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1、北师大版(2019)高一英语下学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺总分值(名校最新期末真题)专题05阅读理解15篇1.先看问题,再读文章做阅读理解是先看问题,还是先看文章,这是很多同学经常问的问题。我觉得这两种方法各有利 弊,应视具体情况而定。就阅读广告而言,还是先看问题比拟好,因为广告类的试题绝大局部是寻找 信息的题目,大可不必从头读到尾,带着问题有针对性地去跳读、略读,这样就可以节约不少时间。 2.抓住广告的标题如果广告有标题,大标题下又有小标题,那么,快速寻找原文信息时,这些标题就成了很重要的 线索,可以帮助我们快速准确地找到答案。有些题目考查的就是对广告标题的理解。.逐项比拟,得出最正确做阅读理解

2、题,切不可凭主观印象,想当然地确定答案。任何一道题目,均可以在原文中找到相 关线索,这就如同破译密码一样。做题人的思维过程和编题人的思维过程恰好相反,编题人先找好线 索,然后设计问题和选项,解题人根据问题,再去文中找相关线索。因此,我们做题时要逐项比拟,排 除错误选项,得出最正确答案。.吃透文章文章大意和中心思想任何一篇文章都会有一个主旨和中心。有时从文章的第一个段落,甚至第一个句子即可得出文章 的主旨大意,从这一段或这个句子,我们就会知道文章描述的是什么(即文章的主题),也会了解作者 希望读者了解主题方面的哪些内容。有时,文章的主旨要义那么需从文章的字里行间去浓缩去推断。这 类试题主要考查考

3、生略读文章、领会驾驭大意的能力,它对考生的归纳、概括能力有一定的要求。.理解文中具体信息文章主题和中心思想的阐述往往需要大量细节信息的支持,这些细节对于理解全文内容至关重要, 同时也是归纳和概括文章中心思想的基础。命题人员往往会要求考生根据不同的要求,阅读文章以获 得某些特定的信息或准确地寻求所需的细节。这类试题有时比拟直接,理解字面意思即可答题;有时 那么较为间接,需要归纳、概括和推理才能答题。.根据上下文语境,准确推断生词的词义正确理解文章中单词或短语的含义是理解文章的第一步,也是理解文章的基础,不懂单词含义根 本就谈不上理解文章。但英语单词的含义并非完全等同于词典中所标注的汉语意思,其含

4、义随不同的 语境会有所不同。能根据上下文正确理解灵活变化的词义,才算是真正初步具备了一定的阅读理解能 力。此外,阅读文章时,常常会遇到一些过去未见过的词,但许多这类生词的词义可以通过上下文推 断出来。这种不使用词典而通过阅读上下文来推断生词含义的能力,是一个合格的读者所必须具备的“Oh no, how could I have made that mistake!” Samaya instantly said, Mum, dont worry. Mistakes make your brain grow bigger.Actually, we all need to be reminded t

5、hat mistakes or failures are just fine and that they are a huge part of growth and success. However, the regular belief is the opposite. We must correct this with our children. We must encourage them to make mistakes because that means they are trying out new ideas.Billionaire Sara Blakely, founder

6、of the shapewear business Spanx, has seen many failures. She made a living by selling fax machines for seven years. Knocking on many doors and making a lot of mistakes was a journey she calls educational. Sara Blakely owes her risk-taking skills to the weekend talk she had with her father.As a child

7、, her father would ask her the same question every weekend. nWhat did you fail at this week, Sara?n He did not care how high her scores were. He wanted to know what she had tried but failed at. When she told him about her failures and mistakes, he would give her a high five. He was reprogramming her

8、 mind to believe that mistakes and failures are fine.So go ahead and ask yourself and your children, What did we fail at this week?”What discouraged the author from efforts in algebra?A. She wasnt interested in it.B. She thought she was not gifted.C. She thought it was useless.D. She was not allowed

9、 to learn it.What does the underlined word this in paragraph 3 refer to?A. Keep trying is necessary.B. Failure is a path to success.C. Mistakes are not acceptable.D. Encouragement is significant.Why did Saras father keep asking her the same question?A. To rebuild her mindset.B. To keep her from fail

10、ures.C. To know what she hadnt tried.D. To prevent her getting high scores.(2022浙江高一期末)The weather has been getting warmer in April but for most cinemas a cold wind is still blowing, partly due to the pandemic but also because of the growing popularity of online video platforms.For many moviegoers i

11、n China, its not surprising to see cinemas closing as there have been signs for some time of difficulties in the industry.In March, the movie box office in China was only 913 million yuan ( $143 million ), a decrease of 63.5 percent compared to the year before. At the same time, due to the lack of s

12、upply of new movies, the operating rate of cinemas continued to decline, and more than half of the theaters nationwide were closed for a short time.As well as the epidemic, the rise of online video platforms in the past three years has also put pressure on cinemas. The quality of the product and the

13、 fact that new movies are directly available online has seen society gradually adapting to the streaming media model.iQIYI has released a total of 33 movies since 2021.Other video platforms are also pushing for more movie rights for the audience. For 26-year-old Zixian, she hasnt gone to the cinema

14、fbr over three years since COVID- 19 began at the end of 2019. For her, the expensive movie tickets and low expectations for new movies have kept her away from the cinema.However, many industry insiders and moviegoers still believe that cinemas are a symbol within society and that their fortunes wil

15、l revive as long as there are enough viewers and fans of cinema. Meanwhile, business insiders also believe there is still hope for the future of cinemas.Xiao Fuqiu, a film critic based in Shanghai, told the Global Times on Monday that “ compared with media giants like Netflix, HBO Max and Amazon Pri

16、me Video, I dont think the Chinese online streaming platforms have caused a threat to the survival and development of cinemas. Instead, I think the two platforms are complementary (互补的)to each other. ”Which of the following is NOT the reason for the decrease of the movie box office?The growing popul

17、arity of online video platforms.Shortage of new movies.Lack of attractive actors or actress.The pandemic COVID-19.Whats industry insiders, attitude towards the future of cinemas?A. Positive.B. Negative.C. Indiiferent.D. Neutral.Which section of a newspaper does the text probably come from?A. Life st

18、yle.B. Fashion.C. Film review.D. Culture.(2022山东烟台二中高一期末)Recently, Australian scientists learned something unexpected about magpies ( a kind of bird ) when they tried to attach trackers to them to learn more about how far they flew and what they did during a normal day as they are concerned that mag

19、pies may have a hard time adjusting as the world warms up because of climate change.Its hard to find trackers that work well with small and middle-sized birds. The previous trackers were either too heavy or didnt last long enough. The researchers tried a new tracker on the magpies. They were light a

20、nd could be recharged (再充电)without wires (电线)while they were still on the birds. And to keep the trackers on the birds without causing flying problems, the researchers developed a special device to hold the tracker in place. It was strong, so it wouldnt come off by accident. But it had a special rel

21、ease controlled by magnets (磁铁).This was meant to allow the scientists to free the birds from the device, without having to catch the birds again.There was just one problem the birds didnt like the trackers. The researchers placed trackers on five magpies. But just ten minutes after setting up the l

22、ast magpie, they noticed something unusual: an adult female magpie was helping another magpie get free from its device. By the third day, none of the birds had trackers anymore.The scientists were disappointed about the trackers, but they realized that the magpies had taught them something else: tha

23、t magpies are able and willing to help each other out. They dont know how the magpies cracked the difficult problem of getting the device off. They also dont know if it was just one magpie or several which removed them. However, the researchers are glad theyve learned about the saving behavior of ma

24、gpies and now they need to try again to figure out a good way to track these clever birds.What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. The introduction to the new tracker.B. The design process of the new tracker.C. The methods of powering the new tracker.D. The significance of using the new tracker.

25、What does the underlined word cracked in the last paragraph mean?A. Ignored.B. Corrected.C. Approached.D. Chose.How did the research end up?The trackers got out of order while working.The scientists collected valuable reference data.The researchers gave up their observation of the birds.The scientis

26、ts failed to track the birds but got a surprise outcome.What could be the best title of the text?Magpies Are on the Edge of ExtinctionScientists Are Seeking Ways to Track BirdsA New Device Was Invented to Protect BirdsMagpies Teach Scientists an Unexpected Lesson(2022山东烟台二中高一期末)Enter Breathing World

27、 2022David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation ( DSWF) thanks you for your interest in taking part in our youth composer (作曲家)competition Breathing World. This competition is designed as a way to use nature as the source of inspiration for a piece of music which celebrates the natural world and wildlife or

28、 that highlights some of the most pressing environmental issues.Entries for the Breathing World 2022 competition are open to people aged 12 to 18. The winner will get the chance to work with an expert team of musicians including Laura Wright, to develop and finalize the piece before its first live p

29、erformance. A recording of the piece will be available for the composer, for DSWF and for the partners of the competition.Entries must be submitted (提交)digitally through the given form with audio (音频)files sent by a file sharing site such as GoogleDrive or Dropbox to . Audio files must be no more th

30、an 5minutes in length and should be uploaded as a digitally audio file as an MP3. Dont submit large .wav or .aif files.Please name your files with your surname followed by the title of the audio recording. We do not recommend using “ Breathing World “in the title as it might get lost. Please read th

31、e Breathing World terms and conditions before submitting your entry. Dont send your entry form and audio files to the DSWF offices.To help relieve the pressure of creation, we have decided to extend the application time for Breathing World until Friday 30th September 2022. It is our hope that this w

32、ill provide a greater opportunity for our young composers to fully enjoy this challenge and create something truly special.What is the theme of the Breathing World 2022 competition?Praising potential young composers.Calling for harmonious coexistence with nature.Raising peoples awareness of social r

33、esponsibility.Celebrating the achievements in environmental protection.What will the winner receive?A. Lauras latest music records.B. The expert musicians9 guidance.C. The opportunity to hold a live concert.D. The grand prizes presented by the organizers.Which of the following will meet the requirem

34、ents of this competition?A. Creating a work titled “ Breathing World ” .Making a 4-min digital audio file in .wav form.Delivering the entry form to the DSWF directly.Submitting the original audio files on August 31.(2022河南省实验中学高一期末)There have been sightings of strange things in the sky since ancient

35、 times, but it was only in the middle of the 20th century that they acquired the name unidentified flying object”,or UFO. During the 1940s and 1950s, there was a huge increase in sightings around the world. The timing of this first great UFO wave was significant, coming at a period of widespread pub

36、lic paranoia (妄想症)caused by the nuclear arms race. The most common theory then was that UFOs were advanced military aircraft that had been developed in total secrecy.Within a few decades, public views changed, thanks in part to Hollywood. Suddenly UFOs were no longer assumed to originate from Earth,

37、 but from another planet. Since then, the situation has been complicated by evidence for extraterrestrial (地球以夕卜的)visitation, from rumours that governments are hiding information about their dealings with UFO occupants to apparent memories of alien abduction (绑架)recalled under hypnosis (催 眠).In foct

38、9 in official circles, unidentified flying object means just that: an airborne object that hasnt been identified. To many ordinary people, however, UFO means “alien spacecraft”. For this reason, the US military has started using the term UAP for unidentified aerial phenomena, to avoid appearing to t

39、alk about extraterrestrials every time they say theyve seen something they cant explain. And UAP has another advantage, because UFOs may not always be literal flying objects”. Some may be peoples imagination, unusual weather effects or even astronomical bodies. Therefore aerial phenomena is a much m

40、ore appropriate term in these cases.UFO and UAP do have one letter in common, and thats U, fbr unidentified. But its important not to read too much into this. It doesnt automatically mean that whats been spotted came from another planet, or went against the known laws of physics. Electronic systems

41、such as radar are designed to pick up particular types of known objects. Anything falling outside the expected parameters (参数)is likely to be classed as “unidentified. A number of UFO reports remain unexplained -but not necessarily extraterrestrial-even after careful investigation. 40. What did the

42、public usually relate UFOs to in the mid-1900s?A. Psychological disorders.B. Hollywood science fiction.C. Creatures from other planets.D. Aircraft developed by the army.Which of the following words can best describe the evidence for extraterrestrial visitation?A. Fresh.B. Unreliable.C. Striking.D. I

43、nsufficient.Why has the US military replaced the term UFO with UAP?To avoid misunderstandings.To stress the rule of scientific study.To narrow the extent of UFOs meaning.To highlight UFOs distinguishing features.What is the authors purpose in writing the last paragraph?To illustrate how electronic s

44、ystems detect UAP.To encourage people to help explain UFO reports.To give explanations fbr the meaning of “unidentified”.To call on people to stop voicing unnecessary concerns.(2022山东青岛二中分校高一期末)Robert Jarvik, born on May 11, 1946 in Michigan and raised in Stamford, is a medical scientist and researc

45、her, who played an important role in the invention of the artificial heart. He was interested in medicine from a young age. He watched his father perform operations and gained a patent (专利权)for a machine applied in the medical operation before he graduated from high school.Jarvik attended Syracuse U

46、niversity and considered a career in art. When his father developed heart disease suddenly, he decided then to work on a medical career. He applied to medical schools, but was not admitted to any schools in the US. Before long, he was admitted to the medical school in Italy and stayed there for two

47、years. He returned to get a degree in medicine from New York University in 1971.After working for a period of time; Jarvik got a job in the organ transplant (器官移植)program at the University of Utah in 1972. He worked with the director of the program, Willem Kolff, who invented the kidney dialysis (肾透

48、析)machine.By the time Jarvik came to the University of Utah, the organ program had already developed the primary artificial heart. He improved it by creating a diaphragm (横膈膜),which solved many issues with the heart. Eventually, he created the first artificial heart in 1981, the Jarvik-7, to be plac

49、ed in a human patient, which was considered one of the most important inventions in human history.Barney Clark, a retired dentist suffering from serious heart disease, received the Jarvik-7 transplant on December 2, 1982. He lived for 112 days after the operation, but the transplant was considered a

50、 success. Though receiving criticism for the risk referred to transplant an artificial heart, the Jarvik-7 still became very important for patients who were waiting for a heart. In 1987, Jarvik moved to New York City and formed Jarvik Research Inc. He began developing a new heart - the Jarvik 2000.

51、This smaller machine fits inside a patients heart rather than replacing the entire organ.How does the writer develop the passage?By presenting some research results.By following the natural time order.By discussing research experiments.By comparing opinions from different fields.Which of the followi

52、ng incidents made Robert Jarvik determine his life-long career?His father developed heart disease suddenly.He received a patent for the medical operation.He took part in the organ program at the University of Utah.He was refused to be admitted to any medical school in the US.What is the main idea of

53、 the last paragraph?He invented the kidney dialysis machine.His greatest achievement was the man-made artificial heart.He created a diaphragm to replace a patients heart.He did the first heart transplant operation for a heart patient(2022黑龙江哈尔滨市第三十二中学校高一期末)One of the luckiest things in life is that

54、someoneoffers help when you are in need. Such warm stories happen these days in our city.Weve never depended on deliverymen for our daily needs so heavily as we do now, when we work from home to stop the spread of the COVID-19. Some of the deliverymen were afraid that they would not be able to come

55、out to work the next day if they went home and found an overnight lockdown (封锁)in their communities. So they chose to sleep under overpasses (天桥)or on park benches. Photos of them sleeping in those outdoor places were put online. The next day, the government took action and offered them free places

56、to live in either at hotels, at schools or at courier stations (快递站).Another recent case that shows ordinary people are cared for was about a bun (面包)seller. The man left a message below a post on the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission (市健康委员会)s WeChat account. He said he had trouble running his s

57、tore because of the recent spread of the COVID-19. Community workers in his area paid him a visit to see what they could do to help. On the night of the same day, the man received an unexpected large order from his community.There is a long list of such small acts of kindness in almost every corner

58、of the city. It tells us love and care is powerful to help us overcome the difficulties.What does the underlined word they refer to?A. storiesB. companiesC. communitiesD. deliverymenWhy did some deliverymen choose to sleep in outdoor places?Their companies stopped them from going home.They would lik

59、e to come out to work the next day.They wanted to stop the spread of the COVID-19.They discovered a lockdown in their communities.Where can deliverymen live in for free after the government took action?A. In hospitals.B. At schools.C. Under overpasses.D. On park benches.What did the community do to

60、help the bun seller?The community workers gave him a phone call.The community workers left a message to him.His community made an unexpected large order.His community offered him free places to live in. 51. Why did the writer write this article?To tell us love and care can help us get through hard t


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