外研版九年级上册Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 3 Language in use课件(共42张PPT无音频)_第1页
外研版九年级上册Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 3 Language in use课件(共42张PPT无音频)_第2页
外研版九年级上册Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 3 Language in use课件(共42张PPT无音频)_第3页
外研版九年级上册Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 3 Language in use课件(共42张PPT无音频)_第4页
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1、Module 1 Wonders of the world外研九年级上册Unit 3 Language in use Language practice I visited the Giants Causeway two years ago. It produces electricity for millions of people in China. Ive never seen it , so Im not sure I agree with you . I looked to the east- the sky was becoming grey.Youll get there in

2、five minutes.Am I going the right way?1 Explain the difference in meaning between Sentences a) and b)1 .a) I often play basketball. b) Im playing basketball now.Playing basketball is what I do regularly. Playing basketball is what I am doing now. 2. a) She has gone to the Great Wall. b) She has been

3、 to the Great Wall .She is still at the Great Wall. She has come back from the Great Wall. 3. a) They had an English class yesterday. b) They were having an English class at nine oclock yesterday morning.They did it one in the past. They were doing something at a specific time. 4. a) He is doing an

4、interview. b) He has done an interview.He is doing the interview now.He has already finished the interview.5. a) We are drawing a picture of Victoria Falls now. b) We will draw a picture of Victoria Falls .Theyre drawing the picture now. They will draw it in the future. 2 Complete the sentences with

5、 the correct form of the words in the box.1 Listen! It _ outside.2 The great musician _ a concert in Guangzhou next month.3 Last summer, my parents _ the Terracotta Army in Xian.appear finish give rain talk visit walkis rainingwill givevisited4 He _already _a new book about travel.5 Thousands of peo

6、ple _along the Great Wall every year.6 A few minutes later, a stranger_ at the end of the street.7 The students _ about the journey to the Grand Canyon when the teacher came into the classroom.hasfinishedwalkswill appearwere talking3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in bracket

7、sThe sun was going down when we(1)_(arrive) at the ground floor of the building. I (2)_(be )afraid of going to the top of tall buildings ,so I was a little nervous as we(3)_(wait) for the lift. The lift(4)_(climb)faster and faster until we(5)_(reach) the 88th floor. It (6)_(be) high up there, but I

8、was not afraid when I (7)_(stand) at the top.arrivedwaswere waitingclimbedreachedwaswas standing The Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai, one of he tallest buildings in the world,(8)_(be)420.5 metres high. It was built in 1999, and it (9)_(have) a fantastic view of Pudong District and the centre of Shanghai,

9、I really like the tower and I am sure I _(visit) it again.washaswill visit4 Work in pairs. Talk about the wonders of the world you have or have not visited.A: Have you ever visited the Great Wall?B: Yes, I have./ No, I havent.A: When did you visit it?/When will you visit it?B: I visited it five year

10、s ago./Maybe Ill visit it next year.Now complete the table.Wonders of the worldWhen did you visit it?When will you visit it?The great wall5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. There is one extra word.1 The Changjiang River is about 6300 kilometres_.2 The Terracotta

11、Army is a famous _ wonder in China.3 For my homework I have to write an article about the _ of the world.ancient high long natural opinion wonderlongancientwonders4 Mount Qomolangma is the _ mountain in the world.5 In my _,the Great Wall is the greatest man-made wonder in the world.highestopinion6 C

12、omplete the passage with the expressions in the boxIm really(1)_my visit to the Louvre Museum in Pairs. Its the most visited museum in the world-every year, (2) _people visit it . The Louvre is in an old building, but to get inside youagree with at the bottom of go through looking forward to million

13、s of more thanlooking forward tomillions of must(3)_ a giant glass pyramid that is (4)_20 metres tall. The entrance to the museum is (5)_ the pyramid. Some people do not like the glass pyramid. They say it looks too new and does not suit the older buildings . I do not (6)_them. I think it looks grea

14、t!go throughmore thanat the bottom ofagree with7 Listen and number the pictures.bac123Mount QomolangmaThe Empire StateBuildingThe Great Pyramid at GizaLocation Between China and Nepal_In EgyptHeight _metres_metresAbout_metres nowInteresting factsFirst people to climb to the top:Sir Edmund Hillary an

15、d Tenzing Norgay_ floorsAbout _years old.8 Listen again and complete the table.8844.43381102In New York in the US13745009 Work in pairs. Think about three other wonders of the world and talk about them.A: Where is ?B: Its A: How high is it?B: Its metres high.Around the world Stonehenge is an ancient

16、 circle of stones in the south of England. It is about 5,000 years old. It was probably a place to bury dead people or a place to study the stars and the sky at night. There are dozens of stones , and they are different in height. The stones came from about 200 kilometres away. Some of the stones ar

17、e missing, but it is still one of the most wonderful sights of the world. It is a wonder also because of this question: How did ancient people move these huge stones from so far without machines to help them? No one knows the answer.Stonehenge巨石阵 英格兰东南部的历史名城索兹伯里附近,有一个小村庄名叫阿姆斯伯里,村西的原野上有一座阅尽沧桑、雄视千古的石柱

18、群,这就是著名的古迹Stonehenge。这是一座由许多根石柱围成的史前建筑。这些石柱排成圆形,最高的石柱高达10米,它们的平均重量达26吨,这么重的家伙竟有不少是横架在两根竖直的石柱上的!Stonehenge这个名字的前一半Stone意为“石头”,后一半在现代英语词典中已查不到了,据考证它来自古代英语,意思是“高高悬挂着”。想来它在古代有一个形象的名字“高悬在天上的石头”。 巨石阵又称索尔兹伯里石环、环状列石、太阳神庙、史前石桌、斯通亨治石栏等名,是欧洲著名的史前时代文化神庙遗址,约建于公元前4,000-2,000年,属新石器时代末期至青铜时代。 这个巨大的石建筑群位于一个空旷的原野上,占地

19、大约11公顷,主要是由许多整块的蓝砂岩组成,每块约重50吨。巨石阵不仅在建筑学史上具有的重要地位,在天文学上也同样有着重大的意义:它的主轴线、通往石柱的古道和夏至日早晨初升的太阳,在同一条线上;另外,其中还有两块石头的连线指向冬至日落的方向。因此,人们猜测,这很可能是远古人类为观测天象而建造的,可以算是天文台最早的雏形了。 Module taskMaking a poster about a wonder of the worldWork in groups of four. Make a poster about a wonder of the world.Decide on the won

20、der of the world for your poster.Find out as much information as you can in books and on websites. Think about :1 Why should people visit the wonder?2 What will people see there?3 How can people get there? 4 How much does it cost to visit the wonder?5 When is the best time to visit the wonder?Make a

21、 poster. Find some pictures showing in the wonder.Present your poster to the class.Exercise. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Lily often _ (do) her homework in the evening, but now she _ (watch) TV.2. They _ (build) a new bridge over the river in the future. doesis watchingwill / are going to build3. Theyll have a t

22、rip to the Great Wall if it _(not rain) tomorrow.4. He often _ (make) all kinds of model planes when he was a little boy.5. Sally _ (not play) a solo on the Starsearch Concert at the end of this year.doesnt rainmadewont / isnt going to play6. You _still _ (read) a novel! But its time for the meeting

23、.7. She asked me how_(search) the Internet.8. They _ (know) each other since they were young boys.arereadingto search have known9. Listen! Who _ (sing) in the next room?10. My father _ (join) the party twenty years ago.is singingjoined. 用所给提示词改写下列句子。例: He is cleaning the classroom right now. (last w

24、eek) He cleaned the classroom last week. I will / am going to visit the Stonehenge with my parents next year. 1. I visited the Stonehenge with my parents last year. (next year) _ _ _2. Tony was making a plan for the new magazine. (already) _ _3. Does she write a diary of school events every day? (at the moment) _ _Is she writing a diary of school event


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