1、恶性胸膜间皮瘤(MPM)的治疗进展北京协和医院呼吸内科 王孟昭第1页,共32页。MPM的定义和分类定义是包绕肺脏和被覆在胸膜腔的间皮细胞所发生的癌症分类上皮样间皮瘤肉瘤样间皮瘤双相性间皮瘤或混合性间皮瘤第2页,共32页。MPM的流行病学美国每年新诊断的发病人数为2500例日本每年新诊断的发病人数为1000例我国大城市胸膜间皮瘤发病率约为0.3/10万0.5/10万恶性胸膜间皮瘤的发病多与石棉暴露有关,美国已过发病高峰期,但欧洲、澳大利亚、日本及中国等国家发病率正逐年增加Goudar RK, Thera Clin Risk Manag 2008; 4(1):205-211Nakano T, En
2、viron Health Prev Med 2008; 13(2): 75-83曲宸绪等, 肺癌研究与临床 2004; 16(2): 143-144 第3页,共32页。间皮瘤与腺癌的鉴别诊断项目腺癌间皮瘤发病率30/10万0.3/10万主要高危因素吸烟石棉症状多样胸痛、胸闷影像学淋巴转移、肺内病灶胸膜结节血清学CA指标间皮素、骨桥蛋白胸水细胞学电镜表现组织病理学免疫组织化学第4页,共32页。MPM的治疗内科化疗治疗放射治疗外科治疗多学科治疗第5页,共32页。 MPM- 化疗治疗在力比泰未研发前,顺铂单药治疗的疗效较好 Ong and Vogelzang, J Clin Oncol 1996药物
3、病人数研究数缓解率()阿霉素66211表阿霉素69212米托蒽醌6225顺铂59214卡铂88311泰素3519环磷酰胺1610第6页,共32页。唯一被FDA批准的治疗MPM一线化疗药物力比泰JMCH研究:迄今为止MPM治疗领域最大样本的随机、多中心、期临床研究Vogelzang NJ, et al. J Clin Oncol 2003; 21(14):2636-2644第7页,共32页。JMCH研究:力比泰/顺铂方案显著延长MPM患者生命Vogelzang NJ, et al. J Clin Oncol 2003; 21(14):2636-2644唯一被FDA批准的治疗MPM一线化疗药物力比
4、泰第8页,共32页。JMCH研究:力比泰 /顺铂方案的缓解率是顺铂单药的两倍Vogelzang NJ, et al. J Clin Oncol 2003; 21(14):2636-2644唯一被FDA批准的治疗MPM一线化疗药物力比泰第9页,共32页。JMCH研究:力比泰/顺铂方案显著改善MPM患者生活质量Gralla RJ. et al. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol. 2003; 22:621(abstract 2496)唯一被FDA批准的治疗MPM一线化疗药物力比泰第10页,共32页。大型临床研究证明,力比泰 /顺铂方案无论在生存期、缓解率还是生活质量方面,都显著优于顺铂
5、单药方案,是目前治疗MPM的标准一线方案唯一被FDA批准的治疗MPM一线化疗药物力比泰第11页,共32页。Jassem, J. et al. J Clin Oncol; 26:1698-1704 2008培美曲塞单药二线治疗晚期恶性间皮瘤第12页,共32页。Jassem, J. et al. J Clin Oncol; 26:1698-1704 2008培美曲塞单药二线治疗晚期恶性间皮瘤第13页,共32页。MPM-ANCCNPractice Guidelinesin Oncology v.1.2010Guidelines IndexMPM Table of ContentsStaging, D
6、iscussion, References化疗的原则一线化疗联合方案力比泰 500 mg/m2 day 1顺铂 75 mg/m2 day 1每3 周1次 (1类推荐) 1二线化疗力比泰 (如果未用于一线) 8诺维本9吉西他滨力比泰 500 mg/m2 day 1卡铂 AUC 5 day 1每3 周1次 2,3吉西他滨 1000-1250 mg/m2 day 1, 8, 15顺铂80-100 mg/m2 day 1每3-4 week 1个周期 4,5 力比泰 500 mg/m2 每3周1次6 诺维本 25-30 mg/m2 每周1次71 Vogelzang NJ, Rusthoven JJ, S
7、ymanowski J, et al. Phase III study of pemetrexed in combination with cisplatin versus cisplatin alone in patients with malignant pleuralmesothelioma. J Clin Oncol 2003;21:2636-44.2 Castagneto B, Botta M, Aitini E, et al. Phase II study of pemetrexed in combination with carboplatin in patients with
8、malignant pleural mesothelioma. Ann Oncol2008;19:370-3.3 Ceresoli GL, Zucali PA, Favaretto AG, et al. Phase II study of pemetrexed plus carboplatin in malignant pleural mesothelioma. J Clin Oncol 2006;24:1443-8.4 Nowak AK, Byrne MJ, Willianson R, et al. A multicentre phase II study of cisplatin and
9、gemcitabine for malignant mesothelioma. Br J Cancer 2002;87:491-6.5 Van Haarst JM, Baas J, Manegold CH, et al. Multicentre phase II study of gemcitabine and cisplatin in malignant pleural mesothelioma. Br J Cancer 2002; 86:342-5.6 Taylor P, Castagneto B, Dark G, et al. Single-agent pemetrexed for ch
10、emonaive and pretreated patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma: results of an InternationalExpanded Access Program. J Thorac Oncol 2008;3:764-771.7 Muers MF, Stephens RJ, Fisher P, et al. Active symptom control with or without chemotherapy in the treatment of patients with malignant pleural me
11、sothelioma (MS01):a multicentre randomised trial. Lancet 2008;371:1685-94.8 Jassem J, Ramlau R, Santoro A, et al. Phase III trial of pemetrexed plus best supportive care compared with best supportive care in previously treated patients withadvanced malignant pleural mesothelioma. J Clin Oncol 2008;2
12、6:1698-1704.9 Stebbing J, Powles T, McPherson K, et al. The efficacy and safety of weekly vinorelbine in relapsed malignant pleural mesothelioma. Lung Cancer 2009;63:94-7.Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of a
13、ny cancer patient is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.Version 1.2010, 01/26/10 2010 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. All rights reserved. These guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written perm
14、ission of NCCN.MPM的化疗第14页,共32页。一线治疗方法的比较方法试验例数ORRPFSOS文献PEM+DDPIII226/22241.3%12.1J Clin Oncol 2003PEM+CBPII6229%714Clin lung cancer 2010PEM+CBPII7621%814Ann Oncol 2008PEM+CBPII10218.6%6.512.7J Clin Oncol 2006GEM+DDPII5026%10Cancer 2003GEM+DDPII5333%6.411.2Br J Cancer 2002GEM+DDPII2516%69Br J Cancer
15、 2002PEMEAP31910.5%6.114.1 J Thorac Oncol 2008NVBIII13616%6.29.5Lancet 2008第15页,共32页。二线化疗方案的比较方法试验例数ORRPFSOS文献PEMIII123/12018.1%8.4J Clin Oncol 2008PEMEAP49312.1%4.9J Thorac Oncol 2008NVBII6316%9.6Lung cancer 2009第16页,共32页。MPM-BNCCNPractice Guidelinesin Oncology v.1.2010Guidelines IndexMPM Table of
16、ContentsStaging, Discussion, References 外科切除原则 应由获得认证的胸外科医师对已仔细评估的病人进行手术切除, 手术的目的是减灭肿瘤细胞,在这种情况下,如果不能多个位点切除,手术应停止. 手术的选择是:(1)胸膜切除术/剥脱术(P/D),完整切除胸膜和所有肿瘤;(2)胸膜肺切除术(EPP), 切除整块胸膜,肺,膈肌和心包。并进行纵隔淋巴结清扫; 对于早期疾病(病变限于胸膜),组织学类型为上皮型的低风险患者,EPP是最好的选择。对进展期 (局部进展),组织学类型为混合型和/或高风险患者,胸膜切除术/剥脱术(P/D)是较好的选择。 从手术恢复后,病人应进行包
17、括化疗和放疗在内的辅助治疗,采用哪种治疗取决于术前治疗情况和手术 样本的组织学分析。Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any cancer patient is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.Version 1.2010, 01/26/10 2010
18、 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. All rights reserved. These guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.MPM的外科治疗第17页,共32页。外科治疗是目前唯一可能获得根治性疗效的手段分为姑息性和相对根治性方法因MPM常呈弥漫性生长并易于复发,外科治疗的实际效果往往不尽如人意,仅极少数较局限的病例可彻底切除第18页,共32页。外科治
19、疗-姑息性胸腔置管引流术患者胸穿后胸腔积液反复出现或增长极快,则需要彻底的胸腔引流胸膜固定术使用化学制剂造成无菌性粘连性胸膜炎,继而产生胸膜表面的永久性粘连,胸膜腔消失对原发疾病不会产生影响,但可缓解症状滑石粉目前仍是最有效的胸膜粘连剂第19页,共32页。外科治疗-根治性胸膜切除术(剥脱术)胸膜外全肺切除术(EPP)手术范围应将胸膜连同肿瘤整块切除(包括一侧胸膜、全肺、同侧膈肌、通常包括心包,同时行淋巴结清扫)如何选择:对于早期疾病(病变限于胸膜),组织学类型为上皮型的低风险患者,EPP是最好的选择。对进展期 (局部进展),组织学类型为混合型和/或高风险患者,胸膜切除术/剥脱术(P/D)是较好
21、2页,共32页。1 of 3NCCNPractice Guidelinesin Oncology v.1.2010Guidelines IndexMPM Table of ContentsStaging, Discussion, References放疗的原则 (1 of 3)总体原则应由放射科医生、外科医生、肿瘤科医生、影像诊断医生和胸科医生对所有患者进行评估,给予多学科综合治疗的建议.多学科综合小组应对术后放疗和或联合化疗的最佳时间进行讨论.对于可切除的MPM患者,建议给予辅助放疗.1-6辅助放治疗的目的是改善局部控制.放疗可预防胸膜术后的种植性播散.放疗是有效缓解胸痛的姑息治疗手段.胸膜
22、外肺切除术后,辅助放疗可显著降低局部复发. 当无法进行进行手术时,高剂量放疗不会改善生存,并且发生放射损伤. 1,5,6有关放疗的首字母和缩写同非小细胞肺癌的放疗. See NCCN Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Guidelines.放疗剂量和范围 放疗的剂量应以治疗为目的. See Recommended Doses for Conventionally FractionatedRadiation Therapy MPM-C 2 of 3.辅助放疗的剂量为50-60 Gy,放疗剂量为54 Gy用于半胸放疗、开胸手术切口和引流口都可以耐受, 辅助放疗的剂量可限制影响预
23、后,接受超过40 Gy治疗的患者生存期显著长于低于40 Gy的生存(P=0.001). 1受临近正常组织的照射剂量所限,对于残存微病灶,剂量 60 Gy,除手术床外, 术后放疗的范围还应包括手术疤痕和胸壁活检区域. 7-94 Gy/天的分割剂量对缓解胸痛的疗效优于 4 Gy的剂量, 8,10 虽然用于姑息治疗的放疗的最佳每日剂量和总剂量仍不明确。对于术后的预防性放疗,推荐总剂量为21 Gy (3 x 7 Gy)。 7,11 对于有残瘤的患者,一些有经验的医生可进行近距离放疗或术中体内放疗。See Radiation Techniques MPM-C 2 of 3See References M
24、PM-C 3 of 3Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any cancer patient is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.MPM-CVersion 1.2010, 01/26/10 2010 National Comprehensive Ca
25、ncer Network, Inc. All rights reserved. These guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.MPM的放疗第23页,共32页。放疗指征胸膜外肺切除术后或胸膜切除术后的辅助治疗胸膜外肺切除术后或胸膜切除术后残留病灶治疗姑息治疗:疼痛、骨转移、脑转移预防介入操作引起的沿通道转移第24页,共32页。放疗剂量选择治疗选择总剂量分割剂量时间术前40-501.8-24-5周术后辅助5
26、0-541.8-24-5周术后残留54-601.8-25-6周姑息止痛20-4041-2周多发骨或脑转移3032周介入通道预防2171-2周第25页,共32页。其他治疗疗效有待于进一步研究证实免疫治疗:通过触发机体特有的防御机制,作用于肿瘤并使之消退的过程光动力治疗:特定波长的光照射在一定的光敏物质后产生的一系列化学、物理、生物等反应,可用以诊断和治疗肿瘤的一种方法基因治疗:指DNA/RNA水平上对疾病的控制与治疗,将对肿瘤有治疗作用的外源基因转移到靶细胞,通过外源基因的表达,达到治疗目的第26页,共32页。MPM-1NCCNPractice Guidelinesin Oncology v.1
27、.2010MPM的诊断Guidelines IndexMPM Table of ContentsStaging, Discussion, References初步评估复发性胸膜积液和/或胸膜增厚 胸部增强CT 胸部穿刺的细胞学评估 胸膜活检(例如,Abrahms针,CT引导下活检,胸腔镜活检首选,或开胸活检)如果需要的话,用滑石粉胸膜或胸腔导管对胸腔积液进行处理确诊MPM推荐多学科综合治疗MPMSee Pretreatment Evaluation (MPM-2) 可选择性检测血清间皮蛋白和骨桥 蛋白水平Note: All recommendations are category 2A unl
28、ess otherwise indicated.Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any cancer patient is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.Version 1.2010, 01/26/10 2010 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. All rights reserved. These guidelines and
29、this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.第27页,共32页。MPM-2NCCN病理评估Practice Guidelinesin Oncology v.1.2010治疗前评估 胸腹部增强CT FDG-PET检查 纵隔镜或支气管内超声MPM的评估临床评估 临床分期I-IIIGuidelines IndexMPM Table of ContentsStaging, Discussion, References见手术评估(MPM-3)纵隔淋巴结
30、活检(可选)MPM 腹腔镜检查以排除经 膈肌转移(可选)a See 胸部MRI(可选) 如果怀疑对侧异常, 考虑胸腔镜Principles of Chemotherapy (MPM-A).临床分期 IV 或组织学类型为肉瘤性化疗 aNote: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any cancer patient is in a clinical trial. Participation
31、 in clinical trials is especially encouraged.Version 1.2010, 01/26/10 2010 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. All rights reserved. These guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.第28页,共32页。TNTXNXT0N0T1N1N2T1aT1bN3T2MM0M
32、1ST-1NCCNPractice Guidelinesin Oncology v.1.2010Guidelines IndexMPM Table of ContentsStaging, Discussion, References分期Table 1.IMIG Staging System for Diffuse Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma*Primary TumorPrimary tumor cannot be assessedNo evidence of primary tumorTumor limited to the ipsilateral parie
33、tal pleura with orwithout mediastinal pleura and with or withoutdiaphragmatic pleural involvementNo involvement of the visceral pleuraTumor also involving the visceral pleuraTumor involving each of the ipsilateral pleural surfaces(parietal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic, and visceral pleura)with a leas
34、t one of the following:-Involvement of the diaphragmatic muscle-Extension of tumor from visceral pleura into the underlyingRegional Lymph NodesRegional lymph nodes cannot be assessedNo regional lymph node metastasisMetastasis to the ipsilateral bronchpulmonary or hilar lymph nodesMetastases in the s
35、ubcarinal lymph node or the ipsilateral mediastinallymph nodes including the ipsilateral internal mammary andperidiaphragmatic nodesMetastasis in contralateral mediastinal, contralateral internalmammary, ipsilateral or contralateral supraclavicular lymph nodesDistant MetastasisNo distant metastasisD
36、istant metastasisStage Groupingpulmonary parenchymaStageTNMT3T4Locally advanced but potentially resectable tumorTumor involving all of the ipsilateral pleural surfaces(parietal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic, and visceral pleura),with at least one of the following:-Involvement of the endothoracic fasci
37、a-Extension into the mediastinal fat-Solitary, completely resectable focus of tumor extendinginto the soft tissues of the chest wall-Nontransmural involvement of the pericardiumLocally advanced technically unresectable tumorTumor involving all of the ipsilateral pleural surfaces(parietal, mediastina
38、l, diaphragmatic, and visceral pleura)with at least one of the following:-Diffuse extension or multifocal masses of tumor in thechest wall, with or without associated rib destruction-Direct transdiaphragmatic extension of the tumor to theIIAIBIIIIIIVT1T1aT1bT2T1, T2T1, T2T3T4Any TAny TN0N0N0N0N1N2N0
39、, N1, N2Any NN3Any NM0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M0M1-Direct extension of tumor to the contralateral pleura-Direct extension of the tumor to mediastinal organs-Direct extension of tumor into the spine-Tumor extending through to the internal surface of thepericardium with or without a pericardial effusion or tumo
40、rinvolving the myocardium*Used with the permission of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago Illinois.The original and primary source for this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual,Seventh Edition (2010) published by Springer Science and Business Media LLC (SBM). (Forcomplete
41、 information and data supporting the staging tables, visit .) Anycitation or quotation of this material must be credited to the AJCC as its primary source. Theinclusion of this information herein does not authorize any reuse or further distribution withoutthe expressed, written permission of Springe
42、r SBM, on behalf of the AJCC.Note: All recommendations are category 2A unless otherwise indicated.Clinical Trials: NCCN believes that the best management of any cancer patient is in a clinical trial. Participation in clinical trials is especially encouraged.Version 1.2010, 01/26/10 2010 National Com
43、prehensive Cancer Network, Inc. All rights reserved. These guidelines and this illustration may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of NCCN.MPM的分期第29页,共32页。MPM-3NCCNPractice Guidelinesin Oncology v.1.2010MPM的治疗Guidelines IndexMPM Table of ContentsStaging, Discussion, References临床分期临床分期 I临床分期 II-III手术评估 肺功
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