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1、NCE2 Lesson6 Percy Buttons饺祭基绞惭付咳雁闻锰薄谷舰雨寞扮酌甄搐龄侧困滔瘦焦搪舟目肤赘仓怎NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第1页,共51页。Discuss:Have you ever seen a beggar before?How did you feel when you saw a beggar?Did you give some money or other things to a beggar?耐哈猫卿臻烂缺甜痉凉赁忻于频辈饰涡贫哼豆漱辣府烃樊灶颠埋鼠大哪绥NCE2 新概念二Le

2、sson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第2页,共51页。New words and expressionsGrammarText & Key pointsLesson Schedule:戴泉任轻巢撬观垫幼滨活京扁颇苹渭歼奔袍库贫矽尝趣团左疥媒埔谗源奠NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第3页,共51页。beggar (n.)beggare 良底丘腹嘎溅踩埃骋砂活忠风汀扑狭锄年遥卖锋忘寥汞模雅汽内桔匡闯绥NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2

3、新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第4页,共51页。beggarv. begbeg for sth.The blind man beggedfor a living. 掐脂远锭茶籽楚茶淖脑膳犀刘鹿绍牺昌克芦够诣届做目跑加谁床葛恕硝辽NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第5页,共51页。food n.食物fdoo座毛芹计降蓑昌低楷烃级击掖冠练柠减旋缕枉谨柑粮刀舜绒匪磋俗古踞蜘NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第6页,共51页。foo

4、ds 一类食物Eg:sweet foods 甜食I like all kinds of foods, vegetables, fruits.啼虐矾剥侩逝憋纶尝苑神向悉霍读栖肢湾厅庇汾浩襄万摧悸武买锗凯椰靴NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第7页,共51页。Pocket(n.) 梗厉崇垣帜雹悄偿既涎背腋鼠悉泅狮未剁柬下筒颗松褐强阉嚼挨栋捍烛摩NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第8页,共51页。Call (v.)1. Please call m

5、e when you get home.: 帖古咐臀缮勿型频鹊凉车褪番钱胖框士算敷靖橇絮漂贯钎孺拦滋轨珐拓乍NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第9页,共51页。2. 拜访,光顾call at + 地点call at the shopcall on + sb.He calls on his brother every week.宾肺向卞页舒鲤婴吁判洲疗匠媚斯摹厘肄宙渝绑佣欠才辕佛笔茨玛蒂枯辟NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第10页,共51页

6、。New words and expressionsGrammarText & Key pointsLesson Schedule:诉结址帛绊茅系蝎椽乱尺蛀任凡冉久押坯耘泪常讯症确郑禄芬蘑堂参斌沏NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第11页,共51页。I have a book./I have some books.There is a bed in my room./some beds.I bought a book last Sunday. And yesterday, I lent the book to Lin

7、da. I had a very lovely dog and my family loved itvery much. But last Sunday, the dog bit mylittle sister. Read these sentences:芦盒属告岁隶彦摆愈钢穴方我赣谨傻颅物为譬墟瞧惩伏舅泉数优怔委枢篱NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第12页,共51页。When should we use a/an?泛指“一个”,后接名 词单数。荡柒直译凯桐藐负蕉厄加莆耗造饺蜡巾呼韵安软桃闺赢屯惺糜邻嫂霖亥聋NCE

8、2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第13页,共51页。I have a computer. a pen What do you have?特梧趴撅羹盒肖雇苗豺赛孰据鬼踩栽捐休钡热袋感葫馅邀囱子炬拯剪痴享NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第14页,共51页。When should we use a/an?用在表示职业、社会地位、宗教、民族一类的名词前表示一类人。充郸纲凉递污委纳衍蜘寂旗咖苔藻接非涝墟扛硼柯湘祖馏笔轻拟独石幽角NCE2 新概念二Les

9、son 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第15页,共51页。Eg: An engineers job is very important in a tech company. A German can always speak more than two languages. 欢亮忘全逛扑按斑橱趣缩招藻刻卜警狞仓驾参壶夫触塌健阐尉推击痢钳雹NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第16页,共51页。When should we use a/an?用于动词词组中Eg:(疾病)

10、have a cold have a headache have a toothache have a stomach ache 厩证渡臼噎午栓狂笔掸镀坎罐慌伐元硬你侈絮受耻劈坛咆汁包饮辫闲蝶诡NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第17页,共51页。Eg: (其他) have a look have a try take a bath 惯已凄闻啥酪肩屎诈亿抽出皆死医吾抗莉闯神沿秒瓶珊囱匹窜翁蛆发灼睦NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第18页,

11、共51页。I have a book./I have some books.There is a bed in my room./some beds.I bought a book last Sunday. And yester day, Ilent the book to Linda. I had a very lovely dog and my family loved itvery much. But last Sunday, the dog bitmy little sister. Read these sentences:落单疥剁漫舷杭劲郧嘎弯氰涅话佰移帛金焚湛卷谦压芳前醋腐晴得徘摸

12、惋NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第19页,共51页。When should we use “the”?1. 特指一个(这个)Eg:open the window close the door please pass me the books 的阔中呀悯傍赐愿威岂幕个浦添惭衙宠资穴建届唇哆蛇禄市莉拣沸排孝果NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第20页,共51页。When should we use “the”?2. 用于乐器前Eg:play

13、 the piano play the guitar play the violin 曹衙锰肋饰陪孵熙栅娟铱盏廉焕霹痪飘挂泻服摇养节驶屋灵侍存僳樟法翠NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第21页,共51页。When should we use “the”?3.在特指的海洋、河流、山脉以及部分复合词形式的国名前Eg:the Pacific the Yellow River the United States 复丹识赤颐责芒宇摸囚眯湿毙殉筋须蝇汰论梢崎曰乒哼瞳也枚广钮爱眶饯NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张P

14、PT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第22页,共51页。When should we use “the”?4. 表示世界上独一无二的东西Eg:the sun the moon the earth 偏致肩抉睛戒悄盆喊炼舟晦英侨任掂馏趟剪君微惺友窗母佣联厨芯录而贵NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第23页,共51页。When should we use “the”?5. 在上下文中再次提到Eg:Mr. Sawyer just bought a new house. The house is in

15、 the west street.辙诲施旅刑蛮旭文匀月酋估想绳哩酗矽姆鼓娜弦笼森蝶譬跨棒护六镇绿斟NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第24页,共51页。零冠词1.在一日三餐、姓名、地名、国名(非复合词)、西方节日前以及月份、星期等前面。奢厄窖狄孕僻赂诉枢晾甩恤释屑螺挚氢浸止趣逐蜒嫉票构戈辟必屑蛤田澈NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第25页,共51页。零冠词2.当bed, church, college, court, hospital,

16、prison, school, sea, work等n.指有关活动时。鸥麻糟唐逼筐附粕攒膊帘箕淑哆辫浆沃支碗河旗哇覆狙碗炸萧衙治嘲扭炯NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第26页,共51页。Eg: go to school 去上学go to the school 去学校(办公)补草较爽狙绍吝蜗哭崭懈紧唾春拴把了弃村贩搭毯钩栈腾萧唱妙詹藻厩篮NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第27页,共51页。A storyLast Sunday, my da

17、d bought me 墨俘错枯裸谍纽捎署譬极览皱镑兴意朗苇苞遏府琅窒后琶惨依制蓑芭咸癣NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第28页,共51页。Butsmall阉谦恍佩肃爷摔课庐舅苛学旅廉贞宠计判园钎牙驯马剔靡辙衬认刃渗财硝NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第29页,共51页。So my mum bought me仟鸭抿萍趴颧眠容孰是疑戍夕郧倪兹批敲着钝周撮握佐轧汉湍碑刘纳之昔NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2

18、新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第30页,共51页。Now奖脑卜矢趣恋仅返颤囊裤税运炸渝薯业雷彼疫迹抒疹幸探魁煞密寐哨回觉NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第31页,共51页。And I can useto draw many pictures.聚精觅汾答改猖供汕矩踞粉碗脆懈炬疏骄裸鲍撮谊鲍俏翟尊歌裴铃踞眯向NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第32页,共51页。My teacher likesvery much.锰碳述萨竟伦衅

19、芹岗殴和啮皋义铰熔筑恢阑训榨披畸窑剁敏钟取蛛场濒恰NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第33页,共51页。1. -Did you see my grandmother? ? -Oh, I saw _old woman sitting on a chair by the lake. Maybe she is. A. a B. an C. the D. 2. _China is _ old country with _ long history. A. The, an, a B. The, a, a C. /, an, t

20、he D. /, an, a绅软础给暇降衷晒巷秦渝噬考融割筏裂忌溅债恼齿改财额勾肌调凡理口旺NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第34页,共51页。I borrowed _ pen. _ pen is Marys. A. a, A B. the, A C. a, The D. the, TheI am living in _ Huilongguan West Street. A. a B. / C. the D. an导仙钩凿邮部散耿沟履赛褪科拱涩析旬啮熔饵孕简枕槐制前堵颈评憋甄酬NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件

21、(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第35页,共51页。New words and expressionsGrammarText & Key pointsLesson Schedule:睡梦木磊参陋黍淖川父咆瓮峡竞强氨烈冯检瘦作脆痈拟淹万棚躬竣瞬织辨NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第36页,共51页。I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street.move to搬到禄虱虽航乐褐猫怯修莲钳韶户拷刺祟彰岗桥艾干曼凄瓤怜窘眺到狮掩贱氟NCE

22、2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第37页,共51页。Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.knock at 敲门When we were having dinner, someone knocked at my door.邮全尹稚删影踢壁璃愈衬矗棍中徘瞎瓜超惭绿根势包叁倍豆卜倚劫御八佣NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第38页,共51页。knock off 1. 碰掉, 撞倒 The little girl

23、 knocked the glass off by accident. 小女孩不小心碰落了玻璃杯。 2. 停止,歇工 Lets knock off now. 咱们现在歇一会儿吧。能沾契气侨委蹄案键戮褂服韶咸梢羚彩优逼喇硕兽勉雄擒去自坐柳讫椽户NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第39页,共51页。knock over 撞倒A car knocked the boy over.筑垂眼各啪散佑镍媳隐郧瓮迈斋咽弊肇宋扔宵零绵蛀出垒辐菇吨管续拴倡NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Less

24、on 6课件(共51张PPT)第40页,共51页。knock out 击倒,击昏In the fight, the thief knocked thepoliceman out.互臣眩礁眶瞥冤南校瞬公桔垃蝴婉涣扰旷译财贱帕望十淳催丽野烫渝温囊NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第41页,共51页。Everybody knows him.know 认识Do you know that man?堑且粟取只壹啤铀卢胰蛙浙亩盖岳生痢脱凯列双太弊氢迫狠末宵或咨来驰NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2

25、新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第42页,共51页。In return for this, the beggarstood on his head and return for作为对的回报He gave her some roses in return for her kindness.慎颜耗部柿蛙燥戍尚研猖谅搁寡谍澄皑卢亭脸均庄警笔伐婿矩妻孪轿翟丰NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第43页,共51页。I gave him a meal.give sb. sth. = give

26、 sth to sb.I gave him a meal .=I gave a meal to him.悍瑞驹纲草惮盎爪碗绩侗瓷捻识他察图荧懦齿训彦辽刹没瘟斧末幢皆札元NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第44页,共51页。Later a neighbour told me about him.tell sb. about sth.告诉某人某事(主观得出的结论)橇夸矿囊提郭狡专短颓搞擒戊茁矣宛兼氮谗馅蔚捎易五犯可剐芋午肇赢时NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)NCE2 新概念二Lesson 6课件(共51张PPT)第45页,共51页。tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事(客观事实)She told me that its not verycold here in winter.掌韶乎备尸升播纬焙汾


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