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1、Module 9Life historyUnit 2第一课时基础达标练. 根据括号内所给的中文提示, 正确拼写单词1. They decided to _(建造)a new modern bridge over the River. 2. The girl was very sad because her grandfather _(去世) this morning. 3. Now many _(作品) of Mo Yan are very popular in the bookstore. 4. Chinese is an important _(语言)in the world now. 5

2、. (2021南宁期末)There was a big _(火) in the old building last night. builddiedworkslanguagefire. 用所给词的正确形式填空1. (2021云南中考)Tianwen-1 landed on Mars _(success) on May 15, 2021. 2. At twenty-six he went home and _(marry). 3. _there many _(build) on either side of the road in the old days? 4. Did you _(see)

3、the film Titanic last night? No, but I _(watch) an important football match on TV. 5. She wrote several _(poem). successfullymarriedWerebuildingsseewatchedpoems. 从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空 successfulworksbuildingsbegantravel around1. Many of Shakespeares _were on in the theatre. 2. Boonie Bears is a _cartoon.

4、 Children like it very much. 3. Lucy wants to _the world when she leaves school. 4. The little boy _to write novels at 14. 5. There were many tall _in the city centre three years ago. workssuccessfultravel aroundbeganbuildings. 单项选择( )1. Liu Li decided_a teacher when she was fifteen. A. to be B. to

5、wasC. to isD. be( )2. His father_when he was five years old. A. diesB. dieC. diedD. is dying( )3. When did he finish_the book? Last week. A. readB. readingC. to readD. readsACB( )4. When did you_the league(团)? Last year. A. joinB. becomeC. enterD. turn( )5. The handsome man _a beautiful girl last ye

6、ar. A. got married toB. married withC. married toD. got married withAA教材变式练. 选词填空根据短文内容, 从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子, 每个单词只能用一次, 每空一词。 marriedjoined aroundfirediedsuccessfulwriterlifefinishedlanguagesWilliam Shakespeare was a famous English 1. _of plays and poems. He wrote about thirty-eight plays, 154 short po

7、ems and a few long poems in his 2. _. He was born in 1564 in England. When he was at school he liked plays and he decided to be an actor. He 3. _school when he was 14 years old. When he was 18 he 4. _and had three children. When he was 28, he went to London and 5. _a theatre company. He became famou

8、s 6. _the world for his plays and you can see them in many different 7. _. Shakespeare also wrote poems as well. He was also a rich and 8. _actor. You can see his Globe Theatre in London today, but its not the same building. There was a 9. _in the old theatre and they built it again. William Shakesp

9、eare lived for 52 years. Finally, when he 10. _, he was rich and successful. writerlifefinishedmarriedjoinedaroundlanguagessuccessfulfirediedModule 9Life historyUnit 2第二课时基础达标练. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. He can speak many foreign _(language), such as English, Chinese and French. 2. I went to Beijing, Nanjin

10、g and other _(city) last month. 3. Charlie Chaplin was a famous _(act) in the world. 4. Red Sorghum is one of the most famous _(work) by Mo Yan. 5. Lao She wrote lots of _(play) in his life, such as Teahouse and The Thunder Storm. languagescitiesactorworksplays综合能力练. 完形填空Marco Polo was born in Italy

11、. Here is a story about him. In 1271, at 17, Marco went on a _1_ to China. Today, people can go to different places around the world _2_. But it was very _3_ for people to travel then. He travelled through Europe and Asia _4_ his father and uncle on the Silk Road. The Polos _5_ to China in 1275. Mar

12、co Polo stayed in China for 17 years. During those years, he _6_ about coal(煤) and paper. These things were _7_ to him, because he didnt see them in Italy before. Marco and his family finally went back to Italy in 1295. They brought(带) some coal and paper back to Italy with _8_. At home, Marco finis

13、hed a _9_ about his trip, The Travels of Marco Polo. The book _10_ people his fantastic experiences(经历) in China. ( )1. A. walkB. saleC. picnicD. trip( )2. A. easily B. carefullyC. usuallyD. finally( )3. A. hot B. good C. hardD. famous( )4. A. fromB. betweenC. overD. with( )5. A. cameB. leftC. jumpe

14、dD. happened( )6. A. thoughtB. wroteC. learnedD. worried( )7. A. cheap B. free C. safe D. new( )8. A. youB. them C. me D. her( )9. A. movieB. book C. playD. poem( )10. A. buys B. callsC. tellsD. cheersDACDACDBBC. 阅读理解(2021遂宁中考) Do you know Liu Xiuxiang? This name might be strange to you, but you mus

15、t have heard about the story of him. He “carried” his sick mom to his university while studied in Shandong. His mom wasnt able to look after herself after his dad passed away. He had to support the whole family. Life was difficult, but he went on studying hard. Finally he got into the university. Ma

16、ny years later, Liu was noticed by public again. He won the honorthe “May 4th Medal of Chinese Youth”. After he graduated from university in 2012, Liu refused many highly paid job and went back to his hometown, Guizhou Province. There he has been working as a teacher for 9 years. He said, “I hope to

17、 do something for more children whose lives are similar to mine. ”In fact, Liu supported three poor children when he was in high school. Till now, he has helped more than 1, 700 students and given more than 1, 000 speeches. His story has warmed many people. As the song sings, “What doesnt kill you m

18、akes you stronger. ” There is no doubt that he will give more hope to more children in the future. ( )1. Why did Liu Xiuxiang “carry” his mom to the university? A. Because his mom couldnt take care of herself. B. Because his mom wanted to work in the university. C. Because his mom was too lonely. D. Because Liu wa


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