牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit7 Reading(2),精品PPT_第1页
牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit7 Reading(2),精品PPT_第2页
牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit7 Reading(2),精品PPT_第3页
牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit7 Reading(2),精品PPT_第4页
牛津译林版七年级英语上Unit7 Reading(2),精品PPT_第5页
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1、Unit 7 Shopping Grammar纸2.需要买一些圣诞礼物 need to buy some Christmas presents. 3. 他们有一些钱。They have some money. 4. 他们没有钱They dont have any money. 5.你有钱吗?Do you have any money? paper6.你想要一些茶吗?Would you like some tea? 7.我可以吃些桔子吗?Can I have some oranges? 8.为一次聚会购物 shop for a party 9.计划举行一次圣诞派对 plan to have a

2、Christmas party 10.需要许多聚会的东西need many things for the party11.有一个大蛋糕和一些面包 have a big cake and some bread 12.需要一些香蕉和桔子need some bananas and oranges13.需要一些桔汁和可乐need some juice and cola 14.我们也需要一些纸杯We also need some paper cups 15.好的。让我们走吧! All right. Lets go. 16.桌上有一个桔子和一些饮料。There is an orange and some

3、drinks on the table. 17. 桌上有一些土豆和一只梨子。There are some potatoes and a pear on the table. 18.在我的学校周围 around my school19.在我的学校附近 near my school 20.练习本 exercise books 21. 有时我们放学去哪儿。Sometimes we go there after school. 22.音乐盒 music boxes 23.一些别的好东西 some other nice things 24.给我的朋友买礼物 buy presents for our fr

4、iends/ buy our friends presents 25 离我的学校不远 not far away from my school 26. 足够的零食 enough snackssome,any的用法 【学海拾贝】 一用some和any 表示数量 我们可以用some和any来修饰名词。some和any表示一些,既可以修饰 _ 名词,又可以修饰 _ 名词。1.There are_ on the desk.桌上有一些书。2.I want _.我想来点橘子 。3.There arent _ in the shop. 商店里没有橘子了。4. Do you have _ ? 你有什么好消息吗?

5、可数不可数some bookssome orangesany orangesany good newssome一般用于_中. I must buy_Christmas presents.any一般用于_ 和_ 中. Do you have _money? No, I dont have _ money.注意:在疑问句中,在提出建议或请求时常用_,表示希望得到对方的 _答复。Could I have _more bread, please? 请问我能再吃些面包吗? Would you like_ more soup? 你还想要一些汤吗?肯定some否定疑问句anyanysome肯定somesom

6、e 用 some 或 any 填空:Sandy: Its time for dinner, I am so hungry now. Lucy: Ive got _ pies. would you like _ pies?Sandy: Yes, please.Lucy: Here you are. Sandy: Oh, thats very kind of you! Do you have _ milk?Lucy: Im sorry. I dont have _ milk.Sandy: Thats all right. some someanyanyFinish the exercise on

7、P:85 of the student book.Using there is/ areThere isa singular noun(单数名词)an uncountable noun(不可数名词)There area plural noun(复数名词)What can you see in the picture?a computerfootball fielda buildingan officea toileta librarya halllibraries basketball court tennis court【学海拾贝】二. there is/ are结构我们常常用there b

8、e 结构来表达某地有某物或某人。There_ a computer in the reading room. 阅览室里有一台电脑。There _ a lot of people in the park at the weekends. 周末公园里有很多人。There _any meat in the fridge. 冰箱里没有肉了。 _ any girl students in the classroom? 教室里有女生吗?there be 结构中,动词be和形式和后面的名词一致。后面的名词是_或_,动词be用 is;后面的名_,动词be用 are;isareisAre there单数不可数复

9、数注意:there be后面有两个或两个以上名词时,动词be要与离它最近的名词一致,叫_原则。There_a girl and two boys under the tree.树下有一个女孩和两个男孩。There_ two boys and a girl under the tree.树下有两个男孩和一个女孩。there be 结构的否定句式是在动词be后加_;一般疑问句式是把be动词调到句首,回答时可以说Yes,there is/are,No,there is/are not.注意区分there be和have的用法。there be 结构表示_ ,have表示_ 。如:_a picture

10、 on the wall.墙上有副画。 I _ some pictures我有一些画。就近isarenot存在拥有There ishaveone door and two windows.two windows and one door.There is /areThere is /areThere is+ _ 名词/ _ 名词 There are+ _ 名词There be用 原则one doortwo windows就近不可数单数复数Finish the exercise on P:86 of the student book.There are three pictures on the

11、 wall.一般疑问句及回答Are there three pictures on the wall?Yes, there are. /No, there arent.How many pictures are there on the wall?对划线部分提问改为单数形式There is a picture on the wall.否定句There arent three pictures on the wall.There is some milk on the table.一般疑问句及回答Is there any milk on the table?Yes, there is./No,

12、there isnt.对划线部分提问How much milk is there on the table?否定句There isnt any milk on the table.1. This is a computer room. (改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答;改为复数形式)2. There is a football field in the school. (改为否定句和一般疑问句并做否定回答)3. There are some offices in Building A. (改为否定句和一般疑问句)4. Therere three art rooms in Toms school.

13、(划线提问)5. There is only one library in Building B. (划线提问)6. There is a woman in the hall. (改为复数形式)7. Therere some children on the playground. (改为否定句和单数形式)句型转换【堂清巩固】一用some或any填空。1. Do you have_bread?2. Id like _water, please.3. I dont have _money with me. Would you please give me _?4. There isnt_orang

14、e juice here, but I can give you_cold drinks.5.We can get_red packets as presents during(在期间)Spring Festival.anysomeanysomeanysomesome 1. How many days _ in a month ? _ thirty or thirty-one days in a month. 2. How many legs _ the chair _ ? It _ only two . It is broken. 3. Whats in the shopping mall

15、? _ a supermarket, some restaurants and different kinds of shops. 4. Look ! The clocks _ round faces and on the faces _ three legs. Fill in the blanks using there be or have/hasare thereThere aredoeshavehasThere ishavethere are5. Can you see the tall building in the centre of the city ? It _ 38 floors . _ many companies and shops in it .6. _ some chicken on the plate. _ any noodles


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