for, re resentThe dove symbolizes peace.Prize is symbolized asacock.A ral sellout unwilling to stand

24、up for himself? L. 12ral: relating torsons face, or to different raof peopleSlavery is closely assoted with ral prejudice, the beft one race iperior to another.Mandela was electedin Soufricasmulti-ral elections, held in 1994.stand up (for sb./sth.): speak, work, etc. in favor of sb./sth.; supoort sb

25、./sth.You have to be prepared to stand up for the things you be in.vet be afraid to stand up for yourself.Josiah Henson was a man of rinci le. L. 13principle: (here) a rule or standard, espeobehavior: 准则,道义:规则或标准,尤指正确行为的标准a man of (high) principle: a man/woman with strong moral ideas正派人, 有(高度)道德原则的人

26、He considered himself to be a man of principle.I had traveled he to Hensons last home - nowa historic sitet Carter formerly directed - tolearn more about a man who was,any ways, anAfrican-American Moses. (L. 15)historic: famous or important in historyIn his book, Churchill recalls Roosevelt.t histor

27、icmeeting withMore money is needed for the preservation of historic buildings and monuments.Cf.: historicalHistoricaleo le, situations, or thin s existedheast andare considered to be a part of history.Many historical was bombed.s were destroyed when the librarysitesite: place where a building, town,

28、 etc. was, is, or willbe situatedThe company hasnt yet decidethe site for thenew skyscrr.There are many archaelogical sites in southern England.This monument marks the site of the battle.Yet this stop was only part of a muchlarger misfor me. L. 20mis: particular task or duty undertaken by anindividu

29、al or a groupSome delegates were immedia warring countries. Their misy sent to the twowas thelpnegotiate a ceasefire.The fiveouneole have been on a mistohelp the Cambodians.Josiah Henson is but one name on a long list of courageous menand women who together fed the Underground Railroad, asecret web

30、of escroutes and safe housest they usedto liberate slaves from the American South. (L. 20)but: onlyfe: ficreate by means of much hard workThe two countries agreed to fe closer economic ties.She fed a new career for herself as a singer.underground: in oro secrecy or hidingHis mother took him to the s

31、outhern citwhere she worked inthe underground revolutionary movement.For about thirty years the African National Congress (ANC)operated as an undergroundanization.Josiah Henson is but one name on a long list of courageous menand women who together fed the Underground Railroad, asecret web of escrout

32、es and safe housest they usedto liberate slaves from the American South. (L. 20)web: network of fine threads spun by a s creature; complex series or networker or some other spinningThe littoy was frightened by the sers webhe window.Many commerl and publicanizations now have their own Website and pub

33、lish a “home page”, giving information about the anization.Every day thousands of web surfers flock to this popular site, messages.tingliberate: set freeThe new Afghanernment is trying to liberate its people fromovertwithernational hel .The revolutionary armys aim is to liberate the country byofthe

34、year.In October 2000,Clon authorized $16 million forthe Nationaderground Railroad Freedom Center to honor thisgreat civil-rights strugglehe U. S. (L. 26)authorize: give approval or permis authority tofor (sth.); giveThethe srequested ioning of troopst Congress authorize he eastern region.He was pers

35、uaded by the arguments of the Ministerof Labour to authorize a 23 increase.ercenteneral waeAnd its about time. For the heroes of the UndergroundRailroad remaoo little remembered, their exploits stilllargely unsung. (L. 29)And its about time.Paraphrase: And it is high timet such a center wasestablish

36、ed in honor of the heroes of the Underground Railroad.exploit: brave or adventurous deed or actionTerals wartime exploits were later madeoa film and aeviseries.My grandfather entertained us with stories of wartime exploits.I was L. 31ent on ling their stories.ent: adj.1) firmly fixed; concentrated:a

37、nent gaze2) Having the attention appd; engrossed:The students, room.ent upon their books, did not hear me enter the3) Having the mind and will focusea specific pure:beent onng sth.: be eager and determined to do sth.Hesent on going to Australia.I hope you areent onng your best.Working day and night,

38、 Janet seemsent on breaking therecordhe Guinness Book of Records.Peering out his dooro the night, he recognizedthe face of a trusted nei hbor. L. 32peer: look closely or carefully, esp. as if unable to seewellpeer at/through/oStephen had been peeringomputroutt made no sense at all.Hawking was a typi

39、cal grind, underweight andawkward andeerhrouh thick e elasses.Born a slave two decades before,he 1820s, Parkerhad been taken from his mother at age eight and forced to walk in chains from Virginia to Alabama, where he wassolthe slave market. (L. 37)decade: period of ten yearsMany countries were invo

40、lved in Antarctic explorationduring thedecades of the 20th century.Education budgets have been incohstdecade in China.Eventually he saved enough money working at this trade on the side to buy his freedom. L. 40on the side: as an additional job or source ofe;secretlySome teachers have to find ways of

41、 making some money on the side.In order to earn enough money to send his childrento schoolhe makes a little moneon the side bcleaning windows in his spare time.In Kentucky, where he was now headed, there was a $1000 reward for his capture, dead or alive. (L. 44)head, vi. vt. also be headed: go towar

42、ds, to go or travel towards aparticular place, espelly in a deliberate way:The ship was heading for Cuba.Its about time we were heading home.Where are your guys headed?capture: n. ca turinor beinca turedAt one time Peter took parthe capture of three thieves.Theernational Whaling Commispermits the ca

43、pture of only es.400 whales annually for scientific purvt.Rebel forcaptured the cik-long battle.Some of the terrorists who were involved captured by the FBI.he 9.11 event wereAs the boat slid across the river, Parkerwatched helplessly as the pursuers closed in around themen he was forced to leave be

44、hin(L. 51)close in aroun: come near to es . in order to attack formseveral directions; surroundThe brobber threatened to kill the hostage as theclosed in on him.Theclosed in on the sniper.狙击者were closing in onHitler committed suicide as Soviet for Berlin.Right after the suicide explo in on the Pales

45、tinian city., Israeli troops began to closeclose in: 1) to seem to be gathering in on all sides:The problems closed in.问题纠结在一起2) to surround so as to make unusable:The airport was closed in by fog.机场为雾所笼罩.The others made it to the Ohio shore, whereParker hurriedly arranged for a wagon to take them t

46、o thenext “sion” on the Underground Railroad - thelegof their journey to safety in Canada. (L. 51)leg: section of a journey 一段行程The last leg of our trip was the most tiring. 我们旅行的最後一段行程最累人.Whilack conductors were often motivated bytheir own painful experien, whites werecommonly driven by religious c

47、onvictions. (L. 58)motivate1)(通常用於语态) be the reason for (sbion); cause (sb) toact in a particular way; inspirebe motivated by greed, fear, love, etc2) stimulate theerest of (sb); cause to want to do stha teacher who can motivate hmotivated adj:upils (to work harder)li illmm rr 出於的谋杀 *be highly motiv

48、ated, ie very keen to do sthmotivation n C, U:the basic finanl motivations for the deciThey lack the motivation to study.Whilack conductors were often motivated bytheir own painful experien, whites werecommonly driven by religious convictions. (L. 58)painful: causing pain; hurtingSymptoms of p breat

49、hing, raonia include painful cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, and chest pain.The old photograph brought back painful memories of his childhood.religious: of religionismTaoismis one of the three main Chireli ious andphilosophical traditions, the two others being Confu Buddhism.nism andThe newer

50、nment wants to increase the amount of religiouseducation in schools.Whilack conductors were often motivated bytheir own painful experien, whites werecommonly driven by religious convictions. (L. 58)conviction: firm opinion or befThe old woman had a firm conviction would be a better life for her afte

51、r death.t thereA non bee ,esnve any religiousconvictions.It is hbe exersonal convictiont all corrled and dealt wiccording to law.The Bible, in bidding us to feed the clothe the naked, said nothing abogry and lor. (L.bidbid/badebid/biddenbidding (sth) (for sth); esp US (sth) (on sth)offer (a price) i

52、n order to buy sth, esp at an auctionShe bid 500 (for the paing). 她喊价500英镑(买这幅画).We had hoped to get the house but another couple was biddingagainst us, ie re eatedlofferina hi herricen us.(b) offer (a price) forng work, providing a service, etc 投标:Several firms have bid for the contract to build th

53、e new concer有几家公司投标, 争取建造新音乐厅的合同.ll.2. order (sb);l; invite;Do as you are bidden.按照吩咐你的去做.She bade me (to) come in. 她叫我进来.guests bidden to (attend) the feast 应邀赴宴的宾客Eventually three principal routes converged at the Coffin house, which came to be the Grand Central Terminal of the Underground Railroa

54、d. (L. 66)converge (on sb/sth); (at sth) (of lines, moving objects, etc) (come towards1)each other and) meea poEnthusiasts from around the world conver the annual car race.2) (tend to)e similar or identicalOur previously oped views are beg.terminal: (building at the) end of a railway line, bus route

55、, etc.; a piece ofequipment, usu. consisting of a keyboard and a screen,t connectsthe user wicomputer systemMost large airports have shops, restaurants, and bshe terminalbuilding, plus spel lounges for departing and arriving passengers.All staff have terminals attached to the companys main computer.

56、he North, a magistrate mighve imed a fine or a. (L. 71)brief jail sentence for aiding those escaime: 1) place a (penalty, tax, etc.) offilly on sb. /sth.Theernmens made a decito ime a heavy tax on wine andliquor.The localernment will ime fines on the factories which poureduntreated wasteo the river.

57、2) try to make sb. accept (an opinion or a bef)I wouldnt want to ime my religious convictions on anyone.It may not be wise for parents to ime their own tastes on their children.sentence: n. sement of the) punishment given by a law courtShe has served her sentence, and will now be released.v. sb (to

58、sth) set sb is to have a certain punishmentHe has been sentenced to pay a fine of 1000.One courageous Methodist minister, Calvin Fairb, wasimprisoned for moren 17 years in Kentucky, where hekept a log of his beatings: 35,105 stripes with the whip. (L.73)a log: an offil written account which describe

59、s theimportant eventsppenThe captain of the ship entered this incident in his log book.equipment performance log 设备运行日志error log 误差student teaching log实习生日志As for the slaves, escmeant a journey ofdredsofthrougknown country, where they wereusually easy to recognize. (L. 77)as for: with regard toAs fo

60、r your request for a free s to you in about ten days.Some people have been complale, we will send it,tomeIm perfectly satisfied with the working conditions here.On one occa, Levi Coffin was transporting somany runaway slavest he disguised them asa funeral pro. (L. 84)transportsth. /sb. from one plac


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