1、 通过电影看文化Unit 8. Something racial: I still have a dream曾经时刻:密西西比在燃烧The development of slavery The first slaves were taken to North America from Africa by the Dutch in 1619. By the time of the American Revolution there were 500 000 slaves, mostly in the South. After the Revolution the northern states
2、made slavery illegal but the South needed cheap labor for the cotton plantations. As the Souths economy became dependent on slaves, the slave markets continued. 通过电影看文化The development of slavery The quality of life for slaves depended on the treatment they received from their master and on the kind
3、of work they did. Those working on the cotton plantations of the Deep South suffered most. Families were regularly broken up. The worst situation was to be sold further down the Mississippi River.通过电影看文化Opposition to slavery It is hard to understand how slavery was allowed to continue in a country t
4、hat thought of itself as the “land of the free.” But not everyone believed it was right to treat slaves like that, and in 1830s opposition to slavery grew. Leaders of the abolition movement included William Lloyd Garrison, publisher of an anti-slavery newspaper, the Liberator , and Harriet Beecher S
5、towe who wrote Uncle Toms Cabin, a novel about a slave who was badly treated. Some abolitionists took direct action. In 1831 a former slave, Nat Turner organized an uprising of slaves in Virginia. In 1859 a white man , John Brown tried to free some slaves. The work of the Underground Railroad had mo
6、re impact. One of its most famous workers was Harriet Tubman.通过电影看文化Opposition to slavery Laws were made to restrict the growth of slavery. But the South wanted slavery to expand westward, and politicians found it increasingly difficult to reach agreement. Conflicts between the North and South incre
7、ased, and it became clear that supporters and opponents of slavery could not continue to exist in the same country. In 1861, the slave states left the US and formed their government. This was the beginning of the Civil War.通过电影看文化The end of the slavery After the North won the Civil War and brought t
8、he southern states back into the US, slavery was ended. But little changes for former slaves. Some moved to the North but there were not enough jobs there and many suffered prejudice from the Whites. Those that stayed in the South often worked on the plantations where they had been slaves. They were
9、 paid for their work, but had to buy food and clothes and wages were low and they got into debt. On average, blacks got less education, earn less money, have less respect and die younger. Blacks and Whites often find it difficult to trust each other and things get worse and worse until one day the n
10、ationwide Civil Rights movement came. 通过电影看文化I have a dream Therefore in the 1950s and 1960s, the national campaign for equal rights came all over the American land. The campaign included boycotts, the actions of freedom riders, and 1963 a march to Washington led by Martin Luther King. It succeeded
11、in causing the introduction of bussing and affirmative action. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were also introduced as the result, which helped to change the attitudes of many white Americans. Today, the world is happy to see the first black man to be the president of
12、the United States and America made the history. 通过电影看文化NOTESThe South 美国南方 commonly referred to as the American South, Dixie, or the Southern US is an area in the southeastern and south-central United States. The region is known for its distinct culture and history, having developed its own customs,
13、 musical styles and varied cuisines that have helped distinguish it from the rest of the United States. The South owes its unique heritage to a variety of sources.通过电影看文化The Deep South 美国最南部诸州 a descriptive category of the cultural and geographic subregions in the American South. Historically, it is
14、 differentiated from the Upper South as being the states which were most dependent on plantation type agriculture during the pre-Civil War period. The Deep South was also commonly referred to as the Lower South or the Cotton States. People of English ancestry traditionally predominate in every part
15、of the Deep South except for southern Louisiana. Deep South includes South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.通过电影看文化Mississippi River密西西比河 the chief river of the largest river system in North America. Flowing entirely in the United States (though its drainage bas
16、in reaches into Canada), it rises in northern Minnesota and meanders slowly southwards for 2,530 miles (4,070km) to the Mississippi River Delta at the Gulf of Mexico. With its many tributaries, the Mississippis watershed drains all or parts of 31 US states and 2 Canadian provinces between the Rocky
17、and Appalachian Mountains. The Mississippi ranks as the fourth longest and tenth largest river in the world. 通过电影看文化Land of the free 自由的国度 this is the line “the land of the free and home of the brave ” from the American anthem“ The Star-Spangled Banner”, used to refer to the USA.通过电影看文化Abolition Mov
18、ement废奴运动 reform movement during the 18th and 19th centuries. Often called the antislavery movement, it sought to end the enslavement of Africans and people of African descent in Europe, the Americas, and Africa itself. It also aimed to end the Atlantic slave trade carried out in the Atlantic Ocean
19、between Africa, Europe, and the Americas.通过电影看文化William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879)威廉劳埃德加里森 a prominent American abolitionist, journalist, and social reformer. He is best known as the editor of the abolitionist newspaper The Liberator, and was one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society.
20、通过电影看文化Harriet Beecher Stowe (18111896) 比彻斯陀夫人 an American abolitionist and author. Her novel Uncle Toms Cabin (1852) was a depiction of life for African-Americans under slavery; it reached millions as a novel and play, and became influential in the United States and United Kingdom. It energized ant
21、i-slavery forces in the American North, while provoking widespread anger in the South.通过电影看文化Uncle Toms Cabin 汤姆叔叔的小屋 novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, the novel helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War. Lincoln declared, So this is the little lady who started thi
22、s great war.通过电影看文化Nat Turner (18001831) 纳特特纳 also Nathaniel Nat Turner was an American slave who led a slave rebellion in Virginia on August 21, 1831 that resulted in 60 white deaths and at least 100 black deaths. He gathered supporters in Southampton County, Virginia. Turner was convicted, sentenc
23、ed to death, and hanged. In the aftermath, the state executed 56 blacks accused of being part of Turners slave rebellion. Two hundred blacks were also beaten and killed by white militias and mobs reacting with violence.通过电影看文化John Brown (1800 1859)约翰布朗 an American abolitionist who believed armed ins
24、urrection was the only way to overthrow the violent system of slavery in the United States. During 1856 in Kansas, Brown commanded forces at the Battle of Black Jack and the Battle of Osawatomie. Browns followers also killed five pro-slavery supporters at Pottawatomie. In 1859, Brown led an unsucces
25、sful raid on the federal armory at Harpers Ferry that ended with his capture. Browns trial resulted in his conviction and a sentence of death by hanging.通过电影看文化Underground Railroad地下铁道 a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century black slaves in the United States to escape to free
26、 states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause. While an underground railroad running south toward Florida, then a Spanish possession, existed from the late 17th century until shortly after the American Revolution, the network now generally known as t
27、he Underground Railroad was formed in the early 19th century, and reached its height between 1850 and 1860. One estimate suggests that by 1850, 100,000 slaves had escaped via the Railroad. 通过电影看文化Harriet Tubman(1820 1913) 哈瑞特塔布曼 an African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and Union spy during th
28、e American Civil War. Born into slavery, Tubman escaped and subsequently made more than thirteen missions to rescue more than 70 slaves using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad. She later helped John Brown recruit men for his raid on Harpers Ferry,
29、 and in the post-war era struggled for womens suffrage.通过电影看文化Civil Rights Movement(19551968) 民权运动 refers to the social movements in the united states aimed at outlawing racial discrimination against black Americans and restoring voting rights to them. Nearly 100 years after the Emancipation Proclam
30、ation, African Americans in Southern states still inhabited a starkly unequal world of disenfranchisement, segregation and various forms of oppression, including race-inspired violence. “Jim Crow” laws at the local and state levels barred them from classrooms and bathrooms, from theaters and train c
31、ars, from juries and legislatures. 通过电影看文化Martin Luther King, Jr. (19291968) 马丁路德金 an American clergyman, activist, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience. King has become a nation
32、al icon in the history of American progressivism. 通过电影看文化freedom riders 自由乘车者 groups of black and white people from the northern US who in 1961 rode together in buses in the Deep South as a protest against segregation on public transport there. The first Freedom Riders were organized by the Congress
33、 of Racial Equality. The freedom riders were often attacked by angry crowds, but in November that year the Interstate Commerce Commission legally ended segregation on buses.通过电影看文化Bussing 校车接送 the system of transporting children in buses from their homes to schools in a different area, in order to a
34、chieve a greater mixture of races in schools. Usually African-American children travel to better white schools. This began in 1954 and was approved by the US Supreme Court in 1971.通过电影看文化Affirmative action 反歧视行动 a US government policy requiring that minorities (including women) should be favoured wh
35、en people are chosen for jobs and entry to college. Americans are divided about this practice and often say it is “reverse discrimination”. It has existed since the 1960s, but the Supreme Court has since decided against strict quotas and forcing affirmative action on private businesses.通过电影看文化Civil
36、Rights Act of 1964 民权法案 a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and women. It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the wor
37、kplace and by facilities that served the general public (public accommodations).通过电影看文化Voting Rights Act of 1965选举权法 a landmark piece of national legislation in the United States that outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African
38、Americans in the U.S. It was signed by President Johnson.通过电影看文化 The Help 女仆 惊天动地的轰塌,从来就积累自静默的细小裂纹。无论生活,无论电影。 CineWatch通过电影看文化Storyline Set in Mississippi during the 1960s, Skeeter (Stone) is a southern society girl who returns from college determined to become a writer, but turns her friends lives
39、- and a Mississippi town - upside down when she decides to interview the black women who have spent their lives taking care of prominent southern families. Aibileen (Davis), Skeeters best friends housekeeper, is the first to open up - to the dismay of her friends in the tight-knit black community. D
40、espite Skeeters life-long friendships hanging in the balance, she and Aibileen continue their collaboration and soon more women come forward to tell their stories - and as it turns out, they have a lot to say. Along the way, unlikely friendships are forged and a new sisterhood emerges, but not befor
41、e everyone in town has a thing or two to say themselves when they become unwittingly - and unwillingly - caught up in the changing times. 通过电影看文化Cast Tate Taylor Director 棕榈泉国际电影节大奖得主 Emma Stone . Skeeter Phelan美国青少年观众票选大奖 提名Viola Davis . Aibileen Clark 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名Bryce Dallas Howard. Hilly Holbrook棕
42、榈泉国际电影节 新星奖、美国青少年观众票选大奖提名Octavia Spencer . Minny Jackson奥斯卡和金球奖最 佳女配角通过电影看文化Jackson杰克逊 the capital of the U.S. state of Mississippi. Jackson is the most populous city in Mississippi. The current slogan for the city is Jackson, Mississippi: City with Soul. The city is named after Andrew Jackson, who
43、was a general at the time of the naming but later became president of the United States. 通过电影看文化Culture inside 文化反光镜Ole Miss Rebels密西西比大学体育队University of Mississippi sports teams, originally known as the Mississippi Flood, were renamed the Rebels in 1936 and compete in the fourteen-member Southeaste
44、rn Conference of the NCAAs Division I. The schools colors are cardinal red and navy blue, purposely chosen to mirror the school colors of Harvard and Yale, respectively. With a long history in intercollegiate athletics (Ole Miss began football in 1890), the university competes in 18 mens and womens
45、sports. Student-athletes, 630 in all, received all-conference academic honors from 19952004.通过电影看文化The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI) 青少年联盟 a non-profit organization of 293 Junior Leagues in Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom and the United States. Junior Leagues are educationa
46、l and charitable womens organizations aimed at improving their communities through voluntarism and building their members civic leadership skills through training.通过电影看文化Harper & Row Publishing 哈珀罗伊出版集团 Harper is an American publishing house, currently the flagship imprint of global publisher Harper
47、Collins,from 1962- 1990 ,it is called Harper & Row.通过电影看文化Kentucky Derby 肯塔基马赛 the most famous US horse-racing event. It is one of the triple crown races and is run every year on the first Saturday in May at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky. The horses are all 3 years old, and the race is 1.2
48、5 miles in length. The Kentucky Derby was begun in 1875 by Colonel M Lewis Clark and has become part of a social event that lasts several days.通过电影看文化The Guiding Light 指路明灯 an American television soap opera that is credited by the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest-running television dram
49、a history, broadcast from 1952 until 2009, preceded by a 19-year broadcast on radio.通过电影看文化Life 生活 a US magazine which is known especially for its photographs. It was first published in 1936 by Henry Luce who owned Time magazine. His aim was to enable reader “to see life; to see the world; to witnes
50、s great events.” After television became popular, Life went out of business in 1972, but it was brought back in 1978, appearing once a month. It is now published by Time Warner.通过电影看文化Jackie Kennedy (19291994) 杰奎琳肯尼迪 the wife of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy and First Lady
51、 of the United States during his presidency from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. Five years later she married Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis; they remained married until his death in 1975. For the final two decades of her life, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis had a career as a book editor
52、. She is remembered for her contributions to the arts and preservation of historic architecture, her style, elegance, and grace. 通过电影看文化Robert Kennedy (1925 1968) 罗伯特肯尼迪 an American politician, a Democratic senator from New York, and a noted civil-rights activist. An icon of modern American liberali
53、sm and a member of the Kennedy family, he was a younger brother of President John F. Kennedy. In the California presidential primary, on June 4, Kennedy defeated Eugene McCarthy, the hero of the New Left and student elements in the Democratic Party. That night Kennedy was shot by Sirhan Sirhan, a Pa
54、lestinian Arab. 通过电影看文化Edward Ted Kennedy (19322009) 爱德华“泰德”肯尼迪 a United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Democratic Party. He was the second most senior member of the Senate when he died and was the fourth-longest-serving senator in United States history, having served there fo
55、r almost 47 years. As the most prominent living member of the Kennedy family for many years, he was also the last surviving son of Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.; the youngest brother of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, both victims of assassination; and the father of Congressman Pat
56、rick J. Kennedy.通过电影看文化White Citizens Council 白人市民议会 an American white supremacist organization formed on July 11, 1954. After 1956, it was known as the Citizens Councils of America. With about 60,000 members, mostly in the South, the group was well known for its opposition to racial integration dur
57、ing the 1950s and 1960s, when it retaliated with economic boycotts and other strong intimidation against black activists, including depriving them of jobs. By the 1970s, following passage of federal civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s and stronger enforcement of rights by the federal governmen
58、t, the influence of the WCC had waned considerably.通过电影看文化Margaret Mitchell (19001949) 玛格丽特米切尔 an American author and journalist. One novel by Mitchell was published during her lifetime, the American Civil War-era novel, Gone with the Wind. For it she won the National Book Award for Most Distinguish
59、ed Novel of 1936 and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937.通过电影看文化The Jim Crow laws 吉姆克劳法 state and local laws in the United States enacted between 1876 and 1965. They mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in Southern states of the former Confederacy, with, starting in 1890, a separa
60、te but equal status for African Americans. The separation in practice led to conditions for African Americans that tended to be inferior to those provided for white Americans, systematizing a number of economic, educational and social disadvantages.通过电影看文化 Medgar Wiley Evers (19251963) 迈德加艾佛斯 an Afr
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