



1、如何真正学会上课:听课、互动下课:核能班的知识for better or worse 不论好坏significance 重要性 n.direct direction director physical affect effect scene scenery直接的 adj.方 向 n.指导员/指挥 n.物理的 adj.影响 v.(A 是大长矛,主动去影响)效果 n.(e 是小眼睛,看得见效果)场景 n.风景 n.(场景+ry 阿姨)(1)左脑:死磕单词+翻译文章=分析、理解(2)右脑:多听+反复朗读=感知、应用railrail road highway sh electrical electro

2、nic gene generate generator铁轨 n.铁路 n.高速公路 n.塑造 v.体型/形状 n.电气的 adj.电子的 adj. n.产生 v.发电机 n.surrounding 周围的 adj. surroundings 周围的事物 n. community 社区/社群/社团 n.solar planter line not.but的,能的 adj.植物,工厂 n.输电线 n.不是.而是.规则变化是说谎不规则是躺generation 世代 n.system mark marker lasting系统 n.标记 n.马克笔,记号笔 n.持续的 adj.ddlay lainla

3、y laid laid 躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则(As the railroads and the highwaysshd the American West) (he past centuries), a newelectrical generating(发电)and transmis(输送)system (for the 21st century) will leave a lastingmark (on the West), (for better or worse). Much (of the real significance) (of railroads and highways)i

4、s not (heir direct physical effect) (on the scenery), but (he ways) (t they affect thesurrounding community). The same is true (of big solar plants and the down) (to move electricity around).er lines) (t will be laid正如那铁路和那高速公路塑造了那西部/在那过去的几个世纪,一个新的电的发电和传输系统/对于 21 世纪/将会留下一个延续的标记/在那西部,不论好坏。大部分/真正的重要性的

5、/铁路和告诉公路的/并不是在于它们直接的物理效应/对于内个风景,而是/在于方式/他们影响这个周围人类社会的。同样的是真的/对于大的发电厂和输电线/它会被放下来/去移动这个电/到处。【电力系统可能也会带来长久影响】grant take.f许诺 n.v.ranted 认为.是理所当然的 adj.leave section complete comple离开,丢下 v.部分,部门 n.完成 v.完成的 adj. y 完全地 adv.t take your mothers love franted.offer continent trans-被提供 v.大陆,大洲 n.穿梭completion 完成

6、n.er-之间transcontinental 横贯大陆的 adj.ernational 国家之间的 adj.private own priva私人的 adj.拥有 v.y-owned 被私人拥有的 adj.ercity ersespring城际的 adj.州和州之间的 adj.跳出来 v. 泉水 n.弹簧 n.The19thcentury saw land grants (拨地) (offered)(to railroad companies) (to build thetranscontinental railroads), (leaving public land) (in betn p

7、rivay owned land). (uch) (of theWest), some (of the railroad sections) were developed (while others remained undeveloped), and (in both核能班 7-3cases) the landownership has presented unique challenges (to land management). (With the completion) (oftheerse highway system), many (of the small towns), (w

8、hich sprang up) (as railway stops) (anddeveloped well), have lost their lifeblood and died.这个 19 世纪了拨地/被提供/给铁路公司/去修建内个大洲的铁路,丢下公共土地/在被私人拥有的土地之间。在大部分/西部的,一些/铁路部分的/被发展起来,而其他的保持未被发展的,然后在这两个情况下,这个土地所/已经呈现了独特的/对于土地管理。伴随着内个完成/内个各州之间的高速公路系统,很多/小城镇的,它们跳出来/随着火车站/而且发展得好的,已经丢掉了他们的生命的血液然后死了。【铁路和高速公路带来的影响】footpr

9、argument脚印 n.,议论 n.need .badly 迫切地需要.take advantage of.利用.alternative 替换的 adj.We should take advantage (of theernet).Big solar plants and theirer lines will also have effects (fartheir direct footpr) (inthe West). This is not an argument (against building them). We need alternative energy badly, and

10、 (to reallytake advantage) (of it) we need (to be able) (to move electricity around far more readily) (n we can now).大的是一篇议能发电厂和他们的输电线也将有影响/远远了他们的直接的/在内个西部。这不/需要替代能源/迫切地,然后/为了真的利用好它/需要/去能够/建造他们。去电力向四周/远的多/比现在能够的。【电力系统也会带来影响但是作者并不】trade-off scenic spot sacrifice speciforce交易,协议 n.景点 n.牺牲 v.物种 n.迫 v.s

11、trike the deal immediateim-medi达成交易直接的/立刻的/紧邻的 adj.否定中间immediate neighbor 近邻 n. immediate effect 直接影响 n.modation 食宿 n.交易 n.dealSo trade-offs will have to be made. Some scenic spots will be sacrificed. Some species(物种)will beforced (to move), or will be carefully moved (to spe the immediate effects).

12、lmodations). Deals will be struck (to reduce所以,交易将会被达成。一些景点将会被牺牲。一些物种将会被迫/去转移,或者将会被认真地移动/到特殊的食宿。交易将会被达成/去减少那直接的影响。【交易也会想办法减少直接影响】matter ideal throwThe问题 n.理想的 adj.扔 v.lasting effects (ofregion chance地区 n.机会 n.these trade-offs) are another matter.The 21st century development (of theAmerican West) (as

13、 an ideal place) (for alternative energy) is going (to throw olot ofer and money)(he region). There are chan(forter and money) (to do a lot of good). But it is just (as likely)t they will be spent wastefully and will leave new problems behind), (just like the railroads and thehighways).这个延续的效果/这些交易的

14、/是另外一个问题。这个 21 世纪的发展/这西部的/作为一个理想的地方/对于替换能源的/将要/去砸下好多力量和前/在这个区域。有机会/对于那个力量和钱/去做很多好事。但是,这件事仅仅/一样可能/说/他们将被花费/浪费掉/然后会丢下新路和那高速公路。【电力系统可能会带来长远影响】在后面,就像/那铁set asidenegotiate institution放置 v.在一边 adv.谈判 v.机构control construct控制 v.建造 v.construction 建筑 n.structure结构 n.The money (set aside) (in negotiated trade-

15、offs and the institutions) (t control it) will shthe West(farthe immediate footpr) (oflants and transmislines). So lets remember the effects(of the railroads and the highways) (as we construct these newlants) (he West).这个钱/被放在一边的/在被谈判的交易和机构/控制交易的/会塑造西部/远远那立刻的/发线的。所以让记得内个影响/内个铁路和内个高速公路的/当建造这些新的发电厂/电厂

16、和在内个西部的时候。【注意考虑长远影响】【作业】1、努力理解这篇文章中任何一丁点你不理解的地方!2、背过单词(在看懂文章的过程中,你势必会反复参照单词在这个过程中,你也已经记住了单词)3、7.21 号进群口令:听话照做(核能班群号 607217172) 4、67What was the problem caused by the construction of the railways ?Small towns along the railways became abanSome railroad stops remained underused.ed .CLandhe West was hard to manage.DLand grants wento private hands.68 What is the major concern paragraphs ?he development of alternative energy according to the last twoAThe transmisofer.er.BThe use of money andCThe conservation of solar energy.DThe selection of an ideal place.69What is the authors attitude tow


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