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1、通用学术英语课程寒假作业(2020.1)一. Writing作文提交:1.登录批改网:2.查找作文号:15086483.找到对应班级提交作文Nationalidentity should never be abandoned no matterhow societydevelopsorhowindividualityprevailsbecausepatriotismalwaysinvolvesa higher valueof life, a leading offil of Beijings toprepresenive body insaid on Wednesday.Experts hav

2、e suggestedtthe lack of proper national education is toblame. Since 2007, theernmens sought toroducenational education coursesto strengthen students national identityawareness, but this attempt drew wide public opition and waswithdrawn.Whats your view about national identity and national education?

3、Pleasewriteacomitiononthegiventopic“Nationalidentityandeducation”. You should writeeast 200 words.二阅读新标准大文化阅读第三册和第四册剩余内容。下学期期初进行。范围:文化阅读Book 3 Unit 1 Discovering yourselfBook 3 Unit 3 Art for arts sakeBook3 Unit 6 High days and holidaysBook 3 Unit 8 Tales ancient and modernBook 4 Unit 2 A good readB

4、ook 4 Unit 3 Fashion sementsBook 4 Unit 4 Money talksBook 4 Unit 7 Architecture: frozen musicBook 4 Unit 8 The human spirit共九个单元期初形式:题目出自书中文章,在文章中找,开卷考。三学术研究计划1. 根据第六届大学生研讨会的和分议题,选定研究方向,确定切实可行的题目。2. 围绕初步确定的题目查阅相关文献资料,不少于 5 篇文献。基于所读文献完成研究计划的roduction and literature review 部分(文中注明)。3. 拟定研究计划:包括题目、研究背景

5、与现状、研究目的和意义、研究目标或问题、研究方法、预期的发现或结果、参考文献(参考文献的格式请参考 APA 格式文件)。4. 请仔细研读第六届大学生研讨会通知,根据研究计划要求,完成研究计划。研究计划请参考以下模板(Research Proal)。5. 格式要求:标题为三号字体,正文部分为小四字体,Times NewRoman,1.5 倍行距。6. 提交时间:开学第一周。(作为下学期平时成绩的一部分)Research ProalTitle:Author(s):roduction and literature review:Pure and significance of Research:Re

6、search objective:Methodology to be used:sible findings and implications:Referen(APA Format):Proal (Sle)Theme: Sustainability and technology developmentChifoodgatekeeperceptions of genetically modifiedAbstract: The pure of this study is to investigate perceptions of fooddistribution gatekeepers ( dec

7、imakers ) inChina regardinglikelyacceptance of genetically modified (GM) foods by Chiin-deptherviews will be adopted. Key informants ofconsumers.An 20beasle ofcompanies in five main commererviewed. The study might findl centers in mainlandChina willt Chiconsumerscurrently haveambiguous views of GM f

8、ood products and they are likely to accept GM foods provided there are consumer benefits, a price advantage, and credibleernmental information concerning safety of GM foods.Keywords:China, genetic modification, food products, risk managementroduction and literature reviewA major dilemma for modern s

9、ocieties is to decide on the “right” balancebetn benefits and risks of newtechnologies. Every technologicaladvance carries some risk of adverse effects, and ites a jugglingexercise for policy makers to weigh up the benefits and the risks in order todecide: “How safe is safe enough?” (Slovic, 2000).B

10、efs about risks and benefits of both the production pros and of theresulting product contribute to consumer acceptance or rejection of GM foods in developed countries (Van Den Heuvel et al., 2006; De Liver et al., 2005); general attitudes towards the environment, towards science and technology, food

11、 neophobia, levels of trust in regulators, and price sensitivity are allthought to influence attitudes towards GM technology(Bredahl et al., 1998).Worldwide, the consumption of foodsderived from GM crops is risingraly. On the one hand, scientists, biotechnology companies, and 10.3million farmers in

12、22 countries (James, 2007) have collectively concludedtthe benefits enormously outweigh the risks. Oncountries consumers have not seen any benefitsthe other hand, in manytmight accrue to them,al., 2004).and have resistedroduction of GM foods (Gaskell etSeveral consumer surveys have been conductedin

13、different regions ofChina regarding awareness, acceptance andwillingness to buy GM foods,with highly discrepant results. At one extreme isa study by Greenpeacewhich claimedt GM foods were not generally acceptedby Chiconsumers (cited in Huang et al., 2006); at the other are studies indicatingitiveatt

14、itudestowardsGMfoods,althoughconsumershavelittle knowledge of such foods (Li et al., 2002; Zhong et al., 2002). A recentveryextensive study of 1005 households randomly selected in eleven citiesinNorthern and Eastern China reportedt “the percentages of theconsumers approval of and willingness to buy

15、GM foods in China were high. Ingeneral, the acceptance rates were much highern all other countriesthave beenreported in the literatures” (Huang et al., 2006). A reservationpertaining tothese consumer surveys is the riskt the GM ie wasexamined as a singlecue, whiay have given this characteristic undu

16、eprominence in respondentsminds.Research objectiveThe objectives of the present research are to determine how GM foods areperceived by gatekeepershe food distribution channel in China and whatthey beve consumer attitudes towards GM technology are at present andare likely to be in future. We also set

17、 out to relate what foodchannelmembersperceivedtocurrentChiernmentpolicyregardingroductionof GM food crops in China. If China, the worlds numericallylargest consumermarket, seems likely to embrace GM technology in thenear future, then theChimarket is likely to be accepting of foodve also adopted the

18、 ducts from other countriesMethodology to be usedalerviews will be conducted with key informants of a sle of. Duringtwenty companies in five main commerl centerstheerviews, we will deliberay avoid mentioning genetic modification as atopic oferest; we wish to hear what factors are most

19、sant to therespondents, rathern forcing the discusto focus on the GM ie out ofcontext. The aim is to sle as much diversity assible among theparticipants sot an overall view could be distilled from thesediversesour.sible findings and implicationsTheerview fromthe food distribution decimakers might be

20、tChiconsumers arelikely to accept GM foods provided there areconsumer benefits and a price advantage. It may also suggestt Chiconsumers current ambiguous views regarding GM foods seem likely todissipate if the Chi safety of GM foods.Findings from thisernment gives aclear endorsement regardingresearch are therefore of considerable practicalimportance to public policy makers who may be considering whether oradopt GM technology. (650)not toReferen(Omitted)第六届大学生文、研究计划和海报研讨会暨 第六届大学生科研论大赛和第三届大学生 狧 分钟科研大赛燧燥燧燥 .+*为配合教育部关于新工科、新医科、新农科和新文科等科研创新培养的要求,提高大学生在他们专业领域内的国际交流能力和提出问题解决问题的科研能力,决定将于 燧燥燧燥 年 燪 月


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