1、Introduction of RomanticismPre-romanticism RomanticismWilliam Wordsworth第1页,共26页。1.Pre-Romanticism in Poetry Pre-Romanticism arose in the latter half of the 18thcentury ,marked by a strong protest against bondage of classicism and by a recognition of the claims ofpassion and emotion. It was ushered
2、in by Percy (“Reliquesof Ancient English Poetry”), Macpherson (“Ossian”) and Chatterton (Rowley Papers), and represented by Blake and Burns.第2页,共26页。2. Romanticism (a period of poetical revival) 1). Romanticism rose and grew under the impetus of the Industrial Revolution and French Revolution. It pr
3、evailed in England during the period 1798-1832.Owing to difference in political attitudes romanticists split into two schools: passive romanticists, represented by Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey, and active romanticists, represented by Byron, Shelley and Keats.第3页,共26页。积极浪漫主义作家,敢于正视现实,批判社会的黑暗,矛头针
4、对封建贵族,反对资本主义社会中残存的封建因素,同时对资产阶级本身所造成的种种罪恶现象也有所揭露,因而充满反抗、战斗的激情,寄理想于未来,向往新的美好生活,有的赞成空想社会主义。消极浪漫主义者则不然。他们不能正视社会现实的尖锐矛盾,采取消极逃避的态度,他们的思想是同那个被推翻了的封建贵族阶级的思想意识相联系的。他们从对抗资产阶级革命运动出发,反对现状,留恋过去,美化中世纪的宗法制,幻想从古老的封建社会中去寻找精神上的安慰与寄托。消极浪漫主义的出现,实际上是被打倒的封建贵族阶级没落的思想情绪在文学上的反映。第4页,共26页。2). In contrast to the rationalism of
5、 the enlighteners and classicists in the 18th century, the romanticists paid great attention to the spiritual and emotional life of man. Nature, often personified, played an important role in their works. Romantic poets use everyday language as apposed to the poetic diction used by neo-classic write
6、rs3). In 1798, Wordsworth and Coleridge jointly published the Lyrical Ballads, Which marked the break with the poetical tradition of the 18th century, i.e., with classicism and the beginning of the Romantic revival in England. 第5页,共26页。 II. William Wordsworth (1770-1850) 1. Wordsworth is most celebr
7、ated for his poetry of nature. To him nature has a moral value and has its philosophical significance. People can communicate directly with nature which gives them power, peace, and happiness. He often stormed up natural impression and “thought long and deeply” over them before reproducing them in p
8、oetry .第6页,共26页。2. One of the “Lake poets”, beginning as a radical and closing as a conservative; an outstanding reformer in poetry; entitled Poet Laureate in 1843. In the preface to the Lyrical Ballads, he set forth his principles of poetry. He held that “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow
9、 of powerful feeling”, and his poetry is distinguished by the simplicity and purity of language. 3. Important works: The Prelude, Lucy Poems and Lyrical Ballads (serving as the manifesto of the English Romanticism, and the famous poem “Tintern Abbey” is included in it.) 4. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cl
10、oud”第7页,共26页。The backgroundThe poem was written before long the poet returned from France, wherehe joined some revolutionary activities in the hope of yarning for freedom.However, the revolutionfailed. William was depressed and shocked. At last, he recovered from the sadness with the help of his fri
11、ends and sister, and this poem was written after his mood calming down. One day he and his sister passed the strip of land at Glencoyne Bay, on their way back to Grasmere. There they were caught by a beautiful scene of yellow daffodils. Later the description in his sisters journal made him to write
12、this famous poem.第8页,共26页。第9页,共26页。第10页,共26页。 The daffodils is 24 lines long, consisting of four six-lined stanzas. It is a poem of iambic tetrameter. And Each stanza is formed by a quatrain, then a couplet, with the rhyme scheme- ababcc. 第11页,共26页。- 4 stages 1) physical enjoyment of the daffodiles
13、2) passion for its beauty 3) understanding of Natures tranquil influence on the spirit 4) deep communication with nature as a spiritual presence第12页,共26页。The Daffodils I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high oer vales and hill, When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils; Bes
14、ide the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Stanza 1:Walking in the nature, the poet catch sight of beautiful daffodils , fluttering and dancing in the breeze.第13页,共26页。Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending lineAlong
15、the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. Stanza 2: There are too many daffodils to be able to count, so pleasant to eyes. 第14页,共26页。The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in gleeA poet could not but be gay In such a jocun
16、d company! I gaze and gazed but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: Stanza 3: the waves and the flowers dance together, forming a wonderful picture, which is the wealth nature gives to man.第15页,共26页。For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that
17、inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodil.Stanza 4: nature can have healing effect on mind, and give strength and high spirits to man who feel alone and is in low spirits第16页,共26页。Theme The poem is romantic, with a strong symbolism.
18、 Actually, the daffodils symbolize the poet himself, who had integrated himself to the nature. And the beauty of the daffodils symbolizes the beauty of the nature. Therefore, this poem is a high praise for the natureits beauty and its great power. In this poem, we can also feel the loneliness in the
19、 poets mind. But after seeing these daffodils, a calm emotion covers poet. He calms down and becomes relaxed. And the beauty will remain in his mind, coming out when he is lonely. Then unhappy feelings may disappear. All that should be owe to the great power of nature. If people can go into nature,
20、and open their arms to take a deep breath, the anxiety and worry will disappear.第17页,共26页。Nature has a healing effect on soul第18页,共26页。Further readingStanding on the bare ground, - my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, - all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent
21、 eye-ball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. -Emerson: OF Nature第19页,共26页。 My Heart Leaps Up by William Wordsworth My Heart Leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky; So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a ma
22、n; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. Note: Ones childhood shows what one will be like when one becomes a man.第20页,共26页。我心雀跃每当天空挂着彩虹,心即欢悦雀动:当年初涉人世这般;如今长大成人亦然,将来老迈若改初衷,宁入坟茔!成人之父乃是孩童,祈望今生所有光
23、景与自然的虔诚紧密相融!第21页,共26页。When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Inspired by the beauty of natureInspired by the beauty of a girl?第22页,共26页。致凯恩(1825)我记得那美妙的一瞬: 在我的面前出现了你, 有如昙花一现的幻想, 有如纯洁之美的天仙。 在那无望的忧愁的折磨中, 在那喧闹的浮华生活的困扰中
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